?Why was my discussion deleted? Why are my earnings gone? Why,Why , Why?

@Hatley (163776)
Garden Grove, California
July 30, 2010 4:37pm CST
I still am puzzled and I have been here three years.Why do people refuse to help themselves? Why have things get deleted when you could read the guidelines and learn what you can and cannot do? Do they all have masochistic tendencies to like losings discussions and earnings? I just responded to one who bemoaned having lost five dollars as she had not been on my lot in a long time and she did not know that you are told that you must sign in at least every three months? The information is right there for the reading. If they can read our responses to their discussions about losing discussions then they surely can read all the information. I know some are from other countries and yet a lot of people bemoaning deletions are not even that new.Your views on this?
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30 responses
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
30 Jul 10
Hatley sweetie. This seems to become a serious problem. If they read the guidelines and all that go with it, this will not happen. I know there are a few that got deleted and sometimes i really try to not respond to them. They just have to learn the hard way if they cannot take the time to read what they may or may not post. As they say, that is life, get used to it. Hope they will start reading now. TATA.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Jul 10
hi saphrina yes thats really true as it is sort of like that, Why am I thinking of a stupid commercial for a vacuum cleaner, life's dirty, clean it up. Maybe they will think about it, as really if we are informed we do not lose all our work, and then will not weep about how we did not make anything. I have responded to some just because they are new, but those who have been here almost year, no I just am bypassing them.
@rhodzptc (1317)
• Philippines
31 Jul 10
This people will not learn no matter how we told them, as you may noticed most of them are newbies like me but I have read the guidelines since some one had advice me too through PM. This is actually what is happening a newbie will create discussions why his post deleted but will never return back to read those responses, I've seen this most of the time that is why newbies today just come and go they will only have about 20 to 50 post then they'll already turning inactive because they though when their account deleted the sites is scam lol, what an attitude!
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• India
31 Jul 10
well i m a noob too? don't worry i m not taking your suggestion in the wrong way.anyway its kind of unpleasant when people go around saying this site is a scam i try to reply to discussions on my lot wherever i see in face book or second life or any blogger post.
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@ellie333 (21016)
30 Jul 10
Hi Hatley I am not new and although have read in the past since coming back there have been additional FAQs and guidelines added, to be quite honest somewhere deep in my mind I was aware of this and although absent for sometime must have been a lucky one in that I must have logged in without realising it subconsiously to stop this happening as when I retunred my dollars were stil there. There is just so much info to asbsorb people who only log in from time to time probably don't have the time to read it all. I learnt as I went along which I think most do and ofcourse witha little help from friends too. Istill don't understandwhy some are deleted as they apear to me to be okay as discussions and yet they disappear and yet others seem to remain somehow where I hesitate to respond as no discussion question etc Huggles Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
30 Jul 10
excuse typing space bar is sticking so some words linked together :)
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@ellie333 (21016)
30 Jul 10
Hi Hatley, Of all the discussions in a day they must miss some, even I do and that is just my own inbox lol. The poll type thing I do agree on as some that are deleted I really wouldn't say were polls at all. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Jul 10
hi ellie I sometimes wonder if mylot admins just missed some of them, and the rest of us feel too chicken to report them? I have trouble with my space bar too and keep seeing red lines under my linked words so do not feel bad.I was lucky in that my son used the library when we were homeless to keep my account open by logging in for me so I had about twelve dollars when I got back' on. I think all of us are wondering why some that are exactly like ones being deleted did not get deleted. Perhaps they stretch it a bit on that poll type thing, I mean you are not necessarily doing a survey of a lot of people just because you ask some questions.but then one cannot buck city hall I guess.
