I wasn't gonna but I have to... I'm scared!
By mentalward
@mentalward (14690)
United States
August 2, 2010 1:52pm CST
I wasn't going to post a discussion about an issue I'm having because I don't know what is going to happen yet but I just can't hold it in any longer. I'm not normally a worrier. I've always had the mindset that the time to worry is when you receive bad news. I've only received questioning news so far but I have to say that it has me worried.
My right shoulder has been hurting now for about three weeks. Pain radiates down my arm to my fingers. Occasionally, it will shoot up my neck but that's been rare. I went to see an orthopedic surgeon last Friday. After X-rays of my shoulder and a physical exam, new X-rays were ordered of my neck. It turns out that I have bone spurs and, according to the doctor, something "that shouldn't even be there." It looks like an extra bone joining two vertebrae.
He told me to wear a soft cervical collar and has referred me to a brain and spine specialist. (Okay, the "brain" part I can understand...I always have been a bit, uhh, slanted...
.) I'm waiting for a call from them now with an appointment time.
This waiting is killing me!!! The idea that surgery may be in the near future for me doesn't bother me so much; it's the thought that I might have to have spinal surgery that scares me.
Have you ever had to wait for news that could very well be serious? Did you ever hear that something "wasn't right", then have to wait for further tests to determine exactly what it is that isn't right?
It's okay if you want to tell me I'm being a big baby. I can take that. I just don't want to think I'm the ONLY big baby here.
Any other big babies here, raise your hands! Maybe we could form a "Whiner's Club" or something. 

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15 responses
@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
2 Aug 10
Oh! Oh! I'll join a Whiner's Club!!!
No, your not a big baby - any surgery can be scary - at least if they are operating on your spine, in this case, they are only doing it on the OUTSIDE of it!
Still, the scariest thing I was told was... well, before the we've got to operate - gall bladder thing... was that I had an ovarian cyst, and it was 4 times the size of the uterus... well, of course you think "cancer" but it didn't turn out to be, still, very scary!
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@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
2 Aug 10
so, do you want to start the interest or shall I?
I sure can understand being worried and even your non-dominate hand is important - as my roomie's mom discovered when she sprained her right wrist - she's also a south paw...
In fact, BOTH of my roomies are south paws...
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
2 Aug 10
Hi Elic. I'm so glad I'm not the only member! Maybe we should start a new category called The Whiner's Club.
You know, I had just about the same thing happen to me. I had cervical cancer when I was 19. It was in the beginning stages so they operated and removed the bad part. I hemorrhaged from that surgery and had to have a second one 6 days later. When I was recovering from that one, they told me I'd have to come back in 6 weeks for a hysterectomy because I had huge cysts on both ovaries, one was the size of an orange and the other a grapefruit.
I came back 6 weeks later, they put me under in the operating room and I woke up feeling absolutely no pain. Actually, I was hungry! I called the nurse who stuck her head in and asked if I wanted something for pain. I said no, I wanted food. Then, I asked her what they did because I couldn't even feel a bandage. She looked and, sure enough, nothing was there.
The doctor came in and explained that they did an exploratory through my, uhh, you know, and saw that the cysts were shrinking so they decided to watch them. Eventually, they both disappeared. I lucked out that time!
What worries me is, if this pain and numbness is caused by a bone spur pressing on the nerve, they'll have to remove the spur, which means they'll be touching the nerve. Well, at least this nerve is to my right arm, not my legs or even both arms. I'm left-handed so, if anything went wrong, I could still use my good arm.
Good! I'm glad I wrote this discussion. I'm starting to feel better about this. THANKS!!!!! 

