losing weight

United States
August 1, 2010 12:02pm CST
hey im thinking about starting a no calorie diet. i know sounds crazy. but what im asking is what can i eat that has no calories in it? hopefully no sugars either.
3 responses
@hushi22 (4928)
1 Aug 10
why no calorie? u also need calorie but not too much.
• United States
2 Aug 10
no calories = no fat
@Bree86 (2)
• United States
3 Aug 10
try the hcg diet.it works. i literally couldnt do it for 3 wks tho like you're supposed to.i did it for one week and lost 12 pounds.make sure you ask your dr. about it first tho.some people cant handle it.also something ive done is i eat alot of watermelon so i feel full.also instead of eating chips or pretzels etc i will eat smartpop popcorn.i think a regular sized bag only has like 30 calories or something and it gives you the feeling of eating something but its alot healthier than greasy chips :) you can also get these drinks at the store its like seltzer water thats flavored they have no calories or sugar etc. they are really good and its like drinking soda except no calories.plus it makes you feel full.plus just eating healthy will help you out plus you will feel better too. join the gym. do some crunches.that will get your tummy toned in no time :)
@shira0524 (482)
• United States
1 Aug 10
I agree with the previous commenter. If a food has no calories in it, it also has no nutritional value, no protein, no good fats, and probably a lot of chemicals instead. If you want to lose weight reduce what you eat and eat a balance of lean proteins and good fats (like olive oil) and a ton of veggies and some fruits. Good luck with your weight loss.