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• Grand Junction, Colorado
30 Jul 10
That was not in the FAQ's when I signed up, it was added sometime after I left mylot for an extended time. When I came back on I went and reviewed all the guidelines, FAQ's and terms of use when I came back and saw many changes that weren't their before. Your right though the question could have been easily answered by going and reviewing the information prior to starting a discussion about it. Sadly though some will never pay attention to that advise no matter how many times it's repeated to them. It's also important to mention that they are changed and modified from time to time and it's always a good idea to refer back to them often as mylot doesn't send out alerts everytime they change something.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Jul 10
hi beaniefanatic13 yes I had to go back and reread as this last year or so several things have been added. When I think of this I do mention to the newcomers too. You are right, we do not always get alerts either.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
30 Jul 10
Yeah, I didn't know if I didn't sign in for 3 months that I'd loss my money. Is this new? I really should take the time to reread the guidelines, because if they had that before it escaped me. Being without a computer for 15 months, I do admit I had forgotten some things, but I think I would remember the sign in every 3 months..Thank G♥d form libraries or I would have lost out too..
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Jul 10
hi carmelanirel I think thats been there for while as when we were homeless and my computer and monitor were in storage my son said he would sign in for me at mylot so my account and earnings would not go kaput. thank goodness. I had to reread most of the info too as I was gone f rom here for almost a year, I did get my computer back and monitor but was not on the net so I found time warner cable and got a fairly decent price on cable internet, and I knew I could make enough on mylot to pay the cable so now I am off and running. Yes libraries are great for that.
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@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
30 Jul 10
I equate it to when I worked in a stationery store, and people would ask "what's your check cashing policy", when it was on a big sign right in front of them. Some people would just rather ask than go and look. But in myLot, that doesn't pay off too well, since the discussion is liable to go poof. Myself, I only bemoan deletions if I really think (based on a decent understanding of the guidelines) that they shouldn't have been...
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
31 Oct 12
I think most discussions getting deleted are the poll type of discussions.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Oct 12
hi ajithlal I think so too and they strike out at the beginning as the titles show poll taking.ex " What kind of discussions really get the best responses?" now thats polling people. if the person had used his or her ex erience and made a title for ex "Some discussions ask for responses" and then go on to state what you think and ask this your take fellow mylotters that gets past the poll type.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Jul 10
dawnald that reminds me of the giant sign in the library where I worked for so long,it read Children's Section. Invariably I was asked while shelving books, first, Do you work here, then second Where's the children's section. he he he.Yes I have seen a few that I was surprised that they were deleted based on poll type but then I guess the admins. does know best.lol.
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@quita88 (3715)
• United States
3 Aug 10
Hi Hatley, I have been gone from my computer for five days but I do so agree with you on the ones who do not read. I do not know why they don't take time to read the rules but I 've had a few who moaned and groaned over why they don't get paid, why was their discussion deleted, etc. Even I got a mylot mail telling me my response to a discussion had been deleted cuz the discussion had been deleted and to be honest, I cannot see why the discussion was deleted. It was about pizza toppings.............. but, who knows? The best we can do is tell them when we can and continue to draw our own wages. Hugs, quita
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Aug 10
hi quita on that pizza one I did not understand either what rule it broke, but live and learn. I will still help newnbies' but I do want them to know I am never making fun of them just want to help.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Dec 10
hi quita am again so far behind I will help but I w ant new one s to realize that trying to help is not being mean at all,its meant in the best way like saying welcome let me show you the ropes. I still think that pizza one broke no rules.
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
4 Aug 10
I'm tellin' ya, that was a shock to my system........... I too want to only help the newbies. In a lot of ways I'm still new. I did learn the hard way tho when I first started , but like you, I will help if the new ones will let me explain. I never make fun of anyone who needs to learn. I have a grandson who cannot read well and I'm hoping my efforts are helping him. Not different than new members. We mylotters do try to help !
