Why does Racism still exist today?
By Bellapop
@Bellapop (1279)
July 29, 2010 4:14pm CST
I am disgusted and very frustrated. Over 20 years ago at school, in social education I was already taught how racism is wrong and that we should respect and treat others fairly no matter what colour or culture? Just these few weeks I have encountered so much racism, not very extreme, but a lot of subtle behaviour that certainly represents discrimination. Why, why is this happening?! What is going on?!
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16 responses
@Levintry (12)
• United States
29 Jul 10
In my opinion people will always hate. It is interesting that racism seems to be shifting though, it feels like there is more racism against white people than ever before. I personally on discriminate towards BEHAVIOR and not color, for example people that insist on driving through neighborhoods blaring their music at the highest possible level really ticks me off and in my city I have only seen white teenagers doing it. It could also have to do with how someone is brought up. I am doing my best to instill to my children that racism is not acceptable, I can only hope that other parents do the same so we can end the cycle of hatred.
@shiquitatw (442)
• Jamaica
29 Jul 10
This is also the first time that i have heard about racism towards whites. I am glad that you are teaching your children better.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
29 Jul 10
I agree with you Levintry. And as I state in my posting, it stems from expectation of racism. They expect others to be against them so they are against you first. It is a defense mechanism. I do not even think it is as deep as hate. It may just be frustration. It usually stems from poverty and weariness from living an sad lifestyle.

@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
29 Jul 10
To quote from South Pacific:
"You've got to be taught. To hate and fear, You've got to be taught. From year to year, It's got to be drummed in your dear little ear. You've got to be carefully taught."
Bigots teach their children and they teach their children. Sad, but true.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
29 Jul 10
Thirty Three years ago, when I was in school, I was very lucky to go to school where there was little to no racism. I went to a High School near an Air Force Base, so I met people from all parts of the US. We were really a mixed group. We were a huge school, so you had a lot of kids to pick friends from. There were no race problems. Everyone got along. We also had the best science and math departments in our state!!!!, so the kids also worked hard. This was the years of desegregation in the south, when everyone was having all the problems. None of the other High Schools had any problems either. One College did though.
Today I see a lot of racism in both directions. Actually I see a lot of expectation of racism. People look for it...they expect it...they fear it. If everyone would calm down and give everyone else the benefit of the doubt, it might start to ease a bit.
There will always be some problems..we are human, but we can keep it down to a dull roar if we try.
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@Bellapop (1279)
30 Jul 10
I suppose, if people hadn't mentioned it to me, i would have noticed anyway...some people were acting a bit strange to me and the others told me the reason and it all added up and seemed a rational explanation. But yes, if I hadn't been told, I would have known any better...
@bubulizzz (508)
• Latvia
29 Jul 10
I think it is because human egoism is still powerful and growing! People think that they are more unique than others and they need to blame someone for all misfortune which happen in the world! So they choose to blame some nation or some different group of people. They don't want to see their own mistakes...they don't want to see their selfishness!
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@Memnon (2170)
30 Jul 10
I believe that as long as people are slightly different, there will always be discrimination. I use discrimination rather than racism, because the same principle applies- when someone is slightly different, be they white, black, one legged or dwarfed- they find themselves ostracised as a result, by some element.
Unfortunately it is part of the human condition that education cannot always overcome.

@Bellapop (1279)
18 Aug 10
I am pretty guilt of some of things you have mentioned but not for the same reasons. Much of the time it's all down to upbringing, background experience, genetic make-up, access to broad education and also misunderstanding on either side. Some of the things that go on are just downright evil, but sometimes we're just not sure what to deal with first, many of our large scale problems (e.g terrorism) can stem from one individual barking up the wrong tree and gradually it scales up to something like 9/11 and 7/7, so what can we do, deal with the egg first or the chicken...?
@Memnon (2170)
17 Aug 10
Thanks for the comment. I'm probably not as tolerant as you. Ironic since I have posted the view point that we should be!
Bad manners are not excusable to me- it does not take a lot to be civil to people. Bad table manners are a little more subjective. I used to have a management colleague who, when he found food distastful, would spit it back onto his plate in front of everyone. It takes no genius to grab a tissue. Appreciating that manners are taught, you would think that into one's 30's he could have kearned from those around him.
A poor personality cannot be helped- nor can poor grades, though there is usually a reason for that. Incompetance needs to be tackled since you cannot rely on someone who is unable to do their job.
'Accident of birth' is an inexcusable reason. I cannot help my colour(I happen to be white), or any disability- I have none, but I see people look over those in a wheelchair to their carer as if the chair's occupier is non existant. 

@shiquitatw (442)
• Jamaica
29 Jul 10
As long as ignorance and fear are a part of this world and the people in it, unfortunately, racism will exist. One of the keys to ending racism is education. Another reason why racism still exists is because of self-hatred. When people don't fully accept and love themselves there is absolutely no way that they can fully accept and love others. It also is sad and I try not to let other people's ignorance get to me because this is something that adults have learned from their parents and their parents have learned from theirs. well anyway you get my point it is taught and some people never allow themselves to know other people outside of their race. In 2010 there is no excuses why racism should be still taking place, we should have love for each other because we were all created by the father. We need to respect each others cultures and teach love to our children in not hatred.

