Why does love have to be so complicated?

@megabiz (185)
United States
July 14, 2010 2:34am CST
I'm so confused as to why love has to be so complicated. I have a man I met on a phone dating chat line in 2005. We started going out October 3,2005. We dated for a year and broke up. But we continued to be great friends. He continues to look at women on dating sites. He will meet them and go out maybe once or a the most five times before saying there not the one. In January of 2009 he had plumbing problems with a leak in his pipes and had to shut the water off in his home. Due to finances he could never afford to get it fixed. He comes to my place to eat, shower and use my computer here. He sits here and looks at dating web sites. I don't like it due to I still have a strong love for him but put up with it as we are not dating. I pray that one day God will help him to see how special I really am. In January of 2010, he finally told me how much he loves me and wishes I was the one for him. He tells me that we do have a part of our relationship that is just so right and perfect. But there's just a small percentage of the relationship that holds him back from getting to serious. He loves me dearly. He tells me that if only I could stop talking about the other women he talks to, stop talking about money, and be smarter, then he could really get to the point of getting closer in a relationship with me again to the point of NOT wanting to be on dating websites anymore as he would have what he wants right here. So, you see why I'm confused in love and find it complicated. I would love to know: (1) Has anyone been in a complicated relationship as mine? (2) What should I do here? Any advice is greatly appreciated. I am so confused yet so very much In Love with this man that I will do anything to make him happy.
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14 responses
• India
14 Jul 10
Well he certainly has a lot of conditions of his own. You have been nice to him a lot and hes taking advantage of that of gaining access to your home and of your private life. Maybe the plan of meeting loving dating and breaking up was his. He wanted you to be very close to him so that you would have no problems in discussing any topic with him. He made you vulnerable to him. Hes obviously lying if you ask me. Men as i know including myself wish and keep constantly looking for girls no matter what. Usually when we get someone close or beautiful we are immediately attracted to them and manage to enchant them to us with words and actions. He has set up very nice conditions and i suggest that you leave him and ask him to get someone else. You must allow yourself to control your emotions instead of allowing him to take control over them. Being an ex is really hard and he has already taken a lot of advantages like you see. Make it clear to him that you control your life not others. And if you feel any pain now it's good. Because if you continue to be with him then one day when you are old enough you would be wondering how life would have been if you found someone else in the first place. Trust me and just try and get a grip on yourself if you want to have a happy life! All the best!
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
6 Aug 10
What right does he have to call you stupid? I am offended by the thought of that. In fact, what kind of counselor is he if he calls his very good friend stupid. You deserve better than this. You are being taken advantage of emotionally. By the way you explain it, there is some give and take in the financial practical areas, you do things for him, and he does things to help you. But emotionally he is beating you up. I know jobs are hard to find, my two nephews live near you. Do you qualify for disability payments because of your hearing? What kind of work do you do?
@megabiz (185)
• United States
14 Jul 10
You are amazing! You seem to really understand what I am talking about. I do, do a lot for him by letting him use my home to eat, shower and use my computer. I wash his clothes and even have to help him pick out his clothes most of the time. I'm 42 and he is 57 still needing my help with his clothes. GEE! But, in return he has helped me in ways with keeping me off the streets by giving me a place to sleep in his second home he used for counseling practice by letting me sleep on the couch. Now I have a place of my own and I try to be nice to let him use it in the day time. But, at times I feel used. Yes, he has set up very nice conditions. Yes, I should ask him to leave. But right now I can not do that and I'm afraid to. I have no car, no job as of almost two years now, (Keep putting aps. in every week and being turned down continually)living in Government Subsidized Housing, he is my main source for transportation, food (aside my Food Stamps), and helping me pay my bills. If it wasn't for all that, I would ask him to leave. I do love him with all my heart. You are right, he uses me in ways, is controlling. I have tried to tell him that I am in control of my life and he says I am not. I'm to stupid to be in control. Then latter he tells me after leaving my place spending time telling me I'm not in control, I'm not smart, I'm stupid and spending a few hours looking at dating websites, he tell me he really loves me, appreciates what I do and only if I didn't talk of other women, money or his time, he could fall deeper in love with me. That is not what I call love. Love is to respect, honor and trust who you are with. Until I get my life in order (hoping to find that right Network Marketing job that will help me) to where I can take care of myself financially, I have to hang on a little longer before kicking him to the curb. Thank you so much for understanding me. Your reply really helps me more than you know. God Bless You.
