New informatio coming out about Alvin Greene

United States
July 24, 2010 9:20pm CST
It seems reporters were able to get a hold of his military records and the picture it paints is not pretty. At least not for the state if they are thinking about voting for this guy. Comments in files by his supervisers said: "unable to express thoughts clearly" "usually capable of handling mundane tasks WITH supervision" "not able to adapt to any changes to daily routine" "not knowing much about leadership" "consistent inability to follow instructions or maintain basic job knowledge" "a threat to others" Greene also posted sensitive information on an intelligence server that caused a three-day work stoppage. When asked about these reviews in his military file Greene said: "I'm telling you who they promote: the terrorists and the communists.This is why we need to overhaul the military and get these people out." It would appear that he IS not the right person for the job. He is probly a nice guy...but with all the complex issues facing this state and country...I don't feel he can handle them. What do you think?
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6 responses
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
25 Jul 10
I saw his speech the other day and, while he does seem to be a nice guy, he didn't seem to have leadership qualities to me. I also saw that some folks were swayed by that his perceived "man nextdoor" image with his speech hand written on notebook paper. If you guys aren't careful he might just get elected and I don't think he's up for the job.
• United States
25 Jul 10
Mostly I feel bad for the guy. He seems slow (mentally). NOthing wrong with that. He can't help it if he has a mental handicap.But that does not mean I want him as my Senator. I don't think he realizes that he IS the joke and people are laughing AT him..not with him. Why did his family let him do this? Why set him up for public ridacule like this? Don't they care about him? He just wasted 10k if his own money and I don't know if he is mentally competent enough to make that decision. I hope he does not win. He can't do the job...the rest of washington would eat him alive.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
25 Jul 10
"He just wasted 10k if his own money" Yeah, I really feel bad for him about that. It would have been much smarter to run for congressman than senator. Even a skilled and well funded democrat wouldn't have a chance against DeMint.
• United States
25 Jul 10
Normally I would care less about it....but I don't really think this guy has a clue what he is really doing. I don't think he is capable of making a thought out decision. I honestly think he is mentally impaired. Which means where was his family when it came to helping him make a rational decision? That 10k could have gone a long way to helping him take care of himself...where is he going to after November?...nowhere and with no job and 10k less in his bank account. You are right though...A mentally competent and well funded Democrat would have had a hard time winning against DeMint...this is STRONG republican state. Greene is not mentally competent and has so far raised 1,000 for his campaign...the DNC is NOT going to help him. He has no backing and no help. He is done for.
@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
25 Jul 10
Is going to say something and everyone is going to be like wth.. I have often wondered if they were the special ones (mentally challenged) or if it was actually us ( normal ) They do not see things through rose colored glasses like most and will call things for what they are .. they are honest and just get right to the point. Sometimes I think the answers are so simple that we just overlook the obvious thing, is there really anything wrong with thinking outside the box or in this case would it be considered inside the box???
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
26 Jul 10
Did you ever see the movie "Molly"? The title character said pretty much the same thing and I agree with both of you. Annie
• United States
26 Jul 10
Good point...there is nothing wrong with being mentally changelled. He can't help it. But sending him to the senate would be wrong. It would be like sending a lamb into a lions den...they would eat him alive.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
26 Jul 10
I agree I dont believe he will be able to handle the job. It is my understanding that he suffered a head injury, I believe this may explain some of his issues. I am sure he is a nice guy, but just not appropriate for politics. Now I just wish we would vet other politicians so thoroughly.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
27 Jul 10
I agree, but the bright side here, is maybe the people will start paying a little better attention.
