Any students here still living with their parents?

July 15, 2010 2:53am CST
HI all, I'm a student doing my master. I'm 24 and I'm STILL living with my parents. I'm having a bad time adapting to it, I've been out of my house since I was 13 and now I'm moving back in with them because of financial reasons. And oh my god, they just keeps nagging me about EVERYTHINGGGGG!!!
15 responses
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
I'm 21 and still living with my parents. When I was in college, I stayed in a dormitory and that meant that I lived for five years on my own. I missed the application deadline for grad school so I have to go home to find work for the meantime ans for financial reasons also since it is quite expensive to get a place of my own. Now, I'm not used to them nagging me all the time and I feel unhappy. I just missed my friends from college where I get to do what I want. :(
• France
15 Jul 10
We're sadly on the same boat mihama, you don't need to worry about a thing. Just bear with them and try to love them inspite all that they are opposing. Life's gonna better soon!
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
Yeah. I still love them anyways. But I really wish they'd change for the better and be more positive. Almost everyday, I hear my parents lashing at each other in a seemingly never-ending word war. They fight a lot and I don't like to hear them talking about petty things. I really hope life will be better very soon.
• United States
15 Jul 10
Just try to take a deep breathe. If you keep thinking about them and what they say you will make yourself crazy. Have you ever walking into a room and start to hear them say something (in your head) before they even say anything? It sucks, but they love you. I know even if your doing everything and cleaning everything your sopposed to; yes they will still bug you. It really sucks too (with the bugging) because if you've been out of the house basically since the age of 13 they miss you. Even if your relationships with your parents has been rocky over the years, they will probably show they miss you by sticking their nose in your business and ask what your doing 24/7. Just take a deep breathe. Try to go in the main living room more when you really want to escape. Make them sick of you. After there done telling you to move your car, or get dinner, or pick up your already done put up away laundry, just sit with them. They will actually like it so much they will pretend to get sick of you. I am not saying the nagging is going to stop. Think about it this way, you have most likely had a roomate right? There are things that your roomate has done that have probably annoyed you and you didn't say anything about it because it wasn't worth the trouble, time or confrontation. Your parents don't care about telling you what they want whether it is right or not. LOL it sucks but take it with a grain of salt. Where ever life has taken you, if have lived on your own that long your probably a productive smart person. Maybe God (or whoever you believe in) or the Universe is giving you a chance to spend with your parents. I am 25 and am already getting freaked out about the fact that my dad is getting so much older to me. I don't have to live with him though! Just kidding. That could very easily happen to me. Remember, we are lucky that we have a door open to us in this situation. Take a deep breathe and welcome the nagging instead of gritting your teeth. Then bother the living day lights out of them. Did you remember to move that? Are you done with the dishes? Why are your clothes in the dryer? Are you ever going to wash your filthy car? So how is everything going? Take a deep breathe. You will be out soon enough, might as well spend some time with them. You know you will regret it later when there gone if you didn't spend enough, I would. Take up a new hobby order, the HBO series "Six Feet Under" Seasons 1-5 on, or anywhere just get it. Sorry you just sound like you need something to drown you out of everything, not just your parents. That show is better than booze. Its' the best thing ever. Hope I helped. You can message me about the show if you want.
• France
15 Jul 10
Oh mo God, you are the SWEETESTTTT!! It's like you've known me forever. Thank you for the very comforting words, I needed those very much, and a HUG :) Yeah, I know they're bugging me a lot out of love. And probably I'm just too egoistic to show that I love them as well. Yeah, I know. Once they're gone, I'll probably regret every single bad thing that I've done or say to them. Starting from tomorrow, I'll cherish them better. I PROMISE P/S ; I watched the first season of six feet under, and I gave up making way to Gossip Girl, Lost, Desperate Housewives and Heroes. I should get myself a life right? :p
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
Kelly you made me appreciate my parents more. I love them and despite their mistakes in the past and despite the problems they are giving me now, they are the best parents and the best person that God gave to me. And if they are not around, I will not been born.
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
When I was a student I was living with my parents, even now I am still with him. There is no problem living with my parents, actually that is the life I ever dream about, living under their shelter and under their guidance. I admired them despite their shortcomings and i have high respect for them. Maybe if I did not live with them I believe I became influenced by my peers.
• France
15 Jul 10
I'm sure you're a great daughter grecychunny. I just have the feelings that you are. Yeah, appreciate your parents while they are still around :)
@dodo19 (47360)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
15 Jul 10
No, I don't live with my parents. I'm going to a university that is in a different city than where my parents live. So, that's why I don't live with my parents. I lived in residence for my first year, and when I went to my parents' place for the summer, it was just different for me. And I have lived in an apartment ever since.