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@velentina (891)
• Mauritius
14 Jul 10
Love is not complicated, the persons who are in love are complicated......do make it easy for him..give him time to know you, to be sure about your relationship. Give him time to take a final decision. Both must make many compromises to be able to lead a happy life. Beware sometimes a guy can use you for his benefit and leave you when he is over with you. Do not give a person too much freedom in your relationship. Goodluck for you love and future life.
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@megabiz (185)
• United States
14 Jul 10
Thank you so much for your reply. Your comment really helps me a lot. Never thought of it being 'the persons WHO are in love' are complicated. I also appreciate you being caring in warning me that he could end up using me for my benefits and then leave me when he is over me. I will be cautious to not let that happen. Thank you so much for your help. God Bless.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
6 Aug 10
You deserve better than this. You both are finding convenience in each other, but he seems to get the better deal, because you truly want the best for him, and he wants the best for himself, not for you. If he is such a successful psychotherapist, why can he not afford to fix his own house? I am not a successful anything, and I am out of work, but I managed to get a new waterline dug and a new breaker box put in and a new hot water heater. You need to find some friends that care about you. I understand needing transportation, but is his help really worth being degraded and put down by him? I am being a little hard on you I know. A social service agency would be more help to you than he is.You know, you will have a whole group of people behind you cheering you on as you make strides to be independent of this guy.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
7 Aug 10
My son used to get scammed that way somewhat. I just was wondering with your hearing impairment if you would qualify for SSI. It is hard to get, but you need reliable help that does not put you down.
@megabiz (185)
• United States
7 Aug 10
No, your not being harsh on me at all. This guy has his own private practice. He does not get very many clients and only charges $85 per session and depending on the person's finances, he will go as low as $45. Most clients pay the $45. He may only have five or six a week. He has to sell things to have money. He sold his truck four years ago, but never used the money for plumbing. The he sold his tractor and still did not use it for fixing the plumbing. Then he sold his station wagon. Is the plumbing fixed? No! Then in 2008 he sold this old house he used for his practice. Plumbing? No! Why? Well, instead of using the the money to fix the plumbing so he could have water, he used the money to: A) send to a an agency to give to a Russian women he wanted to chat with. Only to find that after three months, she scammed him. He then did the same with a Ukraine lady only to find in five month, scammed. Then he met a women from TN three summers ago. She keeps saying she wants to move to OK and need some money from him to help her get here. Is she here. NO! She makes excuses that she had to use the money to fix her car, or get some food to eat as her sister she lives with isn't feeding her, or she need meds. She will then say she is ready again and then make excuses again. Three years. She still isn't here. I tell him she is a scammer and this guy denies it telling me she is not a scammer. One time she said she was sorry but had to use the $800 he gave her to drive to Main to see a sick friend. Then writes to tell him how her friend in Main took her sky diving for the first time. She is using him and he is blinded. But as far as friends, I don't have any and has been hard to keep them when I make them. They end up using me and hurting me when I do nothing but be kind, sweet and gentle to them. You know, maybe I should get Social Service on my side. But, 20 years ago this guy use to work along side with Social Services in TX. I would be nice to have a lot of people cheering me on. Thank you for your advice. Again, you were not harsh at all. You were a big help. :)
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@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
14 Jul 10
Hi, So, in other words he wants you to be his "door map." The things that this guy is doing in front of you, the online chatting with other girls and dating them on short spans should show you what kind of felloww he is. In my opinion, he will never be true to you or any other girl. You are not going to be the one to change him. He wants to change you into someone he can control. If you would just stop talking about money, if you would just stop complaining about the other girls,(this should be a big eye opener)or the websites, etc.then he will love you, give me a break!!! Being in love with you is conditional. Can you live with that? I hope not. Your first responsibiity is to love yourself. He is not the only man out there and some of them don't want to be in multiple relationships or contact with other girls. How much do you love yourself or disrespect yourself? You hold all the card to the future of your heart. Big mistake, on your part, has been here. You should have never let him have the right of passage to your place. He has his cake and eating it too. He knows how you feel about him and he is pulling your every string. I say kick him to the curb and love yourself for awhile, that mean maybe taking a break from dating and give a good guy a chance to find you. Don't you think you deserve better?
