transition from baby to toddler

July 15, 2010 9:24am CST
My daughter just turned one last Tuesday. She's been so active ever since she turned 6 months. Right now, I'm just hoping and praying that her level of hyperactivity will not get more and more as she enters the toddler stage.
5 responses
@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
9 Aug 10
Hi, That is kid...getting active as they grew older. It goes same to my son. When he reached 1 year old,he started to know more things and can recognize more things around him. Start to explore this and that and feel more curious. He even start to take out things from cabinets.I have no choice to use a rope to tie the cabinet door,just to stop him from ransacking the whole house. I bought some educational toys for my son,as it is time for him to learn more things. Buy some storybooks and try to spend more time with him. Of course, I need to have my own free time too, So i will let him explore with his toy and always come back to look at him,make sure he is not moving around too far from my distance. Since your daughter has turned one year old, you can consider to potty train her. SLowly,do it step by step and as time pastby,she will be diaperless at home and during outing. Simple get a very basic potty and always tell your daughter to let you know when she need to pee. Of course,she may not get the point straightly,so you have to keep repeat and repeat. Every one hour, bring her to her potty for pee. When she does it well,reward her with a kiss and hug. It is not easy task being a mother,but spending time with our kid is the most precious moments in our life. Enjoy your motherhood.
• Philippines
9 Aug 10
Thanks shia88. There are so many things that she's started doing on her own. I am thinking of doing potty training around 15 months and have been reading about it already. Once she already told me that she has "kaka" in her diaper. I thought it was funny when she said that coz that's the term we use with her when she makes-you know. Thanks for the advice. I think we both enjoy being a mother.
@mabey1 (334)
• Romania
6 Aug 10
congratulations, for the birthday girl. i have to dissapoint you, he will only get more activ. my son did the same thing. he was pritty calm during the sitting perioud after that he's just like an energy bomb. you just can't keep up with him. but is also much fun, every day he learns new thing, i just love this perioud of his life. you should too.
• Philippines
7 Aug 10
Thanks. My daughter walks without support now but I still follow her around just to make sure she doesn't fall or bump into something. I do enjoy every moment I spend with her.
@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
27 Aug 10
HI, It is pretty common to have an active baby. Or else, we will start to get worry if your baby have slow reaction(not active). Of course, active baby may need more attention and you can be very busy with your daughter as she grows up. Since your daughter has reached 1 year old, I guess she has started to stand up with holding on something ,So pay more attention as small kid very curious on alot of things and put aside those sharp objects. For my son, he started to walk when he reached 13 mths old and I was very busy taking care of lot of attention for him and now my son is a toddler(3.5 years old). He knows more things and be more independent in certain areas.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Aug 10
That is so exciting that your daughter recently had a birthday. You might think that the transition that you are going to go through is going to be very tough, but it isn't nearly as bad as you think. She will become more active and will start to do new things on what seems like a daily basis, and it really is a lot of fun to see the new things that she will do. You will have to make sure that everything that you don't want her to get into is up plenty high because she can and will find a way to get into almost everything in your house. Despite all of this, enjoy this time with her because she will grow up too far.
• Philippines
7 Aug 10
You're right. Perhaps I was just a bit scared that her level of hyperactivity would double now that she's a toddler. She enjoys playing alone now and she can also already walk without any support. She really lights up our days.
@much2say (57346)
• Los Angeles, California
15 Jul 10
Happy one year to your daughter! Being so active is good - she is thriving and very curious about the world! My daughter was always active from day 1 it seems . . . she is now 5 - and I'll tell you she is a hand full - hee hee!! For kids like this, you just have to keep them busy - and that should always include physical activity to burn that energy out - hee hee. My son is 8 months - and although he is a calm one, he is physically getting active . . . I think he's going to go from rolling to running - ahhhh!!
• Philippines
16 Jul 10
Wow, rolling to running at 8 months! I think my daughter is going to follow the same path as yours. That's why I decided to be a full time mom. Thanks for the comment.