What keeps you from MyLot?

By Jess
@JJ4Ever (4693)
United States
July 14, 2010 8:42pm CST
From time to time, something tears us away from MyLot. I have read several discussions recently regarding those who have had other priorities and couldn't visit this site for an extended period of time. So...I would like to know, what has been the worst thing thus far to cause you to pull away from MyLot for a while? What is the longest time you have been away from MyLot? If you had to choose either to be on MyLot or go through that experience that kept you away from here, which would you choose? What is the most recent event that has kept you from your MyLotting? My answer to this question would probably be a couple weeks ago when I had been away from the site for about a month and a half. It started out as my having other priorities, such as getting the housework done, having people over, etc. Then weekend before last, I was on vacation to visit my brother and sister-in-law in Tennessee for a few days. The craziness of keeping up the house and getting ready for the trip definitely kept me away for a while! For that, I would like to apologize to my wonderful MyLot friends. I didn't turn on my desktop computer for at least a couple months. Very sad! Please share what has kept you from MyLot and why. Thanks, friends!
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18 responses
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
i have been here a while now, but there would be times that i'll be away for several weeks to 2-3 months because of work or travel. the worst that kept me away--- is probably when i was getting over an ex. i couldn't bring myself to participate in discussions as much as i had wanted to. the longest time away from mylot--- was probably 3 months. i had too much on my plate back then balancing time with work, setting up a business, renovations for 2 houses, a family crisis needing someone emotionally strong to handle it, making arrangements for christmas holidays and out of the country travel... and all of that happening while my relationship with the boyfriend was on the brink of falling apart. too much to handle... all at the same time. between mylot or going thru all that all over again... mylot would have been an easy answer. hehe recent event that kept me from mylotting--- well a series of seminars, leadership trainings, vietnam trip and managing a business at the same time. i got back to mylotting a few days ago after 2 months of absence this time around. hehe
• Philippines
19 Jul 10
the relationship with the bf fizzled after some time. but it was okay... better then than later. hehe the family is doing great. thanks. although i must say that it isn't over yet. we deal with issues one day at a time. being so busy at times is a blessing too. it keeps my mind off from worries because i have to pace myself with everything i do and worryng is such a waste of time and energy when there are more important stuff i should be handling. lol mylot is just there... something i could get back to whenever. hehe and it's always great to be back. thank you for the BR! have a great week ahead!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
22 Aug 11
Hey there! I'm so sorry for the long lapse in response, but I agree with you completely about worry. It's a massive waste of time and energy, and the stress it causes is horrible for our health. I think you and I are a lot alike in that respect - that we try to take things one at a time instead of worrying about getting multiple things done all at the same time. If you try to do a million things at once, guess what's going to get done? Zero! If you do one thing, finish, and start on the next, it's bound to go much better that way! Of course, that has to be due to our fantastic prioritization skills, right? LOL! Take care friend!
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
19 Jul 10
Wow, you are very busy! I admire someone who can juggle all those things at once. Good for you! You really seem like a go-getter. I certainly hope your relationship with your boyfriend and your family circumstances have worked themselves out. Three months is a long time to be away, but I agree with you that there are times when it's necessary. I've certainly done the same myself! Thank you for your thorough response. I really enjoyed reading it! Take care.
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
20 Jul 10
I know a lot of people do not get to mylot as much as they want to because of one reason or another,and I do try to mylot just as my wife mylots a lot,and I know I am not on here every day because of my job,since I work third shift and I work atleast four nights a week,and on my nights off sometimes we have other obligations that we have to deal with likely lately we have been packing and moving stuff into storage but on my nights off I try to spend a little time on mylot.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
22 Aug 11
Carli, I have to agree with you! HCB, it sounds pretty tough to juggle the job with also spending time with your wife and moving. You've certainly got a lot on your plate! I'm glad you find time some evenings to log into myLot. Either during my breaks at work or at night when I'm relaxing and watching TV are the main times I'm on myLot. I always find time as you do!
22 Jul 10
yikes, third shift does not sound like fun.
