Siblings picking on each other...
By katsmeow1213
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
United States
July 31, 2010 10:42am CST
What sort of punishment do you give your kids when they pick on, hit, or hurt each other?
I know some of it is just typical sibling behavior and they will outgrow it as they get older, but I get so frustrated when my kids can't just get along. They're constantly picking on each other, hitting each other, disrespecting each other.. and the oldest thinks he's the boss and has to tell everyone else what to do.
I am trying to put a stop to this, and I know I have not been handling it well because of how frustrated I get when it happens. I usually just yell and dish out the harshest punishment I can think of at the time... which usually only makes the kids more resentful towards each other because they feel their sibling has gotten them punished.
I need a better way of handling this. What do you do when your kids pick on each other or hurt each other?
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19 responses
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
31 Jul 10
Whew,at least i am not alone (hahaha)
It is really hard to handle situation like that.
When my kids were smaller they keep fighting over things,toys,movies to watch and etc.
I just ignore them but i make sure i am always on the watch every time they start fighting not to kill each other ugh!
I would yell and pick up my slipper to give them something to stop from punching each other.
Now they've grown up,they're much behave.
Still there is fighting between my 2 sons (aged 14 and 11)but not too much unlike when they are younger.
I guess they grow matured and also got shy when i scold them and tell them they are not toddlers anymore.
Just give them a break dear,let them fight and afterwards talk to them and tell them it is not right to always have fight with each other.
Tell them to love and take care of each other for they're the ones to look after themselves in case we're gone.
That's what i always tell my kids.
Have a wonderful weekend

@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
31 Jul 10
They don't just argue.. they hit and throw things at each other, really hurting each other. I can't just leave that alone, because they do this to my 4 and 2 year old also, and I don't want them being hurt just because their older siblings are upset or angry.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
31 Jul 10
Those are the sorts of punishments I give them and it only makes them angrier so they take it out on each other even more.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
31 Jul 10
oh my,4 and 2 yrs old.
that's really not good nah.
Give the older siblings punishment like ground them from using the tv or anything that they love much to do.
if they like playing PSP or PS3,don't let them use for a week i hope that's enough for them to realize how be sorry for what they did.

@laglen (19759)
• United States
1 Aug 10
put them in chairs facing each other about a foot a part and make them sit and stare at each other. Ok that may not fix it but will be funny for you to watch! hehe
How about every time they are mean to each other, they have to do something nice? Be imaginative.

@sid556 (30953)
• United States
2 Aug 10
Cain and Abel? Not very encouraging. I do think the secret sibling idea might at least be a temporary fix....she might get a moments peace out of the deal. I can see how it could maybe work but some kids just fight and argue like its their job. It'd be worth a try for sure.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
1 Aug 10
I did a search on it yesterday and a website I found said do a "secret sibling good deed" week. Put each of the kid's names in a jar, make them pick one, and that will be their secret sibling that they have to do good deeds for that week.. but they can't tell the sibling because it's secret. I thought that was a cute idea and wondered if it would work with my kids... obviously just the older 3 for now but they're the biggest fighters! I think it might work for all of about 5 minutes, lol.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
1 Aug 10
Hi Kats,
OMG...I used to hate the fighting and bickering so so much. I had 4 girls and let me tell you, they could be just plain evil towards each other! It didn't end until they were much older. One thing that worked for a short few moments was I would make them all take a break and sit at the table for 5 mins. The rule was they could not touch each other or say a word....just sit there. If one spoke, another 5 mins was added on. 9 to 10 they would end up making faces and giggling before they were done. As they got older, the fights were more serious....clothes, makeup etc and nothing seemed to work. I learned to just block it as long as it wasn't physical. Good luck Kats. Only a few more weeks till school starts and your ears should get a little break!

@sid556 (30953)
• United States
2 Aug 10
I'm a single mom so I totally get where your coming from about the stress level when they are all acting out. My kids are pretty much grown now (thank goodness!) so I have proof to offer you...there is a light at the end of that tunnel. There really is. I remember those days all too well. I mostly remember feeling that I didn't handle it right...that I should have had more patience etc etc. And I only felt that way at night when they were all in bed and asleep. I would vow to be more patient and do better the next day and sometimes it worked but not when they all were at it at once and not when I woke up to the sounds of them fighting. I had 2 brothers and we did our share of bickering but for the most part I got along well with them. They used to fight with each other pretty harsh and I just thought it was a guy thing but that can't be it because I have 4 girls and they got pretty fierce. I'm sure you've tried this but maybe taking something away from them...a favorite toy or a privilege?? I'm sorry. If I had a sure-fire answer for you then maybe I wouldn't have the gray hairs that I have today. 

