How about the world without Internet????

July 26, 2010 9:52am CST
At this time we are enjoying here and just earn....but think the world wihout the Internet........I would rathar die for living in the world without Interner....
6 responses
@ashton77 (292)
• India
26 Jul 10
I think world without internet would be disaster but it is not possible. Many years ago we never had internet, but people did continue to live. Now we are used to internet and that's why we cant imagine world without it.I had a friend who would always login and spend his time in internet. He used to keep on walking holding his laptop and only surfing internet. We thought that he wouldn't survive without internet. Now he is working in Middle East where his work demands no use of internet. So I think it is possible. At least I can live without internet. Its a part of the world not everything of a world.
@liaamur (417)
• Philippines
26 Jul 10
whoever thought it was only 20 years ago??? and now the internet is such an important part of our lives. but you are right--people indeed survived, and they survived well. :)
@liaamur (417)
• Philippines
26 Jul 10
whoever thought it was only 20 years ago??? and now the internet is such an important part of our lives. but you are right--people indeed survived, and they survived well. :)
@o0jopak0o (6394)
• Philippines
27 Jul 10
i think if no one invented internet, then ill be playing console games now. life would still continue if the internet is not invented.
@liaamur (417)
• Philippines
26 Jul 10
hello deepak, i know that it seems very very hard to think right now that we will not have internet, but i'm sure we will all survive. 1. we will probably play with real toys, physical games, and such instead of online gaming. 2. we go to the office in order to do manual labor instead of staying at home and mylotting ^_^ 3...and because of that, we interact more with people whom we actually see, therefore building our confidence, self esteem, and interpersonal skills. but i'd rather be able to do all these stuff and more, with internet. LOL. happy mylotting!
@kharlav (1669)
• Philippines
26 Jul 10
I think if internet was never introduced i think my world would still be okay since I am not used to using the internet yet. BUt if it will happen now, now that I am used to using the net, I think it will be very difficult because I earn money here and I can easily research things here; and communicate with my friends and family. I dont want to go back to the stone aged technology.
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
26 Jul 10
I liked it better before the internet was such a huge thing.
• United States
26 Jul 10
I agree with you, the world without internet is a scray uneducated world. I think that computers have not only enriched ourlives but they have border line ruined them to. I said it People where much more sociable in past days now, things like cruising and loitering are illegal not that i totally disagree because they both could be potentially hazardous but the atmosphere of being in a social network has become more prominante then being in a social surrounding.