She Went For 2 Days =(
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
United States
July 27, 2010 8:31am CST
My oldest daughter (4) left last night to stay with her grandparents for 2 days. None of our kids have ever been away from us for more than 3 hours for a date night. I cried and I am feeling like part of my heart is empty right now! I know she's in good hands, it's not that. It's just that I miss her and I hope she's having fun.
When your children have sleepovers at someone's house, is it your biggest heart break or is it more of a vacation for you?
Any Thoughts Welcome 

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16 responses
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
27 Jul 10
Hi lilangelpreschool,
You are right, she is in good hands if she is with the kind of grandparents who are loving, kind, and FUN. I think they must be, otherwise you probably would not have allow your daughter to spend the entire night with them. I know your heart is hurting, but she will be back in the morning safe and sound, with great things to share with you about her sleepover at the grandparent's house.
As a child I was never allow to sleep over at any friend's house, but guess whose I was allow to spend the night at. Yes, you guessed right, my grandmother house where I always felt safe.
When I had my two children, I decided that sleepovers were out of the question until they older, around 10-12 years old. Their grandparents lived in another state, so they didn't have the privilege of sleepovers with them.
Bottom line, even though you know your daughter is in good hands, you still miss her, because you love her so much. When the children are out of sight it does feel as if a part of you is missing. I hope you have a happy reunion.

@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
30 Jul 10
Hi liangelspreschool,
I am always happy to get good news, especially when it is about a happy child. I a glad the reunion was a good one and that your mind and heart is at ease again. I is great to have good grandparents living close enough to have a sleepover.
Take care
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
29 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =)
Yes, they are good grandparents.
When I was younger I wasn't allowed to have sleep overs either unless it was family. My parent's were really strict.
Thank you, I had an awesome reunion with her! She came running up to me, mommy I missed you. It was great.
Then when I told her she was coming home she said, how about I stay until next week? I was a little sad but happy that she had a great time.

@ellie333 (21016)
27 Jul 10
Hi Lilangelspreschool. Oh I know eactly how you feel as I am feeling it myself right now, my youngest who is6 is off to stay with his dad for a few nights and he has never been away from me for more than a night before now and I just know I am going to be on the phone everyday and will miss his little huggles at night before he goes to sleep and the morning mummy smile but what we both need to remember is that they will be having fun and we are giving them their own indepence being big enough to govisit for a while eh! Hard one for us mums. Huggles. Ellie :D

@puddinggirl (93)
• Philippines
27 Jul 10
you have to prepare yourself... when she start school, i bet it would kill you since at that time they are so eager to be on their own...
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
27 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =)
You do know how I feel then! I have been driving my mom nuts calling so much. I can't help it though, I miss my baby.
My mom wanted her to stay as a special surprise for her doing so well at her pageant. It's killing me though
I know she is having fun and she needs to have some time away from mommy as much as it hurts me.

@ciriaca07 (14)
• Philippines
29 Jul 10
I remembered the first time my daughter was away from us to stay at her grandma's house, sleep was very difficult. I really missed her, that time. Since she is our only child, our house seemed so lifeless. No laughter, no noises, no scattered toys, no dirt floors. Funny, though our house when she was away was so immaculately clean, I still preferred the messy house as long as she is with us.
This happened five years ago but it is still the same emotion I feel, everytime my child is away from home. Though this time, I learn to control it.
So for me, a child being away from home is never a vacation for parents.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
29 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =)
That must be really hard with her being the only child! I had my other 2 home with me so at least I stayed a little busy with them. I agree, I would rather have the mess =)
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
28 Jul 10
Well when they spend the night at a grandparents house it is usually from about 6pm until about 9 am, so Its mostly while they would be asleep anyway, although I miss them byt the time its time to pick them up, it doesnt kill me.
But when my third baby was born, she had to have heart surgery more than 100 miles away from home and was in the hospital for 3 weeks, I stayed with her. I came back for visits with the kids twice, but then I felt torn apart, I felt I was being ripped back and forth, but I knew had it been any one of my other kids
I'd have been right there and sometimes, being a parent means being with the one who needs you most at the time....That was the hardest time for me as far as leaving my kids.... =)

@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
29 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =)
That is really difficult when they have to be in the hospital. We went through the same type of thing because when my youngest was born she had to go back into the hospital after 11 days of being born because she had RSV which is a breathing virus. So, she had to stay in the hospital for a week. My sister in law had my other 2 kids. We had to stay with our daughter because she really needed us at this time but we felt like we were leaving our other kids. It was a really hard time. I called to check on them constantly though.
I hope your child is okay now 

@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
28 Jul 10
I got a 10 year old who is fond of sleep overs. He always goes to his best friend's house which is just actually a few blocks away from ours. Although I wouldn't admit it, it is a little bit of a 'heart break' because I am used to kissing them goodnight, and kissing them before I go off to work.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
29 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =)
Yeah, it is a heart break. Exactly, I'm used to kissing her and praying with her before bed so it was hard. =(
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
29 Jul 10
I think all parents feel that way when they are away from their children for any extended lenght of time. I remember when my daughter was a newborn, I didn't want anything else but to have her in my arms. But it gets easier as time goes on. It is easier when a parent accepts the fact that the child will eventually spread their wings and leave the nest. Each moment they spend away is a moment they are preparing for that moment. As parents it is our duty and responsibility to prepare them for that moment. So don't feel too bad, you still have many years to enjoy. And there is nothing wrong with shedding tears along the way. Most parents do.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
12 Aug 10
Thanks for your response and thanks for always putting a smile on my face =) You inspire me to keep going to keep thinking in a positive manner, so thank you for that.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
27 Jul 10
My parents took my kids in the summer for a week at a time and lived four hours from here..when they were gone I sometimes didn't know what to do with myself! I was a single my whole life centered around them. Yes I missed them...terribly!
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
27 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =)
Oh my goodness, I don't think I could handle her being away for a week at a time! Especially not 4 hours away. I bet that was hard for you. I'm glad you understand where I am coming from with this. 

