What do you know about Diabetes? Can you help me?

July 16, 2010 1:30am CST
My father was diagnosed to have a Type 2 Diabetes. I am now groping what are the pros and cons of this illness. All I know was Type 2 diabetes is about the pancreas failed to produce insulin. And the symptoms are being thirsty, to urinate always and dizziness. I want to know what they should be eating to decrease their blood sugar? What are the normal quantity of blood sugar our body should need. How much is glucometer and where can I find that? What food he should be eating everyday, what are the exercise I propose to him. I am really worried, I want to help my father but not only through medication but emotionally and psychologically. He is under medication and the doctor said that is for maintenance and that is for forever. Can you help me? I more appreciate if you will share the experience of having diabetes or having a member of the family having that illness. Thanks a lot.
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11 responses
• China
16 Jul 10
hi Grace,i can understand your feeling, and as all we know that diabetes can not be cured, I thought it is until one day my doctor friend told me that now the final solution is to get operation, he said that after operation the blood sugar level can keep on the standard level forever, that means patient can eat everything and does not need to worry about blood sugar increasing. But of course the operation maybe will have other side effect, but it deserves cause diabetes is more risk disease for human. I do not know more detail about this operation, but anyway you can try to search this information from hospital and get more advices, then you can make decision.
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@rsa101 (38293)
• Philippines
16 Jul 10
I am not aware of this operation you are talking about. But from where we are there is no operation recommended for diabetes. It is the pancreas that is not functioning well anymore and you could not repair it anymore. What I know is the stemcell transplant which is not yet acceptable as of yet. That is the only one I know that said can cure diabetes. But so far this is still under study and is not yet being offered. If ever they are offered they would probably be offered at a very high price. I know in China they have these stemcell transplant already and created wonders in healing but the medical world are still skeptical about this.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
16 Jul 10
Hi grecy, I do not know much about other things related to type 2 diabetic patients but a study has shown that a healthy diet was defined as one high in fiber, with a high polyunsaturated to saturated fat ratio, and a lower mean glycemic index. Obesity has been found to contribute to approximately 55% type 2 diabetes and decreasing consumption of saturated fats and trans fatty acids while replacing them with unsaturated fats may decrease the risk. Sharing feelings with you or the doctor or a diabetes educator could work a lot. If your father is having a hard time getting through his day because of depression, anxiety or other overwhelming feelings, he may need to see a counselor or other mental health professional. It's okay to seek professional help to assist you through this difficult time. Better you too learn about the type 2 and do the needful so that your father does not go into deep depression. Though stress and depression do not cause diabetes they could worsen the condition one is already in. Good luck to you and your father.
• Philippines
16 Jul 10
Actually my father is a strong person. We are facing this problem with full strength and we are trying hard to live a normal life. No one cried when we found out that my father have it. On the other hand, although we accepted it I can't live a normal life now, since I am always worried. I am worried because I have no knowledge regarding that one. Maybe if I will be educated or train my heart will not pound everytime my father give me a missed call.
• Philippines
17 Jul 10
Yeah I am trying to be cool mostly at home, but when I am here at work I can't hide the worriness. I believe I will get used to it when the day comes.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
16 Jul 10
I think you are unnecessarily getting tensed. Now, as your father has it, all you need to do is to embolden him to take this issue in the most normal mode, as if nothing has happened. If timely check up and the diet is controlled as suggested by the doc, there is nothing that should sent your heart pounding. Just cool.
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
17 Jul 10
My mother also has type2 diabetes and it is controllable especially if your father does not skip meals and takes his medication regularly. You also have to know how high is high in terms of his blood sugar levels and what is low. I know that you also live in the Philippines, so recommending sugar free snacks may blow your budget. Just limit his carb intake (white bread, rice, starchy food) because this converts into sugar. I also suggest tea, any kind of tea with a dash of cinnamon and honey. It has worked for my mother in regulating her diabetes.
• Philippines
17 Jul 10
thanks anne! I am now researching everything about diabetes. Your inputs are really needed. I will try to give him tea. His blood sugar is 325 and that was high, we don't know now since we do not have glucometer or any instrument that can read blood sugar at home. I will canvass later for that, actually one of my friend here told me that a glucometer is not really necessary as that is expensive. In that way I have an option.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
16 Jul 10
Hi grecy, I do not know much about other things related to type 2 diabetic patients but a study has shown that a healthy diet was defined as one high in fiber, with a high polyunsaturated to saturated fat ratio, and a lower mean glycemic index. Obesity has been found to contribute to approximately 55% type 2 diabetes and decreasing consumption of saturated fats and trans fatty acids while replacing them with unsaturated fats may decrease the risk. Sharing feelings with you or the doctor or a diabetes educator could work a lot. If your father is having a hard time getting through his day because of depression, anxiety or other overwhelming feelings, he may need to see a counselor or other mental health professional. It's okay to seek professional help to assist you through this difficult time. Better you too learn about the type 2 and do the needful so that your father does not go into deep depression. Though stress and depression do not cause diabetes they could worsen the condition one is already in. Good luck to you and your father.
• Philippines
16 Jul 10
Yeah, I was having problems a while ago with Mylot too.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
16 Jul 10
Oh gosh, due to network problem response got repeated.
