Do you believe in 'chiropractic'?
By charlies2805
@charlies2805 (777)
July 28, 2010 5:56pm CST
Hi all, just want to gather information about world of chiropractic. Perhaps you all know that it belongs to Complementary and Alternative Medicine in some countries. Other thing that people may know is that chiropractors earn much!!! Any experience or comments or even complaint related to chiropractic treatment that you ever had ? Please share and write something about it please! Thanks!
2 responses
@Fire10 (293)
• United States
29 Jul 10
My uncle is a chiropractor and I am a pharmacy student - I really think that chiropractics has its place in medicine. When they're putting joints back in place, that is their specialty that there really isn't any other profession that does it. On the other hand, I wouldn't take any of their recommendations for herbal treatments. The big criticism that chiropractics receive is that they don't follow 'evidence-based medicine' - I actually read a letter to the editor in one of my uncles chiropractic magazines that reiterated all of those types of criticisms.
But - like I said chiropractics has its place in treating joint and muscle problems. Based on my own experience, chiropractics is very helpful when something feels 'out of place' - or if there's an unusual weakness in some area. I personally wouldn't bother seeing a chiropractor too much more than 3 times for one problem.
@charlies2805 (777)
29 Jul 10
Hi there, thanks for your comment! Really pointful one! As you wrote that chiropractic has its place putting joints back in place, what would you think about physiotherapy or even homeopathy or maybe osteopath? I heard that each scope is a bit different. Wouldn't bother seeing a chiropractor more than 3 times for ONE problem? Why??? Hope you can give me more details towards your opinion.
@Fire10 (293)
• United States
30 Jul 10
I hadn't heard of physiotheraphy... but from what I'm able to find really quickly it sounds like he may have done some of that stuff with me. I threw my shoulder 'out' several times while serving during tennis season and it just seemed that I had lost strength... roughly the muscles weren't in the right spot. He fixed me up several times, because I simply couldn't get it to 'stick' for a while.
I don't put much stock in homeopathy... it is pretty well ignored in my curriculum... the impression I get is that it isn't very well proven - it seems to be fueled more by hype than by evidence.
For everything else, I'd go see a mainstream doctor.
I wouldn't go long-term just because - with my limited need - my uncle (who 'adjusted' me and my family for free) could do the trick in just one visit. With this experience I just question the efficacy of a long-term treatment... I think that if you're not seeing significant results after your 1st or 2nd visit then the chiropractors specialty simply isn't working for you (my opinion). My experience has always yielded significant results within 24 hours (though I have had to revisit for.... re-injury I guess). Sooo... after 2 to 3 visits without obvious results in the long-term, I think it would be better to try treating it via another avenue.
Hahah! Yeah - nothing he could do about the medication! That is probably all the recommendation he could do without a prescription. Bipolar is a bit heavier than a "soothing herbal tea". I couldn't wholeheartedly recommend something like that... hahah... I'd be like... uh... well... given that our options really stink right now... uh... you could try some herbal tea... if... you really wanted to... - it sounds like this guy was serious though!
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
30 Jul 10
This reminded me of a very funny story. I am bipolar. My psychiatrist was unable to schedule appointments for a month for a serious family matter. My meds needed an adjustment as I was becoming quite nervous again and started to lack sleep. I called my pharmacist for a recommendation so I could get some rest. I reminded him I am bipolar. He "recommended" I try a "soothing herbal tea"! Now that's funny right there!

@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
29 Jul 10
My husband saw a chiropractor many years ago. The job he had was hard on his back. It helped a lot. What helped more is getting promoted to supervisor. All paperwork. He and my son enjoy reflexology, they say it works. I have had to need for a chiropractor and I do not enjoy reflexology.
@charlies2805 (777)
29 Jul 10
Hey there, thanks for dropping your comment. Seems like you have good impression upon chiropractic. Why didn't you enjoy reflexology? Cause majority doesn't know about chiropractic yet. They just know about osteopath, homeopath, and other old-established alternative medicine.