@megabiz (185)
• United States
15 Jul 10
Yes I do think I deserve better. Your comment hit me hard in a way that you helped me open my eyes to a lot. How so right you are in saying he wants me to be his "door Mat." There are a of times I tell him to stop wiping his feet all over me like I'm some kinda "door mat." I often do wish I never let him have passage to my place. The only reason I keep him around for a temp reason is: (1)I have not job and have not had one since 2008. NO one will hire me. Now trying to do Network Marketing. Will still putting in aps. (2)Due to my not having a car, he is my transportation. (3)He helps me pay my rent, electric, gas, phone and some groceries when my Food Stamps runs out. Until I can get on my feet and out of Government Subsidized Housing, I am stuck with him. The sad part is, it's okay for him to look at other women, but me, if I look at or talk other men by phone or on dating websites, he chews me out for it. I do love myself but hate that I allowed this kind of man in my life. You are so right. There are better men out there and I need to stop getting hurt. I need to stop looking and hope someday one will come knocking at my door. Thank you for the eye opining advice. It really helps. You made me feel better about myself. Thanks again. God Bless You.
• United States
15 Jul 10
Hi, Sorry I came down on you so hard, but I just saw "red." I talk to young like yourself all the time. I talk to them as if they are my daughters, so I guess that is why I jumped all over you, loving of course. Now, I understand your situation a little clearing. I hope you can get yourself in a better situation soon. Take Care
@megabiz (185)
• United States
21 Jul 10
I forgive you. Thank you for understanding the situation a little better. You can talk to me like I'm your daughter as I my mom passed on in 2004 and I don't have any friend due to it being very hard for me make friends. I try and end up getting hurt by them all the time. I don't understand why I get hurt all the time when all I do is be kind, loving and caring.
@artistry (4151)
• United States
14 Jul 10
..Hi there megabiz, First welcome to the ranch, enjoy yourself. it's a great place to meet new friends. From reading your post I get the feeling that the gentleman you love is not at all ready for a commited relationship with one woman. He loves searching for "the one". But each time there's something missing. It's not the women he meets, neither is it you that is not right. It is him, he first of all doesn't know what he wants in a woman and the other point I get from this is that he doesn't know himself. He is searching for something elusive that does not exist. Unless he defines himself so that he can figure out what will make him happy in a partner, he will never decide on one person. You on the other hand need to realize what you are dealing with here. He will waste your time and I am sorry to say use you, as he realizes you care for him. He will then leave you standing there. He looks at dating sites on your computer? Stop it, let him use someone else's electric. Please don't be an enabler, that is disrespectful of him. Be friends if you want, but see him for what he is. Find someone more deserving of your attention and care. Why are relationships so difficult? It's the nature of the beast. "o) Part of your involvement with him was fun wasn't it? But don't stay too long at the fair, it has started to rain. Move on emotionally, put him behind you. Take care.
