How do you clean your refrigerator?

@marguicha (225454)
July 29, 2010 4:38pm CST
I think that one of the most abnoxious tasks in the house is to clean the fridge. We must thank though that they are easier to clean than the ones our parents had. Still it is that taking out everything, sorting, throwing away and hating yourself for having forgotten to eat on time what it was so good once. Then comes the, for me, worst part. None of the interior parts of the frige fit the sink. So while I wash and turn I get completly soaked and the kitchen floor becomes a mess in spite of the mop right by my side. I put damp pads inside so some spilled bits soak while I wash the racks. Al this is a sort of gym class: down and up, up and down, another turn please! THen I wash it with a mixture of vinegar and water although some people tell me they use bleach. But I haven´t found yet a bleach product with a nice smell so it´s vinegar for me (which requires rinsing anyway). Do you have a better method? I´d be VERY happy if you had one and shared. Mine sound directly out of old caves but I know no better. Do you notice that I´m on a break in the middle of the task? You can still save me from part of the freezer work. I think I´ll leave that for tomorrow though. HELP!!!
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22 responses
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
2 Aug 10
My fridge gets really grotty on the lower shelves so this is where my cleaning efforts are concentrated. I switch off the fridge after transferring all the freezer stuff to the little spare freezer I have. Next, I put down 1 or 2 big towels to catch the water. There's rarely anything to toss as I do that on a need to basis. For wiping out the fridge I use vanilla on a soft cloth. I wash the vegetable crispers and wipe the front and bottom of the shelves/racks and then I dry the bottom. The door is used for liquids and so I wipe the jars and the shelves and the seals and I'm done. While the fridge is draining and defrosting I do other chores. I use a shot glass with vanilla in it to keep odours at bay. I have also used a charcoal briquette when we used them for our bbq. It lasted for ages.
@marguicha (225454)
• Chile
3 Aug 10
What does the charcoal do? Does it have to do with odours or with mold? I´m very much interested as it sounds easy . Have a nice day, friend!
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
3 Aug 10
It absorbs odours and keeps the air fresh inside the fridge.
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
30 Jul 10
Hi marguicha, I just looked at my disgusting refrigerator a few minutes ago,knowing that it is time to do, what you just said, "the most obnoxious task in the house." Of course I don't like cleaning the toilets either. This is how I start, I take all of the saved Sunday newspapers and put them on the floor in front of the refrigerator, this is to catch all of the old dehydrated foods that are not in containers. It's there when you remove all the drawer and glass covers. I have a large pot that I put on the stove to heat water in. When the water is hot I add vinegar to it and put it on the floor near the refrigerator. I don't like the smell, but I would rather inhale vinegar that some other caustic detergent. I, before hand, purchase a mop from the dollar store (I hate getting on my knees)and I use this brand new mop with the hot water and get to work. How do I wring the water from the mop? I have a bucket I purchased from WalMart that has a wringer cup on it.I love it! After most of the mess is cleaned out and is ready to be rolled up into the news papers and tossed in the garbage can waiting on the side. The mop is a big help, but then I take a towel and finish putting the shine to the job. The drawers and glass cover, I just have to wash in the sink and do the best to not make such a big mess. I am suppose to tackle this tomorrow, but I may put it off for another day.
@marguicha (225454)
• Chile
1 Aug 10
I would clean the toilets anytime instead of the fridge. First, there are lots of germ killing sprays of all kinds. Then there are many gadgets to use so you won´t have to touch it with your hands. But the fridge means kneeling several times with knees are are way past their prime. With the drawers, I always get completly soaked when I´m rising them: they are VERY big. And it´s funny but, big as they are, they are not big enough when I go to the farmer´s market and forget that I live alone. I then buy enough food for 20 people. Put it off for another day. I put off cleaning my fridge for months. I must say though that now it shines Take care!