@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
5 Aug 10
I was much older than my siblings, my brother is 9 years younger and my sister is 14 years younger. I fought with my brother, but he has a lot of issues, like lead poisoning and ADHD.. I stopped getting along with him when he was 3 because he started fights with me on purpose, and it got worse from there as he got older. Half his problem is he acts just like his father who I hated from the get go (and I do mean HATE and I have very good reason to). So to this day I still do not speak to my brother, I even denied his friend request on Facebook.. but I've never fought or argued with my sister.. probably the age difference. My husband said he fought like crazy with his sister who was just a few years younger than him, so it's definitely just a sibling thing, and I understand that.. doesn't make it easier to handle when it's happening.
I have tried everything I could think of, and still look for new ways to handle it. They get punished when they don't behave, they get rewarded when they do behave.. and some days are better than others. I've noticed that keeping busy helps keep the fighting at bay and makes the days a bit more peaceful, but honestly who can keep busy every single day? We all need a few days of doing absolutely nothing!
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
1 Aug 10
I've got like 5 weeks until school starts still! Problem is, my kids are always physical... the arguing is one thing.. I still try to break that up as best I can, but the hitting each other and throwing things.. I yell, I punish, I seperate, I give time outs.. nothing seems to work. The only thing that ever helps anything is when we have serious sit down conversations with them one on one about the behavior and then we ask them what else is going on to make them do this.. usually my husband does this.. and I keep telling him he needs to have another one of these conversations but he hasn't done it recently. I could do it but I'm usually too stressed or angry and the few times I'm calm enough to is when they're sleeping, lol.
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@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
31 Jul 10
You must have been reading my mind Kat! OMG that's all my kids have been doing... & it's driving me batty. The hardest is that Dad is basically MIA for 3-4days a week while he's working so it's all on me. My oldest whom is younger than your oldest does try to boss her siblings around. I have no advice.... it was my b-day yesterday and all they were doing is fighting and being disrespectful of EVERYONE... I just wanted to cry. Time outs & turning off the tv only helps a little they are back at it in two shakes. I know someone will suggest get them activities for them to do outside of the house or away from each other but I know I don't have funds for that. I've tried taking DS (2.5yrs) to a park and he ran across a field next to the park & I wiped out trying to get him, not dong that again! They have even started hitting each other in a store the other week, therefore they don't go to the store with them either.
So I'm at a loss as to what to do with them til school starts. They were fine til summer school ended.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
31 Jul 10
Mine aren't that bad.. they usually behave better in public (I say usually, not always!) or when other people are around.. and the TV turns them into zombies so I know I'll get some peace and quiet when that is turned on, though I'm one of those weird moms who doesn't like to let them watch TV very much.. I feel like it should be a reward not a pacifier.
Apparently what happened today was that the 7 year old had been picking on the 4 year old.. which is an ongoing thing, so the 13 year old decided to pick on the 7 year old as payback. This got the 7 year old crying, and he doesn't cry often. What's really ticking me off right now is the fact that I feel like my 13 year old should know better.. I mean, I can understand it from the little ones (it's still unacceptable but they're young still).. but the 13 year old really should know better and I get so ticked off when he does things that he knows he shouldn't. I know it's typical of all kids, and I know every mom gets stressed over it... I just need to figure out how to not let it ruin my day or my feelings, KWIM?
BTW.. Happy Birthday!
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
31 Jul 10
I hate the TV. If I could I'd thow it away...... I don't get to watch the programs I enjoy. I spent half of the day yesterday telling them to go play outside & I'd even get the skeeter repellent on them. No dice, the neighbor girl wasn't out so they didn't want to... OMG who cares! Enjoy the summer weather while we have it KWIM?
The fighting here is usually the nearly 5 yo & the 2yo. She has big time resentment tward him.
They are fine if you take them to the store one on one but all 3 & just me... no thanks! If I had to I would be it had to be early morning or forget it. I know I need to get some shopping done but I have to wait til DH is up so I can go ALONE!
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
31 Jul 10
My biggest fighters are the 13 yo and 7 yo son. My daughter gets involved with fights now and then, but not often.. and the little 2 get along most of the time too... but the 7 yo picks on the 4 yo and the 13 yo picks on everyone! It's exhausting!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
31 Jul 10
I can remember the boys arguing bit not getting physical. so I just emailed them all asking if they ever actually hit or threw things at each other. I don't remember it although I do remember Rachel getting so frustrated that she bit one of her brothers on his shoulder and he still has the teeth marks today! He did apologise to her as he said he had been awful to her. I"ll get back to you later but I just thought that they were on the farm a lot with their father at weekends and in the holidays working alongside him so they were probably too tired to fight.Just a thought but I will get back to you on this one
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
31 Jul 10
That must have been nice, getting them out and working with their dad.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
31 Jul 10
I guess times are different.. I've tried to tell my oldest that he needs to set an example for the younger ones, and be kinder to the younger ones... he doesn't listen. He doesn't care about their ages or their limitations.. he gets frustrated at them so lashes out. It does happen more when they're bored, but honestly I can't keep them going all day because I need my own down time too.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
31 Jul 10
The son in the U.K. was the last to respond to me. They all said the same thing that they never laid a finger on each other or threw anything at each other. The eldest spoke at length (he's here in J. A) and said that he has often thought about it especially as the twins sometimes slap each other but that is stopping as he does not allow it. He said that his father especially taught him as the eldest to be responsible for the younger ones as when Rachel was born my husband already had signs of his illness and knew what the outcome would be. So he would have been about ten or eleven years old. He also said that his father was very family orientated and insisted that problems could be sorted out by talking and not fighting. Both my husband and I were physically abused as children. He then said that I told them that even though they will grow up and marry they are to be close and this has happened. Lastly he mentioned that my husband always impressed on them that they were to always look out for my middle son who has learning disabilities all of their lives.
I am useless as I do not have any advice but I still maintained that because they were physically active this just wore them out.
I am sure that others have experience your problems and will offer good advice. Many blessings