• United States
26 Jul 10
I have not heard about a "head injury". I know don't if he was born this way or if something happened to him...but either way..he does not belong in the senate. Nice guy..wish him the best of luck...but he would not be an effective senator.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
25 Jul 10
Lil, you have no idea how disappointed, actually literally HEARTBROKEN this makes me! Although I obviously don't live in South Carolina and therefore have no say in your Senate race I've been praying for Greene to somehow pull off a miracle. I've been thinking that I don't care that he's not a polished politician or that he's not a good public speaker. Heck, I don't care if he's not the brightest guy in the world. ANYBODY would be preferable to DeMint. that's one way Greene still has DeMint beaten; in the evaluation it was said that Greene is a decent guy which I don't think can be said about DeMint. The complex issues we're facing are too much for him to handle as well, in my opinion. Therefore, I'd still have to vote for Greene if I lived there. I guess I'm lucky I don't because I'd probably get myself shot, Annie
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
25 Jul 10
Lil, "Politics means never having to say you're sorry"! Taskr, you're wrong, there have been numerous Republicans and third party candidates on all levels I've supported and voted for through the years and plenty more I possibly would have supporter had they been in my district or state. There have been MANY Republicans I may not have voted for but I had no serious problem with them being in office. Jim DeMint is someone with whom I disagree on everything I know of him to ever say or do and I don't like him or trust him at all to boot. It's one thing to disagree with someone but truly believe they're doing what they think is right for their country or state and another to have little doubt it's nothing more than, as Lil said, grandstanding. Trust me, I wouldn't like or vote for DeMint if he were a Democrat! Annie
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
25 Jul 10
Be honest here Annie, you'd vote for Green because there's a letter D next to his name. There's not much more to it than that.
• United States
25 Jul 10
Annie- I know how heartbroken you are. And from everything I have read Greene is a decent guy. But this country is facing some really serious issues. Complex issues. I just don't think Greene would be able to mentally handle it. YOu have to be more than a nice guy to do this job. You have to have a good understanding of the issues and options on how to fix it. I agree DeMint is a grandstander and plays the whole "Obama is evil, so we have to try to bring him down anyway we can" card way too much. I actually like most of DeMints staces on the issues (not all but most)...but his attitude as far as playing well with others (especially democrats) sucks. Which means a lot to me right now. But I still can't bring myself to vote for Greene. It would be setting Greene up for failure in the Senate and this state. I would not send my 7 year old to the Senate and exspect him to be able to handle the I can't send Greene. Sometimes there is worse than a grandstanding jerk. That is not sayng Greene is bad or horrible. Or even "evil". Because he isn't. From all accounts he seems really nice and a decent guy (criminal charges against him not included) Sorry.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
25 Jul 10
You know, that really makes me wonder what the value of the medals he won would be. Apparently he won the Air Force Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and Korean Defense Service Medal. Are these things pity prizes or did he actually do something noteworthy that isn't being reported?
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
25 Jul 10
That list apparently came straight from the Pentagon. He himself has never mentioned the awards.
• United States
25 Jul 10
From everything I have read it says he got written up all the time for not being able to do his basic job functions and that he was a "danger to others" because he could not grasp basic military training. From what I gather he bounced around most of the military branches...once one figured out how he was...he just moved to the next one. Do we know for a fact he got all those is he just saying he did? And I don't know if they are petty or not. I would have to research them to find out what he might have done to get them. I do know his unit in the Army was suppost to be deployed and his commander decided to leave Greene behind wheh the rest went because he thought Greene would not be able to handle being in a combat situation and would be a danger to his fellow soliders. So he can't have done anything really great.
• United States
25 Jul 10
Did they say how, when or why he got them? Because I have not read anything positive about him when it has come to his time in the army with the exception of a company christmas party he put together. If that counts. I know he is trying to portray himself as an "American Hero" so I would be interested to see how he got the awards...especially with his commander leaving him behind when the rest were deployed. Maybe the press is one would not be the first time.
@snowy22315 (179131)
• United States
25 Jul 10
I have never heard of him, but he sounds like a politician who I would not want o vote for. I just never know what politicians are gonna do.
• United States
25 Jul 10
This guy seems to actually be mentally impaired.So I feel sorry for him...but I won't be voting for him.