What makes you smile?

July 27, 2010 3:53am CST
In a busy world like ours, do you remember when was the last time you smile? How often do you smile in a day? A smile can make a bad day turn good, seal a business deal and make new friends. Even how stressful or bad the day is I always see to it that I smile...crazy that I am, I know I'm not alone. A simple hello makes me smile...a coffee break or a chat..how about you? What are the things that makes you smile?
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7 responses
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
27 Jul 10
Hello msdyulyet, Welcome to Mylot. There are lot of things can bring a smile on my face. Now I am reading your post and smiling. When I am at work and if I remember about the naughty things about my son, it can make a smile on my face. The emails with jokes can make a smile (sometimes even laugh). If I go through some topics in mylot and some members are really writing funny replies to enjoy with their friends, I may not join with them but it also can make a smile in my face. So the list is endless. A beautiful smile can make others too smile. So we don’t forget to smile on others.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
27 Jul 10
You are welcome. I appreciate your quick comments. You have the quality of shinning in mylot, just hold it and smile too.
• Singapore
27 Jul 10
Hello Sreekala, Thank you. I'm new and enjoying the site. Trully, "smile and the world will smile with you".
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@hanagi (390)
• Philippines
27 Jul 10
My friends and family and my special someone are the ones that makes me smile. Whenever I am with them I really feel so happy and that illuminates in the entire me.
• Singapore
27 Jul 10
Hi hanagi, The love and comfort with our family & friends are special part of our lifetime.
• United States
28 Jul 10
cHILDREN MAKE ME SMILE ESPECIALLY MY GRANDSON. i CAN JUST LOOK AT A PICTURE OF HIM & SMILE. i LOVE BEING AROULD HIM & ALL CHILDREN,. tHEY ARE JUST SO VUTE & LOVABLE & DO & SAY THE FUNNIEST THINGS. I have never understood how anybody could mistreat them. That is one of my biggest pet peeves. Welcome to mylot.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
27 Jul 10
You have a very interesting points there. We should always smile as it is a positive gesture from inside that shows and change the world around us positively. As the saying goes "Smile make the world go round" and "Smile is contagious" I will smile if I meet someone that looks friendly. I will smile when I meet someone new and I will definitely SMILE when I see my son in deep sleep with sweet dreams. Smile makes us feel good and it makes others feeling good too!
• Singapore
27 Jul 10
awesome! a smile always make moments special.
• Philippines
27 Jul 10
NCIS! I'm a huge fan of the show and I find it so funny even if there are lots of gruesomeness thrown into it. Also, Mark Harmon is so cute even if he's already old, and it's not just he makes me smile, he also makes me all giddy inside. The humor of the show is sensational.
• Singapore
27 Jul 10
I need to see the show to add more smiles in my face. :)
27 Jul 10
A cup of coffee and a nice dinner will make me smile with the person I love it is worth a smile for me.
• Singapore
27 Jul 10
Hi charmlenile, :) true indeed!
@pirate451 (152)
• India
28 Jul 10
Smile is a facial expression formed by flexing the muscles near both ends of the mouth and some has found their smile around the eyes.Some they have dimples in their face and they always keep on smiling.happiness is most often the motivating cause of a smile.An expression denoting pleasure and happiness.Some believe that if we smile in morning by looking at mirror that is good sign for day.As saying goes "SMILE COST NOTHING" so smile to those who gave smile to.If you you smile too much it turn me as a bad luck but while I smile normal is not happen anything.Smile make person crazy.Some time funny thing and sometime happiest things make me smile.Did you smile and why you are smiling?