Flowers in spite of the ice.

Gazania - This is the gazania I have in my garden. In fact, I have many of them as they have different colours.
@marguicha (219883)
July 26, 2010 4:16pm CST
Yesterday I found that Lola´s water had iced . I hope dogs are more intelligent than men and don´t lick the ice so their tongue get´s frozen. We have a polar wave that has driving me nuts. It´s very cold and one cannot do much besides get into bed the longest the better. The day before, there was this icy sun and I went out to take pictures. A beautiful gazania was in full bloom not minding the bitter cold. She was showing hersrlf to Father Sun. I´ll post the picture. By the way, I checked online and they even give free gazania seeds. Thay are hardy and perennial. Do you know gazanias? Do you have them in your garden? Do you have other hardy plants that can grow in spite of ice? Share!
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10 responses
• Pamplona, Spain
27 Jul 10
Hiya margi, I have seen a few snippets of News about the weather you have been having there. It´s not something you realize when it´s usually very hot this side of the Globe. We have had lots of wild flowers starting to bloom everywhere one or two are not typical of here and no one has planted them either so with having so many wild birds here that must be part of the answer. Very lovely flower the gazania I have not seen that here. Even in the so called Flower Producers you never see any flowers when you go past them on display or anything or in the Greenhouses so I would say it´s difficult for me to know if they have that Flower here maybe on the Coast in someones house. We have plenty of Ivy and blackberry bushes the most common thing around here. Also Roses the briar type of Roses they are quite hardy as they have to live through scorching heat and very cold winters they are good survivors they have lots of Berries on them the Rosa Mosqueta ones. Well I don´t know the proper name of them just trying to describe them. We went to Cervera de Alhama the other Day and someone had some beautiful Roses and Gladiolas in their Garden. Orange and peach coloured ones very nice.
• Pamplona, Spain
27 Jul 10
Hiya margi, Just adding I like the name of your Dog Lola that´s a nice name have you got a Photo of her? Hope the cold eases up a bit so you can get out and take those pictures you want to take. Lola seems very playful I love Dogs like that. The most recent thing I saw about Chile had lot´s of flowers in it at the start whether they are wild or not I don´t know either but they were beautiful to look at.
@marguicha (219883)
• Chile
27 Jul 10
Lola - I was trying to take a picture of the mountains but Lola decided she was a better subject.
Gazanias are not native flowers from Chile but they grow easily in our climate. They are not wild flowers though. As for Lola, I do have pictures of her as she is always begging me to take a picture of her when I´m doing something else.. I´ll post one for you.
• Pamplona, Spain
28 Jul 10
Hiya margi, Okay thanks I love photos of animals no matter what they are. I still love that name Lola for a Dog I don´t know of anyone here who calls their Dog that. They have lot´s of names like Anastasia (grin) Barbara another grin. Harry Potter and William Wallace are the most funniest names I have ever heard of for a Dog here. Parrots here have funny names too lol. As for the flowers they are really nice they a South African annual flower that bloom in quite a few colours they like long hot summers but can survive tough climates but not too cold either. The flower buds close on dull sunless days? Sound a bit like the Sunflower except that the Sunflower is always open and facing the Sun wherever it is we have fields and fields of them this year all over the place they are a glory to behold. I have just looked up about Gazanias by the way the Sunflowers I go past them most Days I am trying to get a close up photo of a Sunflower but they are always facing the other way (grin) they turn their backs on me laugh ha ha. Never mind I love Sunflowers big and beautiful and full of colour. In England the flower Nurseries are always full of beautiful flowers here I never see one I don´t get it. I suppose the import more flowers than what they grow that must be the answer but with such a good climate you would think that they would have loads of flowers. Gazanias are really beautiful to look at I have just been looking at the photos too. By the way I had an Alsatian ages ago and he was lovely not just lovely amazing I called him Tom but I had to give him to a Family in the Countryside as he is a working dog and needs lots of space he was very happy with them and they were very happy with him and he was always full of fun and playful. I loved him to bits.
@ElicBxn (63394)
• United States
26 Jul 10
well, I'm no Grandpa Bob, and I don't grow plants if they don't grow themselves in my yard... Its a beautiful flower, don't think I've ever seen one like it around here - maybe too hot for it?
@marguicha (219883)
• Chile
26 Jul 10
In what part of the United Stares do you live? You could check via web if they can be grown in your location. We have hot dry Summers where I live. We never have snow though. These plants are the kind that they almost grow without taking care of them.
