A theory on why people no longer go to church and not because they hate God
By suspenseful
@suspenseful (40192)
July 23, 2010 2:30pm CST
I was thinking the other night about prayers. I had prayed for myself to become pregnant and that never happened. I did not tell anyone about it because I married in the 70s where women were supposed to try not to get pregnant and I felt i was being selfish in asking. When I joined the church I am in now, I prayed for my husband to be a Christian and go to church and not just get angry at God for something that happened to a friend of his. Well I never bore a child after marriage, although I prayed earnestly for it, I prayed for my adopted sons, but they went to the Roman Catholic church, I prayed for my husband's conversion but it was only when he got Lou Gehrig's disease and my friends helped him that he converted. I prayed for money above the usual praying for the conversion of the world and for the defeat of the devil so I can save for a very good laptop computer so I could write a good Christian novel on it that was not boring like many of them. But that is just the tip of the iceberg.
The income tax people owe us a check because of my husband's disability and having to fix up the house to accomodate that and my husband already had a patio put in so he could sit outside in his last few months or couple of years in his wheelchair and enjoy the sunshine. But the check is being delayed because of something or other.
I am feeling that it is the prayers of my friends that are getting answered, but not mine. I wonder if that is normal, if it is God testing to see how I stand up?
I also wonder that one way to show you are not God's children is when you have been tested for a long time and then think God is telling you to get out and that you are not one of HIS children?
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17 responses
@Kalatis (1)
24 Jul 10
One of the things that has bothered me about religion more than anything else, is the theory that if you pray hard enough God will grant you what you want, if, it is His will.
It's sort of like if you don't get what you pray for you just didn't believe enough, or God is angry, or He is testing you, or you didn't deserve it. It makes God out to be some sort of magic lamp - just rub it the right way and magically you get what you want. Rub it wrong and look out!
That's not what life is about and that's not what God is about either.
Life is about living it to the fullest, about reaching out to others and, wait for it, being happy. You don't have to be a grinning fool and you don't have to like hardship, but notice good things in your life too.
We don't always get what we want and there may not be a good reason for that. Why can't you have kids, so many folks have kids and don't even want them - so God must be angry or testing you. I don't think so. I think that there is a reason you can't get pregnant - perhaps it's medical, maybe psychological, maybe it isn't in the grand scheme of things. Maybe it's just not supposed to be.
I think we shouldn't look toward God as a cure all for everything we want out of this life. I think we need to help ourselves and help others. I think we need to ask God for strength and knowledge. And then go out and get what we need for ourselves.
If the tax people are giving you trouble go ask your MP or someone knowledgeable in these things to help you sort it out. You have to be active and help yourself.
God is a source of strength, a source of serenity, He is an anchor and a sanctuary, but He is not a magic lamp.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
24 Jul 10
We did adopt, but then a couple of years ago, my husband got als and now I am his caretaker, but as I told my friends, if God thought I could not handle a pregnancy by looking after my husband, putting him to bed and getting him up and dressing him before we got the homecare workers, and trying to feed him and I still have to put him on the bath chair for him to do #1, and I do not gag is proof that I am able to take care of babies.
We did send out the proper information, but I wonder if the doctor was not specific or if one of the contractors was not specific enough. My younger son the accountant will look into this if the check has not come by the end of this month, but we already took money out of the equity fund and now I may have to pay for all rather then share the groceries because we have to put money in the equity fund.
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@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
23 Jul 10
God would not tell you that you are not one of His children. God would never do anything that would hurt your personal relationship with Him. The one thing God wants from us is our attention. If He has our attention He can teach us anything He wants to and take us anywhere you want to go. Very often God will hold up things He would love to give us for the simple reason they would distract us and pull our minds off Him.
God personally teaches us through our human brain. He can easily plant thought that will lead you in the right direction. One of the hardest things we will ever do is keep our minds and our thoughts where God can get through us to teach us. The clatter and rattle of this world will walk us all straight into hell if we allow it to. That is probably the biggest problem we will ever have in our relationship with God and Jesus.