• United States
1 Aug 10
Hi marguicha, We all have out plights in life and mine is cleaning the toilets. I am happy to hear that you are, well your refrigator is, good to go for awhile. Take Care
• Australia
29 Jul 10
I clear out the fridge of old food once a week before I put the bins out on the curb...I am lucky having 2 dogs that I am able to feed them most of the leftovers that we don't eat so there isn't as much waste. Whenever there is a spill, I try to clean it straight away...I too have the same problem where my fridge shelves don't fit the sink but I normally take them to the laundry room as the sink in there is bigger. I was the shelves with warm soapy water & rinse them...I too use a spray that is a mix of vinegar & water as I don't buy a normal spary & wipe, the vinegar & water has replaced that.I have a squidoo lens on making your own cleaning products...if you want to take a look, I can pm the link to you.
• Australia
30 Jul 10
Sometimes I'm not that diligent but I try to be...I will pm you the link - it's not a referral link but I don't want it to get accidentally reported as a violation.
@marguicha (225454)
• Chile
30 Jul 10
I also use vinegar and water and I, too, give some of my leftovers to Lola. But I´m afraid I don´t clean the fridge once a week now that I live alone because I don´t buy food once a week. So if I don´t see the spill right away, it becomes a problem. I´d love the link you´re offering, moonchild. Take care!
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
30 Jul 10
I let it get messy enough and my mother-in-law will come over and do it. I wonder how much she will still like me after the divorce.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
1 Aug 10
Yeah I suspect you could be right....
@marguicha (225454)
• Chile
1 Aug 10
If I were you, I´d start taking notes from this post about how to clean a fridge . She will come to see her grandchidren, but I doubt if she´ll like you enough as to clean up your mess. I wouldn´t, and I´m not your ex MIL. And who knows how R will tell the story about the divorce to his mother. Take care. And it´s either vinegar or bleach
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
31 Jul 10
Hi, marguicha. I use bleach too to clean out my refrigerator. Why don't you try using Clorox bleach that has a scent to it. This is a good suggestion. The bleach smell may not be so powerful. I have used Pinseol to clean my refrigerator out too. I only use a little bit so that the smell will not be so powerful to my nose.
@marguicha (225454)
• Chile
1 Aug 10
I´ll check it and maybe use it next time. As for now, I did it with vinegar and water. At these times I miss having a bigger kitchen but I guess it´s absurd to have a giant kitchen only to use it wholly when you clean the fridge. Take care!
• Pamplona, Spain
30 Jul 10
Hiya margi, Fridges and especially old one are terrible to keep clean. I have everything on plates or those plastic trays that you usually throw away. Even so the bottom part where the vegetables go in the transparent ones are always getting messed up. I do clean it but it never looks that brilliant. Actually I use it as little as possible as it is very slowly breaking down for good and it will be beyond repair. The shelves being that old plastic makes it need more scrubbing than usual. I use vinegar too to keep down that gooey stuff because the motor is loosing water out down the sides. Well actually it´s the thermostat that´s what I mean so it´s forever dripping water and me with the Mop Mrs. Mop lol mopping it all up. I have to by one day at a time because it´s really hot and the fridge can´t cope properly either.
@marguicha (225454)
• Chile
1 Aug 10
Fortunatly my fridge is very good. It´s a Kenmore. It has about 15 years, 2 doors and automatic defrost so messes are not that big. I remember when I had my old fridge and I had to put bowls with hot water inside the freezer to take the ice out. I hope you can buy a new fridge soon. It is a good investment. Take care!
• Pamplona, Spain
1 Aug 10
Hiya margi, It´s not me that does´nt want to buy a new Fridge it´s them this lot here in this House. I am having to be very careful what I buy as it just will not keep. Wow after fifteen years and still going strong that is a good Fridge. Hope someone hears my plea for a Fridge (grin) maybe one will drop on the Doorstep what do you reckon?
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
29 Jul 10
I agree with them never fitting in the sink that frustrates me too lol As far as the "gunk" that can sometimes get stuck on the shelves, if you have glass shelves, you may want to buy a flat blade, which is just a flat razor blade, and you can get "handles" for it... You make sure your glass shelf is wiped with dish detergent and wet and then use the flat blade carefully to scrape of what is stuck on and then clean as usual, takes away the soak time and is very easy and cost effective...You can also use them for windows, and glass top stoves, really anything glass... but just remember make sure glass is wet when scraping.. Whether the wetness comes from cleaner, windex or water, cuz you dont want to scratch your glass =) Hope that helps!!
