Hi Just a cotton picking minute, I asked if my cotton picking cotton picker was
@Hatley (163773)
Garden Grove, California
July 25, 2010 3:04pm CST
Trying to think of a topic that had not been used, I just now remembered the years I lived in Tempe Arizona where this term "cotton Picking this or that" was used so much. Seems there was quite a bit of cotton grown in Arizona at that time, this was 53 years ago.But I was wondering if that slang was ever used in other states? I know I have never heard it used here in Southern California. But one time when my hubby and I and our daughter, my son was at Grandma's ,were waiting in the lobby of a service station for our car to be repaired , I heard a man using that term cotton picking. He was yelling, "Damn did you get my cotton picking cotton picker repaired yet? I need it like yesterday."
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23 responses
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
25 Jul 10
Yep, Hatley, I use that term all the cotton pickin' time LOL
That terminology is used here in Oklahoma all the time, every day, every second, well, you get the picture !
I have picked cotton and cotton boles as a kid here in Oklahoma too. That was /is the tiredest I think I've ever been !
But, still the old cotton pickin' joints aches and I take another pill LOL
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Jul 10
hi quita oh of cou rse Oklahoma grows cotton too. I watched them in some of the fields in Arizona and it looks like really tiring work. I thought
picking apples was hard but that looked a lot more tiring. I found myself using that a lot when we first moved to California and people would sort of give me an odd loo k I suppose if I had used the f word and the gd word that wou ld have been okay.lol.

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@quita88 (3715)
• United States
27 Jul 10
HATLEY, Oh picking cotton was awful work. We did it cuz mama made us do it to buy our school clothes. It was the most grueling work I've ever done.
first we bought or were given tow sacks to make our bags to put the cotton in. Mama had like six sacks long and my brother and me only had 3 sacks long.
We'd get down on the ground and put our feet into our sacks and pack the cotton in as tightly as possible to get the weight up as we got paid for the weight of the cotton in our bags.
The OK heat was torture...........we couldn't wait til dinner time. We had bought a few goodies at our local grocery and we enjoyed as I remember Zero candy bars..........I think cuz they melt so bad.
If we had money for a pop it was hot by dinner time but we all starved for water that the field boss would bring in with ice in it.
Those were hard days but some of the best we ever had.

@tamarafireheart (15384)
25 Jul 10
Hi Hatley,
The used to be a US show where people say that all the time and it caught on here in the UK and every other person was saying, now I have not heard it for a long time untill your discussion, thanks.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Jul 10
hi tamarafireheart I was just thinking back over the years I and my hubby were in P
hoenix and how we laughed when we heard this cotton picker come into the garage and yell, just a cotton picking minute is my cotton picking cotton picker fixed yet? He laughed too and said, leastwise I did not take the name of the lord in vain, so there. How bout that? We had to agree it was a nice clean cuss word for sure.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Jul 10
hi ellie I have done it too, and my son will really geton my case. mom is supposed to be an angel I guess lol.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Jul 10
hi Ellie yes I was just thinking how nice if we used something like cotton picking instead of the f work or gd words which I really hate, I was raised to believe you do not swear and above all you do not take the Lord's name in vain. I was made to go to Sunday school each Sunday and if I said Damn in my dad's presence well oh boy howdy I would wish I had not. It went a lot easier if I remembered to say darn it if I was upset.So when I grew up and heard so many people I liked swearing like crazy I was really appalled. My only vice is that I say sh@t too much, and my son does at times use the f word but he gets on my case if I say too many damns now. I do not really like it when I do swear either. I think we should all try to keep from swearing.