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
31 Jul 10
This is an age old problem in mylot that is not only affecting the new generation of mylotters but the veterans as well. Why cry foul when the guidelines have given much guidance on what to do and what not to do here. It is the people ignorance of the guidelines that is the roots of all these frustrations and disappointments that is the cause of all these heywire. If only they care to read, understand and apply the guidelines they will find that mylot has much more to offer than they can ever imagine. My four years stint in mylot has not made me a millionair but definitely I come out more confident and wiser as I have interacted with people from all corners of the world which I will never be able to do in the real world. No one should even start any discussions that could cause problems to others if they have the guidelines at their fingertips. Ignorance of the law excuses no man. Questioning why my discussions are deleted is only a mockery to themselves for not understanding mylot guidelines.
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@sid556 (30960)
• United States
31 Jul 10
I know what you are saying here, Hatley. I've been here about as long as you have. I read the guidelines when I first started and still didn't feel sure of myself. I joined in and read many discussions before I started creating my own. It took me a bit to feel comfortable and I did make some mistakes which were quickly pointed out to me. I've had a couple of discussions removed but I was not shocked when it happened. I knew when I started them that they were possibly against the rules. I never felt the need to ask about my earnings or why I was discussions were being deleted. Another thing it says in the guidelines is that if you have a problem...contact administration and DO NOT START A DISCUSSION ABOUT IT!! It gets old, doesn't it?
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@sid556 (30960)
• United States
1 Aug 10
I've always gotten a decent response when I go to administration. I actually havent had much trouble here, thankfully. I just don't understand why it is such a problem. When I join a new site I always first look and read the guidelines. apparently that is too much like work for a lot of newer members.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Jul 10
hi sid yes that is what it says but the new ones never do that instead they moan and discuss and get deleted lol.I have always went to admins if I had a problem, and really they did respond to so if you are courteous and tell them your problem they will usually respond in a few day.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Aug 10
hi sid I am wondering if maybe there are a lot of younger ones this summer and they have less patience with reading guidelines maybe it reminds them of school but I always liked school my self.lol.
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@primeaque86 (8108)
• Philippines
31 Jul 10
Now I came to nice conclusion, Since those Lotters who had lost cents and who had wasted effort are not all new, but old Lotters as well, then all of us must read the guidelines every time we need so... As you have said friend, the guidelines are right there who needs everyone's attention.... We must so thankful that we are always reminded to adhere on it to become fruitful here in this community. You know, This is my first time, if I am not mistaken that all sort of this discussion are present on all corners here on mylot, so I guess the notification is really this serious. I hope everyone would cooperate this. God bless.
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• Philippines
31 Jul 10
Oh, thank you hatley... and you know what, I had just learned it from you here, if you consider me a pro this time, but you here, are the real pro!!! And honestly, I had discussions deleted here before, and just last month, when I decided to quit here, but I choose to make it, and I know it would be deleted too... I had reported it by myself... after it, I am a certified mylot addict, even before.... I had decided to quit not because I am not interested anymore in here, but for personal reasons. I am so happy today because it was already fix... and I am here, a certified mylottter, everyday! Long Live Mylot Community!
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Aug 10
hi prime I am so glad you decided to stay, I really like your discussions' as they make me think, and thinking is good you know, it keeps ones mind active and working correctly too.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Jul 10
hi prime you have already passed all the information and'are really graduated here.This is not your first time,you are making really good discussions and responses. You are not a novice anymore but a real pro. I doubt very much if you have ever had a discussion deleted my friend,
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@celticeagle (164229)
• Boise, Idaho
1 Aug 10
I have noticed over the past year that they have gotten alot more strinct about the guidlelines on here. I think they have to. Either that or change the rules. I have had a couple of mine deleted and I think it is a good wake up call for all of us. Maybe we all need to refresh ourselves as far as the guidelines go.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Aug 10
hi again I guess that does keep us out of trouble.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Aug 10
hi celticeagle I noticed that too and yes I agree that they had to as there were so many poll types, and I got tired of responding to those as I never knew when one would be deleted. I know I have had to reread the guidelines several times and once I was sure I had broken a rule but it was not deleted so I guess it was okay.
