Have you ever cooked small game animals?

United States
July 25, 2010 9:56am CST
My hubby is a hunter, but he doesn't usually come back with much if anything . He's been talking recently about getting into small game more this upcomming season. I don't know what he's looking to capture beyond rabbits & maybe squirrel. Have you ever eaten either? He's never brought anything home so I told him if he does he has to do all the dirty work of prepping it for cooking. I'm to much of a city girl to do that myself But budgets are right & fridges empty faster and faster that I"m willing to give it a try.; Afterall my grandfather used to raise rabbits for eating in his shed. Though I don't know if I've even eaten any and was not aware or not when I was a kid.
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12 responses
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
26 Jul 10
So far as I know I've never even had venison.. but I'm not against trying it. I don't know any hunters. My brother used to hunt, but I don't recall him ever bringing anything home. Good luck, hope your hubby brings home something good!
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@GardenGerty (162497)
• United States
26 Jul 10
I had a friend that most all she had in the way of meat for the first several years of her marriage was venison. You have to have fat added to the burger when you have it processed, it is that lean. I made some venison roasts at one time, and it was okay, with lots of barbecue sauce on it to disguise the gaminess.
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• United States
26 Jul 10
@Kat - It would be nice. He tried to hunt deer but on public land so his odds are slim of getting anything. He usually watched others bag a deer rather than himself. Hoping he goes elsewhere and has some success to suppliment our freezer. @Gerty - I have no idea how to fix them. Weather it be rabbit or deer. I'd love to get more ideas if indeed he ever bags something ... EVER!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
26 Jul 10
yes, I ate rabbit as a child. I grew up with food rationing after WW11. I don't remember how it tasted but I remember eating it. Then there was a disease that affected rabbit in the U.K. and almost decimated the population. It was called mixymitosis - or something like that, 'so we were told not to eat rabbits as they may be affect3d by this disease. It would be a cold day in hell before someone got me to eat squirrel
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• United States
26 Jul 10
Your post made me laugh just a lil bit. As my hubby had squirrel one time @ hs folks house he killed it and his parents prepared it. Well as it was finishing he took off to McDonalds and his parents ate the squirrel!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
26 Jul 10
When my daughter moved to North Carolina some young neighbours told her that they were going hunting and would bring her home some meat. She did not have a clue but thanked them for thinking of her. She really thought that they were going to kill a pig or something. When they came back they knocked on her door and presented her with parcels of meat. Again she thanked them and asked what it was. When they said deer she dropped the parcels and said "You really killed Bambi". She never lived this down as they would tease her all the time
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Jul 10
hi 3 snugglebunnies oh my they used to bring pheasant and eat it but 'I hated the taste and wild duck made me really sick. And rabbit no no no okay for others but for me it wou ld really turn me vegetarian if I had to eat that stu ff,Oh you would remember it had you ate any as its sort of slimy.ugh ugh ugh.yuck.
• United States
26 Jul 10
Naw.. I don't remember my Grandmother making it or not. But I do remember her fixing pigs feet! EWWWW! I don't think I ever ate them but you know I believe she was 2nd or 1st generation from the old country and they usually used every part as much as they could especially when times were tough.
• United States
27 Jul 10
I have cooked rabbit & squirrel. My ex was a hunter. If u get young game i like them fried just like chicken. I think them very good altho i haven't had any in years.
• India
26 Jul 10
I don't see the days away, when I may even read "how to cook a new born human". Oh Jesus, you left and so your preachings.
• United States
26 Jul 10
Confused at this response. God gave a list of things to eat and on it he had all sorts of animals given to man and approved by Him. Not once on the list did He list new born humans. He even added things previously thought unclean, such as pigs, noting that nothing God makes is unclean in His sight.
• India
27 Jul 10
For God all living beings on earth is as dear as human. In fact, in all his preachings, he only asked to love every other living being. He even had said number of times that he love all for he is father of all.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
28 Jul 10
I don't think that I've ever eatten any small game. That isn't to say that I haven't ever been tricked into something and not knowing what it was. However, there is one thing that is for sure, I know that if my husband was ever to decide to take up hunting, I wouldn't be cooking the meat unless he had done the cleaning. I watched a deer get done once and that was as much as I could handle. If I ever see a deer gutted again in my life, it will be too soon.
@GardenGerty (162497)
• United States
26 Jul 10
When I was much younger we would eat small game animals that my uncles would shoot. I have eaten venison as an adult. I know at about eleven I enjoyed squirrel and dumplings. Not sure I would now.
@Capsicum (1444)
• United States
25 Jul 10
I also have a hunter,And secretly don't want him to get anything . But as you said when the fridge is empty ,I to might think about it differently. My gram use to make pheasant and rabbit pie,Though I honestly don't remember eating it.Nor do I remember eating deer meat but have been told ,I did.Hunter are very serious about hunting and nothing is more exciting than to get something.I am not a big meat eater but would probably try to make it for hubby,And try it for his happiness. I would never eat a squirrel,They are rodents who are very unsanitary (IMHO). You should try if he is willing to clean it. Free population control, that makes a man happy.What could be better.
@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
26 Jul 10
I've eaten rabbit - not bad, very lean
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
26 Jul 10
I grew up on wild game because we were poor, although we kids didn't know it at the time. We though everyone's daddy went hunting and their moms had vegetables gardens and canned stuff! It's delicious and so much better for you than the hormone and chemical laden meat we get now in the supermarket. I remember my mother soaking the rabbit meat for hours before cooking it into a stew. That was because rabbit was "gamey" whatever that meant. She usually cooked rabbit and squirrel into soups and stews while pheasants were cooked similar to chickens and served with her canned green beans and potatoes--yummy!! Venison was in the freezer all winter and she was very creative with that, making a type of stroganoff among other dishes.
@bmorehouse1 (1028)
• United States
26 Jul 10
When I was a kid my dad used to hunt rabbit and squirrel. I know that my mom fried them and I know that I ate them. I haven't cooked either one since becoming an adult, but since I have hunters in the family I do cook wild game. I like pheasant. I filet it off the bone and deep fat fry it. We eat a lot of venison. I usually mix ground beef with ground venison and make hamburgers. I usually cook a venison roast in a crock pot with french onion soup. It is really good. I also cook venison steak on the grill or fried. I cannot make myself eat "Rocky Mountain" oysters though. I know thats not wild game, but my brain just won't let me get past what it is. I guess its all just what you are used to.
@Steinway (307)
• United States
25 Jul 10
I have cooked deer steaks and deer burger. But, I remember my grandma cooking all of the smaller stuff. My grandpa use to love to hunt. So, I was able to try and eat, squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, and an occasional frog leg. Which is good if they are cooked right. My grandma fixed raccoon for Christmas one year. She cooked it like you would cook beef roast. And, as a matter of fact, it did taste a lot like beef roast. But, it wasn't. It was good.