How many text messages you recieve in a day?

@leo2050 (348)
July 14, 2010 11:56am CST
Hello my lotters, you all must be sending and recieving text messages from your cellphone everyday. But sometimes, it becomes very annoying when your cellphone beeps every single minute showing that there is a message. Sometimes, we use to switch off our cellphone so that it do not disturbs again. I love to read messages when i am free but sometimes when i get too many texts, i usually deletes all of them without reading them. I remember two days before, when i woke up and checked my cellphone, i saw 109 messages recieved. I was really very shocked and within a single minute, deleted all of them even without reading them.
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36 responses
• United States
14 Jul 10
What is more annoying is that when people send text after text after text... Jeez it would be quicker and much more efficient if they just pick up the phone and call me.
• United States
15 Jul 10
Yeah, the worst part is when I get a message and it ends with.... it tells me more is coming but it did not all fit. Then I get another ending again with... Ugghh, just pick up the phone it would be cheaper quicker and I would understand it without having to go back and re read to understand all of it. Sometimes I do not wait and call them and say you know its quicker if you just call me and then the more annoying part they say, well I did not wan to bother you. Did not want to bother me, did they realize it is a pain the the but to text me 15 times expecting me to grasp the entire conversation. Uggghhh.....
@leo2050 (348)
• India
15 Jul 10
ya, really its very annoying when someone keeps on texting and texting. Every single second, cellphone beeps.
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
14 Jul 10
It has become horrible : Some times I wonder why do I have a mobile - because every day I almost receive nearly 100 text messages. If there is any way to stop this I am the first person to opt that....
• India
14 Jul 10
how about joining the Do NOT disturb club? .. it is a service provided by the GOVERNMENT of INDIA.. for indian mobile users. .. go there, and register. but, alas, it takes over 40 days.. to clear your mobile number from the routine archives, .. from where the promotional services and sms are sent.
• Canada
14 Jul 10
Yesterday I received almost 300 texts. I was talking to two people for a long time. I usually do not receive that many unless I am having a conversation with someone. I never ever delete texts without reading them first as I am sometimes concerned that it could be something important. If I receive a text while I am busy I will just check it later. I don't think it's possible to receive 109 texts, your inbox would be full!
• Canada
14 Jul 10
oh you must have extra space in your phone! I would lvoe to have that. But alas, I can only receive about 100 texts before my inbox is full.
@leo2050 (348)
• India
14 Jul 10
yes it is possible to recieve 109 messages. My phone's inbox capacity is about 2000 messages so my inbox is not gonna be fulled with only 109 texts.
@mspitot (3824)
• Philippines
7 Aug 10
I get less than a hundred text from Mondays to Fridays which are working days and I get more during the weekends.
• United Arab Emirates
14 Jul 10
I dont receive any....may be one in a week that too from the service provider.
• India
14 Jul 10
lols. Just register with some service like web2sms, or way2sms.. and, you will be receiving a lot of such promotional stuff. you would then be regretting the decision to join such a service, and ask for DoNotDisturb service to be activated. thanks
• India
14 Jul 10
Well i'm too registered with way2sms and 160by2 but i didn't get any promotional messages. He might be receiving promotional messages from his service provider of his country.
@ilann1 (372)
• Israel
14 Jul 10
Closely none. .__. *sad face*
• India
14 Jul 10
lol...if you've been living in India, and probably my friend, then you would not have been posting this. We used to get sms pack of 21000 sms/month(700sms/day) for Rs.88 (approx US $2).And we mostly use this within 20-25 days. Also we use free sms services on web like way2sms and 160by2.
@Guit08 (597)
• United States
15 Jul 10
Wow! That's a great price for A LOT of text messages! I don't know what I would do with that many text messages... I wish that they had those kind of deals here in the U.S.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
I received and average of 30 text messages in a day. I usually respond to them during when I have the time to do it. Usually my work involves training and I usually have free time during break time. So it is during those times that I respond to them.
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
Wow! 109 text messages! That's way too many text to receive while you were sleeping. I am not a heavy texter myself so I don't get so many texts everyday. Also, I avoid subscriptions as I think those stuffs will only keep my inbox full as well as give me unnecessary expenses. I maintain my mobile as it is a necessity for my online work and to keep my communication line open.
@hanizah (255)
15 Jul 10
Hi!!! wow that is a great problem I really don't have fun texting I am just texting when I needed to...That's the reason why I only have less that 5 messages a day but there were times that I am busy texting because important things then that is the only time that I will have a lot of messages.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
Not that many. I just get about 6 to 8 messages a day. There are times I get less but there are also times I get many. On the average, it's between 6-8 messages a day.
@lexx87 (1707)
• Mexico
15 Jul 10
manyyyyyyyyyyyy :S depends my boyfriend if he misses me so much , lol :D ! x or if i text him alot . Sometimes we are in facebook or sent facebook message so it is more easy you know... or text him when i really miss him !
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
hi... i receive an average of 600 to 700 messages a day and these are messages that are business related and i read them all my business is communication :D oh and add another 30 to 50 from the girlfriend :D so after a day's time (usually around 10 o clock) i put down my phone and sleep by 6 am... the cycle starts all over again :D
@mrcol1010 (209)
• United States
15 Jul 10
Wellit depends on the day and how my friewnds are feeling really. on and average day id say, id get a minimum of 5000 recieved. And i respond to all of them. Now the amazing part is ive never had more than 50 recieved at a single time. They are always a few messages here and a few messages there.
@cheszka (167)
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
I receive about ten to twenty text messages from friends, family and colleagues. Sending and receiving text messages from people I love really makes my day complete.
@maucute (979)
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
Now, not much anymore. When I was still studying I'm hooked to texting but now things are different. I could say maybe 50 messages tops maximum because I'm online I can message anybody anytime. But with that much to read, I would do the same you do, but I need to check the preview if it's important and then delete the others. It's ahrd to maintain my inbox if it's flooded with messages.
@youless (112425)
• Guangzhou, China
15 Jul 10
Usually I will receive about 10 SMS from my cellphone everyday. However, most of them are just trash SMS. It is very bothering. And sometimes they will even send at the midnight. This is why my cellphone will be turned off automatically after 11pm everyday. I don't want to be waken up. I love China
@Jaluke (676)
• United States
15 Jul 10
I normally get at least 500 text messages a day if not more than that. I text a lot. I have my text message settings set so that whenever I receive a text it vibrates rather than beeping or ringing just because the beeping can get annoying even hearing just once. I typically respond to them instantly unless I'm driving or just in a place where I can't really text.
@kolsti87 (521)
• United States
15 Jul 10
If I'm having a conversation I'll get like 50 texts per person I'm talking to but if not I'll mostly get service texts and friends checking up on me and my mom. But yeah my friends are night owls and sometimes they'll text me at 4:00 a.m. lol. But yeah my phone's data capacity is kind of low and I can only hold like 100 new texts before I have to delete stuff.
15 Jul 10
Hi, Compared to you i am like "billy no mates" as apart from a few jokes from mates & hubby i don't get many at the most about 10 txt messages a day.
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
I'm using a company mobile phone and yes I am receiving tons of text messages daily. Some are requests from other divisions, some are follow ups, complaints, etc. There are times that I turned off my mobile phone to avoid calls and text messages or intentionally left my phone at home so people cannot distract me so I can be more productive at work.