Moving around with corrupt people can you also get corrupted?

@alienstar (5142)
July 18, 2010 6:05am CST
There are some good instances of good people changing into corrupt after they started moving around with bad people ! are you one of those who can get influenced by bad people or do you feel that even though you have bad people in your friends circle, you cannot just change from good to bad? do you fee you have that self control within you to control your emotions and have patience at these testing times of your life or do you surrender and become corrupt like others?
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14 responses
18 Jul 10
Its a matter of choice but if you feel where your heart and mind and perspective goes.You cannot pull yourself to do something that you are not bound to. Being corrupt and stealing for people which give us benefits its not good.I do not say that we cannot change because as the matter fact its in you and what you have believing and trained to do. No one will ask you to control whats within ourselves alone not with someone else but you.If your high with powers given to you maybe their are some who forgets on what they are believing but for me I will not surrender my dignity its only my greatest possession and my armor in life.I do not say I'm perfect but I'm just fair.
@alienstar (5142)
• India
19 Jul 10
At young age, this matter of choice is very easy and maybe at that age it also depends on your luck as they won't be thinking much on kind of friends they make.Whoever talks nicely with them become friends and then close friends.If by luck he makes good friend, then it is fine and if it is other way around, then it will be worse for sure
@roldango (229)
• Philippines
18 Jul 10
I always stand by what i believed in. My principle in life is to be a good person at all times. while there are instances when i got tempted to join the band wagon on "corruption", my conscience can never let myself be influenced at all costs...Staying rooted with the values i have lived through makes everything easier....
@alienstar (5142)
• India
19 Jul 10
People like you are rare as it's always easy to say than to get anything done isn't it? many people say that they know what is bad and what is good and also say that the can judge people well and see that they don't join bad company and at last end up with joining bad company ! so, once you make this mistake in your life it will take time for yourself to come out of it if at all you decide to !
• Philippines
19 Jul 10
That would most probably come true. If one is surrounded with bad people to badly influence him, chances are he will in the end become bad too. It is better to stay from persons who you believe will influence you badly.
@ET28LV (1890)
• Latvia
28 Jul 10
Hi alien, I think in all countries is this corruption problems. In many fields is corrupted people like police officers, doctors, bussinies people, goverment etc. If I would work on of this fields I do not think that I would be like them, but maybe this big money what they get will close my eyes to bad side. I do not think that people can change me to bad or good person. Only I can change myself not others.. Take care, Have a nice day!
@sunnyp1 (60)
• Ireland
18 Jul 10
I don't think anyone is immune to corruption. If someone lives within a social culture where some corrupt actions are considered normal then eventually that person will probably begin to believe that the corruption is normal as well. That is why it is so very difficult to root out corruption, someone has to come along and convince the majority that these actions are wrong before things really begin to change.
@alienstar (5142)
• India
19 Jul 10
I didn't say that, but at young age people don't think much as they fall into artificial things quite faster than anything else.There are instances of good students getting spoiled by joining group of friends who are really bad.Does that mean a good student cannot even judge who is bad and who is good? otherwise why on earth will he select bad company?
@jerikjames (1041)
• Philippines
18 Jul 10
It's true that you get to absorb what the people you hang around with are doing. Even if you don't like it, sooner or later you'll find yourself doing the same thing. But if you have a strong belief in your principles, then you'd be able to screen out the culture and habit that your peers are presenting. I'm actually the type who doesn't get influenced. Maybe I have a strong sense of doing what I believe is right. But of course, corruption is another thing. In big or small things, we could be corrupt in our own ways. You're not corrupt when it comes to things like bribery or anything that deals with money. Yet you're corrupt when you don't do your duties and let others do it for you. =) So I'm corrupt in small ways, but corrupt nonetheless.
@alienstar (5142)
• India
19 Jul 10
People with strong principles and strong willed are rare as everybody do make mistakes in life which they also repent it later on.If you on thinking about your past life, perhaps you will also regret on doing something which you didn't want to do.So, it is all your age that makes the difference actually and not vice versa.
@asiregar (864)
• Jakarta, Indonesia
19 Jul 10
if the hearts and feelings are always close to God then most likely we can avoid acts which violate and try always to think positively and correctly
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
19 Jul 10
Well, many people are way too easy to influence, and they get corrupted if they hang out with corrupted people. I have hanged out with corrupted people and that hasn't changed me at all. I ended up being tired of them and just stopped hanging out with them. Unfortunately there are too many weak people who can't just say "no", so for those cases it would be better to choose a good company. If you're going to change anyway, better to change for the good
• Jamaica
18 Jul 10
I don't think so it as to deal with your frame of mind and your attitude to what they do . You don't nessecarly become corrupt its up to you if you want to become corrupt. However i agree that there actions may take a toll on you but it is up to you my friend to be that different one if they are all corrupt.
• India
19 Jul 10
There is a fair chance of getting corrupted, but only if the desire to get corrupted and the thought of being benefited by it exits inside us. If one is very determined to be honest, he/she won't be corrupt that soon.
• Romania
19 Jul 10
I think not. But hat depends .... if the corrupt peple are powerfull or not...
@carpediem17 (1315)
• Singapore
19 Jul 10
Everyone has their own moral compass. Being amongst people will include those who are corrupt. It is up to the individual whether to go along or stand separate from the riff raff. As history has shown, definitely even the good people have succumbed to greed, power or lust. I should therefore minimise contact with the corrupt person during 'testing times'.
• Turkey
18 Jul 10
bana arkadasini göster sana kim oldugunu söyleyeyim.yasadigi çevre insanin aynasidir.
@twistzao (71)
• Portugal
19 Jul 10
If you mess with corrupt people you have a good chance you get corrupted too. If you play with red painting, you may get painted by her . :)