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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
3 Aug 10
I've known quite a lot of south paws. My husband is one. My ex was one. My sister was one. Both of my sons are right-handed, though. My mother and father were right-handed. Maybe it's something that skips a generation? I have no idea. And, yes, having both hands does make life a lot easier!
You can start it if you want. I'm a bit sleepy at the moment and just want to lie down for awhile. It's 8 p.m. here right now so, who knows, I may just sleep all night. Besides, I've never created a new category. I remember reading about it when I first joined but I forgot how.
So, should it be "The Whiner's Club" or "Whiner's Corner" or "That Whiney Place" or something else? Do you have any suggestions? Hey! This may just placate those who complain about people venting or who have to talk about their problems in the general population. We can just tell them to stay FAR away from our little corner.
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@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
2 Aug 10
Oh hon this is scary news. Listen if people want to consider this and or me agreeing as being a big baby so be it. This is not something you just oh well and wait. Hon this sounds scary and I would be happy to whine and cry with you.
I am so very sorry that you are having to just wait and fret, please pay ask ask for acceptance sometimes we just cannot change what is what it is. But pray honey that you build strength and peace of mind. As you will need to have a clear mind and plenty of rest for which ever comes ahead. How about family and or close friends, please tell me that you are expressing your feelings to them, do not feel that you are whining, you are afraid and understandably so.
I will whine with you any day, and will say a prayer for you also. Please be well and hope that time flies as the waiting period is such a drag.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
2 Aug 10
Thank you for such kind and understanding words, gurl. I wish I had family/friends to confide in. My family consists of my sons and my husband. My closest friend lives 110 miles away and has her own health problems: three strokes, pancreatis and diabetes, so I don't want her to worry about me. I don't want my sons to worry so I've been downplaying my problem to them. They're just starting their own lives and don't need to be worrying needlessly about their old mom. Of course, I'll tell them if I need surgery but only when I'm told I need it.
My husband seems to be worried about me but he doesn't say much. I do let him know when it gets to be too much and he is being supportive which is suprising in itself because he's normally a very self-consumed person. He usually jokes about anything that worries me but he hasn't about this and I'm very thankful for that.
I did find out today that the orthopedic surgeon's office has sent my records over to the brain and spine specialist's office so I should be hearing soon (I hope!) of my appointment time.
I think it's the not knowing part that scares me the most. What is this thing that shouldn't be there? What caused it? Can it hurt me? IS it hurting me? Can it be fixed? The biggest, of course, is, is it cancer? These are the questions I have with no one to ask... yet.
I'm normally one of the most patient people you'd ever know but not now. This feeling is so foreign to me that I just don't know how to handle it. That's why I had to post this discussion.
Your words have comforted me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
2 Aug 10
You are very welcome, and as OceanTiara stated we are here for you, just say and shall help. I know the waiting seems like you sitting on your hands and there is nothing can be done.
But please let us know if there is any research we can do for you as well. We are all avid cyber users and anything to assist a myLot friend. As hear we do not question we do not judge we lend a hand where ever we can. Please seek us when you need to or we
will hunt you down and squeeze it out of you....

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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
3 Aug 10
You are not being a Baby you are being Normal I would be like this to
I have just got over a Scare myself and it drove me mad
So I totally understand what you are going through please Sweetie let me know how things go and you better promise me that
Big Hugs to you and much Love

@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
14 Aug 10
Oh Marti
I hope it all goes well please let me know when you are due to have it done you willbe in my thoughts and my Heart
It is not exactly good News with my Lungs I will find out on 23 September if I need to have Lung Surgery to remove some of my Lungs, as my Lungs do not have the room to expand so it is now time to remove some I have been dreading this, but like I said nothing certain till I see my Consultant on 23rd September, that is why I am keeping quiet about it till I know for certain
Back to you, I really hope they do the Op soon and you will certainly be in my thoughts always
Big Hugs to you
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
12 Aug 10
Course you're not a big baby. I guess I should pop over to your next discussion to see what the result is. But heck, this is something that might or might not be serious, and it's normal to worry about it...

