I am trying to get closer...Is it the Devil tempting me?

United States
July 14, 2010 4:54pm CST
I am trying so hard to get closer to God. I am constantly praying, I am reading my Bible and I am trying to watch my thoughts and actions. Here is the problem, whenever I try to talk to my husband about something like money or bills he get's real angry with me and starts yelling. Of course what I want to do by human nature is go back at him and yell to get my point across. I am reading lately about my job as a wife, and it is to be a mild, gentle and tender spirit towards him. Do you know how hard that is sometimes? Has anyone gone through this too? Have you been trying so hard to get closer to Jesus and more temptations come into your life? Is there a way to get my point across without yelling at him? Thoughts Please =) Please be nice if at all possible, if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all, Lol.
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16 responses
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
15 Jul 10
Hard to say, but I understand how you feel. I would suggest you pray for your husband. Why does he yell about money and bills, does he think you think he is not providing, or is he nervous about his job. It is true, you must be growing spiritually and that is why satan is trying to thwart you. If you were getting no where, why would he bother.
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@ellie333 (21016)
15 Jul 10
Hi GardenGe4rty, that is so true, I also find when growing more spiritually or getting me more involved with church activites that is when the attacks come :)
• United States
16 Jul 10
Thank you both. He get's mad because I worry sometimes I guess. I have given it to God and I am trying to not take it back. The thing is my husband owns a Remodeling Company and with the economy so bad right now work has slowed down. So, of course I do get worried sometimes...
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
20 Jul 10
Hi, lilangelpreschool, In any situation in my life, it took a long time to learn this, I realize that it is a test and I will either pass or fail. In other words, I will please God or I will not. He is rooting for you to be successful with the challenge that he has given permission over you. Once you understand this you will not let anything worry you, come hell or high water you will know that God is in charge. I read the book of Job and it was reviled to me in that book that Satan/devil can't do anything without permission from God. Read the chapter were satan is having this conversation with God, and he ask permission to messup Job's life. WHAT1!!!! I SAID, SHOUTING. HOLDUP!!! SATAN HAD TO ASK PERMISSION FROM GOD. Don't give up. Bless your day everyday and give everything, good and bad over to God. God Bless
• United States
21 Jul 10
Hi lilanglespreschool, Hope your day be blessed and filled with hope and faith that all things work for the good of those who love the love. God bless,
• United States
20 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =) I will definitely read the book of Job. That is crazy that he has to ask God for permission! Thank you for your help.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
17 Jul 10
I find that this is normal. Satan is trying to frustrate your efforts to get closer to God and he is using your husband to do it. I guess your husband thinks that you spend all the money. I guess you have to be firm and not be weak. One can be straightforward and say what is without yelling. Just do not give him the idea that you are not a weaklling. no apologizing, no "I am sorry, dear," but = And if that does not help. you may have to enlist someone else to help reason with your husband. Is there a Christian financial adviser in your area or in your town who can talk to your husband and tell how things would be?
• United States
17 Jul 10
Thanks for your response. No, he knows I do NOT spend any money at all actually. I am the saver out of us. That's some part of the fighting. I want to know where all of the money is going, when we will be able to pay the next bill and all of that... I am definitely the saver when it comes to money, I know that's not usual with women but I am very different I suppose. He doesn't like that I have to help out with working, he doesn't like that I am always begging him not to spend foolishly, he doesn't like that he cannot do what he wants with the money we make. If I don't spend on anything, why is it ok for him to do it??? =)
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
18 Jul 10
You are not that different. It is just that the opposite has been spread around that men believe it. And I suppose that he figures it is all right to spend money on business, big purchases, and or his friends because of whatever, and I suppose he gets angry if you buy a dress or something for yourself. Sounds normal to me. Just keep telling him that if he spends all that money on what he wants, there will be nothing left for emergencies and since you make less money then him, there would not be that much to live on. Of course, you have to tell him in such a nice way and I suppose it would depend on what job he has, if there are risks, etc.
@eurekafemme (5874)
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
Yes, the devil is tempting you indeed. When you asked God to make you stronger, situations will come your way that by dealing with it through His guidance you will eventually become stronger. For the past years of my life, I am at a distant pace with Him. I have been so busy thinking of the many issues in my life that I feel the need to always find a way to resolve things but I haven't got a prayer... Isn't it true with the saying that the way to God is the road less traveled because it is so difficult to finish the journey without getting yourself into a lot of troubles....
