What can you do to get more popular?

United States
July 20, 2010 9:11am CST
I just started blogging again, what is the best way to gain more views to your blog. I have just done the normal things I could think of twitter and facebook, updating my site here. Are there other ways to advertise your blog without being obnoxious about it?
6 responses
• United States
20 Jul 10
Are you talking about the blog in your profile....I would say give it time you have only made 2 blog posts this year. You should be working on your seo...that is how you climb in the search engines and that is the goal of everyone who has a blog. Until then you can submit your blog to blog directories, search engines, join forums and put the link in your signature...make comments on other blogs of the same interest and you will be able to leave your blog link. Happy Earnings
• United States
20 Jul 10
workingmom50- You know I need as much advice as possible, so I appreciate any feedback. I am starting to update my blog now everyday. What is seo? How do you submit your blog to blog directories and the like?
• Japan
20 Jul 10
Hi aurorastorm, You can try easyhits4u to drive traffic to your website. Feel free to check my profile and check my website I have easyhit4u banner there. Have a nice day!
• United States
20 Jul 10
Thank you kyle2krystel, I will try that. I knew someone would give me some good ideas on here, that is why I really enjoy this website.
• Japan
20 Jul 10
You're welcome aurorastorm:) Hope it helps:)
@Elixiress (3878)
21 Jul 10
It all depends on what type of website you have. I have a website that is centred around a personal blog with an about me page and stuff like that. In order gain popularity I tend to comment on the blogs of people with similar websites since there is a "commenting back" culture on those sort of websites.
@vedanta (304)
• India
20 Jul 10
best traffic source for any site/blog is search engine . make a search engine friendly blog. learn some SEO tips . my lot is also a good source of traffic. other are traffic exchange . link exchange etc
• United States
20 Jul 10
I am not great at all the ins and outs of blogging obviously. What do you mean by seo tips?
@shane45 (63)
• United States
20 Jul 10
try social networking sites, like sidetick, swom, etc.
@Memnon (2170)
21 Jul 10
I am new to blogging, so I cannot give you any worthwhile feedback. I have recently joined a US based site called SodaHead. When I get some free time (I seem to be here so much!) I will read the FAQ and may have some thought then. From what I see there, posting blogs is more or less reciprocal- so you get back what you give.