Remember the good old days!?
@mightyspartan (61)
United States
July 29, 2010 10:37pm CST
World of Warcraft, man I miss 40 man's. To see 40 people on at once for a guild raid was amazing. Now your lucky to see more then 25 since they made you do extreme amounts of damage. Legendary Weapons were what I loved, to see the thunder fury was insane. I had a level 60 warrior, and I was pvp for about a year. I was a knight-captain, and back then it was time consuming to rank up in pvp. Then after that I was a main tank for a guild. That was half way through the expansion of burning crusade. Then my computer blew up on me, for a year I didn't play and that's when lich king came out. Now I got my blown up computer back and I got back into it. It just didn't feel the same to me, everything was to easy to get. Gear was not like how it was before, and it just got boring. I had my warrior from 1-80, and I got I think a total of 91 days played. I also had my alternative characters. Some others memories I had was wall jumping and how you could have the sense of exploring when you were good at it. I loved that game I guess, but its just not the same to me anymore. My character's name was Orceater(great pvp name)I was on kelcagoes, then I transferred to Lost Coast. My characters name was imjustaboy. He got hacked, but I got him back. I was just to lazy to restore his gear. I didn't want to play him anymore and all I wanted to do is get him back. That's what I did, and I am done. Add all your comments on the memories of WoW and discuss your WoW stories HERE!.
8 responses
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
30 Jul 10
My guild is lucky if we have more than 10 people on and thats not the 80s for raids. I cant seem to get raids going because no one is ever on. A lot of us lose subscriptions and get hacked more often, so Im working on helping my lower lvls level so we all can get into raids together.

@Farside604 (870)
• Canada
30 Jul 10
I am one million percent with you. I remeber the pre bc raids with the, maybe excessive, 40 man raids but damn were they fun. With 40 people in vent there was always some good conversation going around during trash. As a result of these huge raids there were huge guilds with tons of cool people. And dont even get me started on how awesome the pvp system used to be. I can see the merit in letting people build up points overtime but these have become standard issue among people that just sit afk in pvp. I played bc for one summer and it is stupid easy now and getting easier; I got 3 characters from 60 to 70 and a character from 1 to 70 in under a month. The raids in bc got a little more interesting but for themost part easier cause you only had to co ordinate with 10 to 20 people max. Some of my friends still play and i hear levling is even easier, so I dont know why Blizzard even makes you level and why they dont just give you a max level. Heres to the good old days of wow.
@mightyspartan (61)
• United States
30 Jul 10
Man I just wished blizzard wasn't so condemned by the money. The design of gear now looks clumsy and weird. Tier 1-6 was were it was at, and the weapons. WoW back then was great man, back then when you got a epic. You were like hell yea, but now during the lich king your like ok I guess that's better.
@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
13 Sep 10
Yep, 40 man raids were the bomb in those days. Spending hours in front of the computer, waiting for your guild to form was somewhat of a bad memory bad getting that most awaited, hard-earned loot very well makes up for it. Also, the raid should have a set amount of classes in it and they should exactly know what they're role is. Some even need to be specced for it to be able to join in the raid. Yep, those were the days.
@AllenWiggs (404)
• United States
22 Aug 10
I always thought 40 mans were a bit too much personally. You had to be in a giant guild to do anything, it typically lead to lots of drama and if your main tank or main healer didn't show you had the chance to not raid at all. It was even worse when the people who got the best loot (especially the main tank) up and left the guild for some random reason.
I thought 25 man was a great compromise, it still felt large and a real fight, but it also ensured you didn't need such a massive guild to pull things off.
I don't play anymore, but I don't see 10 mans being such a bad thing. It was nice being able to just up and run a raid when you were bored. There was less aggravation when things didn't go as planned, and more getting stuff done.
Really if there wasn't stupid drama and just a general feeling that I didn't want to spend so much time online, I'd probably still be playing.
@FunkBiscuit (18)
• United States
12 Sep 10
Man, I loved the Alterac Valleys that continued for days. Logging out for a night, waking up, and joining back into the same game. That was amazing. Especially when you actually had to use strategy to push the enemy back. Of course, the battles between Tarren Mill and Southshore were also amazing/
@Malthesia (2)
• United States
11 Oct 10
While I missed most of the 40-man raids in Vanilla WoW, I did partake in 70+ player raids in the original Everquest. There was definitely something epic about being part of one, like being part of an army of heroes that were taking out an incredible threat to the world.
That being said, I do think that Blizzard made a wise business decision when they decreased the size of raids. The bulk of their customers are casual players who belong to smaller, family guilds. It's nearly impossible for most of these guilds to get 25 people, never mind 40, on at the same time to raid. By lowering the raid size to 25 Blizzard has allowed these people to experience all aspects of the game and it's proven to be very popular. As a result I don't think we'll ever see the massive raids again.
@diablo24life (198)
• Canada
30 Jul 10
yes i remember playing burning crusade that was fun. i would have to say tho that WOTLK is a great enhancement tho. my favourite things to do were funning POS for the battered hilt and creating Armor with my blacksmithing skill. then selling them in the acution house i had an awseome buisness going on. makes me want to get a time card for wow now. $35 for 2 months tho? grrrrr really bugs me you have to keep paying to play.
@Sergijus (14)
• Serbia And Montenegro
11 Aug 10
I have played on ShadowmoonEU server, i was dwarf hunter, and my girlfriend was dwarf warrior. Anyway, in vanilla we had SUCH a great time together, we both was Raid leaders of best guild called Sinenrs Syndicate, we was only guild to kill Kel'Thuzad.
If you remember only doing that Naxx pre-quest? Then hunter leaf-quest from MC? My GF had Thunderfury aswell... Anyway THAT was real quests, then AQ mount quest, i later got my Scarab lord title and mount, and she got it on other server when we transfered.
Anyway after BC coming out, we leveled up fast, but guild disbanded, since many players quited. That is when we went to AgamagganEU and joined guild Nal Ra. With em we cleared all up to Kael in SWP. 25 man raids wasnt that nice, but game was still playable. But after WOTLK coming out, we both got disapointed in game, and after killing Lich King (server 1st again) we both decided to sell our accounts. Mine was worth 3500 euros, and her was worth around 2000. Since i had level 60 priest with full t3 gear (i got that one in BC) and had over 10000 achieve points on my hunter, also all my tier gear was saved, (8/8 t1, t2, 9/9 t3, 5/5 t4, t5, 8/8 t6, and many new gear) so we got 5500 euros in our pocket, and quited game. Neither of us have plans to come back for Cata, but we will see where life will drive us.