@rejin_rob (394)
• India
30 Jul 10
The more things change, the more they stay the same – or at least that was my thought a couple of months ago when I logged onto CNN’s website and read a news article on a high school in Georgia that just celebrated their first desegregated prom. I skimmed through the article, not really reading it in depth because I couldn’t get past the fact that a high school in 2007 is only now just having their first integrated prom.
As a black man and sometimes being on the receiving end of racism, I can see, understand and have been immersed in what some call “black rage”. I would like to think that I am slow at playing the race card and instead choose to believe that the reason why I didn’t get that promotion or loan was due more to something I did or did not do as opposed to who I am. With that said, I also know part of the hardships of being black is dealing with small minded people who chose to embrace the negative stereotypes of not only my culture, but other people of color as well as my European brothers and sisters. There are some people of color who would think that my reference to anyone of European decent as brothers and sisters would be nothing short of an oxymoron. I don’t believe it. There’s good in everyone, just like there’s bad in everyone. There’s a bit of racism hidden deep down in the inner recesses of our spirit, and sometimes all it takes to bring it to the surface is to encounter someone who has a small mind and attempts to bring that anger full circle by a comment, gesture or action that may or not be intentional.
Racism used to be acceptable, much like today’s fashion. It only became unacceptable when a line is crossed and it is brought to everyone’s attention by the media. It has to be something so traumatic and so senseless that it shakes our society to the very core of our foundation. One example of this would be the much publicized case of the bombing of a local church that killed four little black girls on September 15, 1963 in Birmingham, Alabama. It was believed at the time that their deaths, as senseless as it was, significantly pushed the civil rights agenda and struck a chord in the American psyche. Some feel that it wasn’t until then that black people were recognized as living, breathing human beings, entitled to the same rights afforded white people.
@mac1946 (1602)
• Calgary, Alberta
30 Jul 10
Hello Bellapop.
I have just read all the answers you have received so far,and the one thing I noticed,was that no one has actually answered you question."way is there racism?)
there was no racism until one race was "brought"to the other races land to do the work others would not do.
The main reason that it still exists today is the same along with the fact that in many cases,the people coming from their country to ours and start right out to change our way of life and customs to theirs.
There is and always will be hatred between religious beliefs and how they are used.
I have had many friends from all races,and like whites,there are good and bad in each.
So long as there are terrorists and religion,there will be racism and hatred.
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
30 Jul 10
sadly enough it is still around, i cant see hating someone just because they are black or whatever. to me its all about respect. one thing we dont put up with in our house is that dumb talk from raceist people. or they will be told to leave.
i have so much freinds from so many different walks of life, white, black, brown, just so many different people. its all about the respect.
@clouds0327 (1389)
• Philippines
29 Jul 10
Well there are alot of races that thinks they are ahead everyone else, and that because they can speak the international language soooo well they tend to look down on others that are just learning it or those who doesnt speak it. And if they see other races speak their language well they ridicule them. They feel like they are the only ones who have the right to speak it..
They feel like they own their land so if someone of a different race migrates there they look down on them like they dont have the right to do so..
Some of them thinks just because your from a different race you are dumb which is not true... Not TRUE! Just because they have physical traits that are level up compared to the other races like taller, define nose, pointed nose, red lips, rosy cheeks, fair skin etc.... they treat us or look at us like other races are ugly especially if you flat nose and short height...
HEY, Im not saying everyone huh? The target people for what I said are those that think these ways... and if not this way other ways... but still discriminative!!!!
It has to stop.. because they are totally wrong...

@edwardjoy2000 (2386)
• United Arab Emirates
30 Jul 10
Yes it does exist. inspite of the awareness it does still exist due to the color of the people. The main cos of it is in the minds of the people. Asian and the spanish people consider themselves inferior this is the main cause of racism.
@for3verfamous (2190)
• Canada
31 Jul 10
I think there will always be some form of racism. Everyone is their own person so they will have their own opinions, some of them will be racist. Some areas have more racism then others too.. For example in the States in the south, I've heard it's still quite racist down there.
Racism has also changed a bit. Everyone has equal rights now. Things have changed, so I guess all we can do is hope for more.
@tweetbird (161)
• United States
30 Jul 10
I think it's important to distinguish between racism and legitimate avoidance. For example, a few years ago, someone entered my garage and stole my wallet, my cell phone and spent $4,000 on my credit cards, all without my permission. The person was never caught or punished for using my identity to shop for electronics or for breaking and entering into my property. If I ever ran into that person, my initial reaction would be to avoid him and not having anything to do with him. Or, the obvious, report him to the authorities. That's not racism because I wouldn't know the person's color, ethnic background, past history, etc. All I would know is that he stole from me, used my identity and invaded my home. The natural avoidance would be based on cause and fact and not on assumptions based on race.
On the other hand, racism is deeming someone to be inferior, less than oneself on the basis of color, national origin and accent. That's unacceptable but unfortunately, it goes on. Part of it is inherited from parents and upbringing.
Thinking less of a person because of their ethnicity is wrong. Another interesting fact about racism is that it often goes both ways too. It's not exclusive to white people.
@sunnygirl_yanli (19)
• China
30 Jul 10
you are a good person,but racism is anywhere,anytime,actually ,people all have vanity,they want other people admire them,all we can do is encouraging our friends to be kind.now ,this situation is much better than several years before.do not,and refrains from minor.right???
so,do not frustrated.
@emerillus (467)
• Philippines
30 Jul 10
First of all, I just saw a tag to this discussion that says "dumb asians". Hmmm I hope that was just put up just for the sake of having a tag. Racism still exist because I think racists are just so ignorant, and I agree with you, that education is the key to eliminate racism. I hope, ridicule and unfairness will be gone someday, and let's all be fair towards each other. Peace!