Do Christians act like this, at the church that you attend?

@cream97 (29085)
United States
July 13, 2010 1:35pm CST
I wanted to know how other Christians acted at the church that you attend or at any church that you have attended. If you are a female, you will know where I am heading to in this discussion. One time, our church went out of town to another church. Our Pastor had to preach at this church service. And once we all got to the church, off of the bus, some of us had to use the bathroom. While I was standing in line waiting with all of the other women, one of them said something to me that I will never forget. I was waiting in line for about 10 minutes. I really had to use the bathroom, all of us did. And, when it was about my turn to go in the bathroom, a lady allowed another woman to go into my place. She told me, that I could wait and that I did not have any babies. She meant that since I never have had any kids, I could wait to use the bathroom. I was shocked. I did not know that Christians acted this way, especially in the temple of God. It does not matter if I had any kids or not. No woman should ever have to hold their bladder for so long. In the long run, it can cause bladder and kidney problems. This surprised me about this woman. Every woman that was in line stood there and did not say anything. No one tried to defend me at all. This was the first thing that she ever said to me at church. And the last words that she has ever said too. Why would a woman be so mean to another woman like that. If I was standing and waiting patiently in line just like ever other woman, then when it was my turn, I should have been able to go to the bathroom. I could not go when it was my turn. I had to wait for the other women to finish using the bathroom, so that I could go after them. Now isn't that a shame. It was about 9 women that was standing in line. This church only had one single bathroom for women.
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20 responses
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
14 Jul 10
Well sometimes we do forget our manners when physiologic needs get in the way like a full bladder or hunger. It really takes a lot of self-discipline to manage that. One experience I had was way back 2008 when I volunteered to be part of the serving crew for a convention of Christian businessmen and professionals. At first you'd have high regards for these people being in the status they are in. Not to mention, they were CHRISTIANS. (I am a Christian but truly ashamed of what they did). After a Holy Mass, buffet tables were ready. Right after the final blessing, you could all see them race towards the table, pushing, whining, complaining, trying to be first in the line. Some of them didn't even look hungry. Just GREEDY! I could never forget that! Dignified people going down to the level of a greedy primate!
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
14 Jul 10
The Lady that told you that you could wait because you didn't have any babies was wrong. She should have ask you if you minded her going before you because she had babies waiting for her. The other ladies were wrong not to speak up too. but at the same time we Christians are expected to be perfect but we aren't we are all a work in progress. We are not all in the same place with our walk with Jesus and are still learning.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Jul 10
hi cream that was rude and downright mean. that woman was not acting in a Christian like at all.Making a person wait to long can lead to uti's which are really unpleasant.I am surprised that nobody spoke up and said let her in,that does not matter. When it was your turn, they should darned well have let you in to go.there are so many things like that that so called Christians do that really anger me. The same lady that spouts prunes and prisms about how you should not do this or that, then does something really mean and rude makes me ashamed to say I am a Christian.'I dont think people in the church that I used to go to ever were that unkind to another woman.
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@celticeagle (172520)
• Boise, Idaho
14 Jul 10
Well, it was good of you to let the woman go ahead of you. I don't think I would have. When I have to go I am pretty determined. I am a agnostic and I don't go to church. I think some church goers are not really christians. They are pretending and then the rest of the week they do as they please.
• United States
15 Jul 10
I've been sitting here reading all of the responses of this thread and although I am a Christian, I have to say that I agree with you 100000%!!! I have seen this so many times (not in the church I attend now but the one before). Some of the people would be out clubbing and drinking and all that and then talk about how its wrong. I know this because I see pics on their facebook and stuff. Its sad.
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@celticeagle (172520)
• Boise, Idaho
16 Jul 10
It really is. Talk about hipocrats! So afraid of what people will think of them. Life is too short for that.
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@artizan (195)
29 Jul 10
i agree with both of you, life is too short for holding onto grudges, and freeing yourself of them, brings great relief, by forgiveness of others.. No matter what beliefs are held or not held, in the end the way we conduct ourselves gives testimony to who we are... and yes it is human to err, formal churches, in my view have given rise to people not being christians, and this is a long standing problem, it is up to the individual, to pray against this, to pray for unity, to pray against division and hypocrassy, not only within our selves our churches our homes,our leaders and governments., it is the opportunity to take responsibility to act against spiritual nasties, that harm all of us on some level, whether christian or not.. so forgive them, and become active in retoring them as Jesus followers, by prayer... love and blessings x
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
17 Jul 10
Hi, This is a shameful story. Unfortunately, we Christian women can sometime really act ugly. Why didn't the lady let the desperate lady go in her place? That took some nerves I might say, and she is lucky because some women would not have stood for her behavior, church or no church. Be proud of yourself that you behaved as God is proud. I also don't understand why the desperate lady didn't ask you if it was okay with you if she skipped you, because it was an emergency. I hope she had enough christianity in her to say thank to you. I agree with you, not having babies doesn't that your bathroom emergency isn't just as important as any woman who has given birth. Shame on the sister that made you feel so bad.
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
Hi. You'd really feel angry when that happens to you and sadden at the same time especially when it happens in the church. That just shows that people like them are not serious in going to church, that is, being a true Christian. But of course, we all make mistakes - we are not perfect. There are times that we do something that's not supposed to be done based on the laws of Christianity wherein we don't seem to notice the act. However, if we are really genuine Christians we should strive to live as such. In the situation you stated, you would get angry with the woman but I suggest that you leave the judgment to God. Let's not curse or judge her right away. Let God do it because He's the only one who has the right to judge us.
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
15 Jul 10
Hi, hunterkim_07. And that is what I have done. After she mistreated me so cruelly, I did not fight back with her. In fact every time I would see her I would speak to her and tell her how I like the makeup that matches her eye color. She was mean to me, but I have never been mean back to her. So, in this case, I have turned the other cheek. And I have let God take care of her at the same time too.
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@AmbiePam (96666)
• United States
17 Jul 10
No one is perfect, Christian or non Christian. There are hypocrites everywhere. But I don't judge a church by one person. And I also don't expect someone else to stick up for me, although it would be nice. I mean, they could be just as appalled as I am. It seems every church as at least one "biddy". A person who is rude, sticks their nose in everyone else's business, and generally just tries to make trouble.
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@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
14 Jul 10
one of the things that turned me from the church an back to wicca was the church I went to the woman were dress nice an I didnt have enough money to buy good clothes but mine you I made sure my dresses were clean an nice an I had on nice dresss shoes an the woman would talk about it how I was dreass an not even do it behind my back they did it right in front of me an then on day a new person came to church an I heard the word i taught my kids not to say it starts with N you got it I thought in church no matter the color you are supose to love them an so on I qquit an went back to wear you are love even if you can;'t afford the high class clothes an the color of your skin its a good thing they didnt know I am a native american I am sure they would of called me a Savage or something an one of the kickers was they preach on hell on day an the preacher said John Lennon who I love an all Catholics are in hell an will be in hell of course i I thought of judge not an ye shall not be judge an when i whispered it to my hbby I got a bunch a gasps so I guess I will be joining John an the catholics
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@artizan (195)
29 Jul 10
how sad for you, but actually i think you got it 100% right. We are called to love one another as ourselves, and what happened to you was not loving and was judgemental., and so not approriate.... Sometimes churches themselves are under spiritual opppression, and fromwhat you describe, a Judgemental spirit, was in opperation... I have never experienced Catholic christianity first hand, have been blessed with a free approach to knowing and loving the Lord Jesus, and his works and teachings. but also suffered similar judgements, not because of colour, but because of being less wealthy like yourself and other stuff too. this also sent me away from church, and i have kept a long solo walk, but have come to realise, that this situation within what ever church has to stop. We are called to be loving and caring and prayerful of one another, our church leaders and churches nationally and globally.... I pray right now that you will recieve the love of Christ Jesus to releive your hurts and heal your wounds at that time... And i ask that you will pray for me that I find another church where i will be useful and be able to use the gifts from our father appropriately.. I also hope that you can find it within your heart to forgive them these insults against you as to release yourself from them. I also pray you will find a loving and welcomming church that will embrace you with the love of christ, and wipe out those memories from your heart mind and spirit., In Jesus name xxx best wishes x
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
9 Sep 10
That woman really had to pee and saw you to be the type of person that you so obviously are that will care for others and she took advantage of that. Don't ever stop caring for others just because of this one woman. Most people would not take advantage of you this way.
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• Philippines
14 Jul 10
I hope this is just a question and doesn't mean to generalize every one. Well, if they are a bit literate then expect something else like. it maybe rude but maybe there's a reason why they decide to push this women through? is she pregnant? or older person. maybe it had a huge bad impact on you but you know, people are different. am sure she had a deep reason why she allowed this lady judging by what she said to you. i hope the pain of being insulted will be gone soon. i can understand.
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@artizan (195)
29 Jul 10
it is such a shame that your experience offended your feelings and that no one saw the affront as you did. there is a point where we all are offended, the woman who was allowed to 'go' before you also had the option of speaking up and denying the priviledge not given to the others., the woman who intervened could have asked your permission, then the situation would have been a given not a taken. her intentions may have just been, in understanding a condition of the lady that she was unable to wait, to bring her relief, had that been explained that would have made the situation non offensive... I have been out of a church setting for many years.., too many and having moved areas am now looking to rejoin my fellow christian worshippers... Whilst being out of a formal church setting, it has been revealed, that these situations are part of causing division amongst us, and in my cases, had missed the opportunity to pray and lovingly bring about changes not just for myself, but for all concerned.. I see this incident as an opportunity to make the church leaders aware that one female bathroom is inadequate and ask and urgently insist that they review bathroom availabilities and to forgive those who offended you in this way., as Jesus teaches us to do.. Please dont take this the wrong way., as It has taken me 15 yes fifteen years to see what all my offences where actually about., and share that with you so that you are not so long in seeing it too the scripture that comes to mind, is a house divided amongst itself can not stand... I am not telling you what you should do, just offering my experience of being without a christian community to belong with, for 15 years, that these divisions are not what we are about., we are about unity, friendship respect and so forth. so i pray right now, that you will receive peace and love in this situation and realise that perhaps a spiritual act of division was operating rather than a personal offence.. in Jesus name bes wishes x
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• United States
15 Jul 10
I am really upset that this happened to you. First off, I AM a mom and I can hold my pee just much as I could before I was pregnant. That is a lame excuse! I am so sorry that it happened to you. It really irritates me, because like others have pointed out, it really does give Christians a bad name. And the thing that I REALLY don't understand is the fact that unless that woman had known you since birth, how did she know you didn't have any kids? You could very well had given birth before and she not know it. I mean, you probably haven't but hypothetically speaking it is Anyway, again, this is just upsetting. She could have at least asked politely if anyone would let her step in line ahead of them. God bless you for not saying anything but remember this, what goes around comes around. One day the same thing or something worse will happen to her and she will realize that what she did to you that day was wrong.
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@ilann1 (372)
• Israel
14 Jul 10
I wouldn't have been shocked if it happened to me, and I would do something about it too. There is no way I will tolerate such treatment, I deserve better as much as the pregnant woman next to me. I would probably start to argue with that woman until I see it leads to a bad situation, and them I would just stop wasting my time. I fell as if I didn't completely answered the question, Christians do not act like these at where I live, mainly there are few of them.
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• Canada
16 Sep 10
That is outright rude to do to anyone! It does not matter if you have no children or a lot of children, it would just be the decent thing to do. People today tend to be so rude at times, or at least the majority of them. You see it everywhere, on the streets, the malls, doctor's offices at work, sigh. It is even worse for those women to act like that at church, where they are suppose to be working at becoming better people. The other women in line were just as bad to stand there and not say anything but today people are too afraid of getting involved lest they bring trouble to their door. My grandmother always told me when I was young to treat others the way you would like to be treated. Something I teach my children too. What ever happened to treating each other with respect?
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
15 Jul 10
That's pretty presumptuous. I would ask first. Maybe you had to go really badly, and it's not fair to put somebody in front of you. On the other hand, if she had asked, and if I didn't have to go so badly, I would have let her go in front.
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@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
14 Jul 10
Some people could just be so irritating. But if I was on you shoes, I would have invoked my right to go first.
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@much2say (57376)
• Los Angeles, California
17 Jul 10
What?! Church or no church, that woman should not have done that nor said what she said. A line is a line and there's a reason why every single one of those people are waiting to take their turn. Even kids are taught there is no reason to cut in line - ever. Now if the woman at least politely asked you with a valid reason, that would have been different, but to let someone cut without asking was rude to you and everyone else in line.
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• United Arab Emirates
14 Jul 10
It is so sad that christians behaves like this. I have also come across many people who say they are christians and just forget their values.
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• Philippines
14 Jul 10
No i never experience this before. Maybe that is not what she meant. Maybe the other woman had kids waiting for her an she need to go back quickly. Anyway forgive her, maybe she is not aware of what she said. I suggest you forgive her, for your own sake, after all your a Christian right? For het those thing that is not healthy for you.
• Philippines
27 Jul 10
Nope...:D I don't really go to the church's bathroom...:D Well, what's done is done...:D Other people has a lot of reasons just to get what they want, whether a Christian or not. Well, think of this, someday you'll be blessed for not fighting back...:D
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