@marguicha (225454)
• Chile
30 Jul 10
That blade you talk about might prove too much for me as I usually misplace things and find them when I dont need them. I have read the answers to my post and it appears that we should start a petition for the fridge companies to have racks that fit in the sink. I have been given many good ideas to refreshen the refrigerator as odours go. I´ll try a cotton with lemon juice first as I find that vanilla could be too strong. Thanks for sharing!
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
30 Jul 10
My grandmother used to take the shelves out of the fridge and off the bathtub they'd go. I think she'd use bleach and water as well, or maybe it was just windex, I forget. My grandmother's kitchen is kind of big, however, where the refrigerator sits and where to stove is it's like you turn around, walk two to three steps and your there at the stove. Her kitchen sink is inbetween the two, further back so as to not be too far from either the stove or the fridge. I only say this to let you know how much manuevering room there is at her place. Here we turn around and are three steps away from the bar, but I think technically our is just wiped out with a rag. If I can help it, I'll probably do the soaking of the fridge racks when hubs and I get our own place, it's so much easier.
@marguicha (225454)
• Chile
31 Jul 10
I had to clean it as it was absolutly not how I want my things at home. I accept lack of order but I want a very clean kitchen and bathroom. My kitxhen is not very small but small by the american standards. I had to wash rack by rack, dry each and put them in the dining room table. There´s not enough space in my kitchen foranything that belongs to the fridge.
• United Kingdom
30 Jul 10
Cleaning my fridge isn't really a job that I enjoy but I know that it's one of those tasks that have to be done. I generally leave it until the first Sunday of each month which is when I defrost the small freezer compartment at the top and I suppose I kill two birds with one stone and clean the fridge as well. If I don't do this the ice really tends to build up until eventually I'm unable to close the freezer door! I learnt from this mistake in the past so once per month is more than adequate now. It sounds like you do a lot though in terms of cleaning your own fridge! There's nothing wrong with this, whatever works for you. Ultimately this isn't a job I particularly like but the consequences of not taking action are dire! Andrew
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
30 Jul 10
It is a big job but unfortunately one that needs doing all too often! I empty the fridge, wash all the shelves etc and wipe the interior with disinfectant kitchen spray. I usually do the doors first and when everything is back in I do the rest. Lastly I tackle the freezer at the top the same way. I don’t think there is an easy way and I too make one heck of a mess all over the floor too! I do it every couple of months so the task is not too big by the fridge being too dirty! I have been known to soak the big shelves in the bath tub!
• United States
31 Jul 10
I do dishes twice a week sometimes three times a week depending on what it takes to fill the dishwasher. We have an elctical dishwasher with buttons and stuff on the front but it doesn't wash really well unless you put it on pot and pans. or heavy wash, then it takes alsmot 2 hours for it to run through. That's why i don't run the dishwasher every single day. i don't like washing dishes. i was in the apartment for 6 months and it ended up having to wash dishes every single day because there wasn't room for them to pile up so to speak. Also, I didn't clean the refigerator as often as i should but I do it more now than I did before because we have city trash pick up. So I usually clean it out once a week before the trash comes to pick up. I have ot watch about that because we have cats with one neighbor, and dogs wtih the other neighbor.
@jak2010 (1550)
• Papua New Guinea
31 Jul 10
You know how do to it. You described it so well. As for the sink, it is well to take them out to the laundary and use the larger sinks in the laundry. They will fit in and when washed and tried there, you can bring them in and fit them. One way to defreeze quickly is to boil hot water in a teapot and have it sit in the deep freeze and the heat will melt the ice quickly and you can remove water using sponge. Of course the electericity must be switched off.