@Largoman (30)
• United States
31 Jul 10
I have 4 kids 13,9,7 and 6. As a parent I noticed what they like the most. My 13 year old likes computers and texting her friends on her phone. When my 13 and 9 year old fight they are both punished. However, both know what the punishment is before hand. For example: If you fight with your brother you will do the dishes by hand for the next month and I will take away your phone. The fighting has cut down by over half. It also taught them Respect, Control and responsibility. Of course they don't know it yet. They just know if they fight there are punished. I hope this helps.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
31 Jul 10
As I've said in other responses... punishing my kids by giving them more chores or taking away things they like only make them angrier at their siblings, so the lashing out happens more and more. I think talking to them about why they're doing it, and helping them find other solutions is really the best response.. unfortunately that's really hard to do when you're stressed and angry because of their fighting and hurting each other.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
31 Jul 10
There's really no such thing as "facts" when it comes to parenting because every child is different and they each handle punishments differently. I know my own kids better than anyone.. so I do know how they will react to punishments.. and yes I have tried these type punishments and the results that I got from those punishments were that the children were angrier and took it out on each other. Perhaps you need a class on how to speak to other people because it's not fair to judge someone you know nothing about.
@Largoman (30)
• United States
31 Jul 10
What I said was not just my opinion It is a fact. It comes from parenting classes which tell you to inform your child of the consiquence if they misbehave. The only person they have to blame is them selves. I was simply sharing the knowledge if you choose not to follow the advice it is up to you. However, Thinking that you know how a situation is going to turn out before you try is giving up. My suggestion then is for you to go to parenting classes and find out for yourself.

@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
5 Aug 10
I usually try to separate them get then in separate corners of the house if possible. But with more then two kids. I would be useless..I wouldn't know what to do,besides pulling my hair
But I have thought..if you have a fight jar or something and every time someone argues or fights they have to put money in it..but then that is assuming they get an allowance or have some money. My sister in law makes the kids hug and tell them they love each other..especially more if she hears them say they hate each other. You could tell them to stop or they don't get any popcorn or goodies when your all watching a movie at home..or that they have to stay in the corner while the movie is on..
But then I would think that any punishment whatsoever would be resented and they would then resent the other sibling. Could make them do dishes or something they hate doing..

@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
7 Aug 10
Seems you have tried everything already. Maybe hopefully someone will be able to suggest something that works well for you. I guess the only thing is to know that when they are older and have kids..know they will be dealing with and going through the same things with their kids and you can spoil them rotten and send them
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
5 Aug 10
Some of those things I've tried, like taking things away, or threatening something they really like.. it is useless. I've seperated them (but I can't really control the 2 and 4 year old, I can't make them stay away from the other ones without putting them in time out themselves but I can't leave them there for long). They don't get allowance so I can't take their money.. and I usually take what little money they manage to find on weeks when we're hurting and need a loaf of bread or something, so that can't be a punishment. I tried a "secret sibling good deed week" where they drew a name of a sibling from a cup and had to be super nice to them all week and do good deeds for them, and they'd get a reward at the end of the week. That worked beautifully for a day, but I guess a week is too long to expect them to be nice to each other.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
31 Jul 10
Our kids are grown now but what I did when they were younger was send them to their individual rooms. They didn't have a tv, computer or anything to entertain them. They usually fell asleep and when they woke up I asked if they still wanted to argue or fight with their sisters. We have three girls and there was more of the picking and teasing then actually physical hitting or throwing things. Once they discovered that it didn't bother me anymore, they stopped. I think alot of sibling rivelry is done to get the attention of their moms or dads. It's just something kids do to push our buttons. Once I was really mad, they were satisfied. Their job was done, so to speak. I learned to ignore alot of the stuff they said or did to each other's personal items. All I can suggest is to try it and see if anything changes.
Good luck,