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@edigital (2709)
• United States
21 Jul 10
I was away from regular visit this great site near about 10 months due to online income from craigslist and busy with various projects. After back here I found some of my favorite friends cancelled friendship with me this is painful. I hope to visit this site again each day or each week to avoid long gap.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
22 Aug 11
I know you've always been busy with projects here and there online, so that sounds pretty easy to log into myLot while you're already online, but if there are other things away from the computer, then that's what makes it harder to log in as often.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
24 Jul 10
The longest I have been away from mylot at a stretch is 9 months. This was around the time I had my second child. A month after my delivery, we returned home (was at my mom's for delivery) and I didn't have access to the net and neither did I have the time...with a 6 year old school going child (who had missed 3 months of school....though I had tried my best to keep up with the school work when we were at my mom's)...and an infant...and house work....and the usual. Once we got an internet connection and everything had fallen into place and a routine was set, I could mylot. I was pretty regular then till I started working when the little one was 18 months. I wasn't totally off mylot but was able to check only once in a couple of days. Since then I've been here on and off. Now that I've quit working outside the home, I have more time...but we also decided on homeschooling which keeps me busy all day either with the kids or housework...so..it's usually a couple of weeks before I get some time to mylot.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
22 Aug 11
I don't feel so bad now because I've been away from myLot three months here, six months there. I don't do so intentionally, but my husband and I will get busy on a project with the house or we'll have family in town...something happens to knock me off my groove, my schedule of logging in like I normally would. A lot of times instead of picking up where I left off, I use that extra myLotting time to do something else, and by the time I've gotten into that habit, I'm off and running on a new schedule. While I'm pretty consistent once I have a schedule down pat on things, I can also be a consistent procrastinator! I hate that about myself, but that's one thing I have yet to conquer in my life. This past time that I was away from so long, I knew friends here and unfriended me (only because I was inactive). I don't blame them! I would've done the same thing! I also lost a lot of money in earnings that I'd worked hard for...not knowing that myLot automatically takes that away after inactivity for so long. That was a tough lesson to learn this time, but I'm always really happy and active when I can be here, so I plan to keep it up! I've already seen many more earnings and a lot more potential, so I have very real, positive goals for this time around! I've been logging in at least once a day for the last week and a half or two weeks, so I'm doing well so far! Sounds like your family keeps you very busy, too, but I'm so happy to learn you've decided to homeschool your children. Those are wonderful moments that you'll be able to take with you the rest of your life. And you're already a wonderful teacher, so why not! I'm glad you find time to come to myLot here and there as well, as it works into your busy schedule.
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
19 Jul 10
I have been away from mylot for months actually I can't even remember when was the last time I got my pay out here. This goes to show I am not spending much time in here. Yes, because like you, I also went for a vacation, then I work part time, then I go visit some friends, I clean the house and do other stuff specially now this summer. I can do a lot of things outside the house which keep me away from mylot.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
19 Jul 10
I think it's a little easier to be away from MyLot when the weather is nice, don't you? You mentioned doing things outside, and I find myself doing the same things. Next thing I know, days turn into weeks, which turn into months, and I haven't been on MyLot in a while! My vacation along with all the time I spent away from here is what prompted me to start this discussion as I'm curious what others have found in their endeavors. Thanks for your response!
@moneywinner (1864)
• Brazil
20 Aug 11
I'm not here in myLot for a long time, a little more than 2 months only, so, I never stayed away for a long period of time. On the beggining, I used to everyday though. And, now, I only can join 3-4 times per week, because I'm so busy with my college and stuffs like that.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
22 Aug 11
I think that's the key is not staying away from myLot for too long. I was really bad about that the last couple of years because I would be away for several months at a time and then come back for a few weeks or a month...then off I go again. I would love to be more consistent, even if it's just a matter of logging in for a couple minutes every day. I've actually been able to do that the last couple weeks, which has been nice, and the earnings show that, so that's worth it to me!
