Finding the true religion
By zenki08
@zenki08 (700)
July 19, 2010 9:16pm CST
As of the present there are many religions wold wide. I find it really confusing that many claim that they are the true religion. The question still hangs how will I be saved? A lot of people do ask this question but with many religions teaching different thins where shall we go?
I have come to a conclusion that in order to be saved we must just foll the teachings of Jesus and have faith in him. For me that is the safest way to go.
10 responses
@onichboy (134)
• Thailand
20 Jul 10
I am also a Christian but sometimes I also have some or rather a lot of questions about who will be really saved when the time comes. I have watched a documentary film "end times" and after watching I suddenly became too worried if I belong to those people who will be saved and if the religion I believe in right now is the right one. But then I always believe that we all have one God (only in different names) and as long as we do things the right way and according to the teachings of our Lord, we will be saved. God bless us all.
@TexLadyPj (1328)
• United States
20 Jul 10
Herro onichboy
Welcome to mylot. May you enjoy the wonderful, educational experience I am having at mylot.
Can you say more about your beliefs? Have you accepted the FREE gift of mercy by God through His Son Jesus? Once we do that then He talks to us and gives us guidance on how He wants us to live. Doing things right according to the teachings of our Lord comes after acceptance of Jesus. This is what creates our witness so others will come to know Jesus. People may disagree with me and that is OK. I know my name is written in the book of life. Do I still sin? Yes, however, as long as I ask forgiveness and do my best not to commit the same sin, then I am learning. I am moving from spiritual milk to solid food from God.
God bless you
Prosperous ,mylotting
@rmorefield (941)
• United States
20 Jul 10
I am a Christian, but was raised with both Christian and Native American beliefs that were taught to me by my father. I don't think that there is only one right religion. They all sort of have the same message. They all pray to a higher being. They all basically say to strive the best you can to live a good life. To tell you the truth, even though I am a Christian and believe in Jesus, I honestly don't think that Christianity is the only way for us to get into Heaven. There are waayy too many religions out there for only one to be correct. I cannot believe that the religions that actually came before Chrisitanity are wrong. I think that the true religion is what is right for each individual person. I guess you could actually say that I am spiritual and not religious because of my beliefs, and I am fully prepared for people to read this and tell me that I am totally wrong. That is fine. But I cannot believe that the Creator I have grown up knowing in my life would condemn a child or adult for that matter in another country who has never heard of Jesus to an eternity in Hell. I just think that as long as we ask for forgiveness, we will receive it.
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@TexLadyPj (1328)
• United States
20 Jul 10
Hello zenki08
That is my belief, first, accept Jesus into your life. Follow His teachings. Produce fruits of the spirit. My life is relatively peaceful, although I have health issues. God did not promise me a "bed of roses", just the strength to handle any trial, temptation, etc.
God bless you
Prosperous mylotting
@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
20 Jul 10
But God did promice us a bed of roses. The Bible says if we will truly believe in God and Jesus all our needs will be supplied. These needs do not just include food, clothing and shelter like most people believe. It means anything we need with no limit. Everything we will ever need is at our finger tips right now. Our Christian teahing system just isn't correctly teaching us how to reach out and take it.
@TexLadyPj (1328)
• United States
20 Jul 10
Herro Arkie
I wonder what is meant by needs? I believe that many of us confuse necessities with luxuries. God promises to give just the strength to handle any trial, temptation, etc. Basic food, basic shelter, basic clothing?
Can you find the scripture that says God "It means anything we need with no limit. Everything we will ever need is at our finger tips right now."
Looking forward to your answer!
God bless you
Prosperous mylotting
@magtibaygom (4856)
• Philippines
25 Jul 10
Don't you know that by just following the teachings of Jesus Christ, you already have a religion? Even if you are not yet aligned to any religious group, church or denomination... You are already a Christian! You are a follower of Christ! 

@magtibaygom (4856)
• Philippines
25 Jul 10
You may add this one to the religious organizations you are currently evaluating:
@jupitercrashing (635)
• Canada
21 Jul 10
There is no true religion. All religions are the creations of men. There is absolutely no proof that any god exists, and there is no reason to believe that one (or many) does.
When it comes to questions regarding the universe, it's okay to say, "I don't know." However, saying, "god did it" is incorrect and dulls the mind and prevents learning and gaining knowledge.
@webmasterzein (321)
• India
20 Jul 10
Hello there !
What do you mean by truth ?!
For us what many people say and do is true .
What if all those are wrong ?!