@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
31 Jul 10
Mine do it more out of anger than for attention.. and the punishments make them angrier. Besides that, my 4 boys share a bedroom. I do try to seperate them to different rooms of the house when they fight or misbehave, but it's tough with the 2 year old because he'll wander around and pester everyone else!

@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
31 Jul 10
I do not have kids at home, and I do not have all the answers. My two, who were three years apart, seemed to do really well together. As far as I know. My daughter says I have selective memory. The bad thing was that for many years I baby sat in the summer. Mostly the same kids every year. By the end of summer I hated children. Then I drove bus in the school year.
I even could take them to the Y for classes, etc.That was a stipulation of me watching the families I had, they had to have Y memberships. My husband drove a truck, was gone three weeks at a time. One of the best summers, my MIL would come stay two or three days at a time, and she just really helped me stay calm. The kids were fascinated by her crocheting and cooking and it was one mor grown up to pay attention to them. One summer I had three families, if you count my own, and All of them had an oldest child the same age, it was murder.
Here are my suggestions:
With the oldest one, treat him with respect, tell him you know he is trying to help and give him positive directions for how to do it, by redirecting, for instance. Reward him in a special way when he can keep the others entertained and not fighting. Just some extra Mom time or a chance to help you go shopping etc. He needs the recognition that he is "older".
With the younger two, I would set up some toys or games they can play with ONLY if they are getting along. If there is a fight, tears, hard feelings, the toy or activity goes away. This could be as simple as a special set of blocks, or really fun markers, or bubbles. The point I am making is to identify and reward the behavior you want to see. They all are acting out because it gets MORE attention, so the solution is to treat the unwanted behavior with as little attention as possible and give more attention to the what you want to happen.
Make a chart with your expectations. If they meet them most of the time, reward them. Again, the reward should not be monetary or cost you much or anything at all. Rewards at my house were going to the park, or the library, choosing what we would eat for supper. If all three of your kids have a pretty good week, celebrate. It will give them something to look forward to.

@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
31 Jul 10
SOunds like you've had my summers Gerty!
I do need to work on a chart on this end of some sort for them. I know it worked for getting ready for school so my oldest would recall that had to be done.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
31 Jul 10
I used to do the chart thing when my oldest was about 7, but one day he slipped up and didn't get his reward so he completely gave up.. he's got that type of attitude and that makes me crazy too, but that's another story.
The oldest does get his own special rewards because he's older.. they don't seem to help. He gets to go to his grandfather's once a week, and his grandfather usually gives him money for helping with chores. He sometimes gets to go to the pool alone, or go to the next town over by himself where all his friends live and I pick him up at a designated place and time (and of course have a friend of my own there available if he needs her).
I think a lot of his personality issues stem from some undiagnosed disability, like ADHD or LD or something which I've been trying to get him tested for since preschool but no school or doctors seem to want to help me because he's not bad enough... yet they don't have to live with him 24 hours a day!!
None of it is for attention... they get the same amount of attention from me whether they're good or bad, and it depends on me, not them. Some days I'm more willing to give the attention, some days I'm tired and will leave them to occupy themselves unless I'm needed for something... they behave the same way no matter what I'm doing.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
12 Aug 10
If it isn't anything too bad, I just leave it alone. If they're really going at each other, I split them up. If somebody actually hurts somebody else, there is punishment, which usually involves taking away computer, video game or TV time.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
1 Sep 11
It is normal for sibling to fight with each other especially if they are always together. They'd fight over small and big things alike. Sometimes it is really annoying to hear them yelling and even hurting each other. In most cases the fighting ceases as they age but that will only happen under good guidance of parents. To me I handle sibling dispute in diplomatic to corporal way. When the fighting is severe, I always use rod to let them learn good lessons then I'd talk to them and tell them why it is bad for sibling to quarrel. In all cases I never fail to tell them that God wants us to love one another and so how much more if they are siblings they all the more need to love each other. 