@artistry (4151)
• United States
15 Jul 10
...Hi there, I wish you such good luck with this. I think you realize what he is doing. Don't put yourself out there emotionally anymore, he is not worth it. He is saying to you, you're my fall back. You deserve better. Trust me! Take good care of yourself. By the way I do understand about the bill situation, at least he is helpimg you there. Go to www.authspot.com/writers/quiet+voice.8137, look for "Letting Go: Stop Chasing Ghosts" or check www.socyberty.com/writers/quiet+voice.8137 for the article. I forget which one it's on. It's worth reading. Take it easy.
@megabiz (185)
• United States
15 Jul 10
I really appreciate your help with the websites. I will check out to see which one it is on. Thank you so much for all your help. You are truly a Blessing. Take care and thanks again. You made my day.
@megabiz (185)
• United States
15 Jul 10
Thank you for the welcome. I never thought I'd ever find a GREAT site with so many amazing people on here who sound as if they really care. This site make me feel so comfortable enough to share my feelings about me and my life with others. I so far I have had nothing but very positive comments from people that make me feel like we are all one big happy family. I too feel he loves searching for "the one". Yet, after dating a few times with one person, or talking to them, he gets so frustrated with himself and ends up needing me. He will take a few days and go off away from the computer feeling so depressed and not wanting to talk to ANYONE. He has times at night he leaves here and turns his cell phone off and home phone too so as to not be bothered. He has been searching for four years. He wants someone that is "smart, honest, truthful, has a college degree, likes or is into playing classical music like Bach or Beethoven, is an accountant, or work in a lawyers office, likes art museums/shows, theater/play type theater, the symphony, does writing, or even likes table tennis. Then they have to have the kind of body, and hair style he likes. Oh! And... They also have to be SUPER SMART and respect him the way he wants to be respected/treated. It's like; if you don't do it his way, you are stupid and not good. So, when the one he goes out with a few times does not what he is looking for, he comes back to think maybe I am the one for him. If after talking to them on the computer for a while turns sour, same thing, back to thinking I just may be the one for him. He wants all the above molded in one. There is no one out there like that. He is so picky. I feel he has wasted my time but due to no job cause no one will hire me, I only have him around as he will pay my bills for me. Till some one says yes to my application, I am stuck with him. I don't want to be at the fair, but just have to a little longer till I can get someone to say yes to me on a job. Thank you for understanding my situation and helping me out with it. you have been a great support. God Bless.
• United States
14 Jul 10
Thats the definition man if you have not been driven completely insane by a girl you have never been in love. If he knows you are interested and he continues to look at other girls online then he is either 1. Scared and is trying to impress you with the interest in him of other girls. 2. Not interested in you at all and would prefer much to just be close friends.
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@megabiz (185)
• United States
14 Jul 10
Thank you for the reply. It is confusing. At times he seems scared and other times I think he just wants to be friends. I get mixed signals. That is what is so complicated.
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@chulce (1537)
• United States
15 Jul 10
Love should be unconditional. If he is placing those sorts of conditions on you, then I say it is time to move on. You need to communicate to him how you feel about him and express your true feelings, let him know where you stand. If he can disrespect you the way he does by visiting all those different sites on your computer, then girl, he is not the one for you. He has no respect for you. One of the most important things in any relationship is communication. When those lines break down then this can cause other issues in the relationship. Yes love is difficult, but with out understanding of one another, then where does it go? So tell him how you feel. I wish you luck.
@megabiz (185)
• United States
15 Jul 10
Thank you so much for your advice. I think I should just get him to take me someplace like a park or nearby lake where we I can talk to him. At least he will not be distracted by the women on line. I should also get him to turn cell phone off. He tends to get lots of text messages from the women he talks to. Thanks again for your advice.