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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
26 Jul 10
Yep, like the others I've heard it, too. I grew up in Ohio hearing it all the time, especially since my dad's family was from Kentucky. I also heard "durn" a lot, as in "that durn car ain't worth a plugged nickel!" I never heard a curse word until I was in my teens and that was in the big city we'd moved to. Now I hear small children walking down the street using the F word so casually it's heartbreaking.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
26 Jul 10
My grandma washed my brother's mouth out with soap when he said damn one time--he was 13 and taller than she was but we respected our elders back then and he was just glad she didn't tell our dad! We loved our parents and family but had a healthy fear of doing wrong because we knew we would be punished. That respect is sorely missing these days. I hope it comes back eventually!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Jul 10
hi dragon yes we used to resp ect our parents and not sass them now days so many say things to their parents that would have got me at least a swat on the butt. But again my parents also respected me as their child and daughter, and that made it easy too to respect them. but I always knew if I stepped out of line there would be consequences, now parents seem afraid of their teen age kids. sad.Neither of my parents ever swore and I did not dare either or else, and I am glad now that I was raised like that as I met people who cannot say one sentence even without swearing.My mom's brother really swore with each sentence and it would really bug my dad too. I always wondered why he did that as he was not even a ngry so why all the swearwords?
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Jul 10
hi dragon oh my grandad used to use durn and plugged nickel and he came from Kentucky and Missouri. I
hate it that even little kids use the F word and you are right its heartbreaking as they must have had parents who use it too. When I was a kid my dad would really get on my case if I came out with a damn.

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@celticeagle (172458)
• Boise, Idaho
26 Jul 10
How funny!! I can remember being in Tucson, Arizon about forty five years ago and it was hot enough you could fry an egg on the sidewalk. Like 112 in the shade! I hated it. We were indoors until evening, then life started. I never got used it and hope I never go back. I just can't handle the heat. Cotton pickin' heat anyway. Hehe!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Jul 10
hi I should talk I worked in the libray as a page for years and while I got better than minum wages it was nothing to boast about , about 7 dollars an hour then when Orange County went bankrupt whoppee the library had a great excuse to freeze all our salaries county government jobs just like other gov . jobs will get frozen. lol lolOne thing about the city gov. jobs ,nobody got fired unless they had done something so atrocious that the head librarian had to fire. this one girl was also a page but palmed her work onto others and after so much static from the rest of us they did actually fire her.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Jul 10
hi celticeagle That heat was something I never got used to and the
super low wages we were working at as they had that right to
work law and the minimum wage was a laugh.We never did get really
used to the heat.Y eah its cotton picking heat all right.

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@celticeagle (172458)
• Boise, Idaho
27 Jul 10
We have the right to work law here as well. Glad I don't work anymore. Cotton pickers anyway!
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@mgates (13)
• United States
25 Jul 10
I grew up in the midwest and I heard the term cotton pickin minute. I admit that was some time ago. Used mostly for those that didn't want to use a more colorful word. Don't hear it much anymore, I think it's due to the way people just use the most colorful words now a days. The english language has gotten filthy over the years. Wouldn't it be nice if the words we heard most were nice words?
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Jul 10
hi mgates yes I did think I had heard it before someplace else. You
had me thinking wow would it not be nice if that was the most
nasty cuss words. cotton picking instead of the f word over and over.'Ihad one uncle who had a fairly bland personality until he swore and oh myg. I hated it,he knew more cuss words than the proverbial sailor and he sure die use them. My husband used one that totally baffled the neighbors, oh you dirty rotten old tin can you. That made them wonder is he mad, is he joking or what. But that was the worst cussing he ever did.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Jul 10
Hi polly yes its sort of outdated I think but is was sure a lot
cleaner than what so many use now days. I hate the use of the f
word all the time and so m any take the name of the Lord in vain'and when I was growing up I could not even say damn without my dad getting
on my case really bad. And not using gD or JC as that would be a
paddling for su re. Anyway I went to sunday school as a child and
was a good lesson to learn as a child.

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@AmbiePam (96426)
• United States
25 Jul 10
It is used here in Oklahoma. My dad used to say it all the time. Someone told him it was racist. But my dad was like, are you kidding? My dad used to pick cotton, and he is white. His whole family picked cotton, and potatoes. They'd travel to other states during the summer to make any money they could. So yep, cotton pickin' is said still today.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Jul 10
hi ambiepam it was really surprising to me that they raised cotton in arizona. I too don't think its racist a s those workers appeared to be allwhite people. Its funny that this came to me as I had not thought of
that in years.we all got so we used it too. 

