What is your Vacation Bible School (VBS) theme this year?

United States
July 20, 2010 11:50pm CST
Our church did High Seas Adventure which was put out by Group. It was a huge success. The kids learned things like God's word is true, God's word is comforting, God's word is suprising, God's word is life-changing, and God's word is for everyone. It was a very fund week that I helped out with. Our ministry team did a great job at decorating, too, with inexpesive ways. They made boat windows out of paper plates and blue cellophane. They made fish out of water bottles that really looked like fish. This was a great week that I enjoyed helping with. Tell about your VBS
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6 responses
• Canada
23 Jul 10
HEY! Our theme this year is also High Seas Adventure!!! Our church only have VBS once a year, and it's usually around mid August. We already had our registration closed, and we've divided the kids into groups based on age. I will be assisting one of the group leaders taking care of kids 7 to 9 years old. The decoration hasn't started yet, but there's one person in charge of the decoration, so I don't know what she's going to do this year. Our VBS is usually 5 days long, from Monday to Friday 9AM to 3PM. We always have two field trips during the week. One goes to places related to the theme, for example this year is High Seas Adventure, we're gonna go to Maritime Museum, which is a museum for old ships I think. Then on Thursday, we always go to the waterpark to have fun with the kids. On the last day, which is Friday, we invite all the parents to come and see the kids perform what they've learned during the week. It could be singing, dancing, or marching depending on the theme as well. We had the kids learn marching when we had army theme. VBS is so exciting. I'm looking forward to it.
• United States
23 Jul 10
Sounds a lot like how we run ours. The Maritime Musuem is an excellent connection to the High Seas theme for VBS. Your church kids will have a good time.
@AmbiePam (95234)
• United States
21 Jul 10
That's really cool. I'm not sure what ours is. It was last week, and I wasn't there. They did it at night, and I heard it went well. I've had health problems for a long time now, and I'm not as active in church as I want to be. I'm sure I can ask my dad, he's the pastor. If doesn't know, we're all in trouble! LOL Nah, he mentioned it last week, but my brain was probably somewhere else. Our apartment complex actually had VBS here this last week. A local church apparently got permission, and flyers were handed out all over the complex. I know most parents just wanted an hour without their kids running around, but who cares? The important thing is that kids were introduced to good things, and they heard God's Word. Hopefully, a lot of seeds were planted. I would see them out there last week, under a tree at some picnic tables. It was heartening to see so many kids there.
@AmbiePam (95234)
• United States
21 Jul 10
Your theme reminded me of my church did when I was a kid. It was Patch the Pirate. Does that ring any bells? There was a whole lot of curriculum to go along with it.
• United States
21 Jul 10
That is cool that your apt complex did a VBS. Any way to get the seeds planted in those kids so that sometime in their life when they need it most maybe they remember that one time at VBS when they learned that God loved them. LOL on the thought of your dad knowing or not knowing the theme of VBS, Made me laugh. Never heard of the pirate theme you had as a kid.
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@AmbiePam (95234)
• United States
21 Jul 10
The coolest thing about the Patch the Pirate motif, was that it involved puppets. So we would get a puppet show each time we met.
@TexLadyPj (1328)
• United States
6 Aug 10
Herro kbjunior15 I know some people don't like the same theme at lots of different churches, however, the leadership treats the curriculum differently. Ours was "High Seas". It was last week. I worked in the nursery taking care of volunteer's children. I also helped in kitchen making breakfast for volunteers. One response said they made fish of of something. WE made clouds and used other materials from volunteers. Our snacks were made to sea adventure. When we completed our use of the curriculum, we put it all away very carefully, so another church could use it. Prosperous mylotting
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Jul 10
Yea ours was the same..the high sea adventure.... Personally I think it sucks that our VBS was the same as a church down the street and others in the world...When I was a kid more thought was put into it, We created our own, we didnt buy VBS kits.... I liked it better before.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Jul 10
Thats true. (the money thing) It works out, it just seems more generic ya know.. Maybe I'm old fashioned.. lol.. but it didnt seem to stop the kids excitement, they loved it, so it cant be all that bad lol
• United States
25 Jul 10
Yeah, I was like you growing up. My church created their own VBS and they were always pretty amazing. I don't attend that church any more. Like you, we had many local churches do High Seas like us. The one advantage is that they shared alot of the props, etc. so it helped to save money.
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@magtibaygom (4858)
• Philippines
25 Jul 10
I would like to inquire what's the name of the Church where you are affiliated with? The word Vacation Bible School is very familiar to me. When I was a kid, our Church, the Seventh-Day Church would occasionally conduct Vacation Bible School with us. It was really fun and I miss those times.
• United States
25 Jul 10
My church is Legacy Christian. It is a Diciples of Christ church in Cincinnati, Ohio.
@shockrayz (199)
21 Jul 10
what month is your vbs ? here i remember when i was at my grade school it happens at the month of May. That is our vacation here in Philippines. I remember our theme once. that is "always fear God"
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