@pastigger (612)
• United States
29 Jul 10
Cleaning out the fridge, hey I should try that LOL Just kidding. This task usually takes me weeks as I do a bit at a time. The sink is actually not a problem, my wonderful husband installed a sink that is just one big sink after I complained about our new pots and pans that didn't fit. This sink has been wonderful as it was also a great place to bath my daughter when she was little. I start by trying to remember the day before trash day to clean out the leftovers that are beginging to get a like of their own. Then make a promise to myself to not waste that much food again, until next time. Then I start with the shelves in the door. I love my fridge every piece comes out. So I keep transfering items to other shelves as I go. I wash and dry each piece and before putting things back in them or on them I wipe the bottom of the item. I try really hard if something spills to spot clean it with a sponge inbetween cleanings. One day I hope to get all of the fridge cleaned at the same time, but hey its nice to have goals right. At some point I just try hiding the dirty spots with leftovers LOL. Remember it is not as bad as cleaning an oven! Which I might have solved that with the so called self cleaning oven we got for free !!!!! Good luck on your cleaning.
@marguicha (225454)
• Chile
30 Jul 10
I got a good laugh at your response, mainly because I felt that you were making a picture of me. The only difference is that my sink is not that big. I don´t have a self cleaning oven either. My oven should be ina museum. We bought it in 1974. But I don´t use it for many things now as I have a nice small electric oven in a place where I don´t have to bend or get on my knees to see what´s cooking. I can roast a chicken there, a decent chunck of meat and now those gadgets are so inexpensive that I could buy another one if I couldn´t stand the dirt. But I prefer to accept its limitations as cleaning goes: I´m a recycler and wouldn´t throw away something that is useful. I finished cleaning the fridge. The kitchen was left beyond repair so I will do that tomorrow. But all my veggies were put back in clean plastic containers and the fridge looks as wonderful as those that you see in movies. Take care!
• Jamaica
29 Jul 10
I know that cleaning the refrigerator can be a job in a half. I clean mine weekly just to save from the stress of having it get out of control later on. I have some natural things that you can use also that you may have never thought about. My only advice would be in future to clean it weekly and that way when it's time to clean it later it will be a breeze. I hope that this helps: Baking Soda To get rid of smells and dried-up spills inside your refrigerator, remove the contents, then sprinkle some baking soda on a damp sponge and scrub the sides, shelves, and compartments. Rinse with a clean, wet sponge. Don't forget to place a fresh box of soda inside when you're done. Cotton Balls Sometimes the refrigerator just doesn't smell fresh. Dampen a cotton ball with vanilla extract and place it on a shelf. You'll find it acts as a deodorizer, offering its own pleasant scent. Lemons Remove refrigerator odors with ease. Dab lemon juice on a cotton ball or sponge and leave it in the fridge for several hours. Make sure to toss out any malodorous items that might be causing the bad smell. Plastic Lids Drippy bottles and containers with leaks can create a big mess on your refrigerator shelves. Create coasters from plastic lids to keep things clean. Place the lids under food containers to stop any potential leaks. If they get dirty, throw them in the dishwasher, while your fridge shelves stay free of a sticky mess. Salt We all have to do it sometime, and today it's your turn. You've removed all the food and the racks from the fridge. Now mix up a handful of salt in 1 gallon (3.7 liters) or so of warm water and use it with a sponge to clean the inside of the refrigerator. The mixture isn't abrasive, so it won't scratch surfaces. And you won't be introducing chemical fumes or odors. Tomato Juice Did a power failure cause the food to spoil and become malodorous in your fridge? Get rid of spoiled-food smells in your refrigerator and freezer with the help of some tomato juice. After disposing of the bad food that caused the smell, thoroughly wipe the insides of the fridge and freezer with a sponge or washcloth doused in undiluted tomato juice. Rinse with warm, soapy water and wipe dry. If traces of the smell remain, repeat the procedure or substitute vinegar for the tomato juice. Vanilla Extract Having trouble getting rid of that bad odor in your refrigerator, even after scrubbing it out? Wipe down the inside of the fridge with vanilla extract. To prolong the fresh vanilla scent, soak a cotton ball or a piece of sponge with vanilla extract and leave it in the refrigerator. Vinegar Did you know that vinegar might be an even more effective safe cleanser for your refrigerator than baking soda? Use equal parts white vinegar and water to wash both the interior and exterior of your fridge, including the door gasket and the fronts of the vegetable and fruit bins. To prevent mildew growth, wash the inside walls and bin interiors with some full-strength vinegar on a cloth. Also use undiluted vinegar to wipe off accumulated dust and grime on top of your refrigerator. Of course, you'll still want to put that box of baking soda inside your refrigerator to keep it smelling clean when you're done. When soap and water can't get rid of old bits of food stuck in and around your refrigerator, it's time to reach for the WD-40. After clearing all foodstuffs from the areas to be treated, spray a small amount of WD-40 on each resistant spot. Then wipe them away with a rag or sponge. Make sure you wash off all the WD-40 before returning food to the fridge.