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
15 Jul 10
Hello my friend, the longest I was away from Mylot is when I lost my internet connection that was due to moving however, when I left my ex I was without the internet from July to October, ok that doesn't sound long but when you spend so much time on the internet, not just Mylotting but other stuff you go cold turkey and I mean cold turkey! On a day by day view, it's usually being at the gym, I am a health fanatic and like to go at least three times a week, more in the Winter months, so I am away from Mylot for quite a few hours, including 2 hours at the gym, without shopping and walking there and back (another hour!) There's not much else to keep me away, I don't socialize and I certainly don't go out at nights, I am very much a stay at home person so a lot of my time is dedicated to the internet. I also get phases where I leave Mylot alone, I think if we are on Mylot every single day even that starts to get boring, so a little break here and there does us good, keeps us fresh and doesn't make Mylotting a chore.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
19 Jul 10
Hi, Wolfie! I agree with you that MyLot should never become a chore. If I have a lot of time on my hands, which rarely happens, I'll be on here a few days in a row. Most of the time, though, it ends up that I'm on every other day. It can get boring if too much time is spent here. You can run out of discussions to start and respond to and such. I think being without Internet from July to October is an incredibly long time, especially when you go online at least once a day, although not necessarily on MyLot. I depend on the Internet to pay my bills, so I'll get an email a couple weeks before a bill comes due. If I didn't have access to the Internet, my bills wouldn't get paid, so it's obviously a must for me! It would be a shame to get behind on the bills all because I didn't have a connection for a little while. One of my bills is the Internet, so I figure that should be enough to keep things rolling - LOL! I'm glad you have access back now. I'm just to the point where I don't know what I'd do without Internet. Instead of getting all of my bills and info in the mail, I choose to get it online so I don't have to throw away or recycle so much paperwork. Thanks for sharing your experience. It's great to hear from you!
@ellie333 (21016)
15 Jul 10
Hi JJ, Well yours are very good reasons to stay away from the Lot and computer in general. I log in most days but when travelling or have visitors tend to stay away for a while. There is no need to say sorry, some only log in from time to time anyway and we always play catcyh up when they do. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
19 Jul 10
That's the most important thing - always coming back to visit MyLot! I feel like it's easy to get behind. When I'm gone one day, I'm gone for a week, and before I know it, I've been gone for a month! Of course, life happens and time flies! What can we do about it? NOTHING! So we do what we can with the time we have. (LOL) Thanks for your response, my friend.
• United States
15 Jul 10
School and work mostly. My coursework is always stressful and for my summer work I deal will patients all day. (Not the fun easy way receptionists get to)
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
22 Aug 11
School and work are definitely legitimate causes for staying away from myLot. I try to keep up with logging in at least once a day, but it gets tough over the weekend. During the week, I sit in front of a computer all day so on my breaks it's easy to just log in. On the weekends when I'm not always around the computer, it's harder to remember to log in and check this or that, other than my emails that come through on my phone. I sometimes log in on my phone, but it's not the same as the computer.
@ehsanji (503)
• Pakistan
15 Jul 10
AS we all know that life just doesn't revolve around the Internet. There are so many things we do in real life to manage our daily routine, such as shopping, college, university, schools, laundries, cleanings etc, so you know, there could be not just one reason. But those who are wise enough will always spend their time on Mylot, whether it be surfing, chatting (by that I mean commenting, not the messenger thing). So that we make some revenue while doing the Internet at the same time.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
20 Aug 11
I think it's all too easy nowadays to feel like the Internet is everything. It can bring income, has a wealth of information, and so on. I love how you said the people who are wise are on myLot lol. You and I are wise, my friend! Take care and thank you for your response.
• United States
15 Jul 10
I haven't really been active on mylot long enough to be away for an extended period of time, but there have been times that I've been away from my other sites. Earlier this year, planning my wedding, getting married and going on a honeymoon kept me away for quite awhile, but it was well worth it and I would definitely do it all over again!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
19 Jul 10
Hi, Marie! I can definitely say been there, done that to the whole wedding planning, getting married, and going on the honeymoon deal! Congrats, by the way - good for you! I love weddings, and marriage is super exciting. That is wonderful news. My hubby and I just celebrated our one-year anniversary last Sunday (July 11). Anyway, that was just a side note - LOL! Welcome to MyLot, and I hope you enjoy it. I know what you mean about getting away from other sites. For instance, I can be away from MyLot for weeks or months at a time and then get back in order to catch up. I also can be away from Facebook for up to a week, which is a long time for that site. It seems like life just continues without us when we're away from our normal sites! Of course, if I had to choose, I would prefer to have life continue and not delay just because I don't have time to hop online - LOL. Thanks for your response. Hope to see you around!
