What about God?

@uniqueorn (1011)
July 27, 2010 2:01am CST
I am a teenager. I don't seem to care what comes in my life. This life is so much filled with temptations. But you know what, whenever I go to church and reconcile all the sins I have done? It seems like an embrace to the real me. To where happiness belongs. How about you guys? What about God? What does he do you to your life? He is my peace of mind.
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8 responses
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
27 Jul 10
To me,God is in every fiber of my being. Without God in my life, I do not know where I'd be or how I'd have lived. Prayer is the greatest gift next to faith. I believe every prayer is answered and I do believe he answers them all ... we may not be aware of his choices as what we want may not be right for us, but HE listens......he answers. I believe God has given me a path to follow and I need to be aware of his ways. I also believe we show our faith by how we act in every day life. I feel God on the inside of me and HE just fills me with his wonder every day. Religion is not the answer. It's faith in God that makes the difference. Let him into your heart and life and your whole world will turn around for the better. God bless, quita
@uniqueorn (1011)
• Philippines
3 Aug 10
I know that young as I am, I easily get tempted. But I reconcile and compromise that I belong with Him at the very end. It's just hard at this time to be really there. I don't know how to explain. There are some things I'd like to discover and try but I know I am lucky enough to have been able to have this kind of life - not too wild, not too loose, not too far of going back to him, not too late to change for the better.
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
4 Aug 10
Peace of mind comes in time. You are being tested every day and the Lord knows you are trying. There is a saying "it's not the destination, it's the journey that makes the difference" Take heart. Dance as tho noone were watching ! Sing as if noone were listening! You are dancing and singing in front of God and who cares about the rest? You need to quit rationalizing and remember to live the way you KNOW you are supposed to. The rest will take care of itself. God bless you and remember we all go thru this uncertainty every day of our lives. Just live.......... hugs, quita
• United States
28 Jul 10
Okay, this is a discussion as old as time itself. What you choose to believe in is up to you. If you want to believe in God you can, but I, personally, don't know if God exist, but this is my belief. I think that everyone is entitled to their beliefs and they don't have to believe in anything that they do not want to believe.
@uniqueorn (1011)
• Philippines
2 Aug 10
I truly respect this opinion of yours rogue. But you know, I guess it's better to live life like there's a God then to find out when you die there's none than to live life like there's no God and to find out when you die there's one.
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
27 Jul 10
Keep it there my friend, you are still young and could live a God inspired life. Remember, true happiness is found at bosom of God the father-you lack nothing when you are on his side.
@uniqueorn (1011)
• Philippines
3 Aug 10
Thank you so much academic2. I wish to know more and get something from your faith.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Jul 10
hi uniqueorn I also feel the same way when I am in church and I am a senior citizen. Yes God does come into me life to and as you said He is my peace of mind too. I do not go around preaching to others but I do try to live a good life and obey the teachings I have learned.
@uniqueorn (1011)
• Philippines
3 Aug 10
I love to hear that. I know that there's no age when it comes to God. I'm glad that you've got your peace of mind already.
• China
27 Jul 10
Yeah,God always teach us keep peaceful and serene.I am doing my best to be more catholic.
@uniqueorn (1011)
• Philippines
3 Aug 10
The same here. :) I am not too Catholic but I know I have the heart.
@appygudu (35)
• India
27 Jul 10
God is everything for me. I believe in God like anything. I faith him even more than my parents. I do every work by saying that God is doing that not me. I believe that if you are completely dependent on God then God will take care of you more than anything. Leave everything upon God, and work like a weapon of God's then you will achieve success in every field of your life. Help others, god will help you.
@uniqueorn (1011)
• Philippines
3 Aug 10
This is very inspiring like it is really based by experience. How I wish to know more about your encounters with Him.
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
27 Jul 10
I just run the lives that have been determined by God. I surrender everything to God and I believe God always provide the best for me in running this life.
@uniqueorn (1011)
• Philippines
3 Aug 10
I sometimes wonder if it's possible if I give God the control of my life for me not to sin again. But I love the gift of free-will though.
@rjkmrr (172)
• India
27 Jul 10
I really that God exist in the earth for the goodness of the creature. I feel insecure if I don't pray to god and I gain peace after my prayers. Though we cant see but we believe.
@uniqueorn (1011)
• Philippines
3 Aug 10
We do have insecurities but they have never brought me down since I know that I have God with me.