Panic Attacks
By aurorastorm
@aurorastorm (1131)
United States
14 responses
@Thumb86 (287)
25 Jul 10
yep. I have an anxiety disorder. Ive had many panic attacks..Full blown ones..But mainly I was in a constant state of high anxiety. Which, of course, caised all manner of physical symptoms..Palpitations, Chest pains, Shortnes of breath, Tingling sensations...I have had ot go to hospital on a number of occassions as I was convinced I had a heart problem..Even saw a cardiologist..But everything was fine! I take meds for my anxiety and depression issues now.
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@aurorastorm (1131)
• United States
25 Jul 10
Thank you for responding back so quickly.
I have also done the same, I think they would throw me out of the ER now, I have been so much, lol. Tonight was bad, I think because I am home alone and that never helps.
Having financial problems that are squeezing me like a vice, does not make it easy to relax or try to not panic. I take medicine also, but maybe took it to early in the day today.
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@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
25 Jul 10
After reading the response & comments here, you have already
consulted the expert. I think it is best if you can overcome
worries, submit to God and believe that most worries are not
worth the anxiety. In due time the problems will find it solution.
There is always an answer for its problems or question.
When I am young I used to worry unnecessary for small problem.
In actual fact when we look at it from another perspective and
on a bigger picture, the problem is actually solvable in time.
Take care and in hope and be creative to find solutions.
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@aurorastorm (1131)
• United States
27 Jul 10
That is exactly what has happened to me, the panic attacks when they come on have made me feel like I was going to have a heart attack and has brought me to the emergency room more times than I care to mention, only to find out nothing was wrong with me. Do you take medication now? I have been trying accupuncture recently but as of yet have not seen much improvement.
@aurorastorm (1131)
• United States
27 Jul 10
I think that is the biggest problem. A lot of people have stress that comes and goes but for those of us that are having extreme money stress it never goes away. It is constantly on our minds, so it makes us worry all of the time.
@doglady112 (604)
• Canada
25 Jul 10
Yes I get panic attacks too. Mine usually come on if I haven't eaten in a while. I find because I have them I take my knitting with me everywhere I go. I take it on the bus and in church and I especially take it when I'm with my family. You should try that. One more thing that works is to close your eyes and picture yourself anywhere but where you are. Don't let the attacks detour you from trying new things though. That's a big one that I learned. Hope this helps
@aurorastorm (1131)
• United States
27 Jul 10
Mine are usually when I am alone, before my husband comes home from work. Maybe I need to go for a walk and get my endorphins going, maybe that will help. I have never tried knitting, don't know if I have the patience for it. Lately don't have the patience for anything except being on the computer. Thank you for your response, I do not want to let this get in the way of living my life. Life is too short for me to be worried all of the time.
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
25 Jul 10
I have had in the past, as a result of my phobias. Funnily, I know people too full of themselves that don't believe that panic attacks exist, as the only people with problems seem to be themselves, stupid as it sounds.
It's a really horrible experience that I hope nobody has to live, as it makes you feel really horrible and anxious.
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@aurorastorm (1131)
• United States
27 Jul 10
What you said is very true, the fact that you have panic attacks, winds up making you have more anxiety. The more anxiety you have, the more panic you will feel. Sometimes I think it is a never ending cycle.
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
25 Jul 10
Take care of yourself hon, we only one life to live and although it is easier said then done, just like one of the respondents, you must trust that all will be over but not on our time, but on God's time.
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@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
27 Jul 10
You are very welcome hope all is as well as can be.
@aurorastorm (1131)
• United States
27 Jul 10
Thanks hardworkinggurl, when I am not in the throws of panic, I can rationalize but when I am in a full blown attack, my brain gets away from me.

@noodlesmommy (212)
• United States
25 Jul 10
Do you get them at random times even when you don't feel anxious or anything like that? I think I had my first one this past Saturday and wanted to create a discussion about it but was afraid people would make me paranoid and tell me I might be having a heart attack. My dad has had one before and told me what to look for, but all I felt was shortness of breath and a little tight in my chest and sometimes my upper back will hurt a little. I have had about 2 or 3 episodes of this in the past week, like I said, starting on Saturday. I only get them when I get super stressed out or worried about something, so I think I might be suffering from anxiety. Can you give me your opinion on this and let me know what your symptoms are? Thanks! =)
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@aurorastorm (1131)
• United States
27 Jul 10
The symptoms I get are fast heart rate, feel like I am choking, can't breath and very tight feeling in my chest. Most of my panic attacks have come when I am home alone at night, before my husband comes home from work. For me I have been checked out by a lot of doctors so I know it is not my heart, but it still scares me all of the time. Right now I am always at a high level of stress so I think that is what is bringing the panic on more and more often.
@laiza14 (593)
• Philippines
25 Jul 10
i already experienced having panic attacks, i felt so overwhelmed and i didn't know what to do first. To overcome this, i usually take a deep breath and decide what to do first considering their level of importance. well that's it. have a good day!
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
25 Jul 10
My husband gets those whenever he eats too much MSG.. the first time it happened he thought it was a heart attack. Then for the longest time we cut him off MSG all together.. but sadly all his favorite foods have MSG in them.. I mean even stove top stuffing is packed with it... so now he just deals with it. At least knowing what it is and not being scared about it helps to not make it worse!