@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
2 Aug 10
Just having the two of my own, it isn't typical that the kids pick on each other. However, when I have my nieces, it seems like the picking on each other increases in intensity. So, when my son and the girls pick on each other, I will make them hug and kiss each other and say that they are sorry for the first occurence. If the behavior persists, then I will give the offenders a time out on the couch or the chair. If they still continue I will put them in separate rooms for a time out.
@katiesueg (257)
• Italy
31 Jul 10
Reading your predicament certainly brings back memories. I have two sons who were born 16 month apart. Now they are 22 and 20 years old and they get along fine, but all the time they were growing up it was a nightmare. My oldest was always very big for his age and hardly a day went by when he would not punch his younger brother for something. I was afraid to step out of the house even for a minute, certain I would find blood on the floor. The worst period was between the ages of 8-10. I felt desperate like you. The only thing that helped somewhat was if a neighbourhood friend came over. They normally behaved much better if friends were around, otherwise they would lose the priviledge of having their friends over. The problem got gradually better when they got into middle school because they both got involved with different after school sports activities. Paolo did archery and Michele played badminton. By the time they were in high school the fights had just stopped.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
31 Jul 10
I have 5 of various ages including a set of twins and boys that are 18 months apart... the oldest is a teenager and he is usually one of the biggest problems, so it's not slowing down or calming down at all... it probably never will for me!
@ruthsm (222)
• Thailand
1 Aug 10
I guess all moms have this kind of problems but not on the same degree.
My 16 year old son likes to tease the younger girls especially my 10 yo who has stronger personality who keeps challenging her big brother. And they've been like this growing up. Big brother has softer personality but he wanted to prove that he is older by being bossy to the younger ones. So the younger ones are frustrated when he does that. They are not physical though but I can hear how they verbally annoy one another until they get into a fighting mode. And that changes the atmosphere in the house.
What my husband and I usually do when it this happens is to talk to them one by one. We have to tell the older one to be patient with the younger, and the younger ones to be respectful to their big brother. If they want respect from others, they also have to show respect first. We talk about this every time we are alone with one of them. We have to make each child feel that his/her contribution in making our family happy is very important.
It worked for us. Though every now and then they still pick on one another but it gets lesser everyday. I think it's also important that we parents keep ourselves composed when dealing with children's fight. If we lost our temper in front of them, we cannot tell them to be cool with one another.
It's easier said than done, but I see good result in our case. Hope this helps a little.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
1 Aug 10
Yes talking is a great way to sort things out... but I can't talk to mine when I'm frustrated with them because of their fighting with each other... I have to wait until I cool down, and some days they don't give me that chance, lol. Thanks for responding.
@marriedman111399 (1207)
• United States
1 Aug 10
I have the same problem at my house and one of the things that my wife and I do is if one or the other starts a fight or argument no matter who started it they both get into trouble. For us that helps with them being more mad at each other. We also have them do sit-ups when they argue with one another or argue or back-talk one of us. We also have immediate consequences. You think that that might help but for my boys it does not. Maybe one day.

@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
1 Aug 10
i will take things from them, and they werent allow to do anything at all. no tv, no skating.. my dad used to make us look at each other until we made up.
hitting is now i different story, my son would hit his sister i would wear his a$$ out
@mysticmaggie (2498)
• United States
1 Aug 10
I brought more children into the house. My son had a group of kids he played board games with and I opened the doors of our house to them, because I knew where they were.
My daughter, I had relatively little problems with. She was born with Down's Syndrome and has always been pretty easy going. My son and his friends made themselves her official security guard.
There was a huge difference in my children's ages with him being seven years old when she was born. He adored her from the day she came home and she returned the favor.
My son's problems came when we moved to a new community and he had to beat up the neighborhood bully to be accepted. It took him a year, but eventually he had had enough and sent the other boy home crying. They became best buddies after that and the bully and his brother were two of the kids at my house every weekend.
@nthomas (43)
1 Aug 10
Its very hard to manage siblings rivalry. Practising time-outs for both the kids is an option.. That way one will not think that other made him/her punishable. Until they grow older to understand the reality...its very tough.
@justme101 (6)
• United States
31 Jul 10
I only have one daughter but I have a niece the same age as my daughter. They were born Five days appart. They fight alot because they basically are growing up together. When ever they fight either my sister get them or i will get them. My sister will majority of the time just tell the kids to stop fighting or they will go to bed. When its my turn to tell them to stop I normally put them both in time-out and make them huge and explain to them that they love each other and they should not be fighting. They are both three so I understand that age is a very challenging age. Know that I am five months pregnant with our first boy I don't know what to expect with the sibling fighting but im up for the challenge:-)