Are you the talker or the listener?

United States
July 19, 2010 9:34am CST
I find that with everyone I know I am always the listener. I feel like there is no one that really listens to what I have to say. I guess because I am more laid back and I don't demand to be heard like others do. I like listening but I would also like if I was listened to once in a while. Does anyone else feel like they are always listening but never heard? Are you the type of person that is always talking or always listening?
3 people like this
39 responses
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
21 Jul 10
I am more often than not the listener. Even when I want to talk I often end up listening because other people start talking about themselves.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
22 Jul 10
It's ok that you're not made that way. It means you won't ever be rude or insensitive and that's a good thing! What really drives me crazy is people who constantly interrupt you to ask a gazillion irrelevant questions until you totally lose track of whatever you were talking about in the first place!
• United States
22 Jul 10
Hehe. Yeah, I hate that too. I have had people do that to me also =)
• United States
22 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =) You sound just like me, that's what I go through every time! I hate it sometimes. I want to be like can't you just be quiet for 2 seconds and let me talk about my life for once? I can't be that mean though, it's just not the way I was made I guess...
@greygoo (795)
• Philippines
19 Jul 10
I've always been the listener too. now i find it hard to open up to people. i have this two friends and we've been close since grade school. these two always fight and they always have issues which leaves the reconciliation and bridging job to me, the middle person. also, i'm the one they approach when they have other problems because they really can't take each other into confidence with their hate-like relationship. i was fine with it, and our friendship lasted even with that arrangement. i mean, it's not like that anymore because we're a hell lot older but it went that way for years. so i have come to be the listener. it was ok for me. i was never the 'open' kind; i was used to keeping to myself. but i guess my friendship with the two sort of reinforced my attitude, and i'm finding it hard to tell people how i feel. i'm just not used to it. i'm not sure about know whom i could trust, not even those two. it's sad.
• United States
20 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =) I hate being the middle person between two friends! That's the worst. My sister and my other best friend would always get into fights and I was stuck in the middle. It was horrible! That is sad. I hope you find someone you can trust so you can open up a little... I think everyone need's that sometimes. =)
@greygoo (795)
• Philippines
20 Jul 10
yeah, I've realized the importance of actually having someone to talk to or having someone who'd listen to me. i'm actually glad i'm able to talk about stuff like these in mylot. thanks for the discussion:-)
• United States
20 Jul 10
Your welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I never thought it would be such a big hit like this honestly =)
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
20 Jul 10
Hi! I can claim that I am a listener and I love to listen to others and their problems. I speak less if others are speaking. It is fun listening to others.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
22 Jul 10
If you listen to someone intently, then only you would be!
• United States
20 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =) It is fun learning about other people and what they have to say, I agree with you there. It's also nice to be heard once in a while though.
@scififan43 (2434)
• United States
21 Jul 10
I am alwasys a lister myself. when I do try to talk nobody seems or wants to listen. I am also a laid back person myself and I guess that is why I am that way too. I also think that it has a lot to do with my personality, I tend to be intoverited and thay ussaly means someone who is a thinker and likes to keep to himself. when a friend or co worker has a problem I also lend a syitathic ear.
• United States
22 Jul 10
ok cool.
• United States
22 Jul 10
Thanks for your response and you also sound a lot like me! =) I am very to myself and quiet most of the time so it's rare that people think that I have something to say.
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
19 Jul 10
I am most definitely a listener. Like you, I don't demand to be heard either, im also laid back. Very cool and calm, I try not to let anything get to me. But I listen more than I talk, i'm ok w/ it because I'm a private person anyway especially when it comes to talking about my relationship.
• United States
19 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =) I am a private person most of the time too but when I need someone to listen to me with a major problem or something, it's hard. I would like to have someone I can confide in if I need it... =)
• United States
19 Jul 10
This is why we're here at mylot :) and I completely understand. Good Luck w/ everything
• China
20 Jul 10
i like to listen what my friend sid when she/he was sad or happy with my heart,i dont know what we should say when they were sad,i will stay with them and hear what happened.,i want they know they are not lonely. My english is not very well,so what i sid is not good .hehe i am a chinese girl.
• United States
20 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =) You did well with the English =) That's good.
• China
2 Aug 10
thank u,i think u should not mind ur mother,bucause u have urself family,u will be happiness.
20 Jul 10
Most of my friends seem to be the talkative type and I’m lucky if I can get a word in, so I suppose I’m the listener by default! Sometimes it’s a bit upsetting though, when I’ve listened to someone go on for over an hour, yet again, and they never seem to ask or care about what’s happening in my world.
