A Funny Situation Happened Today

@thesids (22180)
Bhubaneswar, India
July 31, 2010 8:22am CST
I recently started posting and replying threads here. In other words I have recently started getting active here at MyLot. Today while replying to a discussion, I was supposed to ask What is you S-E-X as in What is your gender. The normal way was to ask it straight. But when I did so, and clicked the Submit button, the system came up with its own message - The post contains adult material. To enable you have to modify the settings in your profile or make changes in the text. Time to use AI on MyLot? or Better to make changes so that the text verification gets performed by the content and not the linguistic meaning of the word alone. What do you think?
3 responses
@cachehit (166)
• China
31 Jul 10
hehe..i think it's based on some rules to fliter the word.may be it think you will post a adult thread?
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
31 Jul 10
Hi thesids! I have experienced it too. It's automatic and that's why they can't differentiate the content and linguistic meaning.
• United States
31 Jul 10
yeah i guess that's funny, how word filter works is way different how human think, they cant comprehend the situation i guess