@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
28 Jul 10
Migraines, huh? MSG used to give me those a lot! Actually it was the summer that my girlfriend and I (we were like 12 at the time) used to swindle people into giving us money.. that's a long story... but then we'd use the money to go eat at an all you can eat buffet.. and for some reason I would get horrible horrible migraines when we did that. Eventually my mom pointed out that it was probably the MSG in the buffet foods (she never knew how we got the money, but she did know we went there everyday). My migraines stopped after I eventually stopped eating there on a regular basis. I've been back to that place since.. but I'd go only once or twice a year and didn't have problems... needless to say my husband did get panic attacks after eating there though.
Oddly enough, the Walmart Generic brand of stuffings do not have MSG in them, but I find they taste just as good as Stove Top.
@aurorastorm (1131)
• United States
27 Jul 10
That is really interesting, I never thought about a food setting off the panic attack. Guess what one of my favorite food is Stove Top Stuffing, use it quite frequently and never knew that it has a lot of msg. I do not eat Chinese Food, but never thought about MSG in other foods. I am going to start keeping a food diary and chart my migraines and panic attacks on the same diary and see if there are any correlations.

@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
25 Jul 10
I personally think you should learn to relax. Too much panic
is no good for us. Learn the 'breath in and out' techniques and
best of all consult the professional.
I remembered at one stage, I got the heart palpitation for no
obvious reason. There is one occasion, I just went blank as if my
mind suddenly emptied as the bell rang before my exam
So, the best thing to do at the moment is consult the health professional.
I hope you will overcome this soon. All the best.

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@aurorastorm (1131)
• United States
27 Jul 10
That is the worst problem I have, I can never relax, my mind is always racing. I have been taking medication and I am sure that helps somewhat but I hate this feeling I get. One thing I have been looking into possibly was going to yoga that is suppose to really help you with relaxation skills. I try the breathing techniques but when I get really panicked, my brain overrides everything else and I can't relax enough to breath.
@randylovesdar (4932)
• United States
25 Jul 10
I get them from time to time and my husband gets quite frequently. My husband is also diabetic and every time he gets one his blood sugar tends to drop. He gets them at work and for some reason his boss will not allow him to bring in a bottle of water into the building. His boss does allow the others to bring in soda and coffee, but not my husband. My husband works for a radio station and I could understand if coffee and soda were not permitted because they can ruin the equipment, but my husband wants to be able to bring water into the building and leave it on a desk near the studio in case he needs it.
I know my panic attacks are due to financial troubles and being worried if my husband's boss will find a way to cheat my husband out of pay (his boss does this a lot lately). My husband and I are behind on bills and am afraid that eventually we will be behind on the mortgage (so far this has not happened). My husband's boss expects us to buy a cell phone, but because money is so tight we have decided that we do not need a cell phone right now. His boss told him that it is mandatory and my husband said well, I am sorry, but right now it is more important for my wife and I to have food on the table and a roof over our head rather than having a cell phone.
@aurorastorm (1131)
• United States
27 Jul 10
Interesting about your husband, mine also works at a radio station and they have no problems with having drinks even in the studio, that sounds crazy. I know my panic is also a direct result of being afraid that our bills are overwhelming us. We have been late several times on the mortgage and I keep trying to find a way to make ends meet, but it is getting harder and harder recently. I am sorry you also are having a rough time.
@tinym8 (420)
• United States
25 Jul 10
Hi Aurorastorm,
Boy, does this bring back memories. Yes, I sure have had panic attacks. I still do, but not very severe and they pass much more quickly. When I was in my 20's I had them MUCH more severely and frequently. It was pretty awful, really.
Keep taking your meds for now but try to get off them when you are able to do that. Consult a professional about it when you need to. Don't be afraid to do that.
Know that you are not alone. Many, many people suffer from this very thing and other similar anxiety disorders. It is more common than many people think. This condition will pass and get less and less when your life is not so stressed. Believe me it does pass and get better. Stay around supportive people.
@aurorastorm (1131)
• United States
27 Jul 10
It is good to hear from someone that has had panic attacks and have them go away.
That is really one of the scariest things for me is the fear that I will always have them, and I really hate feeling that way. I think being around more supportive people will help me, I need to find a way to do that.
@Thumb86 (287)
25 Jul 10
What was your experience with doctors and this condition? I found that I felt really uncomfortable..Almost ashamed to talk about something like this..And my doctor said " well, you have to sort that out by yourself " when I mentioned the anxiety problems. I asked for medication and was given it straight away without being told of side effects or anyhting of that nature. They just seemed to want to shoo me out the door and not make a fuss.
@aurorastorm (1131)
• United States
27 Jul 10
That is the worse, as if having the panic attacks were not bad enough. I recently switched my doctors about a year ago and my new one is very considerate and does not make me feel like a crazy person. I am on one medicine right now, I sometimes forget to take it so that is not very smart, but it does seem to help most days.
@shiquitatw (442)
• Jamaica
25 Jul 10
I use to suffer from depression and I would often have panic attacks. It can be so scary at times, that the Dr, put me on medication.After a few months I stopped taking the pills because the made me feel like a zombie. I know try my best not to stress out over anything because stress can cause so many health problems. Although the duration of a panic attack can vary greatly, it typically lasts for more than 10 minutes, is one of the most distressing conditions that a person can experience, and its symptoms can closely mimic those of a heart attack. Typically, most people who have one attack will have others, and when someone has repeated attacks with no other apparent physical or emotional cause, or feels severe anxiety about having another attack, he or she is said to have panic disorder. A number of other emotional problems can have panic attacks as a symptom, and if they get to bad please call your doctor.
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@aurorastorm (1131)
• United States
27 Jul 10
It is nice to know I am not the only one in the world that gets these. I am currently under doctors care and am on medication, but I am not sure if it is working, I am going to call my doctor and inquire. It is very scary when they come on and has brought me to the Emergency Room more times than I care to mention, but then nothing has ever been wrong, so now I know not to go, but it still scares me.
So the number one question is how do you do it to not stress out about things. My biggest stressor right now is debt is consuming my every waking moment.