Which is better: Stop Global Warming or Prevent this world from hunger?
By ftrazona
@ftrazona (222)
July 21, 2010 7:04am CST
Both issues were rising. . This always alarmed us. . But which is our priority to save our lives while we were still living in this world.
7 responses
@ftrazona (222)
• Philippines
27 Jul 10
but if global warming continues. . there's a possibility that there would be no food and water which is the basic. Our basic needs will be affected due to these global warming thing. Yes, we can't control the climate but at least, is there any way to prevent this global warming issue??
@dogsnme (1264)
• United States
27 Jul 10
When you talk about global warming and the climate you are basicly talking about the same thing. I've done some research on this issue not to mention the basics I learned back in high school about weather and other earth sciences. The climate goes through normal cycles of change and has done so for thousands of years. I'm not talking about the changes we see from one season to the next. I'm talking about periods of colder average temps and periods of warmer average temps. And these periods last for years not months. The hot temperatures we've been seeing around the world for the past several years are not unprecedented. The environmentalists and politicians and other people with power and money who are able to influence the policies of the worlds governments throw around this idea that carbon dioxide(CO2) is one of if not the main reason for global warming. They say that an increase in CO2 and manmade CO2 at that is the reason for this terrible "global warming." Well, their is no difference between manmade CO2 and the CO2 that occurs naturally. And, one interesting little fact that they(environmentalists and politicians) don't go around blabbing to everyone is the fact that manmade CO2, that comes from industry for example, accounts for only about 3% of all CO2 that exists in the world. The other 97% occurs...naturally. Think about it. When every man, woman, and child breathes they exhale CO2. Think about how many people there are living in this world. Not to mention the fact that animals exhale CO2 as well. That's a lot of CO2 being made naturally. And that doesn't include other ways that CO2 naturally occurs. Now think about how all the people and animals as well that have existed ever since the world was created have constantly contributed to the CO2 content. That's a lot of CO2 that the measely 3% of manmade CO2 doesn't even compare to. So if the "global warming" argument about CO2 is true then logic would have it that the best way to stop global warming is not to control or eliminate the sources of manmade CO2 but rather that the whole human race as well as the entire animal kingdom should just self exterminate. But, that wouldn't save the earth either because the CO2 that is vital for the life cycles of the plants and trees and other forms of vegetation would be gone and so they would die off as well. Scientific and historical research has even shown that instead of an increase of CO2 resulting in higher global temps, actually the opposite is true. As temps rise the result is an increase in CO2 levels. And evidence has been discovered that this has even occurred long before the Industrial Revolution ever came about. That's another fact that the people pushing the whole global warming issue are conveniently silent about. Something else they don't tell you about are the other factors that are big contibutors to changes in global temps. These factors include, volcanic eruptions and activity, the oceans, and solar flares and storms. So I guess we better figure out how to stop volcanoes from erupting, or how to control the oceans, or how to stop the sun from spewing out flares. You simply can't control any of it. Something else our "good-hearted" environmentalists and world leaders "conveniently" leave out of the whole discussion is the fact that there simply is no threat, at least no serious one, from global warming. There was a period several hundred years ago called the Medieval Warm Period during which global temps were warmer than they are now. And that period saw an increase in agricultural production and lifespans. One more thing. The real reason our world leaders are pushing this whole global warming thing is for their own selfish reasons. They want to rob the people of their money, or freedoms, or both. The Kyoto Treaty which was drawn up in the early to mid nineties was supposed to target the developed industrial nations and get them to regulate their industrial output in such a way that it would decrease the amount of manmade "greenhouse" gases...carbon dioxide, methane, and so forth. Sounds pretty reasonable and believable, I suppose. But now here's the surprise. Approximately, 150 countries or more are exempt from the treaty including China, India, and South Korea who are among the top ten manmade greenhouse gas emitting nations. The "global warming crisis" is nothing more than a world-wide scam. Our planet has been warming and cooling for millenia regardless of what we do and it will continue to do so. There is simply nothing that any of us can do about it. It is absolutely beyond our control.
@Smuds1 (2)
22 Jul 10
I think that Global Warming is a larger issue if it gets to the point where a bunch of species go extinct, ir-reversible changes etc.
While it may sound cruel, I'd rather take a few million (Billion I don't know the amount of people dieing in hunger) people off the earth than whole species.
I guess really, it would be better if the human race gets killed off, because we have caused some nasty things to this planet.
@MDG2211 (711)
• Argentina
24 Jul 10
I believe that easy mas would be to feed all these people that this spending hunger, if they want to do it one can, there are people and very powerful countries, which lamentably have other priorities, and difficult mas is to stop the global warming, and is the major one of the problems, because if we remain without planet everything is ended, for mas power and money that is had we all are in the same situation.
@rjkmrr (172)
• India
24 Jul 10
Both issue are equally important to be discussed. Even then to choose I want to suggest that prevention from hunger need to be stop first, because people need to be healthy to do whatever activities they required.
@JamieHenriques (200)
21 Jul 10
Well this is quite an interesting questions. If you look at both issues, one is globally more intense. Global Warming (which many people think is a myth) is the more serious issue. Primarily because it can affect the whole world. Therefore, more focus should be labelled on Global Warming. That being said it is quite selfish. Because we are looking to save the whole world at the expense of many african nations who are huner stricken.
What I am trying to say is that both are eqaully important. But the real question is "Should we sacrfice a few nations at the expense of the whole world?" That is a question for you to think about.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
21 Jul 10
I think the issues of global warming should be addressed first. If we don't do something about preserving our planet, we won't need to worry about world hunger anymore. There would be no one left to be hungry.