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@ElicBxn (63394)
• United States
27 Jul 10
Texas, hot, humid sometimes dry summers and generally mild winters with what we call 3 day winters... cold 3 days than nice for a week or so, not last winter, but generally
@marguicha (219883)
• Chile
27 Jul 10
Gazanias would grow beautifully in Texas. Check if you can find them. I have planted seedlings and seeds and the grow. They are not even troublesome about the soil. They have lots of beautiful colours.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
29 Jul 10
I have these growing, they are mostly browns and yellows and I can't kill them....Yikes!! They are taking over my lawn* Apparently they are from Sth Africa from the aster family and they are happy in poor soils, in hot and dry wonder they grow all year round here. * A Down Under bush euphemism that means green weeds which grow where grass should be growing.
@marguicha (219883)
• Chile
29 Jul 10
I gave up on lawn years ago. I cut and water the weeds in Spring through Summer and I don´t mind if I forget: they won´t die. But I do like to make flower beds. Flowers make me happy. So I plant hardy flowers and hope weeds won´t take over. Gazanias give a big fight. They don´t die but I have to take them out ever 2 years, help out by weeding and putting them back.
@primeaque86 (8108)
• Philippines
27 Jul 10
Thank you for the picture friend, it is very lovely. And it looks like so healthy despite of the freezing ground.... so far, I never heard of this flower except here, oh yes, right here at your post friend.... you know, what I like in your posts is that you always gave us free information about many things...even I do not know about your place, yet you always informed us about it.... I love to know information about different places, so it helps me a lot... and specially this is existing information from an existing people whom I know here. God bless friend....
@marguicha (219883)
• Chile
27 Jul 10
I´m only handing back what I have recieved here, friend. When I started in mylot, I hardly knew a thing about your country. I had yo go and look it up in a map. Now I saw an an entire ver bad movie only because the location was in Phillipines and I could understand better where my friends lives.
@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
28 Jul 10
Nope, we don't have gazanias. I did have an iris that was a re-bloomer, pink, and it was fun to see it blooming in December. I didn't save a piece though, or at least it never bloomed at my second house, and I didn't bring any iris from that house to this one.
@marguicha (219883)
• Chile
29 Jul 10
I am absolutly sure you can get gazanias in California and they are the easiest beautiful plants to have. California has a climate that is very similar to the middle part of Chile where I live. The only thing I know we don´t have is rattlesnakes. We do have mice though, but not inside the house. HUG!
• India
28 Jul 10
No friend i am not aware of this flower, i have a small place on our roof my wife has planted some flower plants there, she needs fresh flower every morning for her worship, and whatever she gets is enough for her.. Thanks for sharing. Welcome always. Cheers. Professor
@marguicha (219883)
• Chile
29 Jul 10
Hi friend, This flower is native of South Africa (as so many beautiful flowers) but can be grown easily in a place where there are no extreme wheather conditions. Take care!
• United States
27 Jul 10
It seems so odd for y'all to be so cold & we are sooo hot. I didn't realize it got that cold there. I don't know what gazanias look lie. Remember i have a brown thumb,lol.
@marguicha (219883)
• Chile
27 Jul 10
It´s very cold now. We always have cold Winter (no snow but cold rain) but this year it has been colder. There´s a cold wave that comes from the South Pole. I wish I could go on a vacation!
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
28 Jul 10
That is a lovely flower, I love its colours. We don’t often have icy conditions here although we have come close this winter! I am no gardener so I don’t know which flowers are which but I wanted to stop by, say hello and tell you to keep up your photography...You take great shots!
• Pamplona, Spain
15 Mar 12
Hiya margi, These Days these past Days it had been freezing with freezing Fog in the Morning that lasted quite a while so we had any clothes outside or any water say in a bucket or other frozen completely. I caught the Dog trying to break the Ice on his Water Dish he did not like the taste of Ice so he was trying to break the Ice by moving the Dish around so we broke it for him in the finish. It was the same when he had never seen the Snow before he thought he could catch it lol but I could not take a Photograph of it because it was Snowing and it was very dark outside and freezing cold to go with it. Beautiful Gazania Flower of Happiness and Joy I would call it just
• Jamaica
27 Jul 10
Wow thats very interesting well i guess nature works at its best despite of the conditions