what do you think MERCY KILLING should be legal?

July 20, 2010 1:28am CST
what do you think mercy killing should be legalized in all country? I think it is made legal in some countries.It is very important when people suffer from incurable disease like cancer and cant tolerate the pain anymore may resort to this means the result will be same,only in this case it will be sooner.As per my opinion I believer that If you already know you are going to die or your disease is incurable than why you suffer pain.It will also increase your medical expenses. Well if a person knows that he can't recover and he is dying,its better to give him death. Or do you think that mercy killing should not be legal because God has given us a life, a beautiful gift and he alone has a right to take it back. please reply...
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18 responses
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
20 Jul 10
Its a complicatd issue, and I have received a best response for this one the last time. Still I will state my opinion. As long as a person desires to live, or hopes that some cure is there, he may be deemed to have desire to live. And that determines whether he is truly ready for mercy killing or not. If it is suggested to him that there is a medication that might do him or her any good, then if his or her reaction is lets try it, then he has a desire to live. There can be many reasons for others to feel bad when they see loved ones suffer, but not one to switch off that ventilator and then cry in front of the photograph of the loved one for having left the world.
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@vandana7 (101604)
• India
20 Jul 10
Thank you Crazy Poster. :)
• India
21 Jul 10
you deserve this .....because you are the most active person in this discussion...
• India
22 Jul 10
whatever you think.....I LIKE THE WAY YOU ARE ANSWERING TO THIS/& OTHER DISCUSSIONS.....& this is not an insult.
@o0jopak0o (6390)
• Philippines
20 Jul 10
well sometimes it should be but not for all the cases.
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@vandana7 (101604)
• India
20 Jul 10
I agree.
• Philippines
20 Jul 10
Mercy killing depends on the family. If they do not want their loved one to suffer long, they have to do it. However, that was very hard and I admire those who can do it, because I can't. I am a little selfish about it, I don't want any loved one leave me, I still believe in miracles and I am having faith. Although I sound unfair, that is being me. maybe if I am on that position let see what will be my decision. About mercy killing being legal, In my country, since we are family oriented and conservative kind, we will not allow it for sure. People here believe in God and what miracle can happen every single hours. I am not really sure if some of the Filipinos were doing it, maybe it depends on the illness of specific person or animals.
• Philippines
21 Jul 10
as much as possible should not be doing it.Family should have a strong believe that their loved one will be heal. However, there is still a decision to take care off.
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
20 Jul 10
I am not at all ok with the family getting the right! There would be so many homicides with that - you have a rich elderly widow/widower, their children and son in laws, and daughter in laws become their enemies! Even poor ones would not be spared - who wants to look after elderly, especially when they are poor. Imagine the fate of childless! Nope, family definitely does not deserve to exercise that right.
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
20 Jul 10
I do not think that mercy killing can be made legal in any country. The reason is that it opens the door for too much of possibility of homicide. What you feel is a justification of mercy killing might differ from what someone else feels like? That could lead to the killing of people who do not want to die, but are unable to participate in the decision making process. Of course, I understand the other side of the argument that what if the person is suffering and there is no way to help the person!! I do not have an easy answer for that. Cheers! Ram
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
21 Jul 10
Yes, it is often a question of human spirit. If there is a will to live, I have seen people outlive expectations. My wife's grandma had cancer and doctor's mentioned she would not survive longer than a week. This was nearly one and half years back and she is still alive and kicking!! That's human spirit!! Cheers! Ram
@thanks1961 (7033)
• India
21 Jul 10
Hi dear, I agree with you more than 100%. There is no second word for it. After all it is a life and saving of life. At certain cases, we are (human beings) are helpless and I was pointing our helplessness position only and I am not arguing for it. When I was in school, one of my best friend and neighbor was bitten by a mad dog. I was in the 7th standard and this boy was a cute and intelligent one. The medication was not so good compared to these days. Even though he was taken to hospital, his condition was too bad and he started acting like a mad dog after few days. I still remember him and the entire episodes in my mind now. Finally, the doctor and the relative are forced him to kill him due to his sufferings and the conditions. Here also no body want to kill him and it was so horrible to see the scene. Some time we are take the extreme stpes to not to destroy, but that may help some people or some situations. Still, I am telling, I am not arguing for it, I am against 'mercy killing' and was just thinking of the exceptional cases, where we are helpless and may forced to do such things on the grounds of certain unusual circumstances. Dear, plese don't mis-understand me. Regards, Thank-s
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• Philippines
20 Jul 10
i thought in my opinion mercy killing should not be legalized because it is against the law of God..He said in the bible that He is the sower and the riper.
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
20 Jul 10
If so, why have wars as well? Or even the kill the cattle for food?
@sagar21 (1579)
• India
21 Jul 10
@meshezabel I agree.. @vandana...we need food to survive..and we chose ours...but do we need war to survive..?? creating peace is much easier than causing trouble and war...??? thanks...