Make free time where you don't have anything to do and just fold your hands in your lap and free your mind where God can take you where ever He wishes to. Ifr you do any praying make it in your thoughts. That is the strongest prayer you will ever pray. What need would God have to listen to our lying lips when it is so easy for Him to just take a look inside and see for Himself what is really going on? You can't con God with your thoughts but you can try to with your words. No matter what you say within your thoughts you still know the real truth. That's what God wants from us. The real truth, that's all He deals in.
Don't be concerned about God testing you. He has no reason to test you about anything. He already knows the real truth about you.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
23 Jul 10
I often wondered that the reason some people leave the church is because they feel that God has rejected them, that they are not really one of HIS.
And one of the worse things is to feel that God has not brought a conversion of a loved one while they were together and it was only when either the loved on left home, or someone else brought them to Christ that they became Christians and did I mention that my husband absolutely refused to go to church when it was just me asking him to go? Yes, sort of makes you wonder.
I could sit quietly and wait for God to talk to me, but I only get the message from HIS WORD. Satan on the other hand is quite vocal and I know it is him because I asked him if I did something against God's will, would that be okay and he said yes.
I knew then it was the devil. Now I am not talking about loud voices, but voices in my head. I guess the ones who heeded those voices went stark raving mad and started to kill people, but that is neither here nor there. All I know is you have to test the spirits to see if they are of God.
I have been told we ought to pray to God for everything I find it hard to pray for materialistic things since I do not want to appear as selfish. So I did not pray for God to give me this or that. I did not feel right, but maybe I should have. Or maybe I was not emotional enough.
I dearly wanted my husband to go to church with me before and to walk in, not just be wheeled in a wheelchair. It also hurt because I belong to the choir and my husband had a very good voice, He really could have given glory to God with his singing, but not anymore.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
23 Jul 10
I'm sorry suspenseful I can't remember, what is your husband in a wheelchair for?
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
24 Jul 10
He has Lou gehrig's disease or ALS. He got it acouple of years ago and now he has to be tube fed and has lost his muscles in his arms and legs . Also he can no longer hold his head up and finds it difficult to talk so we have to use the laptop -of his which is specifically set up for him .
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@bloo_equinox (422)
• United States
24 Jul 10
People don't go to church anymore because either they just don't want to, they don't want to get up so early, or they're a little lazy, or they don't have the means to reach a church.
I'm one of those people. I'm very serious about my faith now that i know Him and all He's done for me. I would LOVE to go to church! I don't have the means to get there. 1) I live far out of town
2) I can't drive (no license AND seat belt phobia!)
3) Public Transit doesn't come out this far.
4) None of my friends seem to be churchgoers, so I can't hitch a ride!
The least I can do for Him is tell others of His word and what He wants, and read my Bible and talk to my religious fiance. Self-teach and learn.
But I really wish I could go to church. They're so pretty and comfortable.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
25 Jul 10
I guess your city is such that they only allot so much space for churches. It has happened in Winnipeg. There are lots of churches in the older parts of the city,but then there is only a few because the city decided that since churches do not pay any taxes, except for the straight property tax, to only put the space outside of the city limits for the church. So what we had to do when we wanted to find a new space for our church since the present location was too small was to find some building that the city did not want anymore.
I think it is more then being lazy. Having no means is the only good reason because someone living in an isolated area may not be able to go and really wants to.
So you have to pray that God will get a church going in your area and what will happen will be that perhaps there will be others like yourself who move to your area - maybe there will be an economic improvement, maybe the houses will be cheaper - I do not know just speculating.
So what usually happens is that after a while, they will be tired of having to travel all the way across the town or city to go to church, and they will start one there. That is what usually happens. Or you could write to the church you want to go and ask for a church planting. That has been done.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
23 Jul 10
Wow, suspenseful, you sound down on yourself..G♥d does test us, but He never gives us more than our shoulders can handle. As for the feeling that it was your friends help that moved your husband? They were just at the end of it, I am sure your prayers were the foundation.
As for being told to "get out" that is not G♥d..any who wants a relationship is not be turned away, all are welcome. So I am wondering, are you going to stop going to church because you feel that you are not one of His children?
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
24 Jul 10
I do know that , but I am not a strong person . I do know that GOd will never give me more trials but it seems it is all happening at once .I do wonder for those who were not children of God that Hegave them more then they were able to bear . In other words the degree that one gets determines whether they were or what strength God gives them to overcome the trials determines if they are children of GOd or not .