• United States
15 Jul 10
It is obvious to me this guy does not respect you. If a guy does not respect you then he surely is not going to take a relationship with you seriously. It really sounds like this guy is just abusing your kindness untill something "better" comes a long. I say better because to him that is his line of thinking. You know the old saying... why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? He is milking you for all he can while he can. All of the red flags are there for you... think with you head and not your heart here. It also sounds like he doesn't appreciate what you are doing for him as well. This in it's self does not bode well for a relationship even if he was to consider one. What he is telling you about being in a relationship are excuses... and probably what he feels is enough to let him keep getting away with whatever he wants to. He is exploiting you emotionally in order to gratify himself. Don't allow yourself to be used in this way. It is better to be in no relationship than a bad one! Good luck hon.
@megabiz (185)
• United States
15 Jul 10
You seem to know just how things are. You are so right with what you have said. He says he says he appreciates what I do, but the actions are show different. I fix a nice meal. He comments on how he appreciates it and then tells me how I should have made it better or how I should have cooked it this way instead. That is not appreciation to me. It's like, 'I love when you do this 'BUT', I appreciate this 'BUT''. There is always a BUT in there. He says he loves me and looking at women on the net is just his way of relaxing. He says he may not find here. When he gets frustrated, he comes back to me wanting me. Do I want to wait all my life for him to make up his mind and lose my chances of really finding Mr. Right? I'm not sure and keep leaning towards NO. I can be his friend, but I promise you additional1001, I will not let myself be used by him or any man. That is a promise. You are so right, it is better to be in no relationship than a bad one. Thank you for your help. God Bless
• India
14 Jul 10
he is either keeping you on hook or there is a communication problem post break up.when U can privately tell us about your love for him, why don't you do it in private with him. complication in love is not a confusion but just a gap in communication. as he told he loves you. may be he is afraid about your disagreement. what i suggest is have a close talk with him and convey out every little feelings you have for him. also think of what might be the factors that is stopping him and tell him your stand on them.
@megabiz (185)
• United States
14 Jul 10
Thank you for the advice. I have tried to talk to him but he seems to want things his way. He told me that looking at other woman trying to find the right one is 10% chance. He has been at this five years now. He also tells me that the only reason he looks at women on dating sites like Ukraine woman, china woman and Russian woman is because it is relaxing. He loves me but looking at them is relaxing and I should just 'GET OVER IT!' Does he really love me when looking at them? Do I just stop talking to him about his spending money on women who live in another state he isn't dating? Do I just stop talking about the women he looks at? Am I really dumb and need to be smarter for him? Do I stop all those things just to get him to really take notice of me and want to be with ONLY me and no one else? Con fussed???
• United States
14 Jul 10
Wow if he is just a friend and he comes to your house to use your things... he knows about how strong your feelings are but yet he still continues to disrespect your feelings? WOW shaking my head, this guy has some nerve... my best advice is to run like heck from this sort of man! A man that does not respect your feelings is not worth your time. If he thinks so little of how you feel now just as a friend then he would not respect you any more if you was dating or even if you was married. Run while you can, be thankful you dont have any children by him to tie you to him for the rest of your life. I understand you love him very much and these feelings can be very strong wanting things to work out. Life is to short for relationships that are with someone that dont respect you. Just by the things you have said.. letting him use your things ... you are a very kind person and someone way better is out there for you. Dont settle for this guy that uses your computer to flirt with girls online. If it was me i would tell him he has no respect and if we wanted to flirt with girls online then he would have to find someone elses computer to do it! By him saying he dont want you to question who what girls hes talking to , in order to be in a relationship again... that is a red flag that he wants to be in a relationship but have the freedom to be with other girls! You have every right to question these things. Please be careful i get this feeling this guy is just using you to get things that he cant provide for himself and he dont respcet ya at all!
• United States
15 Jul 10
I understand your financial difficulty if he is helping with small amount of money. I feel bad that you are stuck in this situation because you need to be able to pay your monthly bills but dont deserve to be treated in this way. I think hes taking advantage of your unfortunate situation which he will have to answer for his ways one day! I will pray that you can find another source to help with monthly expenses. I know it is hard i have too been in this situation when your partner has you over a barrel and theres no easy way out.