• Adelaide, Australia
21 Jul 10
The wars & killing of cattle, etc for food is our choice & we pay for it, both individually & collectively. I think it was Tolstoy who said "wherever there are slaughterhouses, there will always be battlefields".
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
25 Jul 10
I think mercy killings should be made legal. Just like you said, if a person is suffering from a incurable disease and in pain all time. Why should that person be made to suffer. Also why should that persons family be forced to watch their loved one suffer. I think the reason it's not legal is because of the expenses. With medical insurance and doctors, making sure that they get paid no matter what. I do believe God gave us life, but he also gave us the choice of right or wrong. The question should be is it right to let a person suffer, or help that person to die. I know if an animal was suffering and nothing could be done would be to take it to the vet to be put to sleep. Last time I checked we are all God's creations.
• Philippines
20 Jul 10
i'm not going to use the pretense of "God gave us this life" blah, blah, blah... but i don't think mercy killing (as it is now) should be legal. if, and only if, it'd be allowed with the consent of the patient only, then i'm fine with it. i only believe in the people's will, the people who are involved not the people around them. i believe some people just want to fight for their lives no matter how hard it looks like to us. even with an incurable disease, what matters to some people is not the fact that they're dying but how long are they gonna live or how much time is left for them so they could do what they ought to do. or maybe i don't understand yet the concept of euthanasia since it's not done here. but, to me, even those who are in comatose and not really suffering of chronic diseases, when they show signs of life or wanting to live and is fighting for it, no one has the right to take away that hope of living. not even the family.
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
20 Jul 10
Consent of the person can be got through coercion and undue influence! I have already cited cases in the first post. I agree with your post almost in entirety!
@pinky31ps (142)
• India
20 Jul 10
well i think it should be legal because what is the use of that life in which the person is suffering and knows that he will not get healthy ever again. it is like we are making him suffer more.. there is no fun of such life. we should not think emotionally and use our minds that is it right to throw a person in the well of infinite pain.. when he cant recover then whats the fun f making him suffer.. so i thnk we should make it legal..
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
20 Jul 10
Did somebody tell you when the cure will be found?
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
22 Jul 10
I think mercy killing should be legal. I can understand why someone with an incurable disease wouldn't want to suffer anymore. The thing is though, they might come up with a cure a few weeks latter. If the person is dying and it will be soon, I think they should be allowed to die with a little dignity.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
22 Jul 10
It should be on a case to case basis. Each case is unique and presents different scenarios therefore it should be assessed accordingly and there should be a process that deals with this kind of request.
@sagar21 (1579)
• India
21 Jul 10
Euthanasia Its a criminal homicide thanks for sharing... have a great day/night....
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
21 Jul 10
I agree completely!
@oldchem1 (8132)
20 Jul 10
I was actua;lly watching an article on the news last night about a man who had suffered a stroke and had a condition called 'Locked in Syndrome' This was awful - he had been an active man, a rugby player in fact, prior to the stroke, but now despite his brain being perfectly active, he could hear and see, he couldn't move his lower face - so he couldn't chew, swallow, speak, breathe; he couldn't move his limbs, all he could do was to open and close his eyes or blink a specific number of times to answer questions. He had devised some system to communicate to his wife and he was begging to be allowed to die. When I see something as terrible as this I really do believe in 'mercy killing' It is though a very difficult question and I can see the pros and cons of both sides of the debate.
• Philippines
21 Jul 10
In my opinion, it should be legalized. I agree that God has given us life, but He also gave us one of the best privilege as a human being--free will.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Jul 10
Hi Crazy, That's a question that is widely debated, however I think that if a person is in great pain and requests it themselves it is okay.I don't believe that anyone is meant to suffer like that. Religion should have no say in this as it is a personal matter and all people don't think the same way. Blessings.
• Philippines
20 Jul 10
yeah, the person who like should have the consent. with other without asking the person who like it could be illegal.
@idtrebor (53)
• United States
21 Jul 10
Hi Crazy, I do think there should be mercy killing, only if it is a definate cause, I wouldn't call it "killing" , just helping the person along, esp; if they were a vegtible. Or in so much pain with a terminal ill sickness. Most terminal ill people go on a morphine high, that causes them to drift off..I no it's against God's law, but under the circumstances, He would have mercy on them.. take care God Bless, idtrebor
@otsxots (11)
• Philippines
21 Jul 10
That is what people argue about. if we look on it's ethical value, mercy killing is not accepted because you can not just take someone's else's life just because he suffers much. but, practically speaking, it should be legalized in every country. if there is the consent, great. it would also lessen their burden, although it's hard to overdose or remove the breathing app of the patient, still it would help the pt.'s relatives on saving money and also help the pt stop from suffering.