Haiti Earthquake kills over 200000 people, WHERE WAS GOD?

July 25, 2010 2:04pm CST
Haiti Earthquake... Southeast Asia Earthquake and Tsunami... WHERE WAS GOD? JANUARY 12,2010 A Strong Earthquake Struck the small Island nation of Haiti and over 200000 people died, If God did exist the why these happen? He would not allow these kind of things/disasters to happen, If he was exist.Or do you think it was the one kind of "CURSE" from God to punish us. And If your Answer is YES then why did he choose poor and Innocent people for his curse....
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27 responses
@thanks1961 (7033)
• India
25 Jul 10
Hi dear, God given the life and he took it back? Why any problem?? We believe that life is given by God. So he has the power to take it back also. When He give life, we make merry and when He take it back why so curse? That is why I used to tell it is our mistake making misunderstanding on all these things. There is nothing to do with God. The root problem is in our faith and belief. Correct it, everything will be all right. All is well. Regards, Thank-s
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@elmiko (6630)
• United States
26 Jul 10
i don't believe in what you said jaiho2009. those type of beliefs have ulterior motives.
• United States
30 Jul 10
If there is no darkness, you will not know the benefit of the light.
1 person likes this
• India
3 Aug 10
your line touched my HEART so rated(+) positive..thanks
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
25 Jul 10
I don't believe that any of us know what God's plans are so how can we judge? I don't believe that natural events like earthquakes and big storms are a curse from God...they are natural events which I don't believe God manages. These things happen, people are hurt and die from them, but is it God's will? I don't believe that He micro-manages every aspect of the functioning of planet earth.
@iesuki (30)
27 Jul 10
God can not control everything, but He will help us to go through the hard time.
@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
26 Jul 10
In the Christian religion God created the world good. I think most people know the story of Adam & Eve. Original sin is the departure of what God intended for man. So it was man that deviated from the world of good. God is not the cause of suffering. Man is the cause of his own suffering. We live in an imperfect world because of original sin. Man once lived a paradise but man was not good. There are no poor and innocent people. All men are sinners and must reject this world to find true salvation. People love this world too much. They think it is the only life and don't believe in the after life. They don't believe in heaven. This is a sin in the Christian tradition. People that love this sinful world don't go to heaven. Reject this sinful world created by original sin. God doesn't let horrible things happen. Dying is not horrible because these people find salvation in the after life.
@tap0991 (2766)
• United States
26 Jul 10
I dont believe in heaven or hell. I figured I am going to be how I want not because of an afterlife but because I want to live my life. My life can be judged all it wants but I make my choices so I can understand more.
@marguicha (225454)
• Chile
12 May 11
Natural disasters are part of living in this planet. There are earthquakes (you should see the ones in my country, Chile), there are tornadoes and floods. You name it, we have it. The question you should ask yourself is where are you now? Are you helping in any way the people struck by nature´s forces? Or do you just sit blaming God or the person next door for every wrongdoing in the world? If you trully care, check at freerice. com to donate (free) rice for the hungry. Or choose any other way of getting involved in other people´s problems.
• Jamaica
25 Jul 10
I think for those that believe in God we should never question why things happen. The things that are happening in the world were already talked about in the Bible long before now. I think that God loves us all and even in the mist of crisis going on in the world we should still have faith in God. Often in the midst of hard times people feel all alone and think that God has forgotten them, but it is simply not true. God is always ready, willing and able to provide, but He expects some faith and trust. Hebrews 11:6 says that without faith it is impossible to please God, and that whoever comes to God must believe that He is indeed God and that He will reward the diligent seeker. Yes, faith and effort are necessary to tap the rich resources of God. He is not stingy, He just has certain requirements. “No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.” (Psalm 84:11)
@tap0991 (2766)
• United States
26 Jul 10
"Hebrews 11:6 says that without faith it is impossible to please God, and that whoever comes to God must believe that He is indeed God and that He will reward the diligent seeker." -From that I got man should think they are god because man has the power to decide. "No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.” (Psalm 84:11)" - If you walk with proper stature you will feel better about yourself. Meaning if you walk with correct posture and be confident your body will function correctly and you will have less pain.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
26 Jul 10
Hi Crazy_Poster, You are thinking of God as you would a human, and I don't believe that's how it works. Many people ask questions like that because of the way religion portrays God. I really don't think it's possible for us to understand God but he does work through us. We may not be able to stop the earthquake but we can respond in every way possible. One thing is certain, it wasn't a punishment from God on the people of Haiti. Blessings.
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
28 Jul 10
To me God has nothing to do with it! these are just natural disasters...that will occur form time to time...the world's been like that from the begining...we belong to an ever changing universe.
@ifa225 (14459)
• Indonesia
31 Mar 11
I guess he took them because he love them. we as a human never can understand why he do that. but maybe what is worst in the eyes of human can be good in God's eyes
• United States
26 Jul 10
God did not curse Haiti - its rulers did. God did not make Haiti a poor country - its rulers did. God did not build the shacks and below-code buildings - the leaders and people did. God allows us to think for ourselves. Dictators insist the people are not smart enough to think for themselves and if the people give dictators full power, it proves them right. The leaders of Haiti did not think the people worth saving from disasters. As an island nation, they are especially prone to hurricanes, earthquakes (which form islands) and other disasters. It is up to the leaders and the people to decide for themselves whether they are worth saving. God was there for those who believed in Him and perished in the earthquake. They are now in an earthquake, disaster-free zone and will never suffer again. It is up to those left to better their lives. That is why we have free will,so WE can decide the best course of action on earth. If we are foolish enough to put our well-being in a dictator's hands, then we risk being ground under his/her steel boots. Satan puts disasters upon us and at the end of times there will be a holy battle such as the earth has never seen, but for now, it is up to man to better his lot on this earth. It's amazing how we ignore God until something horrible happens. Suddenly everyone is either praying for the first time in ages or cursing God for their misfortunes, which they bring upon themselves.