• United States
15 Jul 10
Well I am usually at mylot a lot but it depends like at the moment i am spending most of my time at work then when i get home i start working on my costume for this event that's going on at the end of the month. I would like to spend more time on here but that's just impossible at the moment. If i worked a part time job I would probably be here more often but hey that's life for ya happy lotting
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
20 Aug 11
I'd love to work part time be on myLot the other times! That would be really wonderful. I completely understand about stuff coming up and having to take the place of myLot. I hate it, but it's necessary. It makes us appreciate coming here more!
• India
19 Jul 10
I like this idea very much, because this differentiate from other money making sites. Here i can able to share my views and opinions and also i can able to get thousands of opinions from others also. simultaneously i can earn money. Vow mylot rocks.......
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
19 Jul 10
MyLot is definitely one of the most unique websites I've ever come across. The moneymaking aspect of it definitely keeps members coming back! I'm hooked - LOL!
• China
15 Jul 10
I will not leave very long time.Some days before I kept away from mylot beacause I went to my grandmother's house.There are not net....and I'm busying in my study.so.......
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
22 Aug 11
Now I'm curious...how far away does your grandmother live from you? And what are you studying in school? Those are both great reasons to be away from myLot, but I know it's hard when I'm not here often as I'd like to be.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
15 Jul 10
The things that tend to keep me away are not bad things, but I was on the road basically for most of May and June. I visited family, worked out of area for the census, went to Minnesota to visit my daughter and her family and then spent parts of two weeks in another town, in an apartment without internet access, doing a little training, but not enough, for this new job. I wish the training would have gotten done and work picked up. All the other things were fairly pleasant as far as that goes. I am having to actually work at some things for now, so I am away more.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
19 Jul 10
You definitely have legitimate reasons and other obligations that keep you away from MyLot (none of them negative, as you said), but I certainly don't know how you do it! I admire your ability to keep everything straight and accomplish all that you have in the last two months! Of course, it's great to see you back on MyLot because we always miss you when you're away! I know the summer can tend to be busy because I've run into some obligations as well...visiting family, working more hours at my job, keeping the household intact - LOL. Take care!
@magtibaygom (4856)
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
First, money. I earn regularly from MyLot. Then second is, the good feeling of being able to express myself, my feelings, and my ideas. Then the sense of belonging, the sharing and learning new ideas. MyLotting is a good way to spend free time, and not just waste on playing nonsense online games in some social networking sites like F*. It's spending time on something worth my while.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
15 Jul 10
Ah yes, the moneymaking is my downfall as well - LOL! I know I'm making money on MyLot, but other moneymaking opportunities (such as my JOB - ha ha) keep me from here too. MyLot is an excellent place to do all of the things you mentioned, which why all of us love it! Take care and keep up the good work!
@de_toya (2429)
• Indonesia
15 Jul 10
I always try to stay with mylot. I want to involved in many discussion my friends started and earn money too . I am fully concentrate here. I only join Neobux besides of mylot so nothing would make me away from this site. The only thing that could separate me and mylot is myjob. However, it just for a while, several hours only. I don't want to join other site since I got much benefits joining mylot beside of money .
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
19 Aug 11
That's what keeps me from myLot too - my job! I wish I could work from home (and work for myself) so that I could be on myLot all day too. Either way, I'd be making lots of money!
@kolsti87 (521)
• United States
15 Jul 10
Life in general. Little things that add up like school, work, illness, sports, a social life, and the occasional vacation. I spend more time on this site then I probably should but if I keep my grades, social life, and job up I can stay on myLot.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
15 Jul 10
MyLot is a great incentive to keep up with your schoolwork. I like the way you think! I wish I knew about MyLot when I was in school...it probably didn't exist back then - LOL! I would've used it as a treat to come on when I was done with my homework. Instead, I would read books for fun after all the work was done. I use MyLot as an incentive to get my housework done nowadays. Well, you know what they say - life happens. That's the big picture of what keeps us all from this wonderful place. Thanks for your response!