African Violet start plant from a leaf
By lilachoney
@lilachoney (15)
United States
July 20, 2010 5:58pm CST
African Violets make nice houseplants for all year round. Plants have different color flowers which makes them more interesting. Even better yet you can make a couple bucks selling them with a little know how.
My plant of five years is big. I make many plants from the main plant to sell at flea markets or to donate for plant sales for groups like 4h,boyscouts,girlscouts,church fairs and other groups.
Easy to do you need - colored plastic cups from $1 store
- dirt any potting soil ok mine came out of yard
-1 plant to start with
-big aluminum foil or plastic tray for water overflow I find a lasagna pan works best
-bottle of root starter(if u need it I don't use it)
To start clip a few leaves off main plant. Poke holes in bottom of cup big enough to let water run out 2 holes is good.Fill cups with dirt poke hole in center of dirt with finger about 1 inch.Wet the soil in each cup. Take leave and dip in water then root growth starter if you are using it I didn't. put leave in center dirt hole.Put all cups in lasagna tray that's it let them grow.
Watering from now on water in aluminum pan the plant will soak it up through cup hole in bottom. DO NOT WATER THE LEAVES OR TOP OF SOIL this can cause leaves to turn black and die. You can purchase self watering pots from store like Walmart etc..keep an eye out for garden clearance sale. Then you would water one time a month in bottom pot and place top pot in it.It gets water through the ceramic.
The Violet Society exchanges leaves every year to get different color flowers and different leaves. You can always check on the internet who know someone might send you a leave.
Don't forget to give the kids a badge for this project and have an extra prize for most sales.
See video on youtube videos on houseplants. I also do Aloe Vera and bamboo in colored water .
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