@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
13 Aug 10
So it's bone spurs and a squished spine? I wonder what they can do for that. I hope you find out today.
So a brain and rain from all that you explain (I think she's got it)...
Dawn walks off humming...
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
13 Aug 10
Yes, by jove, I think I've got it! Or you've got it. SOMEBODY'S got it. Now, how do we get rid of it?
Guess what? It's still raining!!! Well, okay, sprinkling. We've had a grand total of .4 inches of rain since yesterday! Guess I should start building an ark, huh?
Here's my neck. My poor, poor neck. I'm seeing the surgeon at 4 p.m. today so I still have to wait a bit more to know what he plans to do with it.

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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
14 Aug 10

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@commanderxo (1494)
• Canada
6 Aug 10
I'm always impressed by your great sense of humor, when times seem to be at their worst....and I'm not going to go into any great medical detail about your symptoms, as I'm sure you're doctor has already informed you.
As to your question, you have given ME something to worry about now.
You see, I have DDD of the lower lumbar, and "could" develop symptoms such as yourself.
Thank you.

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
14 Aug 10
Well, I had the MRI on Thursday, then saw the surgeon on Friday. He said, "I have bad news." You really don't want to hear a surgeon saying that, right? He just made my day.
I have a severely herniated disc in my neck. He told me that the very large bone spur that is connecting two vertebrae is actually keeping that disc from herniating, so he's going to leave the spur alone. That's just under the herniated disc.
I have lost quite a bit of strength in that arm so he wants to do the surgery as soon as possible to prevent more damage. I need to see my primary care physician for a pre-surgical workup so I can have the surgery and that should take place early next week.
Life, what an adventure, huh?
Oh! I scanned one of the MRI films. It shows a lot of impingement in my neck but it also shows part of my brain, proving that I do, indeed, have one.
Here's my neck:

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@commanderxo (1494)
• Canada
16 Aug 10
Wouldn't it be just your luck that you and your husband have your surgeries on the same day...wind up in recovery together (side by side), and then are both placed in a private room with beds next to each other?
Seriously though, I hope that each of you both, fair well at the hospital.
My thoughts are with yooze.
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
3 Aug 10
Hi mentalward,
I love your sense of humor about the whole thing. I know, you are hiding behind it. You have every right to be concerned, scared even about the results that may come. Any of us who say "I am not afraid." I would have to think that they are big liars.
I think you are brave to share this news with us. I for one believe in pray, so certainly my prayers are with you. I pray that your courage increases and your news is not huge and that whatever circumstances you may have to endure to get better, you are strong enough to handle them. Amen.
Mother, not I, has been through this waiting for results situation. It was not good news, cancer, but we rallied around her and give her plenty of love and support,so I hope your friend and family will do the same for you.
I wish nothing but blessing to you.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
14 Aug 10
Hi Angelgirl. I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to you but things have been happening so fast that I've been trying to wait to see what the outcome would be.
I got an appointment last Friday to see the spine surgeon. He looked at my X-rays and ordered an MRI. The X-rays showed some very large bone spurs.
I had the MRI yesterday, then went back to see the surgeon today (Friday). The first words out of his mouth were, "I have bad news." He told me he's normally a very conservative surgeon and only operates as a last resort but, with my problem, he wants to operate as soon as possible. I have a severely herniated disc that is almost cutting off the nerve to my arm. I have very noticeable weakness in that arm and he told me that is a sign of permanent nerve damage so he wants to operate as soon as possible to prevent further damage. He said that, if it's caught now, I MIGHT gain back some strength in that arm but he can't guarantee that.
I know that he really is conservative because it's the same doctor my husband is going to for spinal stenosis of his lower spine. He has two bulging discs but they haven't herniated and he's being treated very conservatively. Cortisone injections and physical therapy. It figures that, between the two of us, I'd be the one having surgery.
Yeah, a sense of humor is an essential tool in handling any bad situation. I think it really does help to keep laughing. It helps us get through the worse of it and also helps to speed up the healing process. There have been very few instances in my life when I lost my sense of humor. I'll probably be joking with the anesthesiologist in the operating room just before the surgery. 

