a christian must convert atleast five people before he die

@khad2000 (183)
July 13, 2010 8:00am CST
This is from my personal experience i had a christian friend who happened to be a pastor it was due to him , i learned a lot about Christianity if i talk to him for an hour , he used to talk at least 45 mins about his bible to counter him , i used to do lot of research on the net he use to tell me a christian should convert at least five people before he die is it true that a christian has to convert five people to go to heaven i don't no why Christians are that much interested in converting people
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13 responses
• United States
13 Jul 10
Christian do not convert people, we tell people about Jesus Christ and what He has done for us. His goodness and love touches the hearts of men and they make the decision to serve Him or not. The Christians' job is simply to present the opportunity. The Bible says that he who wins souls is wise but it does not give a head count of the number of souls to win for Jesus.
• United States
14 Jul 10
I LOVED your answer! It was perfectly written and perfectly true =)
@khad2000 (183)
• India
14 Jul 10
why cant Christians hold a public debate and win just prove to me that Christianity is the best
• United States
14 Jul 10
Christianity is not about who's religion is the best which is what a debate would prove. Christianity is a relationship with the God that made you, and if you want to know Him.....then ask Jesus to make Himself real to you. Everyone that choses to can know Jesus for themseleves.
• Philippines
14 Jul 10
I don't think this is true. I have been a christian my whole life and I've never heard of such a thing as this. You do not set requirements like this to be able to have a place in God's kingdom. He does not require everybody to be christians, heck, even non-christians are allowed in His kingdom. Everybody is 'saveable', christian or not.
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
You don't put stuff like, "you don't need to evangelize 5 people" in the bible. If this is the case then you should need a verse from the bible saying that you need to convert more than 5 people to christianity.
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
NO, unfortunately you understood wrong. It is not like converting 5 people to christianity. It simply means that even though you don't convert these people they can still go to heaven and thus not requiring that "convert 5 people stuff". As for the verse, that is the problem with close minded people. They think that this stuff is supposed to be read literally when it is not supposed to be. People who wrote the Bible are human, they lived in the past. This is how they portray this kind of actions from God during their time. One important thing. If you read the whole passage,this is just part of a story Jesus told about a Prince who turned king and had 10 servants. And the king is the one who said these lines in the parable. Not from Jesus himself. This is not Jesus personally, but is part of a story about "a certain man".
@khad2000 (183)
• India
15 Jul 10
so may i understand ".....even non-Christians are allowed in his kingdom...." is like converting 5 peoples to Christians then i am witnessing on more lie from a christian pl tell me what jesus is talking about in luke 19:27
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
13 Jul 10
No, it is NOT true that a Christian has to convert anyone in order to go to heaven. All that is necessary is to believe that Jesus came to show us the proper way of relating to God and that, by dying on the cross, somehow took on and atoned for ALL the sins of the world. Many Christians feel that they want to share this feeling of freedom and intimacy with God with people who they see to be still trapped in a life of guilt and subservience to false beliefs and superstitions. Not all Christians see it as their duty to try to 'convert' people, however.
@khad2000 (183)
• India
13 Jul 10
hi owlwings at least once in a week , i get people from missionary knocking at my door and calling me to Jesus weather they know about bible or not , it is immaterial but they have a bible in their hands only thing they know is "Jesus loves you "
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
13 Jul 10
The solution would seem to be to answer: "Thank you, I know that"
@khad2000 (183)
• India
14 Jul 10
solution !?*#? what solution owlwings i am telling about my problem with missionary do you want me to get converted
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
13 Jul 10
Christianity the ultimate Scam, is almost 2000 years old and many millions are still entwined in its perverted ideology. Of course Religion wants each and every Church member to join in the perpetration of their famous fraudulent scheme, which is perpetuated by scaremongering, threats of Hellfire and Brimstone, to say nothing of Purgatory. So why do you wait? Get out there, before its too late! Convert 5 people and save your Soul!
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
14 Jul 10
Christianity shovels centavos to the illiterate, the poor, and the needy, with a teaspoon, all the while raking in the dollars with a scoop shovel. Christianity gets Rich on the backs of the poor in developing countries even while sexually the children.