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@celticeagle (164229)
• Boise, Idaho
2 Aug 10
There's a thin line sometimes. I had to reread it too.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
30 Jul 10
Hi Hatley Ok, point taken, will read them again!!
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Jul 10
hi humbug love that user name.lol good deal I have had to reread them since I got back as there were some changes too.Yes reading the information will actually be better than just asking as some get'things confused. A lot of users come in thinking that all they need to do with'discussions is just get a lot of responses as they get the wrong idea that they get paid for the responses. Wrong the users that respond get paid for their responses and the discussion poster must comment on those'responses in order to make really good money .So if people post twenty discussions and never comment they will not make much but if they comment back and keep their discussion going it pays well.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Aug 10
hi yes me too as I know a lot of people here are mylotting after work, or after taking care of their families so they deserve to be commented on too. I really appreciate it that they respond so I do comment.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
31 Jul 10
Oh I would consider myself being rude or impolite if I wasn't to comment to those who take the time to respond to my discussions.
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
9 Aug 10
I don't mean to sound old (because I still am a relative newbie), but I think what's happening here in myLot mimicks what's happening in the real world. There's a lot of young people who don't like to work seemingly, and just want the fast track to success. Mirror it here in myLot, there's a lot of 'young' users who just want to fast track to the earnings without reading the guidelines. ...just my opinion...
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Dec 10
hi bounce yes you are right and e ven when I tell them that knowing the rules will hep; them in making discussions that will not be deleted they still skip reading the information that will help them and ask us questions about that will be deleted as they have been answered in the questions and answers already in my lot info.the thing is they do not get it that they will not earn on anything that is deleted, not one red cent. and if they make twenty discussions in an hour they will not pay them for our responses as we get paid for what we post and they will get paid well for the comments they make on our responses
@de_toya (2429)
• Indonesia
31 Jul 10
Most people came here due to money as their main reason instead of fun. When their discussions or responses were deleted and their earning deducted, they confuse. I think most of them has read the FAQs however, they didn't understand yet. We need many times to be here to get more experienced with mylot. You Hat, I am sure that you are experienced member and I think you won't ask stupid question like that. Compare with me, I just few months been here and need much to learn. Sometimes I confused when my responses being deleted by the admin. I need to think for several minutes and read the Guidelines once again to find out the reason behind deleted discussion. Just let them be like that. Time will tell and teach them.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Aug 10
hi de toya as usual you are so right. I had not thought too much of that but should have as we all come from so many different places. perhaps some of the guidelines might be made a little clearer or as you suggest we older ones may have to help some to understand them better. its so easy to fall into the trap of thinking as an American and not as a person who should know we have all sorts of p eople posting here and some things may be clear to me but not to them. you made some good points. thanks.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Jul 10
hi de toya but why fight the rules when they are so easy to read, and why have stuff deleted if you have the tools to keep from breaking a rule? They will not make money if their posts are always being deleted, my lot does not pay for deleted posts. so that excuse is really lame. I came here for money too but common sense told me that reading the instructions would help me to make good discussions and make more money, and sure I enjoy being here and have a lot of fun, b ut I was new once too but it did not stop me from reading the instructions. if you got an unassembled toy for your child for Christmas would you not read the instructions in how to put it together so it would work? that's all that the information is that my lot gives,just instructions to put together posts that will not be deleted.
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@de_toya (2429)
• Indonesia
2 Aug 10
Yes, I do agree what you said. Unfortunately, each member has different understanding to guidelines. We can easily read guidelines but some of us couldn't easy to understand. We have different interpretation to guidelines. Furthermore, as human being, it's natural if we make a mistake and broke the role. When our discussion being deleted, for some panic person just post discussion to ask why? Others member who prefer to introspect their self, they will contemplate their mistake. Hat, there are various people here. You should appreciate them with their advantages and disadvantages. I hope you willing to share your experiences with others here without expecting anything from them. Helping others to enjoy mylot is good thing to make this site grow up faster.