@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
14 Aug 10
Hi Lady,
It just seem to be inappropriate to call you, "mentalward." I think your are one couragous Lady. I am so very sorry that your news wasn't better news. Please let me know when your surgery is scheduled. I will be praying for you everyday and I truly wish you good health and a speedy recovery, so that you can get back to writing.
This is not news that you hear everyday, and yet you have taken the time to communicated with all of your friends here on Mylot's site. I noticed that you didn't write one or two lines, you took your time and exlplained, very clearly, what is going on with your condition. I appreciate that quality in you.
You and the anesthesiologist will probably become good buddies just before you start counting backward.
Your good sense of humor is priceless at this point. You could feel torn, but you have decided to roll with the punches. That takes a real woman, and that you are my dear.
May God Bless and Keep You from Hurt, Harm, or Danger. Amen!

@34momma (13882)
• United States
3 Aug 10
i am lucky that i never had to deal with that beofore. but i have had to c-sections and thinking about your life and the life of your soon to be born child is scarey too. but i only give myself 5 minutes of worry and just relaxed and knew it would all be ok. you will be fine, hang in there and relax
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
14 Aug 10
Hi momma. I've already had 28 surgeries in my lifetime. Some were small, others were major. I had one C-section so I know what you went through. Mine was an emergency, since my son decided he didn't want to come out and parked his butt where his head should have been.
I've seen the surgeon and he sent me for an MRI, which I had yesterday (Thursday). Today, I saw him again and he told me he wants to operate as soon as possible because I have a severely herniated disc that is pinching the nerve to my arm and has already caused weakness in that arm. He said the weakness may be permanent and he wants to operate to prevent further damage.
But, I'm not too worried anymore. Posting this discussion has helped a lot. I've been able to joke about it some and that has actually helped.
So, I'll try to keep laughing! 

@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
3 Aug 10
I'm so sorry to hear that. I am going to have to have surgery on my spine, but I am putting it off. My surgeon would prefer I not have to have it, so I'm going to go as long as I can bear the pain. But your pain is different, and sounds like it is a constant nuisance. So I hope they can treat your quickly. And maybe they can find a way that doesn't require any surgery.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
6 Aug 10
I'm glad you can put it off, Pam. Your problem sounds like what my husband is going through. He has spinal stenosis in the lumbar spine. He's had cortisone shots and is going to physical therapy. He said it's better but he still has pain and numbness sometimes. His issue is bulging discs.
Mine is really large bone spurs. I just saw the spine specialist today and he showed me exactly what's going on. One spur is actually connecting two vertebrae. He's put me on steroids but I have to go in for an MRI next Thursday, then see him again on Friday to see what the next step is.
Yeah, this is a constant pain and my fingers are constantly numb. I'm at the point now where I really don't care how it's done, just as long as they get rid of this pain. I'm such a pain weenie!
Oh, along with the steroids, he's given me Percocet for the pain. I haven't taken any yet and only plan on taking them at bedtime but I should be able to sleep like a baby! 

