Spoiled Food

July 15, 2010 7:37am CST
I just hate things that are wasted, so much more if it's food. Yesterday because of the long black out, all the food in the ref was spoiled. You name it from the rice, left overs, milk, bread, fruits, sauce etc. 2 bags full of spoiled food. Now, our ref is so empty... (except for the water and ice) Although the good part is, we didn't store as much food in the ref compared before. If we did well, all will be a waste. I think it's always better just to have enough than to have too much...
15 responses
@krnavtr (285)
• India
2 Aug 10
Food will get spoiled if we don't eat on time.What ever we eat,we have to prepare less and eat all.We should not keep leftovers which we don't feel like to eat.There is chances of getting food poison If we eat the spoiled food so don't eat leftover food.Food will become spoiled if we can't finished eating at home and when we don't get time to eat next day.
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
19 Jul 10
Well nobody would ever anticipate a blackout with open arms so no, I don't blame you. Our ref is a very compact and small one so I guess it helped store the cold for a longer period of time compared to large refs where there was extra space for the cold air to disperse. We always seem to get spoiled food because we sometimes store too much than we can consume. I think until now there's still that decaying string beans in there, wrinkly potatoes and carrots that are impossible to eat.
@malpoa (1214)
• India
16 Jul 10
I too do not like wasting food. Previously my mother in law was in charge of food and things like that . I just used to sit and eat, now that she passed away, I manage the section pretty well and I can confidently say in a much better way. I ask our maid to cook only how much is required for the day and if there is left over, I instruct her to cook less on the next day. Though in the deep freeze we store non veg items and if we too face a power shortage for such a long time then those would get damaged too. But I have seen my mother taking out rice and milk when the electricity snaps. She resteams or reboils and strains rice or just pour water to rice and keep it, and reboils milk. It stays good for a day.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
17 Jul 10
This is certainly a pet peeve of mine. You see, we don't have lasting electrical outtings here on a regular basis, but I can think of three times that we've had outages that have lasted multiple days and it is awful on the budget and on the amount of waste that you have. Ours typically happen following an ice storm and because of that, the temperatures outside are very cold so we've been known to save some things in the snow/ice outside to preserve it. However, the first time that it happened, we lost over $1000 of food from our chest freezer.
• United States
16 Jul 10
I dont people who wase food i always take the food as i can eat i dont wast food its not good many people on earth dont get food to eat so we should also not wase the food inspite of waisting give them to poor peoples...
@iderek (1)
• United States
16 Jul 10
Yeah I rather have just enough than too much, a lot of my food spoils all the time since I don't have enough time to eat it and it isn't used in the same meals as the usual meals. And when we go out to eat it just gets left there.
@webzap (884)
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
Yeah that 24-hour brownout yesterday did the same to us too, but we were able to cook some of it when we sense that the power outage will not be a short one. Since there was a rumor that the outage would last for 3 days, then we started to cook everything in the fridge although we don't have enough in there these days. At least we were able to save some although we wasted some too. But milk and the like were all gone to the bin.
@hanagi (390)
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
That is really a waste. Sometimes you would stock food for emergency but when black out happens all we have invested would just go to the trash can. Maybe you are right it is just right to have enough than having too much. Too much is always dangerous.
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
15 Jul 10
These days food has become very costly. I came across several families where they cook in large quantity than sufficient and waste that.Or use it for the next day.This is bad for health. Though people are educated and they know about healt they do this which hurts me a lot. One should learn several things in life.....
@Comagirl (146)
• Spain
15 Jul 10
Oh what a great shame, I hoep you were not in the dark for too long as well. We had a power outtage 2 weeks ago that lasted all day - we ended up having to barbeque all the meat in the fridge and freezer that was defrosting around us, and still ended up throwing away lots. We're hoping to claim against the power company for this loss, I don't know if that option might be available for you - good luck
• United Arab Emirates
15 Jul 10
i dont like wasting food either. When i eat food i take only how much i want even if the food is tasty i keep in mind how much i eat. I dont want to over eat aswell. i always thank GOD for giving us good quality food, as there are so many people in the world who do not have food to eat.
• United States
16 Jul 10
I dont people who wase food i always take the food as i can eat i dont wast food its not good many people on earth dont get food to eat so we should also not wase the food inspite of waisting give them to poor peoples...
• United States
16 Jul 10
I dont people who wase food i always take the food as i can eat i dont wast food its not good many people on earth dont get food to eat so we should also not wase the food inspite of waisting give them to poor peoples...
• United States
16 Jul 10
I dont people who wase food i always take the food as i can eat i dont wast food its not good many people on earth dont get food to eat so we should also not wase the food inspite of waisting give them to poor peoples...
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
If you can't rely on your electrical power then what you did is just right and appropriate but it would be wise too if you just have more stocks specially if you are that far from grocery store. Yet, that if too if you have guarantees that you won't experience any interruption of electricities like in the place where I am right now. Since the time I came here, I think I can only count with my own fingers the number of times that there was a brownouts.