Make your own decide or ask others for advice?

@antilove (191)
July 26, 2010 10:17am CST
When you get into trouble, what should you do? Decide on you own or take others' advice?
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9 responses
@dodo19 (47268)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
26 Jul 10
There are times, when I do ask for advice. However, it somewhat depends on the situation. If I broke something that belongs to someone else, or I lost something that wasn't mine, then I would explain the situation to the other person involved. But there are some cases, when I feel I might need some advice. It depends on the situation and what happened.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
26 Jul 10
Hi antilove! Ultimately we choose, we decide, we bear the consequences of our choice. It helps to hear from as many as possible to make an informed decision. That's the wonderful thing of being able to open up and listen to others. Because sometimes we don't. We would rather listen to what we want to listen to.
@bubulizzz (508)
• Latvia
26 Jul 10
I think that every thing what we have to decide must be firstly analysed by ourself, but if we have great doubts and can't to decide between something we must to ask for advise. But it's not mean that we must to act according this advice - we must to analyse it, also. And only then, when we have sought all yes and no, then we must to choose how we will react in our situation.
@SinfulRose (3527)
• Davao, Philippines
26 Jul 10
My actions depend on certain situations. If I feel that I can fix this trouble by myself, I wouldn't bother others about it. But if I feel out of options, I would ask for advice and pray on it or cross my fingers and believe that the problem will come to pass. Certain problems in life are easy to solve. One just needs to use logic. However once emotions are involved, one needs to be careful with it. That's the problem I see in humans, we are too emotional that this particular emotion gets the hold of us and forget the most obvious of solutions to our problems. Hope this helps if ever you have a problem! ^^
@gaboni (644)
• Israel
26 Jul 10
I believe in making self decisions, but I think that asking for your friend's opinion about a decision you made would do no harm:)
@ashton77 (292)
• India
26 Jul 10
It depends on the situation. I do ask for other people suggestion but I decide for my own. I would not do what they say and blame them if it doesn't work out. I would rather take decision myself and take all the blame on me.
@liaamur (417)
• Philippines
26 Jul 10
hello antilove, your decision is always your own, so you should own up to it. saying that you did something because someone said it would be good is just putting blame--or glory--on someone else. but if someone gives you advice, you should heed the advice especially if it comes from a person with experience on the matter. whether the advice is good or bad, THAT will be YOUR decision. bottomline, you just take into consideration what others say. :) happy mylotting.
@Suke002 (311)
• United States
26 Jul 10
That all depends on the situation. If i broke my mom's lamp then I'll decide on my own what to do, but if you killed someone or something serious like that.... THEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNN I might get some advice first. lol
• Philippines
26 Jul 10
It really depends on what kind of trouble I'm in. If it's something that I know I can handle, or something that I know no one else but me could handle, then I go at it alone. However, if I'm way in over my head, I don't see any reason why I shouldn't ask for "expert" advise, or at the very least, ask a trusted friend.