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@yspmyl (3435)
• Malaysia
31 Jul 10
Hi My Dearest Hatley, Many people are lazy and they tend to ignore the terms and rules. What they want is only to get money. Many are just register and without trying to find out what can be done and what cannot be done. These people have their own motif where they will try to make money without bother the rules. That is why they are deleted. Some people that did not login for long time might due to they are too busy on other thing and some may be feel that to write or respond something on a forum is kind of burden for them. I do not sympathy these kind of person if their post or their account being deleted because no one can help them except themself. From the moment they registered with mylot, they have the responsibility to follow the terms and rules, that is their own responsibility toward themself. Not even here, they have to follow the rules in their real life as well, otherwise they will be punished by breaking the law. This is the basic rule of living. So who can they blame? Not you, not me but themself.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Aug 10
but elitereturn there would probably be a lot of fisticuffs as people would disagree on how things should be done.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
29 Nov 10
I also got my discussions deleted before. I also think when there is a problem one should try to find the solution. I think newcomers should try to find the reason why their discussions got deleted and try to read the rules and regulations and try to post according to the rules and regulations so that their discussions will not get deleted and their earnings does not get deleted.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Dec 10
hi ajithlal sorry you got one deleted. yes if all of us wou ld read the information first we would save time and money too as we get more earnings when we do not lose our discussions.reading all the info really does help us to not only earn more but to enjoy mylotting more too.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
3 Aug 10
I feel a bit sorry for the newbies in a way. I was new once too and I didn't have a clue. Eventually, I read the guidelines but it was a long time and many more reads till I understood them. I didn't read the TOS for a while but it was a real eye opener when I did. I still read the FAQ when I'm curious about things. Even though I have been here for what seems forever, there are things I still don't understand. I read one of MsD's posts the other day where she said that we don't get 25% of our referrals income, yet when my one sometimes active referral posts something, I get 25% - so I don't get that one.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Aug 10
hi mstickle I think when I was new I did a lot of things wrong but I did go back and read the rules. I have reread lately as there have'been some changes over the last year or so. I too did not understand that not getting 25 percent as I am sure Alice said that it was 25 percent not too long ago. I know she is always up on everything,I mean MsD,but I was not sure of that either.
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• United States
27 Dec 10
I have read those discussions too where people bemoan losing money at the site. Even having spent nearly five years (or more, I forget) on Mylot, I am still somewhat surprised by the constantly evolving rules, things you can and cannot do. Things that were acceptable a year ago are no longer tolerated. There's always a few new rules. And, no matter how many times a year you read them, if you miss even one rule update, you're sure to go wrong. Well not you. I'm sure you keep up with the rules. And, that's good. I try to read the rules a couple times a year. But, I forget to check sometimes. I should really bookmark the rules page and read at least once a week. Then I would never go wrong. As for me, I don't wonder when my comments, discussions or earnings get deleted. I don't even let it phase me. Mylot is just for fun anyway, right. At least it is for me. I try to use Mylot to learn new things, get help and pass along information that might help others. If I get paid, then that's a bonus. If my earnings are taken away for any reason, then so be it. I can't control these things. If I walk away at the end of the day having learned one thing from Mylot, then I am the winner, with or without my penny. To me, Mylot is not a get rich quick scheme as I earn way more from daily surveys and my writing ventures than Mylot could ever pay. Mylot is my home away from home; my extended family and community. I feel comradery and kinship on this site that I don't feel in my own hometown.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Mar 11
mylot has been a haven for me when I first retired and now being shoved in here where I honestly dislike some of it, i more than ever need mylot.I just wished to see m ylot ket great with quality discussions and so tried to help those who made it plain to little old me do not tell me what to do. so right I will not tell an yone what to do. ask me and I will help but no I am not sticking my nose and my feelings out again to be told I am this and that. so newcomers if you want my help you must ask me for it. And too I need my own earnings now more than ever.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
30 Jul 10
Hi Hatley, If it's the same one I recently saw, I believe they had 200 or 2000 posts under their belt, I forget which. It's sad that they didn't care to read the guidelines, atleast before making that discussion. I am not sure why people feel the need to make discussions that are either too short to give any real answer to, or to make ones that can not only be answered by looking at the guidelines but that are also already repeated too much! Star, Loss of Earnings, Deletions, How much money can be made here, etc. etc., I've seen too many of these!
