Do you enjoy grocery shopping?

July 16, 2010 3:16am CST
Well, I do. You see all these products all lined up, all stacked up. Their so neat. In the fresh produce you will see all this wonderful colors of green, yellow, red, orange, purple you name it. The meat section has all this variety of meats and sea foods, you have plenty to choose from. In the snack area which is my favorite area. Lol. I always try out new snacks. I choose the shelf in which the product is always half full (which means a lot of people are buying them) And of course those free taste test. Who could resist them? Do you enjoy grocery shopping?
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44 responses
16 Jul 10
I am not that fond of grocery shopping or any kind of shopping, i make a list but rarely stick to it, it's all those buy one get one free & three for two offers that are my down fall.
• Israel
17 Jul 10
Me too. I stock up on things I will need when they are on sale. I can always put shampoo or pasta in the cupboard until I need it.
29 Oct 10
I like and enjoy grocery shopping when it's not that busy, as often you see and notice people that tend to get your back up where I am. This could just be me but the amount of rude people who just go around in their own bubble. I actually wrote a discussion about rude people and shopping not long ago and I hate shopping where ever it maybe when it is busy. Much prefer to take things slow without people pushing into you etc.
• India
30 Jul 10
Surveys say that men don't like shopping. All surveys have an exception. And in this survey, i am surely an exception. I love shopping for groceries. That's a sure shot stress buster for me. And, I am very good at shopping. My wife compliments my 'value for money' shopping and insists that I accompany even for her part of shopping.
• Philippines
21 Jul 10
I absolutely love grocery shopping. I love the variety of products, there's always something new every week. And i like to do it because I can pick out what I usually prefer with my cooking. If my husband does it, he`ll just get any kind he puts his hands on first. And I end up going back to the shop again to buy the right kind. :P
• Philippines
20 Jul 10
yes i do! i like to shop alone. i think better when im surrounded by rows and rows of stuff
@akn1961 (1034)
• India
10 Sep 10
i do not enjoy shopping,i enjoy going to restra ,picnic places ,love lovig people and give happiness ,thta ives me added fragrance to my life.
@funnysis (2619)
• United States
18 Jul 10
I am never in a store long enough to pay attention to the setting of items.I have my list and get in and out as quick as possible,its not an unpleasant experience but I have a multiple of health problems,so getting in and out works great for me.Have a great day.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Jul 10
hi again yes I do like to grocery shop as I can pick out the foods that i must eat for health and for diabetics. now alas I am interred here in this tiresome retirement center where we are fed what they think we should eat. not fun, not at all. but for now its the only home I have so I do make the best of it.We were evicted,my adult son and I and we were made homeless. homeless in America is horrid, they look down there nose at yu and think the worst. well my diabetes and bad leg and my age worried my so so with the help of my social security and ssi and a lovely young man named Drew from adult protective services and my son,I came here. My son now finally has a job and we have some hopes of maybe getting back together in an apartment when he has had time to accumulate all the money you need to get into one.then I will again buy my own groceries.
@celticeagle (172510)
• Boise, Idaho
19 Jul 10
Everything seems to be different each time I go to the store. The fresh produce is always neatly displayed. I like to read labels and go when there are not alot of people around. This is difficult because it seems like whenever I go there are alot of people there. I am not big on crowds.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
17 Jul 10
Hi santos! I really don't care for grocery shopping because it is too much of a chore. I need to watch how much money I am spending to stay on my budget and I find it very stressful. I mean the actual shopping itself is fun, sort of! I get all flustered though because I am trying to "meal plan" while I am shopping so that I pick the meat and what I'm going to make with it. I do my "major grocery shopping" for the month since I don't have a car and take a taxi home (I walk to the store that is a nice distance away). The if other items need to be picked up my bf will go. He stopped by the grocery store today to get a few things because it is so hot here in NY and I don't want to cook! I told him to get some sandwich stuff and salads!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
18 Jul 10
For me it really depends on the situation. If I'm going shopping without my children, then I really do enjoy it. However, if I am forced to take my children (or even worse my children and my two nieces) this is something that I don't enjoy at all. So, I would have to say that I enjoy doing the grocery shopping about half of the time because the rest of the time I have to go to the store with one or more children with me and I end up buying a lot of things that I don't need.
@RachelleNH (1396)
• United States
17 Jul 10
I hate it LOL, it's a tedious chore for me. I try to get in and get out as fast as I can..and by doing so...forget lots of things
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
17 Jul 10
I never did like any kind of shopping like some of my friends. I always just got what I needed and left. Some women spend hours and have to look at everything in the store. I hate grocery shopping, but not as much as before. I have difficulty walking and it was a chore to walk thru the store and push the cart. The store that I go to now has electric carts, so it is much easier. They let me take the cart out to the car, which a lot of stores won't do. It is a small store, and I guess because they aren't real busy they can send someone out with me to bring the cart back. The cart makes it much easier, but it seems everything I want is on the top shelf or there is a display in front of it, and I can't get to it. If someone is around I will ask them to get something for me, but I like to read all the nutrition labels and decide what I want. I can't do that if someone is helping me.
@Tina30219 (82813)
• Onaway, Michigan
17 Jul 10
I don't mind grocery shopping as long as I am not hungry when I go because if I am hungry when I go I plan to buy more than I planned on buying. I also like seeing all the new items that are coming out that I may like to try out with my family.
• United States
17 Jul 10
I love grocery shopping. I know a lot of guys don't because they think its a woman's job or something stupid like that. I know what I like and if I'm at the store I can pick what I want. I do most of the grocery shopping for my family since I'm a stay at home dad, I also think its important for people to know how to shop. Some people have everything done for them and if they never learn the basics they will starve when its their responsibility to feed themselves.
@med889 (5940)
17 Jul 10
I also like to do some shopping there because as you said it is neat so very hygienic and it is clean for us to walk and choose what we have too instead of asking someone to take it for us, so I have been some times with my parents and I like it
• Kenya
17 Jul 10
I love to shop for groceries. I find it therapeutic. I meet and interact with different people. I like to shop early morning when the shelve as being loaded with new items. At that time the shop is not busy, there is a personal touch to the shopping. When I do my shopping during peak hours the shop is full.Everybody is in a hurry. It becomes impersonal. I can feel the tiredness of the shoppers. The shop attendants are usually over whelmed with customers. If I ask for something they are irritated.I love to shop early so it is out of the way.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
17 Jul 10
Oh! It's one chore I hate doing. It takes so much of my time, and I can't seem to buy everything we need at home. I always end up missing stuff. Plus, I hate the paying part. Sometimes it gets so expensive, and way over my budget. Specially if I give in to tempting stuff that we don't actually need. Stuff which are unhealthy too.
@jonnifc (1017)
• Philippines
17 Jul 10
Yes I do. Especially if it's a big grocery store that's clean and has wide aisles and lots of products to choose from. It makes me feel all grown up when buying food for our household. It always takes me a long time to do my grocery shopping because I go through every aisle and compare products. I take time to read the labels, you see. I love trying out new products too, especially food. I also have to have a grocery list on hand so I don't go overbudget.
@juryse (752)
• Philippines
17 Jul 10
I love doing groceries! It's part of retail therapy. :) I love going from one aisle to another. Pushing the cart. Tasting the free samples.