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Jul 10
hi the first time I left my two babies,they were 11 months apart, and me and my hubby went out to eat and to a movie.I had to call three times before my hubby told me no more. they are fine, and having fun with your
mom. I agreed I was going overboard b ut its hard when they are little
and I understand how you felt. I let my son stay for a day with my mom but not my daughter as she had special needs. He was thrilled and they, mymom and younger sister as they took him to see a stage play in Los angeles. I missed him like crazy but trusted my mom so much and got such joy out of seeing her fall for our two babies. she was widowed while they were small so this helped her a lot to fill some of the void. I always missed my two if they were away from me for very long lol.

@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
29 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =)
My husband told me to stop calling too. He told me the same thing. My mom is going through some sort of depression and she said having her there made it easier on her too.
It made me kind of sad when I saw her yesterday, I told her she was coming home and she said How about I stay until next week? I was a little sad but happy that she had such a good time. 

@cream97 (29085)
• United States
28 Jul 10
Hi, lilangelpreschool. I have never let my kids go away from our home to spend the night somewhere. I want to wait until they get older to do so. Even when my son goes over to his grandmother's house to get his hair cut, it gives me a relief of some sort. At home he has been bad all day long.. So it helps me out to get a break for an hour or two. He is eight years old. When he was 2 and I had to leave him at the daycare, it used to kill me inside!! I did not want to see him go. He was my baby and my only child at this time. It was like this for him when he started school too. I guess the older that children get the less attachment takes place. You have every right to feel this way about your daughter. Especially if this does not happen frequently. If my kids were to spend just a couple of hours at their grandmother's house, I would still miss them and worry about them too.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
29 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =)
It does help when it's only a few hours. This was her first sleep over anywhere so it was really difficult for me. She got back yesterday and it was so good to see her! When I told her she was coming home she said, how about I stay until next week? It made me sad at first but happy too because at least I knew she had a great time 

@puddinggirl (93)
• Philippines
27 Jul 10
It could be both a heartbreak and a vacation . i am an overseas worker. i am a single parent and my kids stayed with my mom when i work abroad. I have been away for three years coming home annually for a vacation for only 30 days. I have missed birthdays, school activities , sick days, holidays, first days of school ,graduations, and a lot more. Believe me, if only I can turn back time.. i would surely never let my kids out of my sight. i wanna see every second of their growing up years.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
29 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =)
That must be really hard, I would hate to miss all of that. I bet you would love to turn back time!
@ehsanji (503)
• Pakistan
27 Jul 10
I'm single, but I know what you go through when your kids are not with you. As you say, it never happened before, so yeah, you will surely miss her more than anything. Actually, I think you should get used to it, because maybe you will have to go through it in the future, when she is a grown kid, and when she will need to go to some campus.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
29 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =)
I know when she is older things will be a little easier with this sort of stuff. Right now she's only 4 so it's hard.
@pastigger (612)
• United States
27 Jul 10
My daughter is 3 and I am the same way as you. She has not been away for us from long. It has become an ongoing joke with the family that I am too overprotective. But my stand is I had her I decide. She is getting older now and I know that day will come. But my feeling is that until she asks it is not happening. I have asked her and she doesn't want to. I still feel very worried when I leave her with someone for a few hours which doesn't happen too often, I am not sure I would make it over night. I know one day I will have to. Try to find something to keep you busy and she will be home before you know it. Good luck.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
27 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =)
My family thinks I am overprotective with my children too but it is our choice as mother's to be that way if we want to. She's young and if I don't protect her, who will? My mom asked me if she would want to, I asked my daughter and immediately she said yes! I was secretly hoping she would say no, but she didn't =(
Thank You for understanding 

@MirandaKay (231)
• United States
27 Jul 10
When my children were younger I felt the same way and I would cry too. We went out of town for our anniversary one time when they were young and left them with their grandparents and I cried the whole time. I was wishing we had brought them with us. Now as my kids are older I see that it is good for them to be away from home some and I have a much better time and don't feel as guilty. It will be ok, I'm sure your daughter is having a blast being spoiled my her grandparents.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
27 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =)
I'm glad other people understand where I am coming from. I thought everyone would think I was crazy or something.
That's how my husband and I both are, we think about them and miss them every time we go out together. My husband said the other day that if and when we ever get to go on a vacation he doesn't think we'll have fun because the kids won't be there.
I know your probably right, I'm sure she is having fun. 

@xiaokai_su (1)
• China
27 Jul 10
Are you a housewife?
If you are busy doing your work,It's possible that you have less time to miss your daughter ,and you don't feel so heartfull.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
27 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =)
I am a house wife. Honestly that makes it harder since I am cleaning up all of her toys and doing her laundry. It's actually making me miss her more =(
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
27 Jul 10
Thanks for your response =)
So you understand exactly how I am feeling right now. It's really hard. I keep calling to check on her, I'm pretty sure I am driving my mother crazy but I can't help it!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Aug 10
My daughter was the first grandchild on both sides of the family and because of that, she was invited to spend the night with my in-laws when she was only a few days old. Because we started it with her so young, I think that I tend to think of it as a break with Kathryn. However, with my youngest, it is more difficult for me because he wasn't away from me over night until after he'd had his third birthday. It is still difficult for me to be able to let go so that he can spend the night with someone because we are so attached to each other.