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
24 Jul 10
I always thought that people who were strong, were strong inside as well. I will look for the message. I am feeling a little down. Our fridge is starting to go, we have had a reprieve because our friend took all the ice out of it - one of those side by sides. But I was going over my life, and I found that one pray was answered and it was the wrong prayer. And I found that when another prayer was answered, Ihad to get mad at God first, and I had to say that out loud. i hate doing that. It is as if HE did not think I meant it unless I made a scene and I hate making scenes.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
24 Jul 10
Suspenseful, no one is really that strong, even the ones that look like they have it together, in reality they are just as weak as anyone. You know, I got a very encouraging word this morning, I will PM it to you, because it just seems to be something you need right now..
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@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
24 Jul 10
God doesn't put burdons on us. He doesn't have to. This world we have built and mankind will put more on us than we can handle if we are not real careful. God is in the business of helping us to deal with our burdens, not putting them on us. Most peop[le don't understand it but God works on the barter system. If you are willing to give to Him then he is more than ready to give to you. Gode gives to us according to our standing with Him. The closer we are to Him the more He can give to us. Also, the closer we are to him the more he can protect us from this world and mankind.
You are probably thinking you don't have anything you could give to God. We all have a lot more we can give God thanm we know. God made it possible for us to always have something we can offer Him in order to receive something we need. No matter who you are or where you are you can always fast. You can always give up your meals for a day or two and sit down and have a nice chat with God.
People get upset because they pray sand nothing happens. Most often they are praying for something they want rather than something they really need. Our needs on this earth are actually very few and God knows what they are even before wqe need them. He also put them in place for us before we needed them. There is only one problem with this system. Everything has a price tag, even with God. If you are willing to pay the price it is there for you. Convincing God that you are indeed ready to pay his price may be a serious problem. Most people try to hold back something from God and you can't do that. If you give Him a little He will give you a little. That's the way it works.
Most people stop going to church for the simple reason they don't find what they are looking for in church. Either the church is offering more than what they want or less. Most ofter it is less.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
24 Jul 10
I did decide when I wanted the laptop that it had to be a very good one, and that it would be used to glorify God. I am not the type who thinks that all we have to have is just a shack and clothes to wear and food to eat - to live in poverty. I do a lot of writing here on myLot and I am also writing a Christian novel, but it is hard when this computer breaks down so often.
I also wanted to know if it is my prayer that is answered when I pray for the salvation of some or if HE answers the others instead.
Oh then there is that leather coast that I am sure I did not need but my friend insisted that I needed. If the money trouble had started then, I would have not minded because it was something that I could have done without. So I am rather upset at the timing.
A lot of people stop going to church because they want a worldly church with band music. At least that is why some I know left. It was not exciting enough.
@artizan (195)
30 Jul 10
i can understand your feelings as i went through similar situations, but it is not true that God doesnt want you as His., not true in the slightest...
I have no idea of your circumstances but is there no one you can go to in the church to discuss these things with., your pastor, who will be able to advise you better because he will be aware of your circumstances.
sometimes when everything seems not to be happening it is happening., but we havent seen the results yet... my difficulties lasted for any years too, but my faith remained, and has been strengthened.
here's my prayer for you., That you would receive the comfort and peace and true knowing of how much God loves you through the Holy Spirit revelation, in the name of Jesus., that you would have a real breakthrough in your situations, and you would be filled with joy., in Jesus name amen.
best wishes
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
25 Sep 10
Thank you. I am gong through a hard time financially, more like uncertainty since I do not know if I am going to receive my late husband's pension. My son says I will, but I seem to have this bad luck happening and with me it comes in threes. So I am acting as if it will not come in time.
And it seems that everything went wrong at once. We (my sons and I ) sold the van, but it was less then we asked for, and we paid a lot to get it fixed up and most of it was my husband's and my money. The insurance will not come right away and that is where most of the money is because all my husband's work pension plus what he had left from stocks went to fix up the house. And he promised my sons so much in the will, not the usual division as done in most Wills. He thought he would live for a long time.
So now I am praying that things will get better. And I do not wind out like those widows who when they go into the grocers open their change purse to look for that last penny to pay for what they bought.