• United States
22 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =) Your absolutely right. When I went to Church a couple weeks ago the Pastor was talking about if you want something first God has to make you strong enough to handle what you want. He knows what is best, we don't. =)
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
16 Jul 10
I read once in one of those chain letters/emails that go around that the devil keep bombarding us with a lot of trivial things so that we couldn't concentrate on getting closer to God. As an example, when you're driving, the radio would be there with some news or music that you sing to, that prevents you from meditating and praying. Not really sure if this is true, but if it is, then I think the devil is doing a darn good job. I think we should find another way, or excert more effort if we want to get closer.
• United States
16 Jul 10
Thanks for your response and yes I have heard this in Church. The Devil distracts us from God whenever he get's the chance. Through music, through books, through anything he can use... =)
• United Arab Emirates
15 Jul 10
yes it does happen...But i dont know why we relate both the things. I have been spending a lot of time in prayer and also realised that things i am praying for are getting worse. The simple reason is that we have the restricting beliefs. When we think of the problem the problem tends to grow. We need to keep ouy minds free from trouble and it will disappear.
• United States
22 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =) I'm not sure my problems will disappear if I don't think about them, but I appreciate your opinion. :)
• United States
14 Jul 10
I never tried to get close to Jesus myself but I think it is easier to have no expectation so you don't disappoint yourself at any point. It means I don't get angry whatever the situation is. I just follow some simple principles to avoid sins. Temptations are just challenges given to you if you can't pass through them then you have a long way to go to reach Jesus. Why are you reaching Jesus anyway when he is already watching your every step. Good luck with your Journey.
• United States
16 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =) As a Christian, my ultimate goal is to be more like Jesus. I know He watches over me and He is an Amazing God but we are supposed to be more like Him. He created us to serve Him, to be close to Him and to live our lives the way He tells us to live it. =)
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
yes i have done that too. i tried to be closer to God. i have stopped wrong habits, i prayed, read the bible, forgive others, try to be at peace with other people i stopped television except news, which is essential to life and not against my belief. and every thing i can do to be right with God. it was hard, there were times i was tempted to get even . but God was understanding and just helped me to understand the other person. believe God sees every hard work or every obedience you do to Him. He feels the love you give Him every time we obey Him or try to live a righteous life. It is worth to live a righteous life but you will get discourage if you don't have any one with your same faith. you will get easily discourage. but i hope you always get things in right perspective and you see your self in right direction cause you are actually.
• United States
16 Jul 10
Thank you for your help =) Your words gave me comfort and I thank you for that =)
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
15 Jul 10
It is true that the closer you become to God the harder the devil must work to get you back on his team but it sounds to me like typical husband fear of talking about money. You say "money" they hear "HEY! Lets spend all your money on expensive things that you can't afford!!!" I don't know exactly what your bill and money issue is so I'm not sure what advice to give except try and approach him when he's in a better mood. Also instead of trying to put the full weight of the money issue on him why not come up with ways on your own to help out? If its about needing more money there are plenty of ways you can increase your income and decrease your spending. He may get upset and yell because he feels helpless like its all on his shoulders. You are supposed to be a team.
• United States
16 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =) Our money issues aren't like that. He owns a remodeling company, work has slowed a lot because of the economy. I have never asked him for anything except for the bills to be paid. No, I am not one of those girls who get their hair or nails done. I shop at thrift stores for my clothes, I'm not spoiled at all. I do help out, my title says it all but I am a Preschool Teacher so I bring in my part as well =) We are definitely a team with the money being brought in. He get's upset actually because he doesn't want me to have to help him out. He feels like "Less" of a man with me working too. That's where the hurt and anger comes from with him I think. He feels guilty that his wife also has to provide to help take care of the bills and our kids... He also feel's angry because we have never had a honeymoon, we have never taken any kind of vacation at all and he can't spoil the kids and I at all. I understand his feelings, I don't like everything either BUT I do not yell at him like this when we talk about money. You think I like having to work instead of spending more time with my kids? Of course not! But I do what I have to do and I am not mean to him over it. Hope you understand a little more of the problem... =)
• United States
15 Jul 10
Angel- At various times in life we will find things that try our spirits. They are things that eventually we can learn from if we allow ourselves to learn. I believe in "inner demons" as opposed to a "devil", and I think it is those that try us the hardest. We are much more critical of our own nature then others are, and it is possible that nothing is going wrong in your marriage. It is very possible it is just the mundane issues of bills, which seem to make most people uptight. I cannot speak for all men as it is unfair to generalize, but it has been my experience that men become most upset when they feel they cannot instantly fix a situation. Men are, in general, fixers. Give them a problem, they will find a solution. I would suggest meditating upon those very aspects you wish to be as a wife, and journal those thoughts. I would also recommend starting a gratitude journal so that each day before bed you remind yourself of those things you are grateful for. You might even include little things such as "I am grateful for a husband who takes care of the bills". Putting forth positive thoughts into the universe is one way to bring them about in actual manifestation. I wish you all the best. Namaste-Anora
• United States
22 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =)
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
temptation is everywhere..specially when you are near to God our enemy are not quitting to attacks our weaknesses in order us to disappoint or discourage.. sometime it test our faith to him on how we are strong enough and stand to our promise to him..be strong just part of our christian life..just pray more..
