Do you feel like weeping sometimes?

July 22, 2010 9:15am CST
We sometimes feel sad..especially if we have problems which are tormenting us. In this situation do you feel like weeping? I often feel sad and feel like weeping....I try my best to keep myself happy but I am unable to do sadness always follows me. Sometimes I may be happy but only for a short time...most of the time I am sad...don't know why? What about you?
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6 responses
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
22 Jul 10
We are only human... happiness and sadness is part of us. Therefore, we should choose to live happily and try to do things that makes us happy. Most of the times, we have the choice to choose. Learn to see things on positive sides. However, at times...sadness just can't be avoided. In that case, we should weep and let it out. Then we will feel better! It is our lfe, do not let other people or things to steal our happiness. We should pursuit happiness always Cheers, be happy :)
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• Mauritius
22 Jul 10
Thanks you give me the courage to be happy...and to disregard the sadness...and to see the positive side of live.
@nobbsy123 (851)
• Australia
22 Jul 10
It's never the best thing to try and hide your feelings, because sooner or later it can become too much and you cry any way. Sometimes I get angry and i go and smack a pillow against the wall to let off steam, I often weep in private when I'm alone. You can talk to some close friends about anything that's bothering you. Maybe go for a walk to a park walk the dog or something to get some fresh air. That should help also.
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@webzap (884)
• Philippines
22 Jul 10
Sometimes I feel like weeping too most especially when a problem suddenly crops up and I can't do anything at the moment. Before my eyes gets wet, I have to go a crowded place so my mind will focus in a different direction. And then after sometime, I will be okay.
• India
24 Jul 10
Hi, yeah there are many situations even I too worried for many things even there are days where I cried in bathroom how much I can that much and come out of situation...but it takes a a days i have come to a situation that everything is our fate whether we feel sad or happiness it's not in our hands already programmed nothing in our hands...everything to be taken light...when there is a difficult situation definitely there will be something good near by which is going to happen for stop crying and worrying.....happiness and sadness are like two sides of a is too short enjoy naa....what ever happens is for our good only...k...all the best take care...
@Thumb86 (287)
22 Jul 10
I am bipolar. because of my medications I cannot weep..even when I feel like crying. :|
• Mauritius
22 Jul 10
What is bipolar...if i can try it .....
12 Aug 10
I definitely feel like weeping at times like that. It's hard not to get so frustrated to the point of crying, without actually doing it. But I have to agree with someone here who said that "you should never try to hide your feelings" I'm did that and it's been hard, but you have to determine when it is that you'd like to be truly happy. Write, draw, talk to a friend or someone that you trust, and walking or running does wonders also. Most definitely don't hide your feelings because it does eventually make things worse. At least for me it did.