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Aug 10
even three years ago I think I was asked by my lot to read the information as it would help me to enjoy mylot.but whats so funny for me is that our search bar must hate me as I never have been awarded even a penny. boohoo not really I can survive but just think its odd.
@Torunn (8607)
• Norway
31 Jul 10
Maybe they really, really want to post a "Why was my discussion deleted?" post? Maybe they don't get a lot of e-mail, and think that this way they will at least get the deletion notification from mylot? Maybe they're just very, very stupid? I think my pick would be the third option, 'cause I don't really feel very nice and diplomatic today. Then after a while, they'll post "Why doesn't anyone answer my posts?", get upset and then everyone pat them on the head and everything gets very pink and fluffy for a while. I think there should be a fine for the "Why doesn't anyone answer my posts?" posts ... And yes, I'm feeling very grumpy right now. Maybe I should finish the chocolate and have a cup of tea. Cups of tea are supposed to be the solution for everything according to my British friends. (so next time someone complains about deletions, we should give them a cup of tea. Possibly pour it over their keyboard so they'll stay away for while MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Jul 10
hi torun you made me laugh for the first time today. wow. Yes a cup of tea but surely the chocolate will help cure the grumpies.Yes thats a thought, no email so they get a bunch of nice little notifications saying your discussion bit the dust because you asked a question which is already answered' in my lots questions and answers. something to read and ponder before making a discussion why do not I earn anything as I posted fifty posts today, but ten were deleted, why are they picking on me?.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Aug 10
hi me too more chocolate and more ice cream, my favorite flavor too. lo lol lol.maybe chocolate ice cream orrocky road, oh rocky road definitely.
@Torunn (8607)
• Norway
31 Jul 10
I suppose there's a couple of posts that always will be repeated, different for different boards but they do have one thing in common: they're terribly annoying! And usually posted by people who seem to think that the FAQ are for everybody else. On this other place online I used to be (still am, but not so often anymore) we used to have a drinking party everytime someone posted questions etc that we had seen a trillion times before. Of course someone had to try to spoil the party by saying that we were mean to newbies, but then, the newbies weren't really very interested in us either when they couldn't be bothered to read the through all the discussions on the first page :-/ Which is a bit like a few pages here. The chocolate one for example, there's quite a few "Do you like dark or white chocolate?" "What do you use with chocolate fondue?" Hmm, I think I need more choolate ...
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• United States
30 Jul 10
Well in their defense, there are a lot of rules to read through and a lot to remember. I mean photo guidelines, discussion guidelines, FAQ, then learning about the site in general... its pretty tedious. I'm sure most people don't realize just how many rules there are at first... then just start posting away and end up getting deleted. In your defense. I agree with you. As anyone joins a new site it is up to the user to learn about it and what is appropriate and what is not concerning the rules. I think mylot should really make the rules a little simpler... or just make them more interactive so people could read and enjoy reading it... anyways later!
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Jul 10
hi fellow users but in defense of the information even if its tedious it would save you getting stuff deleted and getting pissed as you did not make any money. for one thing if you bought a new car, even if the information about its upkeep was kind of windy, would not you still read the information so you would be able to use the new car better? To me knowing the rules has helped me to make enough here to afford being on the cable internet. I am a net addict for sure.
@jennyze (7028)
• Indonesia
30 Jul 10
Rules were never attractive to me, but you are right. There's too many rules to read and understand and remember and... make it simpler!
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