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@kimbers867 (2539)
• United States
26 Jul 10
I know here in Maryland you would hear "now wait a cotton picking minute". I remember hearing it when I was a kid. Not much now!
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@kimbers867 (2539)
• United States
26 Jul 10
oh i agree with you about people are using harsher words. Now it is acceptable to say "friggin"
We were watching the new episode of Hannah Montana and Billy Ray said "hell" and my nine year pointed it out. My first thought was it was a Disney show what next??
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Dec 10
hi kimbers I have to flinch when I hear my adult son and his friends
using the f wor d, and yet when I have a problem on my computer and let out a few damns he has a fit,Mom dont cuss, that will not help anything. and I am gthinking damn is worse than the vulgar F word? I admit as long as I was in my oarents house damn was out too, my dad was the son of a minister,In fact my Grandfather Clark was the White House Chapling during the Civil war.But the point is mydad did not allow any cursing in our house and I am glad in a way as I have met friends who could not say two words without a cuss word of some sort and not mild one either. o figure.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Jul 10
hi kimbers I think its too mild now and people use harsher
words which is sort of sad in a way, at least that expression
is clean cussing. I don't remember just what triggered that
memory as that was back in the late fifties and early sixties
I was talking about. I
have not heard it used here.

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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
25 Jul 10
I remember that being used when I was a kid, here in Ohio. Every once in a while I'll still hear it but not as often.
In fact, my daughter said it the other day to me and we both were laughing. I can't remember what the circumstances were but she said "Now wait a cotton-pickin minute there, Missy" and she was talking to me. It was about something silly I would imagine but can't remember what. So funny you should mention that and I never even thought about it till you asked this. So I guess it's still used here but I just don't really pay attention to it, lol!
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@GardenGerty (162464)
• United States
26 Jul 10
Your responses make me realize that the youngsters do not really understand what hard work was. amd still is for someone. Some things will always be hand picked.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Dec 10
oh yes like strawberries and other soft fruit. I remember helping
pick strawberries as a kid and its hard work but I loved doing it
as I loved to eat one or two lol lol. I do not think there is any machine that can pick some fruits. but I never minded it really course i was just a kid then
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Jul 10
hi kashmeresmycat I just suddenly thought of that and how we laughed at the man with his just a cotton picking minute, is my cotton picking cotton picker fixed or not, need it yesterday. He laughed too a nd told us it was a lot better than cursing and we had to agree whole heartedly. I
think that is one thing that is not raised in Calif b ut am not

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Jul 10
hi jdyrj777 I think maybe people move from the cotton growing states use that and it becomes sort of in the public domain so to speak.
No I never heard of cotton being grown in the midwest either nor in my home state of South Dakota. I now live in Calfiornia.
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
26 Jul 10
That is definitely way way better and much cotton pickin cleaner than the "F-ing" word, right?
We don't have that one here in the Philippines. (Of course)
But one town here in our province uses the word "cholera" as their major expression. I don't know the history of the word but there must be a cholera outbreak there at one time, hence, the expression.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Jul 10
hi Theresaaiza yes I really do agree there, its just a funny term'yet people did get their irritation about something across. I get so
sick of so many people here who have to ust The F word or resort to taking the name of the Lord in vain. its as though they have such a small vocabulary they cannot find any other way to express anger or frustration. Odd about the wo rd Cholera too. Must have been a real out break at one time.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Dec 10
hi theresaaiza yes I do not use the f word as i have found other
better ways to communicate I am furious like I may be fat but my mother never raised an idiot like your mom did.that really stunned the woman who was trying to belittle me by asking if I knew I was overweight.She
did leave in a hurry. We had been waiting in line and the clerk called the disappearing woman's name but she just walked ou. Gess sh did not like being called an idiot.
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
28 Jul 10
It is a big mystery to me too!
Some of the other towns also have their own local expression and they're really funny of you knew my language.
I once got influenced into using the F word, but I sure didn't mean to. When you hear people say it habitually, you just unintentionally get influenced by it as well. It's a good thing I always stopped myself before I mutter it.