I do not mean to offend any one, but wish to make clear that Religions were made by Man. Each one for their own convenience and habit.
We just follow others, without having any idea of our own.
Whatever be the Religion,
Good Deeds get back Good.
This is the truth.
Spread the Word :)
@nrab_11207 (174)
• Philippines
21 Jul 10
hello there webmasterzein...
as i read through this discussion, your response caught my attention..
"What if all those are wrong?"
for the benefit of the doubt, let's just say that following Jesus' teachings is wrong. Therefore, He is not the way to be saved, He is not the Son of God, He is not all He claimed to be and most of all, His teachings are all wrong...hence, eternity also does not exist. and there is no heaven and no hell.
and then let us say, I live for 60 years or 70. and i decided to follow Jesus at age 11 (that's when i personally made the decision). so it means, if Jesus' teachings were all false, i wasted about 50 years of my life believing in Him. that's because at age 60 or 70, i would be gone--- back to dust (because eternity also was false)
here's the point WHAT IF ALL THESE ARE RIGHT? and i did not make that decision when i was 11. or i was presented with the truth and didn't take it....
i would have lived 70 years of my life on my own and then SPEND ETERNITY IN HELL.
i therefore would conclude that, i'd rather "waste" about 50 years of my life believing "what could be wrong" (although in my heart i know that it is right) and live with its benefits (peace, joy, love, self-control, etc etc)..and then spend ETERNITY with Jesus my Lord... rather than live on my own stressful life (the world as it is) for 70 years and then spend the rest in eternal regret and condemnation.
@jupitercrashing (635)
• Canada
21 Jul 10
I've said it before and I'll say it again;
In the words of Carl Sagan, "It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
I'd rather not live my life in a state of delusion. I'd rather make the best of the life that I actually do have instead of focusing on and planning for imaginary afterlives that don't exist.
@ccdiane (151)
• Cheyenne, Wyoming
20 Jul 10
Greetings MyLotter,
About finding the true religion, Paul did explained about true religion in the scripture. I also agree with you that there is way too many religions in our present day world we live in. So on that note I would like to share with you about religion itself if I may.
Since becoming a Christian at a young age through my young adult years my spirit would not accept the society way of thinking about Christianity being a religion but for a long time I couldn't figure out, why. So I took upon myself to research the life of Jesus in the Gospels and about religion through the help of thee Holy Spirit and this is what was revealed to me.
We don't need to be concerned about religion(s)when one has truly received and accepted Jesus Christ "by faith" into ones heart and life completely not partially, this is called a true genuine "relationship" with Jesus and the Father not religion.
Christ did not come to establish a religion but to reconcile us back to the Father so this is why we have Christianity. Chritianity is not a religion as society and other religions like to claim, it is a "relationship by faith" in Christ who was willing to give His life and shed His precious blood on the cross for all of us so we can be saved and have eternal life for evermore.
Even though there are those who do not believe that there is only one way doesn't change the truth and the fact in God's Word. Jesus said it Himself, "I am the way, the truth, and the life no one comes to the Father except through me." How much plainer do we need, knowing Christ is the only way, period, to get to heaven.
So it is not about religion God is not going to ask us about our religion come judgment day to determine whether we are worthy of eternal life. It will be determined whether our names are written in the "Lamb's Book of Life" which means we had received and accepted His Son here on earth by having His blood applied to our lives and had been sealed by the Holy Spirit.
I hope by sharing this will encourage and enlighten someone to take a deeper look into God's Word through the Holy Spirit to receive the same revelation I did.
May you have a wonderful and blessed day.
@mac_mac1221 (478)
• Philippines
27 Jul 10
No one call tell you what to believe but yourself...:D If you believe your walking on the right path and you have faith not only with yourself but with everything and everyone then continue walking...:D We aren't force to believe all religious teachings but respect them. Do not be confuse, if you really believe in Jesus teachings and he'll save you then continue believing.:D
@rodlar33 (116)
• El Salvador
20 Jul 10
Every religion says it is the ONLY right one... therefore, they are all wrong.
I think you should choose whatever religion you like best. Read about each religion and their holy books. Ask yourself if what the books say make any sense to you. And if you would like to live by their laws. I am an atheist and I have read parts of the bible, not all of it, and things just don't add up. Things in the real world don't work the way they do in the bible. Don't worry about being saved or going to hell... just live your life and enjoy it! No one really knows what happens when we die, so why waste your time thinking about that? Love your family and friends, respect others, try not to hurt anyone, have fun and embrace every second you live, life's too short to worry about what will happen when you die...