@akopoaysi (739)
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
well, i think you need to love yourself more. if it is too hard or you to see him around doing things that upsets you. then you should say no. just give excuses why he cant come over to your house. he is taking you for granted. because i think he knows that you still have feelings for him and he want you to be around in for fall back. and you deserve more than that. if it is pure friendship for him. then tell him it is hard for you to do that because you are in love to him and seeing him dating someone else is hard for you. you need to tell him the truth so he will know that it is not healthy for you. love yourself more!! you deserve better than him.. :)
@megabiz (185)
• United States
15 Jul 10
I've told him the truth about how it hurts me to see him on the dating sites when he knows how I feel for him. He tells me it is just his way of relaxing. I am only keeping him around as he helps me with transportation as I have no car. He helps me pay rent, electric, gas and phone due to I don't have a job at the moment and am living in Government Subsidized Housing. If I tell him to get lost, he cuts of all ties with helping me anymore. I have no one else to turn to as I have no friends and my mom, dad, two older brothers and older sister are all deceased. I'm devoriced and feel alone and lost if I didn't his help. This is just a very complicated situation till I can get back on my feet. Guess I'm just in a mess. All this makes me tired and worn out. So, you see why it is hard for me to kick him to the curb. Can't even date right now. I will be on the computer writing on here and when he comes over and sees that I am finishing up with something on here, he questions me with, "Who are you talking to?", while looking over my shoulder trying to read what I am doing as if I am talking to a guy. It's like he can look at woman. talk to them by phone, and text them, but I can't get on dating websites, or talk to men. It makes him mad. I'm just in a jam. Thank you for your response.
@jonnah91 (63)
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
Ask your self if you feel the same for that guy. If not, you should not let him use you for any consequences of his life. You have been a witness for his act. You don't need to be stupid for so long.
@david75 (11)
• United States
15 Jul 10
wiil thats cazy display you got going on there but if he does not work or anything why are you with someone who can treat you like a star i dont understand woman who falls in love with broke dudes you know babe girl you are to go church you know let me ask you something do you love your self if you love your evertime you look in a mirror then you will trutly find somebody out there that likes you for you babe girl you know mean i will pray for you you take care sweet lady
@megabiz (185)
• United States
15 Jul 10
Thank you for the comment. You know, sometimes I look in the mirror and love myself but hate my life. Can you love yourself if you hate your life? I often wonder that. If your life is not good and I'm unhappy with myself, how can I love myself? Does anyone have an answer to that? Thank you for your praying. God Bless
• United States
15 Jul 10
Hunny that guy is just messed up. I was with my ex boyfriend for about 2 years and we talked for 6 months before actually getting together. So technically we were together for 2 and a half years. If that guy can sit there and look for other girls while he is in your house, then he is such a liar. I do not want to be harsh and say that he doesn't love you because he might. My boyfriend broke up with me about a month ago because I was giving him a little bit of his medicine. I was saying I was busy everytime he asked me to hang out. Then a couple days ago he was like I would do anything to get back with you and we could start a family, but he was moving to virginia. He ended up going out with some chick that I went to school withh a day later. Hunny use your common sense and show him who is boss. Do not let no guy boss you around. I don't know if my ex talked to other girls when I was with him, but at this point, I wouldn't doubt it. Trust me I love my ex boyfriend, but sometimes you have to let go and if he really wants you he will go after you. The longer you wait, the more you will get hurt in the end. I know it is hard. I have to act like it doesn't hurt what he did to me, but it does. You can message me or reply on here if you need help. I had my friend helpiing me out. I realized way too many things. In the end, I am glad that I'm not with him anymore. Only the people that want to stay in your life deserve to be in it. Don't let him push you around no more
@megabiz (185)
• United States
15 Jul 10
Thank you for what you have said. I sent you a friend request so I can chat with you a little on some questions I have from what you wrote. I believe you could help me through this. God Bless.