@khad2000 (183)
• India
14 Jul 10
they exploit illiteracy,poverty and caste division in India very fairly if you are poor ,they will give a sewing machine or auto and tell you to give 10% of your income to church and get poor converted if you are from lower caste , they will say there is no caste system in Christianity when Jesus himself condoned it (caste) poor people , without knowing the fact become the victim of alluring
@khad2000 (183)
• India
15 Jul 10
seems Jesus has forsaken all the Christians
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
14 Jul 10
As others have said you only need to believe in Jesus. The bible speaks of false prophets and those are the ones who are going about saying things such as that person said to you about converting 5 people. God wants all of his children to be in Heaven with him. That is why its important for us as to tell anyone who doesn't know about him. We are only obeying his command. Yes I'm aware of how annoying some Christians can be on that subject and I'm not condoning their behavior, just saying how it is. We don't do what we do for the fun of it. Its because we care about where you end up.
@khad2000 (183)
• India
15 Jul 10
you are talking about false prophets , but i feel the entire Christianity is false a good proportion of bible is false
@zel2zel (134)
• Philippines
13 Jul 10
I don't know. But yeah, as a Christian, you don't need to do such thing. You'll go to heaven if you are GOOD, if not, then you'll probably go to hell.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
13 Jul 10
@khad2000: The REAL answer to why you 'should be good' is that if you love and trust someone as a wise and respected parent, you will always want to be doing things his (or her) way. Sometimes you will make mistakes, of course, but provided your heart is in the right place, the mistakes are forgiven. That is really the promise that Christians should want you to know, because it was made to all mankind. Even that very simple message has got confused and mixed up with making people frightened of Hell. You can't convince anyone that they should love and trust someone by saying that, if they don't, they will go to Hell! People who try to do that are not Christians, even if they say they are.
@khad2000 (183)
• India
14 Jul 10
but the same christ says"i dont know you , depart" he was not telling to Muslims or Jews or Hindus but to the Christians pl check bible
@khad2000 (183)
• India
13 Jul 10
but why i should be good if i believe in Jesus , he takes care of my sins
@AmbiePam (96282)
• United States
14 Jul 10
That's beyond ridiculous. I don't know why in the world someone would say that. Certainly witnessing is important, but converting others is not what gets us into heaven.
• Canada
18 Jul 10
I am familiar with Christians hainvg too spread the word of god and to always have a reason for their faith when doing so but I never heard of a specific quota.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
28 Jul 10
Is it true that a christian has to convert five people to go to heaven? Well this is FALSE. Salvation of soul does not have this prerequisite at all. There is the Bible that said so and anything not biblical concerning salvation of soul is a fallacy. Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Now you are saying that don't no why Christians are that much interested in converting people. Well I am a Christian and I am in a position to answer you in this regard. This is my answer: I being a Christian is interested in converting people because I have compassion for lost souls. I want people to get saved just as I have been saved because I want to share the greatest gift a man could ever receive in his life. Besides this is in obedience to God's commandment. He wants us to share the good news of salvation and in obedience, I am doing all I could to witness to people so that they will know Christ who is the only way to heaven. I've written a hub pertaining this in my desire to give my personal testimony and in the process win more people to Christ. If you care to visit then I would be most thankful: http://hubpages.com/hub/Heaven-is-Mine Have a nice day!
@cip116 (1011)
• Romania
13 Jul 10
I do not think these people are Christians. And in my country are few religious sects that send members to door to convert people. Never aggressive religious campaigns have results. I do not think anyone who flees his religion to another religion have serious thoughts for the new religion.
@khad2000 (183)
• India
14 Jul 10
you are correct there is a freedom of religion in India but at the same time you cannot convert people by hook or crook
13 Jul 10
I never heard that before (maybe your friend read the wrong bible? LOL) I never read that in the bible. the only thing I know is we hv to believe in Jesus to be in heaven. Its not like we hv to fulfill any quota of task or kindness we need to do in life so we can go to heaven. God give us place in His house is just because of His mercy... And about why Christian interested in converting people is because we love other people and we also want them to feel the marcy from God ang be together with us in the heaven. We don't want to see people we know and care goes to hell right?
@khad2000 (183)
• India
14 Jul 10
you can ,luna but not by alluring others not by forcing others
• Canada
14 Jul 10
No ive never heard of this may i not be christian i believe fully in god and study acests ... aka religion may i be young i believe there is no need to force somone to belive...
• Pakistan
14 Jul 10
i dont think so i never heard any thing about this stuff and not even in the bibal its written...so i think its not true but if it is im gonna for sure let u know