@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
25 Jul 10
Every single one of us, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist ... whatever ... even those who do not believe in God (and even those who have committed the 'unforgivable' sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit, though I don't know any of those) is a child of God. He simply does not and cannot deny that to anyone because He created us 'in his likeness' and the spirit of God is within every single one of us BECAUSE of that ... yes, even those who reject religion and what it teaches.
It often seems that God doesn't answer our prayers ... but then sometimes our parents didn't get us that knife or that makeup for our birthday that we so passionately wanted! Prayer isn't about asking for benefits: God does know what we need and what we desire long before we think to ask for them. Prayer is about communication. Its as much about listening to what God has to tell us about our lives as it is about telling God about our problems and needs.
Shouting (or whispering) our desires and requirements to an unresponsive and feared deity is what savages do. Jesus taught us to think of God as our Father and to be familiar with Him: Jesus himself addressed him as 'abba' which is 'dad', 'daddy' or 'papa' ... the name that we call our human father ... in modern terms. Most churches (I find) do not put enough emphasis on listening to what God has to say. They supply us (in the missal or prayer book) with pretty words to pray with but they don't teach us how to be still in our hearts so that we can actually hear Him speaking to us.
Actually, if you remember back to childhood (yours or your children's), the best comfort we got from our parents was mostly wordless. If we trusted and loved our fathers and mothers, we poured out our fears and hurts and selfish anger tearfully to them and finally were calmed by their loving arms and soft, loving sounds (which may have been words but it was the tone rather than the meaning which mattered).
I am very sorry to hear about your husband's ALS. That must certainly seem like a trial to you (but you say that he has finally been 'converted' and that, at least, must feel like an 'answer'). ALS, it seems, affects all the 'motor' functions, making the person very dependent on those who love them (or are paid) enough to care for them but it doesn't (as far as I know) make the person 'inside' any less capable of thinking and feeling and so of accepting God. Perhaps you can find a way of praying together so that, through a mixture of words and silence, you can both come to find harmony and peace in God.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
25 Jul 10
What upsets me is that I would never give up believing in God. It is not that I want I want this toy or that. That is an assumption that if I really wanted something it is a toy. For instance I got an iphone because I am a visual person, I find it harder to remember things that i read on a page, then listening or seeing a photo or movie of it. My friend said it was a toy, and I told her with toys, I throw them away - even if they cost a lot of money and the reason is that I do not value toys. I am a practical person. It is the same with my saving for a Macbook Pro computer. I wanted something of excellent quality that would last and I could go in the living room and type while being with my husband. So it was not a toy.
If I had saved for an X box or Nintendo or the other one, that would have been different and I would have understand if that refund from the Income tax for the patio had not come on time. And I would have deserved that.
But this is not that. This is if someone has trials, like debts, if one gives up, then they are not a child of God, but if one does not, one is a child of God, because God will make sure it turns out right.
So what I have to do is to have more trust.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
25 Jul 10
I can pray for others, but I do pray for myself and I pray that what I get will be useful to God. So if I prayed for a new Cuisinart, I would pray for it to be used to help when it became time for me to make things for the church supper. If I prayed for an excellent computer it would be so I could write articles or Christian novels.
But i figure I do not have enough money yet and God is telling me to wait and not just go to the store yet. I tend to buy things first and then what happens, I have not set aside enough for the insurance or the repairs.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
26 Jul 10
We were always like that. When we went into the store, and the manager says "do you want to buy the third year warranty?" we always said no. So this time I am getting the warranaty as well as the carrying bag, the extra things that I need so I do not have to worry.

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
24 Jul 10
It's strange how God answers prayers, at least to us. You may be having your check held up because it will come just in time for an expense you would not be able to cover if you got it now and spent it. Don't ever think that God doesn't answer your prayers but look at the way you are praying. I used to pray that God would do things for me or my loved ones and asked Him for stuff or that something would happen. When I started praying that He give me the strength and courage to live the life I was meant to, things started to happen.
I don't think God tests us so much as He gives us the strength through our faith to overcome the adversities that evil and our own bad judgments throw at us.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
28 Jul 10
The biggest reason I've seen for people leaving churches is their pastors are not equipped to teach them about God, how to pray, why to pray, etc. Too many people think God is a wishing well, & want this, want that, never stopping to consider to Whom they're speaking, or what His true character is. The other main reason is the will of one's self being considered a higher priority than God's.
It must be enough to simply know that He loves us & knows us better than we CAN know ourselves. He knows what we need, & knows what we don't. Follow all His precepts, pray without ceasing, & you will discover that what YOU thought you needed turned out not to be the right thing for you.
"All things are possible with God." The bible says God will never give you more than you can bear. These are solid Biblical truths, if you can accept them. Just remember, when God, Who knows all things, knows what you ask for would be bad for you, He says no.
Is He testing you? Possibly, but know this: He usually only tests those whose faith is rugged enough to take it, & it sounds as if yours is skating on thin spiritual ice right now. It's not wrong to question God--far from it! But remember He is the Creator of every subatomic particle in all the universes, so approach Him with awe, deep respect, love, & with profound trust--because He deserves it.
I could add a lot more, but to sum this up, eschew the trivial when talking to Him. Also, it's proper to thank Him before petitioning.
Oh, & petitioning Him for needs is fine, including asking for help with money for practical things, but take care not to ask for mere desires.
"The difference between the almost-right word & the right word is really a large matter; it's the difference between the lightning-bug & the lightning." ~Mark Twain
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
25 Sep 10
In our confessions, it talks about the broken reed, those who feel that their faith is not that strong,(they find that their prayers are not answered or only answered when someone else prays or helps. Sort of felt that way about my husband because even though I prayed for him since I joined the church to get him to come to church, he did not until he got als and needed the help of friends of mine one who was a nurse to help him and the others of the church. I felt rather bad then as I got the feeling that maybe I was not a true child of God, that God had not chosen me but i had decided to go on my own to church. However being stubborn I was not going to leave. Even if God tried to drive me away, I was still going to church and still pray and even if it was hard for me to thank HIM fist I was going to do it in a way that HE would answer in such a way that I would be happy.
I do not think in the way "I am glad HE said no because I know that I am not a _ I prefer HIM to allow something like in Job's case to show how faithful I am in the worse of circumstances not because I deserve it. Not speaking of "we all deserve punishment because the human heart is exceedingly wicked part."
That is like what many may be like in that their prayers are never answered, but instead of leaving the Church they stay and by staying they prove that their faith is given by God and it is not their own. But there are some who feel that their faith is not given by God and since it is just their little faith, they leave.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
26 Sep 10
I think I understand, & agree. You know, your post reminded me of another petitioner (besides Job) mentioned in the New Testament--somewhere in Matthew, though I think it's also in Mark.
It was a Canaanite woman, an area & a religion which had long been enemies with the Jews. She asked the Christ to heal her daughter, who was demon-possessed. But at first, unlike any other scripture I can think of, Jesus ignored her! His disciples told Him to make her leave, but He let her follow, loudly begging Him for help.
Finally He turned to her, as His followers, shocked that she had such audacity, & that Jesus seemed to be listening to her, tried to get Him to continue ignoring her. But He was using this as a teaching moment. He asked to her why He should help her, since He was here to help the Jews, not her people whose religion made them like dogs, & how was it that she thought the food He provided should go to the dogs?
That seems so out of character with the "gentle Jesus" template, yet had anyone known His heart & full purpose here, they would have realized something extraordinary was happening.
Undaunted, she lowered her self to base level, not getting angry or trying to convince Him she was worthy, she answered, "Yes, Lord, but even the dogs may eat of the crumbs from the Master's table."
Her humility was sincere, & of course, Christ knew it, so He healed her daughter that very moment.
You see, He knew from the get-go what was in her heart, but he made her a vivid example of His love & of her humility, to show others that repeated sincere prayer is answered. Note, also, that she was begging not for her own benefit, but for another's.
Just food for thought.
“Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought.” ~ Pope John Paul II
@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
24 Jul 10
I don't mean to pry into your personal life as far as religion, but one would have to assume that you aren't as close to God as you should be. Sometimes things happen to us and we can't control what happens. When you give to God, he gives back. In other words, think of Job in the Bible. Reading that might help you in your struggles. He took everything away from Job and Job still stood firm. Even after it was all said and done, Job got back twice the amount of what he lost. In other words if lost one child he gained two more. If he lost 3 sheep he gained 6 when it was said and done. I know that this is a difficult time for you. We all always pray to be rich or to have more money. I learned that if I ask God to get me through the Week with out having to ask somebody for money then that is another week that I don't have to work harder at paying them back. i find when I do stuff for my church and listen to God in doing he returns the favor. i'm usually broke even with my food stamps and all though i don't have money on my pay pal account I still have $45 on my foodstamps. I took the church some things for vacation bible school last week, and because the church had snacks and supper each night it allowed me to save money in the end and have money for the end of the month which usually all i have is my wic when it comes to the last few days. You're looking at this with long term goals in mind with out trying to accomplish short term goals. Short term goals are more controllable than long term goals. A short term goal would be to teach your self on how you can save money or asking God to send someone your way so they can help you on this effort. There's a movie I think it's called Evan Almighty and he is given the powers that god has. He starts answering all the prayers that handed down every day. the first one he answered was to all the people that prayed they could win the lottery. Well it turned out that they won, but they only got like $16.00 when you break it down. Then he started answeringother prayers and he soon realized that it was the ones that went unheard through normal ears that needed to be answered the most.
My point is we all have things we pray for or wish for. That doesn't mean that God isn't there. It just means that God decided to leave it as an "Unasnwered Prayer". Unanswered prayers are those that we pray day and night about but are never answered. Then when you look back on it you see that you were better off with it not being answered.
i prayed that God show me what I was supposed to do with the church i was attending. He had me a plan and when i followed what he said he gave me an answer. Now, three almost four years later that prayer has been answered. Even though it wasn't done in my time, He still never forgot about me. There are things that one should be aware of and that is to never ask God for patience because patience is one thing that most of us humans don't have.
I don't think that God would tell you are not one his children. I think that is the devil or demons of the devil that has gotten in there because you are at a bad time in your life with your husband and family. These demons try to knock us back a few feet before we ever get to the finish. Every time we stand up a few feet forward they are always looking for things to bestow up on us. I really think you should read the book of Job.
Also, I know this response is long, but I hope I've enlightened you because it's hard to see the mountain top when you are down in the valley so low and you feel like you cant climb out. But trust me it does happen. It just doesn't happen when we want it to all the time.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
24 Jul 10
Well it is an assumption that unanswered prayers are prayers that were better not answered. Now if I had prayed for a mink coat when I was not planning to go up north to the North Pole, that would be different. I did pray for my husband's salvation and it finally happened, but then it is rather late in the game - he does have als now and is dying.
I know a friend of ours whose husband did not become a church member until he saw that my husband professed his faith. Now during the time, she could not have any children and she could really play the violin - in other words, she had a great talent. So I wondered if the reason for me not to get pregnant was because my husband was not the spiritual leader in our house and why did it take a disaster to get him to go to church?.
Me, I am the type who believes in God before things start to go bad. I am the type who will join when things are good, because I do not like the idea that we call on God when things are bad and forget the good times.
As for practical things,right now, it is that we are expecting the money from the income tax people and my husband who has als decided to order the patio before the check from tine income tax people came. I would have waited.
I do wonder if it is the devil trying to discourage me and if he is the one who decided to persuade the income tax people not to mail the check because the home care attendant who comes on respite was a Windows and did the "you don't need=="
It was just that I wanted something because I wanted to give my best for God.
That is why I got the best dvd piano course so I could give my best when I played piano, I took one of the best singing courses online because I wanted to do my best singing for God. So what I want is not because well I love this brand or that, I want the best so I could give more glory to God.
@achilles2010 (3051)
• India
28 Jul 10
Dear suspenseful, it is good to pray for us and for our near and dear ones. Try praying for those who have not yet come into this world. Ask God in prayer to give you strength to bear your pains and sufferings and see that those who have not yet come into this world do not have the same sufferings as us. I am sure this would help.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
25 Sep 10
We do pray for the expectant mothers but we have an official prayer for those that God allows not to have children and with me, I think well that is because they will leave the baby in the bathtub while talking on the phone or those who will hit the baby and I am not that type. I feel I am the one that God allows because someone else did not want me to and HE was trying to get that one who was destined to hell to when he got there to moan and cry "why did not I want A to get pregnant, Oh I wish God would forgive me but I am tormented in these flames."
But when I go to the nursery to see the cute babies, I am afraid to pick them up because I feel that when I had that operation there is a "baby loving you part" that was destroyed when they cut out that part and now I pray God will replace it.
And I am not talking about the time when the baby makes strange with everyone but babies makes strange with me even after they are born and that hurts.
@cursoralbert99 (412)
• Malaysia
24 Jul 10
God not living in the church by the way. God live among us all. I do admit I hate going to church, and it's has been like more than 10 years I not putting my foot inside the church.
The reason why is cause I hate the amount of time spent and also the administrative of the church kind of annoy me.
Every face I looked within the administrative committee of the church, I see corruption. LOL!
Anyway, just remind ourselves that do anything good everyday is what God's will for us on earth. Avoid doing bad stuff. That's all.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
24 Jul 10
It is hard to find a good Bible believing church that is free of corruption. You have to search for one in which there are standards set for the elders or presbyters, one that has a specific catechism set, and not one that is just started by people who gathered together and decided to build a church.
I had a hard time finding the right one and it was one in which I have a struggle with sometimes, not being able to live up to its standards, especially when the pastor says not to watch movies where there are swear words and near the end someone says "damm!" I think you have to look at the whole picture and especially the leaders of the church. There are members of the congregation who do bad things. We had to get rid of one who was disobedient to his parents, was having S*x outside of marriage, etc. and did not want to attend church services.
It is the standards of the elders and the minister that you have to watch. If the standards are strict, the church will be all right and it has to be a bible believing church, the minister or pastor has to believe the whole Bible, and preach the Gospel and not just be a social preacher who talks about helping this person, etc.
I try to keep from doing bad stuff, like telling little fibs, losing my temper, but it is hard.
@marcmm (1804)
• Malaysia
29 Sep 10
Sometimes it just easy to shut our self to GOD and blame him. Personally, GOD haven't disappointed me yet. I have what it needs in life even though sometimes I want more from GOD but I just make do with what I have.
Just kept in mind, no matter what GOD is there with you just you cannot feel his presence yet. Remember how his disciples unable to recognise Jesus after he resurrected. We might have this type of situatuion where we unable recognise him.
Don't let Jesus sleep inside us just like when his disciples let Jesus sleep at their ship during storm. Wake him up and seek help from him. It is adviseable to go to the priest and seek for consultation.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
1 Apr 11
We were talking about people in our church who are not used to the strictness or the regulations and how there is no one to help them or does not want to get near them because they are a bit odd. It sort of helps to make them feel that we all have struggles and need help. And did not the Bible talk about Jesus not despising the broken reed?
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
24 Jul 10
It is not if I was getting a fur coat . I would not have minded if this trouble with the money came when my friend decided I needed a leather coat and there were no cheap ones that fit me at the thrift store . And what was wrong with getting the patio ? Or saving for the laptop that I needed to write that Christian novel unless HeWantes me to save more money for it?
@maylaine (441)
• Philippines
24 Jul 10
i beg to disagree...you know what suspenseful our God will not give us burden that He knows we cannot conquer....yes! sometimes He tested us on how we handle problems and troubles in our life but the reason why He did that is because He wants us to get closer to Him..He wants us to have stronger faith with Him and not because you are not His child..People he consider not His children are those who dont believed in Him and those who does not consider Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord God and Savior..each and every one of us has our own burden to carry its up to us how to win it..there are reasons why things happened to our life..there is a purpose we may not know just now but in times we realized why those things happened to us...
And it is true that sometimes our prayers for ourself was not being granted not because God did not listened to us but maybe because He wants to teach us to see other's situation despite of bad things that happened to us..you may not know in that way your prayers will be answered..
I you like check our church website Jesus Christ to God be the Glory this is our Church here in the philippines but we have global arms in different county..just check it you can ask for prayer request and counselling.beside nothing will loose right? just give it a try....always put to your mind that God loves us all...
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@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
24 Jul 10
You are definitely not alone in this thought. Many of us feel we have so many unanswered prayers. We often believe our faith / strength is being tested.
I have been evaluating many unanswered prayers and not by choice and sometimes wonder how so many pray for the wrong reasons, while other prayers are so needed. Sorry that your prayers had not been answered, I sure hope that Blessings of many other sorts have since come your way!