@o0jopak0o (6390)
• Philippines
16 Jul 10
well a glucometer is really expensive if you have to shipped the little paper sticks. less sugar or no sugar on the diet one. i have a book about diabetes.
@o0jopak0o (6390)
• Philippines
22 Jul 10
well i have a local one that i can bought it. the bad thing about is sometimes you need to use it twice a day but regularly its once a day depending on the gravity of the diabeties. the cost will add up even if those sticks are less than 10 cents each.
@edorms36 (275)
• United Arab Emirates
19 Jul 10
HI! sorry am not able to reply soon, got tied down with work. anyway, there are also other brands of glucometer out in the market, if you find the accucheck expensive, you can check some other brands that are less expensive, or might as well ask your father's treating doctor if he knew a certain company that sells it, he can order for you through the medreps he's in contact, you might even get a discount that will be given by these medreps to the doctor.
• Philippines
19 Jul 10
http://www.mydailymoment.com/diet_and_fitness/diet_tips.php?date=2010-07-13&utm_source=DFBNLProspectiv-Multi&utm_campaign=DFBNL2010-07-13&utm_medium=DFBNLyahoo.com I just saw that from the internet. I wish it could somehow help.
• Philippines
17 Aug 10
Thanks for this one Saranggola! There are lots of article for food and diet, I feel it can be of great help.
@rsa101 (38293)
• Philippines
16 Jul 10
Just say to your dad welcome to the club... I was diagnosed in 2006 and so far I am able to manage the site pretty fine as my sugar level has gone to normal the past two years already. I think the only thing he should do is slowly stop all of his habits like drinking, smoking and other vices, lower his intakes on sweets, and eat moderately on many things that could aggravate his sugar. Rice is #1, eat fruits but with moderation, I liked apple a day which has I think helped me with balancing my sugar levels. Avoid Mango which can really increase his blood sugar, grapes with moderation and other sweet fruits. Diabetes can be life threatening but it is in the complications that he should be wary of because almost all of the deadly diseases can be linked by being diabetic. From the heart, to the BP and even cancer can all be triggered by diabetes so I think you should try your best to make his sugar to normal levels at all times. It is a complete change in his lifestyle as many says. Glucometer is quite expensive I did not bought one but if your father has unmanageable sugar levels he better get one. In my case, it was manageable that is why my doc did not recommend me to get one. There is nothing to worry about the disease actually if you just follow the basic rules to manage the disease just look at Gary Valenciano he could pretty lead a normal life but he is taking insulin already which means his type is a bit serious already but you can look at him living like he does not have it. Good luck on your father and hope you could cope with the problem.
• Philippines
16 Jul 10
Thank you. I buy fruits for him everyday, so apple is much better. What about Rice? lower the intake of rice, or moderation? So what are the signs when my father have unmanageable sugar levels?. Actually his lab test will be given on Monday, maybe the doctor will advice him of what to do. I wish I was there and record what the doctor will advice. I believe i really have to be there. Is having Diabetes expensive?
@dodyast3 (1514)
• Indonesia
16 Jul 10
First of all, diabetes has no cure. But nothing to worry about it. Your father just need to take a medicine to reduce the sugar level. He needs to keep his appetite in control and cannot take any sweet or food that has sweet or sugar in it. And of course, he needs to have glucometer at home. When he feel dizzy or sleepy in many occasion, then he needs to check his sugar level. If the level is going up, then he needs to take his medication till his level back to normal.
• Philippines
16 Jul 10
Yes he is undergoing medication. So when he is sleepy we need to check his blood sugar level. Actually I don't have an idea what is the normal level of blood sugar. Too sad that diabetes cannot be cured. And I worry now because my father always needs someone who will look after him. I worry since I am always at work. My mother was there but she have illness too.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
16 Jul 10
Hi grecy, I do not know much about other things related to type 2 diabetic patients but a study has shown that a healthy diet was defined as one high in fiber, with a high polyunsaturated to saturated fat ratio, and a lower mean glycemic index. Obesity has been found to contribute to approximately 55% type 2 diabetes and decreasing consumption of saturated fats and trans fatty acids while replacing them with unsaturated fats may decrease the risk. Sharing feelings with you or the doctor or a diabetes educator could work a lot. If your father is having a hard time getting through his day because of depression, anxiety or other overwhelming feelings, he may need to see a counselor or other mental health professional. It's okay to seek professional help to assist you through this difficult time. Better you too learn about the type 2 and do the needful so that your father does not go into deep depression. Though stress and depression do not cause diabetes they could worsen the condition one is already in. Good luck to you and your father.
• United States
17 Jul 10
ya thats true diabetes have no cure that is not the only desese cancer is also one of that deases in my family many people having diabites i think its because of sugar..
• Philippines
17 Jul 10
Maybe more on pancrease problem that it fail to produce insulin. It is because of some people's lifestyle and they fail to exercise and they like to eat more sweets.
• India
16 Jul 10
No cure fore diabetes.Proper diet should be taken first and every day he should go for morning morning walk and also he should be free from tension.Dont worry
• Philippines
17 Jul 10
Yes I will take note of that. Morning walk and free from tension. Thanks a lot Varmacool. I will invite him for exercise every morning.