mistake that you regret the most :(

August 1, 2010 5:24am CST
have you ever done something that you regret the most!me yes!it's a lie that i've told in order not to hurt the one i love but eventually it hurts when i think of it.
6 responses
• Indonesia
15 Aug 10
yes I have. :( my friend and I had ever disagreed on something, and we had spoken terrible words towards each other because each of us couldn't come to agreement. and later we did regret of saying such things. so, the conclusion is, we both hurt each other because of disagreement.
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• China
1 Aug 10
yes, i do. i told my boyfriend that i hate him, and didn't have common interests with him. and i told him i want to break up. but you know, in my heart, it was not my true feeling. i love him. but it was just too late.
• Mauritius
1 Aug 10
it's never too late dear,try talking to him,tel him what you feel!it won't cost anything.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
1 Aug 10
I wish I could say just one mistake, but there have been many. The one I fight the most is to react on an emotional level instead of taking the time to look at the situatin without emotion. If I can make myself see it clearly I can avoid making that mistake.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
13 Aug 10
I havent taken proper care of my teeth so far..and now i have lots of troubles. I feel my ignorance and irresponsibility
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
4 Aug 10
When i hurt my loved ones!
@swn_chik (266)
• India
3 Aug 10
Yeah,I did not one but lots of mistakes that make me regret for what I have done.I want to write but its too personal so.Anyways I will try not to do the things that make me regret later again