@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
16 Aug 10
Of course, you will be anxious. It seems the not knowing is the hardest part. I will be praying for you. Please keep us informed. Please don't be scare, God will be with you through it all. He is with you now as you are waiting for the news. Rely on Him and it is will must easier. "Cast all your cares upon Him (God) because He cares for you." God bless you!
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
16 Aug 10
The news is bad. The surgeon sent me for an MRI, after which I saw him again. Actually, the first words out of his mouth were "I have bad news."
I need surgery as soon as possible. They are actually going to reschedule someone else so I can have the surgery first. I have an extremely herniated disc in my neck which is pinching the nerve to my right arm. It has already caused permanent damage and the surgeon wants to operate before any more damage is caused by this disc. The damage so far is that I have pretty bad weakness in that arm, which the surgeon said is most likely permanent.
I do not have a date for the surgery yet but should hear about that very soon.
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
3 Aug 10
Hey Marti,
Maybe when the second doctors check you out, they will come up with a different diagnosis. For me, the most important thing is to trust in your doctors. If something makes you feel uncomfortable or uneasy in any way, then consider looking for another doctor or doctors. You will need to listen very closely to what your intuition and if you do, you will be just fine.
And trust me Marti when I say that you are far from the only Big Baby here. You will be in my prayers Sweet Girl. Please keep me up to date.OK?
Love Ya,
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
4 Aug 10
Hi Leenie. I've decided to go with my husband's doctor. He (my husband) is being treated for spinal stenosis of the lumbar spine. From the treatment he's received so far, I'd have to say that doctor knows what he's doing.
Besides, I called the spine specialist's office and was told it could take up to a week for them to even call me with an appointment time. Considering that my hand and arm are getting worse, even though I'm now wearing a cervical collar, I just can't wait that long.
Unfortunately, the earliest I could get an appointment with my husband's doctor is next Tuesday, a week from today. They said they would call me if there was a cancellation to get me in there sooner, which I really appreciated.
It looks like I have cervical stenosis but that's just my opinion, based on my symptoms. It makes sense. Of course, I'll most likely end up having surgery. That part doesn't scare me at all since I've had so many already but I don't like the thought of being operated on so close to my spinal cord.
Still, I have faith in medical science. It's getting better all the time. I had bone spurs removed from my heels when I was 16 and I made it through that. I'm sure they've improved things a lot in the last 42 years. (Man! That hurts saying that! LOL)
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
13 Aug 10
I lucked out and was able to see the surgeon last Friday. He looked at the X-rays and sent me for an MRI, which I had done yesterday. Today at 4 p.m. I'm seeing the surgeon again.
I have the films from the MRI and, of course, I had to peek. There's quite a lot of impingement in there! The majority of my problem, according to what the surgeon said after looking at the X-rays, is bone spurs... great big bone spurs. The thing that "shouldn't even be there" is a huge bone spur that is actually connecting two vertebrae. Another one is just below that but not quite as large, plus there are smaller ones.
I took a photo of one of the films and pointed out where the impingement starts and ends. It's about half the length of my entire neck! I'm a bit concerned but not as scared as I was earlier. Talking about it here has helped tremendously. Plus, knowing about all the terrific advances in medical science, I'm sure everything will go fine if I do need surgery.
Here's my neck:
@clouds0327 (1389)
• Philippines
3 Aug 10
Hey that is scary, but it's a good thing you had a doctor see it, so at least someone knows what really is happening and can help you treat it. I had the same experience when I noticed is a big lump on my daughter's neck and I am familiar with enlarged lymph nodes but hers was way too big like a half an inch or more but it really was soooo scary... I waited until weekend to finally visit a doctor since I have work and also have to secure money for the check up and diagnosis.. I was so restless because I have to wait before I can determine what is that lump. I was worried it could be a cancerous one or something that needs to be taken out, she is too young for an operation and I just can bear in mind to see her in an operating room.. She is 4 years old. I was like crying the whole waiting time and was praying and researching the internet hoping to get an answer just to calm me down..
Well, she had some tests and was given antibacterial and was advised to have a dentist check her teeth cause these are the factors of an enlarged lymph node, there is something chronic of some sort that needs to treated that is why there is a lymph node that big and those are some of the possible reasons..
We had diagnosis and treated her for a week.She also had to take a PPD test as it may also be a "primary complex" a tuberculosis for children, but It wasnt positive so I was so thankful..
After a week, the node became smaller and thus my relief..