• France
15 Jul 10
Yeah, I was surrounded by friends since I left home 10 years ago. But being back home have its pros and cons. You should be grateful that you're already an independent student, enjoy it while it last :)
@T_Diamond (965)
• New Zealand
15 Jul 10
You're still in your young 20s, and if things aren't working out financially you've got plenty of time to fix them and then plenty more time to live indivisually. It becomes a whole different arguement when we talk about... a. Living with parents due to financial problems. b. Living with parents because you want to. Of course you'll have to consider the age. If you're say, 40 and still live with your parents...that's when it becomes really awkward... I'm still a student, and planning to move out to Uni in 1 and half years time if I can. If not, then somewhere in my early 20s when I'm ready. Best wishes to you.
• France
15 Jul 10
You have plenty of time ahead of you yourself T_diamond. Don't worry, you'll want to move out as soon as you can. But when you do, you would get really homesick :) Been there, done that
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
I recently graduated from college, but during my student years I have always lived with my parents. Maybe its because of the culture, well in our country most of us prefer to live with our parents until we get married. We are bonded by our culture - close family ties - we don't even send our elderly to the home for aged. We love our family members, no one is left behind. However, that is our culture. What I know most of the outside world is that they're teenagers prefer to be independent, which I find very cool too. I would want to become independent someday, but first I want to make sure that my parents are financially stable. Btw, what masters degree are you taking now?
• France
15 Jul 10
I'm doing a Master in Engineering, specialsing in Telecommunications. Yeah, it's the same in my culture. We do stay with our parents until marriage. But I have a long way to go before marrying someone, so yeah.. the only hope to be independent to find myself a husband :) How about? What did you study in college?
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
15 Jul 10
Hmm, they don't want you to be their responsibility anymore? I being living with my parents most of my life, and I haven't living apart from them yet. So, even I graduated from college, I am still living with them. Is that a shameful matter?
@qianyun6 (2066)
• China
15 Jul 10
Hi, lilmuchang! I'm 23 now and I'm STILL living with my parents TOO! They keep on nagging me about everything TOOO! So I'm being annoyed TOOOOOOO! But what I can do is bear, bear and bearrrr! I should admit something they said is right, but my ears are suffering seriously! Waiting for the day I can be independent from them!
• India
15 Jul 10
Yes i am still living with my parents and i find myself pretty comfortable while doing so. My mom makes the best meals in the world and helps me in almost everything except my homework. My dad though he works abroad comes here every once in 6 months and when he does he brings me new books and chocolates to read and to eat respectively. SO i am very happy to live with my parents although right now i live with mom only. But you are right also my mom keeps on nagging me also don't eat too much, don't be out or spend too much, Stop the computer etc etc etc. It drives me nuts.
• France
15 Jul 10
Haha, you have a very caring mother, lucky you! I'm on holidays now, so they always nag about me about waking up late in the evening. It is a holiday after allll!! :)
• China
15 Jul 10
After I finish my studying , my parents no longer give me money . They told me that I should earn money by myself . And I must learn to find a good job in order to getting more money . They wish that I can depend on myself , that is the most important for my future . They can not look after me all the time . So , I think that you should understand your parents' feelings .
@callmecat (247)
• United States
15 Jul 10
I'm 22 and I live with my parents, too at the moment. I'm on summer break so that's why I'm living with them no. Usually I stay in a dorm during the school year. But I understand your frustrations, but it's really the best option, financially anyway. I don't think many friends would be okay with you living off them and eating all their food without paying for it haha. But I think the nagging is just what parents do, ya know? If they nag, it usually means they care, so that's good that they care. So if they start to drive you crazy, just remember that it's free haha.
• United Arab Emirates
15 Jul 10
I know how you feel from being independent to dependent. Its a bad feeling but you must understand that to gain something you have to lose something. You parents love you and thats the reason they keep nagging.
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
I am 19 and I'm a student in college. I still live with my parents since the college I go to is quite near our old house so it would be logical to just live here since it would be less expensive and more practical.
• China
16 Jul 10
please enjoy living whit your parents,i think you have the happy time more than the nagging time . they love you ,so nagging you .maybe after several decades,you would be never nagged foever.
@Skade24 (749)
• Romania
15 Jul 10
I don`t like it, but i have no choice, i still live with my parents and my brothers. It`s pretty nice in a way to live with your parents, because you don`t have to be concern about the bills and many other payments, you have clean clothes without making an effort, good and delicios foods, you can stay in bed until 1 PM, but on the other way sometimes it`s kinda annoying because they bother you because they don`t agree with your decisions, but you can agree them, but then you can do what do you want, you can take this problem diplomatic way, and then will be all good.