• United States
20 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =) You know exactly how I feel then! That's what I go through all the time.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
20 Jul 10
I've often been told that I am a good listener and because of that I think I spend a lot of time listening to my friends, especially when they are going through tough times in their lives. Now, this doesn't however, mean that I am never heard. There are times that I need to be the talker in my life and it is during those times that my friends will take the time to listen to me while I talk about what is going on in my life.
• United States
20 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =) I'm glad you have people to listen to you, that's great! Everyone needs that sometimes.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
21 Jul 10
I've never been one to talk a lot. But that doesn't necessarily mean that I am a listener, or a good one at that. But, I do find myself the person a few of my friends come to when they have problems. Or if they just need to be heard. Like you say, I would also like to be heard once in a while. I just couldn't think of anybody within my circle that I would like to voice out problems to.
• United States
22 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =) I see what your saying, I wouldn't want to talk about my problems to just anyone either. They have to be trustworthy to me. =)
• Philippines
21 Jul 10
i am more of a listener first.i don't start a conversation but once a topic comes out i do the talking.
• United States
22 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =) I can be that way to, if I like the topic I do chime in sometimes.
19 Aug 10
I think I'm a talker. I am not patience enough to be a listener. I like to tell to others about my activities, my problems, etc to my friend or my mother but I always try to be a good listener too although It seldom works.
• United States
20 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =) Your the opposite of me then. I am always the listener, I do have a lot of patience though. At least you try =)
@kshp_dpk (213)
• India
26 Jul 10
I think, I am both.It depend to the situation.When my friend need to help from me then I listen them.
• United States
27 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =)
@Ashton1 (32)
• Bhutan
21 Jul 10
For me it depends on the situation I am in. If there are people who can do better talking than me, I prefer to listen to them. If i feel that something is not right, I do raise my voice. I consider my self a less of a speaker and more of a listener but that doesnt mean that I follow what I listen to. Listening is an act to show somebody that your talk matter to me, but whether ou follow on their talks or advices is totally on oneself. I dont mind standing in one place and nodding my head than speaking on something that I don't know and making a fool out of myself.
• United States
22 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =) Yeah, in a group I definitely don't talk a lot at all. I mostly sit and listen. People always out talk me when it comes to that.
@aaronfyzeon (1919)
• Philippines
24 Jul 10
I am a good listener. God gave us two ears and only one mouth so he probably wants us to spend twice as time listening as we do speaking. Makes sense? how can i respond appropriately without me listening to what the talker is saying if i don't hear him all out.
• United States
26 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =) I have never actually thought of that but that is an awesome analogy! I absolutely agree. Your very smart
@dierdre (2207)
• Philippines
20 Jul 10
In my case i try to observe the personality of the person that im talking to, if he or she is more of a talker, then i'll definitely listen. If he or she seems to be the quiet type, unless we are already close, i wont talk much unless its important. But if we happen to be close already, then i'll open up some topics for us to talk about.
• United States
20 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =) Your right, sometimes it does depend on the person we are with. =)
@derek_a (10873)
20 Jul 10
I love to talk, anc that's always been the way with me. But for the last 30 years, I have had to discipline myself to listen intently, because I am a therapist. A therapist who talks and talks, isn't going to be of much use to his/her clients. Listening is good now, but I have had lots of practice at it! _Derek
• United States
20 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =) Yeah a therapist who doesn't listen wouldn't be much help, hehe. I'm glad you have fixed that =) Practice makes perfect :)
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
20 Jul 10
I'm like you, the listener. I find that when most people learn this I can't get a word in edge-wise! Although, as a writer, it does have its benefits and they never know when I'll put them in my next novel.
• United States
20 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =) That's funny, hehe. =)
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
20 Jul 10
i am both, but knowing when to listen and when to talk when it comes to other people problmes
• United States
20 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =) It's good to have a good balance.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
20 Jul 10
I am definitely more of a listener than a talker. My wife can talk and when she is with me and another person who can also talk, I find it really hard to get a word in, so sometimes I just leave them to it and do something else. This has caused friction in the past as I have been blamed for being in a bad mood and not being social, but I just cannot keep up and get bored of having to listen. I have to give my words thought before I say them and by the time I am ready to say what I want quite often the conversation has moved on. This is not a bad thing though as I never get into trouble for putting my foot in my mouth, but my wife does as she speaks without thinking at times! I think that I feel the same way about others listening to me. I am pretty laid back as well.
• United States
20 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =) Yeah, I usually don't put my foot in my mouth either because I do think before I speak too. I like it that way :) My sister is that way, she speaks without thinking most of the time and she always get's in trouble with doing that!
• China
20 Jul 10
I argue this isn't a question,whether listener or talker is a good thing to me.
• United States
20 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =)