How often do you open your Facebook Account?

July 23, 2010 5:46pm CST
Good day to you fellow Mylotter, Now a days, almost everybody has their Facebook account. Wherein, they tend to sit for one day doing the Facebook browsing. Though this is the trend now a days, some are still opening their Facebook account very seldom. Where, they will just open and browse it, if they want to check new events and photographs which were posted by their friends. How about you, are you one of those who are just opening it for checking new events and photographs? Or are you one of those who open it and sits for one day doing Facebook only.
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30 responses
@bentreed (31)
• United States
27 Jul 10
I have seen lots of my friends addicted to facebook. I decided to open a secret account which I dont access regularly because I didnt want to get addicted.
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
24 Jul 10
I definitely don't do facebook only all day. Before mylot I use to always be on fb. I guess you can say mylot took fb spot. But I still visit facebook to update my stat or see who is online, and if i want to talk to them. I'm also on fb to view what my friends posted. So I'm on facebook everyday, not all day, but im on there just to keep in touch w/ everybody. As i'm am here on mylot. To bascially update my discussion comments and questions everyday. Happy Mylotting!! Peace and Love!!
@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
24 Jul 10
I am afraid that I am on Facebook every single day. I am quite addicted to Farmville as well as Frontierville. I find myself wanting to open the tab while I am working.... That is not good, I would never get work done!
@eurekafemme (5874)
• Philippines
24 Jul 10
Well, I also have a facebook account and I usually open it once or twice a day. Just to see updates from my friends. However, if I'm not posting anything on my wall, sometimes, I really don't bother to open my FB account. I'm just excited to open it if I had posted something and am too eager to see if there are comments or responses. Other than this, I don't think I've more reasons why I should sit here and browse my FB all day long. I just don't have that kind of love affair with
24 Jul 10
I'll look at it once or twice a day. If I'm bored , I'll play a few games on it. Apart from that, I don't really go on it.
@Iequate2 (280)
• United States
24 Jul 10
I view FB about twice a day. I have pages that are really interesting, and I can get information. I also enjoy my friends comments. I found out that the musician Waymon Tisdale passed away yesterday 7/23/10. So, FB is Current. Nontheless, I do watch the time that I spend on FB.
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
24 Jul 10
I am not addicted to Facebook. On the contrary, I hate the site because it is one of the reasons why my relationship failed. I still have an account, but I don't visit it everyday. I have other more important sites and things to do online that Facebook.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
24 Jul 10
i go to my facebook every single day. i have a group for my website on there and i have all of my friends and family on there that i keep in touch with. i love the easiness of facebook so i hang out there just as much as i hang out here.
@acey76 (1275)
• Philippines
24 Jul 10
I open my facebook account even if not everyday atleast thrice a week to reconnect with friends, chat and play =-)
@samaire (154)
• United States
24 Jul 10
I don't like Facebook. I have because of my friends but i don't open it that much. It's boring. You can see what others do. I don't care that much. I prefer to call them and ask them. It's really stupid to tell eveyone that now you are drinking tea or you want to work. It's crazy that there are people that are sitting infront of there computers and reagind those things!!!! CRAZY!!!!
@katiesueg (257)
• Italy
24 Jul 10
I have a facebook account,and a MySpace account, and a Yuwie account, and a Zenzuu account. So it would seem I am a social person. Right? Wrong. I joined a lot of these sites through invitation, couldn't see the point, and stopped logging in. I set up my profile and thought "What am I doing here?" If I want to communicate with someone I know I use email or skype. I don't see the point of commenting on someones profile who I don't even know. Now here comes the problem, every now and then I get a message from facebook saying I have a friend request, or a message, or something else. Why can't they just forward the message instead of making me log in? Every time I log in it is the same problem, I realise that once again I have forgotten my password. I must look crazy to the powers that be, because I have to reset my password every time I log into FB. Probably better off just ignoring those occaisional FB messages. Now if they started paying me...
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
24 Jul 10
About once a month, it can be very distracting cause I have a game in there that I can play for hours and that's not good :D
24 Jul 10
Hello i do use Facebook but i only randomly check for messages I don't sit on it I mean you cannot sit on Facebook all the time. You have other commitments when you come online so therefore there is no spare time.
• Philippines
24 Jul 10
I am on Facebook everyday for the updates and upcoming events. I use it more for networking stuff. Most of my contacts are friends and classmates whom I have not seen for more than 10 years. Much as I want to give up and delete my account (I just had an incident where three of my contacts had a verbal war right on my wall, and what's worse is I have absolutely nothing to do with their issue, hahah), I simply could not because undeniably, Facebook has helped me trace my long lost friends. I just avoid posting unless truly necessary, since many people are vain (some vain enough that they think a bible passage status is about them).
@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
24 Jul 10
Hi, I do have a facebook account and I open my facebook account almost everyday. I love to see pictures post by my friends,update my status and chat with my friends. Through facebook, I am able to find back some old mates that I have lost contact for long time ago. The best part is that I can always keep in touch with my friends through facebook. I have lot of friends who are addicted to facebook game.But I am not. I don't play any games in the facebook. Some of my friends even set up their online store in facebook ,selling baby ,children and ladies clothes. Facebook is definitely a best site to catch up with friends.
@kaylachan (76009)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
24 Jul 10
I rarely log on to the actual facebook site. I update my status through Aim or some other third-party site. Face book is linked to just about everything "social" I do. So if you see me online, I'm usually on aim using Facebook chat through that rather than chatting through the actual site. Once in a blue moon I'll spend a few hours thumbing through friend requests or something like that. However, I have never spent more than a few hours on facebook itself. With the option to link stuff, I don't really find the need to hang around all that often.
@jennbart (1325)
• Philippines
24 Jul 10
Almost everyday! I open my CloudCrowd job via facebook and does my online job here so, I really need to open it regularly :)
@dsrp82 (676)
• Brazil
24 Jul 10
I have a facebook account, but I dont use it. I dont know, i found it boring :P
@jonnah91 (63)
• Philippines
24 Jul 10
Almost everyday. I chat and upload photos. Read some messages and comments.
24 Jul 10
Always in fact almost after an hour or so. I m really addicted to that.