@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
27 Jul 10
Hiya Hatley,
Am I right in thinking that this phrase was used in the Series of the Beverly Hillbillies I mean the first Series that was really funny. Especially Jed and Granma said it I think. But then there were no videos so I can´t look it up to see if they did say it or not.
If you saw the Beverly Hillbillies a lot you might remember them and their own particular expressions. I also loved Ellie May in fact I loved all of them. On another note here does anyone remember "Hiram Holiday"? He used expression like this I think. Whichever way I have heard it for sure in American Cartoons somewhere but can´t remember where.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Jul 10
hi lovinangels yes I think that it was used jn Beverly Hillbillies
too. I got such a kick out of that series too. so much fun and my husband and I used to watch that all the time. I met the actor B uddy Ibsen who played Jeb once in a movie theatre and he was so nice,That was in the old historic movie Theatre In Newport Beach Calif. My sister blurted out that man looks like Jeb and I started to apologize and he said she is right young lady don't scold her. I am Buddy Ibsen He gave my sister an autographed photo of him. Such a really down to earth man. He was dressed in old clothes even. a very comfortable person to talk to and very well educated too.Not at all like the character he portrayed.lol.
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@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
28 Jul 10
Hiya Hatley,
You must have both been thrilled to bits I know I would have been. I would have been thrilled to get to know any of the Cast as it was they were so funny. I imagine he was as you say he seemed to be that way as a Person in the Character. It´s such a shame that they don´t have the Series here at all. They gave us some great times watching them. Does your Sister still have the Photo then I know I would. If it were mine it would be stored away. I had a real letter written by Micky Dolenz of the Group "The Monkees" but it got burned along with other things I had. Price I had to pay for marrying my Spaniard that´s love for you.
Is your Sister younger than you then?

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Jul 10
hi fwidman yep I was right after all,its even been used here
in Southern California after all, so in a cotton picking way
I was no so far off after all.

@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
26 Jul 10
crap it seems my first post didnt work.
son says here in az, cotton is now second biggest industry. agraculture like oranges, watermelon, etc. fruits veggies. are the number one now

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Jul 10
hi bunnybon do not feel bad I have had that problem today too, and one response wiped out right in front of me and Ihit back and it did not
help at all. Wow so now Cotton is the second biggest industry in
Arizona wow.yes I can see the oranges as whenwe first came to Orange county there were orange groves here now most are gone. lol. 

@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
28 Jul 10
Well, I'm a lot younger than you are and I am also living in the south east. However, that is a term that I actually hear on a pretty regular basis around here. In fact, I have the two kids now and I've never in my life been in a cotton field, but I certainly do use that term with my kids all the time when they are being persistant about wanting me to do something for them. I like to either use, "Wait a cotton picking moment." or else I will use "Hold your britches on."
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Jul 10
hi dorannmwin oh you know its really a lot better than the words so many people use now days. I have often used that when my children were little
and keep your pants on, my hubby was always saying well don't get your panties in a knot. still better than the f word which I really really
hate.oh he he nobodys younger than me. I just got back from my vision test and my left eye is pretty bad between macular degeneration
and a cataract . the eye dr. said he did not feel removing the cataract in my left eye would do any good. But on t he other hand my right eye is still pretty good so I got a prescription for new glasses and will get them in a week.
A lot of p eople cope well with one good eye and one not so good.

@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
26 Jul 10
Except for the movies, I can't say I ever did hear that expression. Even now that I try to remember it, I couldn't even tell what movie I heard that expression from. I must admit, it does have that certain 'zing' to it. And just the right amount of "c" or "k" sound that when you say it fast it could hold its own against common everyday swear words.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Jul 10
hi bounce I had never heard the expression until we moved to
Tempe Arizona and everyone was letting go with that but
ir really hit our funny bone when this man started in to
say Just a Cotton picking minute, is my cotton picking cotton
picker ready or not? I had to admit it was much cleaner than
most of the cusswords we ordinarly use.
@Kumar1232009 (1215)
• Spain
26 Jul 10
Ms Hatley!
it is my first time to hear that phrase. but i know that job is really a tough one.. don't know who would dare to do that cotton picking... i have seen algodon trees in spain when i was very young and they use to climb and cut the branches during cropping period... really this is a very very tough job! 

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Jul 10
hi kumar yes that job of cutting branches sounds even tougher
We watched people working in the cotton fields and it looked
like a really back breaking work. I doubt if they grow any
cotton here in California.I have not heard that phrase in years. but when we lived in Arizona they were really using the term.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Jul 10
hi oldchem Lancashire in the UK oh that makes me think of Witches.lol
Thats funny even there they use that expression so it did
get around a bit.The funny thing was we even got to