Everyday life weapons

July 23, 2010 1:15pm CST
back in 2005 after I earned my black belt and qualified to teach basic karate i taught a class of women how to defend themselves at first i taught them the traditional karate but over the years i have also been making my observations about karate it is a beautiful sport, brutal and graceful at the same time but not really that practical on the streets so i set aside 5 of my fastest learners and developed practical self defense for them first thing i trained them in was cardio after all... my motto was "evade before you engage" and then i taught them the practical uses of things they usually carry a bag can be used as a pummeling weapon. lord knows the amount of makeup and other stuff they have in there makes it heavy enough to beat someone senseless with a few precise strikes to the head. just like nunchuks coins can be used as blunt shurikens... just throw them in your assailants face... i always carry spare change in my pocket just in case an umbrella can be used like a night stick... although it won't last long... and the metal tip can be used to jab at your opponent shoes can be used too... just grap the tips and hammer away... stilettos are extra deadly a book or a rolled up magazine can be used as a club... just make sure you hold on tight heck even your lrt or mrt cards can be used as blades. those sharp edges can give a nesty papercut... especially to soft tissue areas like the face or neck keys can be used as well... just knuckle up and let it slip through the gaps of your fingers and you have a crude knuckle duster but my favorite will always be the belt (if i have no other proper weapons at hand) it is a very effective whip look at your daily surroundings and learn how to use it to your advantage if you are ever in a dangerous situation ta ta for now
6 responses
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Jul 10
hni chipesterkhan back a few years I began using a quad cane as I had had a shoulder joint replacement due to a bad fracture.well this young punk seemed to think my purse was easy pickings a plump 80 yearold woman walking with a c ane. But scared as I was I grabbed cane and brought it down hard over his arm that was grabbing for my shoulder bag. I think I broke his wrist but I got the heck out of there, not waiting to find out at all. He was jumping u p and down and screaming so I am sorry if I hurt him but I was not going to let him have my handbag with all the money I had just got from work. He must have seen me withdraw money from the ATM machine and followed me.At that time that was the only thing I could think of to defend my self. lol.
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• Philippines
24 Jul 10
To about self-defense could really get you a long way in life especially in the kind of world we have now. I don't know any self-defense except shouting at the top of my lungs in front of a mugger and running away as fast as I can:)
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Jul 10
hi rinouex yes for anyone who has healthy legs thats the very best idea but alas I could not run fast and the idiot would have had my purse any way. I took a chance but my quad cane is havey made of heavy steel so it w as a formidable weapon. I had been to some classes where they told us of common things we could use to defend ourselves, even an ordinary comb I was told could be used as as weapon.
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• Philippines
1 Mar 11
An everyday weapon for me is a whiteboard marker since I'm a call center trainer and it is something in my pocket or something that I hold all the time. Another practical weapon is a cola or purified water bottle. Bothe can be used as impact weapon and can be sure that it won't kill.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
2 Mar 11
correct... any plastic bottle can be used as a bludgeon did you know that you can also roll up any reading material (like a magazine or newspaper) and use that as a bludgeon too?
@mspitot (3824)
• Philippines
31 Jul 10
This is very useful. I remember my classmate when I was still in college. We used to have classes that ended at night. When we were walking going to the jeepney station, She would always remind us to have our pens in our pocket so we can use them against bad guys that might appear along our way.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
19 Aug 10
Its nice to see someone trained in traditional martial arts and yet have an open mind to learn other techniques. May I suggest you also look up the Philippine martial art of kali-arnis-escrima (either name works). This martial art adopts a no nonsense approach to streetfighting and trains a practitioner to be ambidextrous and focuses on fighting with weapons (but not necessarily alone, it also teaches lightning fast unarmed strikes, grappling and trapping as well). It is by all means an effective and complete martial art which I think will complement your base art of karate.
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• Philippines
19 Aug 10
the umbrella maneuver is a one handed arnis trick i learned it's longer but basically uses the same technique
@buli23 (550)
• India
27 Jan 11
I think not only women but also men should learn the martial arts for their own protection. Hi my friend you are doing well for our society. It is a fact that women in our society fell insecurity all time if then learned the karate they can defend themselves from any unfavorable conditions. I think it is one of the most important weapon in our daily life.
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• Philippines
28 Jan 11
or just avoid dark places and run fast
• Philippines
16 Mar 13
That would have been really helpful not unless the person would black out. Have you tried training them using fake weapons or role-play style burglary? It helps a lot.