Obama Vs. Fox News

United States
July 16, 2010 4:19pm CST
Watch Fox News This Sunday(7/18/10) at 9pm Eastern and 8pm Central time for a VERY SPECIAL BROADCAST. Fox News is going to reveal the true, ugly, radical past behind the man we call the President Of The United States - Barrack Obama. They've been holding back this information out of courtesy, but since Obama took on Fox News, they are airing an important documentery about his past including: His participation with Reverend Wright for over 20 years for reasons other than he stated and more details into his radical past. They are showing things that NO ONE else in the media is willing to reveal in an attempt to open your eyes to how this country is being sold to Totalitarian Socialism. Everyone who lives in this counrty should watch this --- This is History In The Making
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6 responses
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
17 Jul 10
I think it is a bit late in the game and besides I have the feeling that even if they had told it at the beginning of the election, because of the media propaganda and the drams on Tv that blacks were unjustly victimized and all blacks and African Americans were good or had a good reason for their crimes, that many would have still voted for him, But then perhaps the results would not have been what they are now and if he had won with this information known it would have been a very slim majority. This also might make people more careful in choosing the members of congress so that any far left socialist "communist" policies of him would be stopped.
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
18 Jul 10
I thought that had they got the news sooner, they would have reacted differently. You know I blame the media for much of this. Look at the movies, such as Enemy of the People, The Green Mile, and TV shows where the victim is often a black person and he has this victim look on him -sad eyes. America had its Civil War in the 1860s. Surely almost 200 years is enough time. Look at the Jews. They were persecuted during World War II and even before that in many Western Countries, but not now. The same with the Irish, and other groups who were put down because they were not acceptable and took the dirty jobs. So people assumed that black meant goodness and progress. But Obama is not of that, and there is a suspicion that he really is not an American born citizen who kept his citizenship. Do you know what that means? If a man is black, it does not matter if he is a natural born citizen or not. The laws given by Congress does not apply to him. He can be president even if he is born in Kenya (all right if it was in the American Embassy, I gather, otherwise not that good) and it was not wistful thinking of his grandmother. And the irony of it, there may be a Black man running for president who is honest and aboveboard, believes in the constitution, etc. but because of Obama, people will be wary about electing him.
• United States
16 Jul 10
What are they going to tell us that we don't already know? We know Obama went to Rev. Wrights church for years. We know Rev. Wright is not a good person who has said some horrible things. We know Obama was a community organizer that specialized in helping the black communities, but that in itself is not racist...he just saw a community in need of help and helped them. We know he went to a muslim school for a while when he was a kid...but hey how can you blame him...he did not get to pick the school..his parents did. We knew all this BEFORE the election and it did not make a difference then. He still got elected. So what are they going to say that will make a huge difference now? Can they prove he committed a major crime? Can they prove he is racist? Can they prove the "birthers" are not crazy? Can they prove he was involved in pay for play? They are going to have to have proof to back it up too. It is going to take something major to make a difference. Something both sides will not be able to ignore. Because if it is something petty...the dems will just ignore them and call Fox news racist and propagandists. they will dismiss it and still support him. And I have a hard time believing ANY news organization would sit on something really MAJOR without reporting it. They would want the scoop. The exclusive. The ratings. The sensationalism. So unless Fox just found out something the other news organizations don't know about...I have a hard time believing this is going to be anything life changing.
• United States
16 Jul 10
I don't what they know. It wouldn't make much sense for them to release information that everyone knows. They way it seams is that its new information. Obama addmitted to going to his church but what Fox is saying is that he participated in what he did. im not sure what they mean by that. Hopefully they have Real Information that hasn't been hear by anyone. Maybe Obama is hiding something and Fox's reporters figured it out? Just have to wait till Sunday to see.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
17 Jul 10
I don't do much on the conspiracy music playing while someone tries to make me afraid that Obama is tied to Muslims. I have no problem with Muslims. I don't do much on the context of the secret stuff. I have a pretty good idea at this point about who Obama is. I feel he's one of those 60s-type backwards wannabe quasi-commies who believes in social justice over equality, a Chavez-like rule over freedom, redistribution over the free market, and automatic livelihoods for everyone who can fit into America. I believe that he believes it's his job--the job of the government--to make sure this is how America eventually works. And I think, to that end, he knows he has to be a smart politician and play it slowly. His personal persona, in my opinion, is loud and dramatic, like Wright. But his political persona is diction personified, always calm, cool, collected and articulate - the intellectual. So I feel he's a phony. What I think about Obama is that his vision is detrimental to America. It's the vision of a loose dictatorship, where the state has too much influence on means of production, media and personal freedom. Folks could quibble about it not technically being socialism, and they'd at least win the semantics argument. But in the context of American capitalism and personal freedom, it's a complete 180. And this is why I do not support President Obama. I don't need Fox running a Roswell bit to try and get my panic juices flowing. in fact, I think it cheapens the network to present it like that (if that's how they're going to present it).
@idtrebor (53)
• United States
16 Jul 10
This will be very interesting, This country is spiraling out of control we need a President who stands up for us, the people of the United States!!! We are being sold out.
• United States
16 Jul 10
Wow I cant wait to see this, thanks for the information! : )
• United States
16 Jul 10
Your Welcome!! :)
• United States
18 Jul 10
Hello I have Direct Tv live in U.S, Texas, Temple, I can't find what channel it is on can someone help?