Weight Loss secrets of celebrities

@labea17 (443)
July 13, 2010 8:00am CST
Hollywood celebrities always look fabulous and they don't seem to havy any flaw at all. They seem to be in perfect shape at all times and they never seem to have a bad day when it comes to their perfectly slim and toned bodies. They look effortless when they strut down the red carpet on their movie premiere wearing nothing but a backless red ensemble showing off the soft curves of their body and beautiful lines of their slim and toned bodies. They never fail to mesmerize us, and make some of us green with envy, whenever we see them. However, everything comes with a price and a hefty one for most celebrities. After all, we could not blame them for doing everything just to look and stay beautiful because their careers depend on it. Do you know any diet or weight loss secrets of the celebrities? let's share!
4 responses
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
13 Jul 10
I know that they are always trying several different things, and that they don't always do the same thing. Many of them also use personal trainers and have special healthy low-fat meals delivered to their homes, so they have a lot of help, which makes it much easier for them to look the way they do!
@labea17 (443)
• Philippines
13 Jul 10
How I wish I also have extra money to spare to pay for personal trainers and nutritionists. If only I have that, i would finally look as hot as Nicole of the Pussycat dolls. Lol. I heard that beyonce used the lemon recipe something diet to be slimmer for her role in a movie.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
24 Jul 10
Some of us have the tendency to eat whenever we see food. We use parties as an excuse to stuff our selves. Understand that the effect of a whole week of dieting can be wasted by just one day’s party food. Whenever you are offered something to eat do not decline it completely bit just break of a nibble so that you appear to mind your manners and at the same time can watch your diet.
@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
13 Jul 10
Like all of us, each of them has their own personal favorite diet plan that helps them shed the pounds. Remember though that they have resources that most of us cannot afford. Most of them have personal trainers and many of them have personal chefs to cook for them. When they put on some weight, they can afford to go to a spa for as long as they want to take off weight. While between shooting films, Celebs have long stretches of time to spend hours a day working out. Most of us are working and don't have that time. I read once that Cher used to spend 3 hours a day working out! Those on television etc. have the luxury of having fitness equipment on set and they can work out in between takes. Professional photographers also know that the stance in which you pose can take weight off of you as well. Your point is well taken. Their careers depend on being slim and in shape all the time so working out is just one of the things that they have to do to keep working.
• Philippines
20 Jul 10
The most famous celebrity diet for me would be the one Beyonce did when she lost weight for her role in Dream Girls: Master Cleanse Diet. It's a very radical diet and not intended for long term use. I've tried it once before, but it was too difficult to follow.