@marguicha (225454)
• Chile
30 Jul 10
Thanks for the many ideas. I use vinegar to clean the fridge but I´ll put a cotton ball with lemon juice to refreshen it. I don´t dare put vanilla as it has a very strong odour.
@Mitraa (3183)
• India
30 Jul 10
I clean my refrigerator by plain water and in case of stains, soap water is used to remove them! Removal of soap water from the surface is very essential and it is done by current water for better clening! Thanks for this nice topic!
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
30 Jul 10
Hi marguicha, I’m rather lazy, unlike my sister in law who usually will clean her fridge regularly. Moreover my husband and his sister have their respective chores. She spends majority of her time preparing the daily meals. I would do the cleaning if I really couldn’t tolerate to see the messy stuffs in it. Crumbs, fallen leaves and other disgusting stuffs left on here and there inside the compartments of the fridge. The iced cubes have got the fishy smell too as they are just below the top compartment for storing seafood and meat. Oh gosh, the frozen ice sticking on the rack walls look really ticker! I’m afraid that all the stuffs stored in the top compartment would not visible anymore if I don’t press on the defrost button I then take out all the stuffs from the fridge. My husband’s sister would help me to tidy and wash some of them. When everything, is moved from the fridge I then give the empty refrigerator a thoroughly clean using a clean wet cloth. I wash the dirty cloth using dish washing liquid and wipe until all the inner parts of the fridge clean. The water accumulated at the bottom tray from the defrosting has to be cleared away several times due to the thick frost. While waiting for the accumulated water I do other chores or surf net Have a nice day
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
30 Jul 10
Hi margicha, My fridge is so simple to clean. I make it a point that we wash it out every 15 days. And fortunately this is working well. Mine is 'Heier" so it is simple to wash Thanks God I did not buy ant other brand.
@eurekafemme (5874)
• Philippines
30 Jul 10
Every once a week I'm cleaning the fridge to eliminate unpleasant odor. Here's what I'm doing: The night before, I'd unplugged the fridge from power source.This will melt the ice from the freezer so I don't need to scrape. The next day, expect that the chiller is full of water so empty that first.Remove all washable parts and soak them in the basin full of soap and water. add baking powder to remove the stain, bleach for tough stains.Don't wash them in the sink instead wash them in the bathroom wherein you don't have to water of water spills in your floor.Let it drip. While waiting to dry up, clean the body. As for the body, soap and water are just fine. Use a sponge which is a little rough than ordinary. This will scrape the dirt without ruining the surface of the fridge. Start from top to bottom.Use thick sponge to minimize water spill.Rinse with water using another thick sponge.This will help the fridge dry up easily.Pat dry the excess moist. Unscented bleach dosn't smell. Tip, after re assembling every parts , do not close and plug in the fridge immediately. Just let its door open for a couple of minutes. This will allow the fridge to "breathe" and minimize the build up of odor from soap, bleach or vinegar. You may put few pieces of charcoal or baking soda inside to retain that clean smell. I hope this will help. FYI, It took me longer to type/post this response here than cleaning my fridge using that steps. LOL
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
30 Jul 10
Cleaning the refrigerator is a tedious job but it has to be done. I try to clean my refrigerator at least once a week,. I remove everything and wipe everything down with hot soapy water. When i put everything back, i like to put a box of baking soda on one of my shelves. It helps to keep my foods smelling fresh.
@Jesehl (2)
30 Jul 10
I usually first defrost my refrigerator. Remove all the things inside. Then clean it with a soap.