• United States
16 Jul 10
Thank you for your response =) I will definitely pray more! =)
@Bhadine (594)
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
It's never easy to be closer to Jesus because there will be temptations to test how strong our faith is. However, humans are imperfect in nature that is why we tend to do and say wrong things. In your case, it would be much better if you will stay calm in talking to your husband. Don't talk when you are filled with anger because you will just be emotional and engage to arguments. Try to make him understand your point in such a nice way. This is what my mother always do to avoid arguments with my father. As I see it, it's effective because my father feels guilty whenever he shouts at my mother while she remains calm.
• United States
16 Jul 10
Thank you so much for your help! I am definitely going to try to remain calm. I want him to realize that he's hurting me when he does this so if I remain calm maybe he will see too. Thanks again =)
@kolsti87 (521)
• United States
15 Jul 10
Your job as a wife is NOT to be mild and gentle. If your husband is ever being a jerk, point it out. That is in no way a violation on any (good) religion.
• United States
16 Jul 10
Thank you for your response =) I think I will point it out but in a more Godly way. =)
@ajadon10 (48)
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
The more I think and do good and attend fellowships, the more temptation and trial come my way. It's the balance of the human and spirit world. The biggest challenge is for us to balance it and cast away evil things. One thing I do to balance it is to deceive evil ways. For instance in husband-wife relationship. If emotions takes over my rational thinking, Then I'm unknowingly making an extra effort entertaining my ego and do bad things. But with the continuous guidance of my spirit through bible reading and listening gospels, my spirit is uplifted in the process and then I overcome my ego. It's a long process but I'm willing to do it to reach my goal of getting closer to GOD.
• United States
16 Jul 10
Thank you for your response =) Your right and I need to walk away when the bad thoughts and reactions come through. Sometimes it happens before I can even think about it. It's hard when your being yelled at, you just want to make it stop or make them see your point. =)
@coolblu (53)
• United States
15 Jul 10
There are several men that don't like to talk about money. I had one of them and he had enough and devoice me. I would just let it go for a while. Sometime for a husband reading in a letter is more easier then hear us nagging to them all the time. At least that's what he said to me.. Other thing is put it all in God's hand and he'll deal with it so you don't have to. I hope this works for you. I'll also pray for you and your husband.
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
I am not married yet, so I don't really know how tough it must be for you to go through the times whenever you and your husband have a disagreement or misunderstanding. What I know is that, it's really difficult to send your message across sometimes when the other party just doesn't want to sit down and talk about it. I have learned that expectation kills relationship so avoid expecting, you might end up disillusioned. Also, temptations are from the devil and trials are from God (James 1:1-18 "Trials and Temptations") - I have learned this from our Bible Study, by the way. I admire you for trying hard to get closer to Jesus. I encourage you to continue your walk with Him. We cannot change people no matter how strongly we want them to change. They can't even change themselves, nor can we change ourselves. Only the Lord can do that. Continue to pray for you and your husband to have a good - better - communication and relationship. Before you talk to your husband about anything, pray and ask the Lord to open his heart and mind so he may listen and understand your point. Also, ask Jesus to give you more peace and love. If your husband yells, it would help if you will not yell back at him. Remember, "in your anger do not sin..do not give the devil a foothold" (Ephesians 4:26-27). ^_^