@dav20b (507)
• United States
27 Jul 10
Well I know some people may not like my answer but I think it was judgement for all of the voodoo their you know demon worship.Since that is one of the things they are know for or the devil just wanted to kill em.
@asfora (57)
• Egypt
26 Jul 10
a wise man a long ago was a partener of argument just like this one when his unbeliving teacher said: x:isn't god the creator of every thing you say? z:yes x:then he created evil too! z:no x:how is that? z:dos cold exist? x: sure yes z:no it doesn't, cold is the absence of heat and it is scientifically proofed but cold is only a name we humen invented to point this condition( lack of heat),does darckness exist? x: yes z: no, same case, darkness is the absence of light even we can measure the light but nothing about darkness, you see,also evil is the absence of goodness,god created every good thing but you have to look at it from the right angle life is like a unsolved puzzle if you tried to look at every piece alone you will not understand but Waite for it to be complete , search for the benefits behind every event you will find benefits i assure you and maybe i doesn't satisfy you but it is for those who received it try to believe it is in lighting.
@dsrp82 (676)
• Brazil
26 Jul 10
People who dont believe in God wont get their answers her on mylot nor on any other site. You must feel God, talk to him, that's all personal stuff. Here in my lot we wont prove that God exists nor that He doesn't!
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
26 Jul 10
I've wondered many times about that. What is God doing when we feel pain, when we die, when a lot of people die in this kind of disaster. I believe in God with all my hart and i feel pain deep in my soul when something like that happen. I remember, in that earthquake a lot of people all over the world was together in their wish to help Haiti. I remember that people who had that chance made concerts and donated a lot of money about people from Haiti. I remember a bulgarian, who lives in US was trying to build school, where it was empty of schools for little children. In my country we had a TV show and the people who did it, was raising money about Haiti. I remember that people from my country was there helping to people who were under the tumble down buildings. We had campaign for adoption. I feel pain when i look little orphans. I feel pain when i look at homeless animals out of my house, which we irresponsible have putted on the street. But this is the life. I'm not sure that it worths so many people to die in a cause. But i know that all the world reminded how important is our life, and how we have to conserve it better than everything else. We have to appreciate every day, when we are with people who will love and who love us. We have to use every chance, what is given to use, to do something good. Not because we are greedy people to say about us - look what a great person is this. Just to make it for us and for the person who needs help. We have to respect our life. This is how and other people will respect it. And we need more trust. I'm sure in that. We are not the people who make plans for our life. Our life is texture of our personal choices and somebody else's choices. I prefer to believe in God. Since i do it, i feel more smiley and happy person. And i'm sure there is a reason for everything. God bless you.
@tap0991 (2766)
• United States
26 Jul 10
I dont really believe in god so I cannot answer your question where he was. All I know is that nature works in ways that sometimes cannot be understood and the effects are not always desired.
• India
26 Jul 10
We think God is the ruler of this world but He is not. After God finished creating this world, he left to create another world. Right now God is busy creating another world, one better than the one he had created before. He is watching this world so that the new world does not have the same problems as this world. After God left, Satan took over. He is the ruler of this world. He is the one who manages its affairs. Such calamities happen because he is unable to manage. That was the reason God had made a covenant with man that whenever the man would be in distress he would come again as human. He had fulfilled this promise before and he would do so again. Such calamities indicate that it is time for God to come again. Therefore, let us not blame God for whatever has happened. It all happens for good.
@qianyun6 (2066)
• China
26 Jul 10
God isn't a good worker that he always absents when we need him. I think we should make a world referendum to decide whether we should dismiss him. Anyway, everything relies on us humans ourselves. It's us built our lives, not god did it.
@Satenik (102)
• Armenia
26 Jul 10
Earthquake in Armenia. December 7 1988. A terrible day. I was 10 years old. Though I lived in the capital city and the earthquake's epicenter was in the second biggest city of Armenia, I can steel remember the shaking of the buildings and it was horrible. In the evening we were already watching on TV and couldn't believe all that was happening to our nation. Cities devastated, people crying and looking for their families. 25000 killed, considering that the population of whole Armenia was about 3000000. 500000 left homeless. Of course at that time people were blaming God for their losses. They were too disappointed and thought there was no reason for them to carry on. But no one can judge God for what he does. I believe in God. And God doesn't punish. Didn't you ever think that all the bad things on the earth are done by Satan?
• Malaysia
26 Jul 10
Just don't blame on God for every natural disasters occurs around the world. In fact, think of unthinkable of what actually the reason of those natural disasters to happen there in the first place. Anyway, if there anything bad happening to a place, meaning there are something bad the people there did that need to be punished. Remember the story of Sodom and Gemorrah? Well, if do just relate to what happened around already in this world.
@gaboni (644)
• Israel
26 Jul 10
A common mistake... god is not a guardian, or protector... he is the humanity's judgment, therefore he is also a punisher... if you will ask religious people about it, they will tell that god punished those people, and that's the original role of god in our life, as tough as it sounds. the tsunami- punishment. the Jewish holocaust- punishment. some sickos would say its the beginning of the end which is approaching to us while we getting close to 2012's famous date.