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
6 Aug 10
You know, my youngest son had a similar thing happen to him. He had a very large lump on one side of his neck. When I took him to see his doctor, I was told that he had strep throat, of all things! He didn't have a sore throat or even a fever, just a lump on his neck. He, too, was put on antibiotics and the lump was gone about a week later.
I just saw the spine specialist today and he's sending me to have an MRI next week. I go back to see him the next day so I should know what's going to happen then. From what the doctor told me about the X-rays, I will need surgery but it won't be too complicated, I hope.
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
3 Aug 10
I once had a similar problem as you. I was riding a motorbike and was hit from behind by another motorbike. There were only bruises and after a week they were all gone. But a month after that I could not lift my right arm. It was so painful to lift it and like you the pain sometimes got through the neck. I could only move my arm in front of me and a bit to the side. Lifting it and put it behind were impossible. I did physiotherapy for two months. It helped eliminating the pain but I still could not lift my arm as high as before, and everyone said that my arm bended. Through a friend I went to a chiropractor and he exercised my arm after being massaged in a certain way. I only went 10 times and it was fixed.
So, maybe you should try chiropractic, first.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
4 Aug 10
Hi jennyze. I was in a car accident with similar results, except it was my neck that was hurting, not my arm. I went to a chiropractor and he fixed me right up.
The X-rays confirmed that the problem is in my neck, not my shoulder. I WISH it was my shoulder. I could deal with that much better. I don't like knowing that I could possibly have neck surgery, so close to my spinal cord.
It looks like I have cervical stenosis, caused by aging and bone spurs. A chiropractor can't fix that. Plus, I need to find out what this "unknown" thing on my spine is.
I finally got an appointment with a spine specialist for next week. In the meantime, I have to wear this stupid collar. I hate it. 

@charmlenile (387)
3 Aug 10
It could be hard on you mentalward to be worried on such difficult time.keep praying my friend for God will provide whats best for you. maybe something came out the other way around just relax and don't to think too much so it will lessen your waiting.. I hope your alright and everything will be fine. do not worry and be positive.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
3 Aug 10
Thank you, charmlenile. I try not to worry and be positive but it is very hard to do when I have constant reminders like this cervical collar that is VERY uncomfortable and also when picking something up with my bad hand and I can't feel it. My entire hand is numb. Also, certain ways I turn, which is very limited with this collar on, makes tingling and pain shoot down my arm.
I try to keep my mind occupied but I have always been a very active person and I just want to get up and do things. I'm an avid gardener and love to go fishing. I live on a lake and love going fishing any time I want but now that is impossible. Also, I do a lot of craftwork but most of that is impossible with this collar on. So, I'm stuck with very little to do except watch TV or do things online but I can't sit for too long without it becoming more painful. I'm basically stuck between a rock and a hard place right now.
Also, I've had 28 surgeries in my life, to date. Apparently, I was born with a defective body. I'm actually used to having surgeries. I won't be surprised to hear that I need another one, I just don't like the idea of it being on my spine this time. That's what really scares me.
But, the well wishes and prayers coming from the good people in myLot have given me what I needed, a shot in the arm of positivity and humor. I'm actually feeling much better now.
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@Wonderful523 (174)
• China
4 Aug 10
hi,mentalward,things maybe not that bad, be optimistic and have a nice day...good luck
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
14 Aug 10
Hi Wonderful and thank you. Unfortunately, I was just told by the surgeon today that I need surgery as soon as possible. I have a severely herniated disc that is pinching the nerve in my arm and may be causing permanent nerve damage. So, I'll probably be scheduled for surgery in the next week or so.
I'll be fine, though, I'm sure. I'm not as worried as I was, probably from posting this discussion and being able to laugh more about it. Laughter is great medicine!
Oh, by the way, welcome to myLot!

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
2 Aug 10
First, you should not wear yourself out with worry. What will happen, will happen. They can do wonders these days!
I was scheduled for surgery when I was 17 because one leg was shorter than the other, about 3/4". I was kind of worried about it but figured at least my back would stop hurting. They were going to add bone to the short leg from the longer leg--I couldn't figure out why they didn't just shorten the other one! Anyway, I was in the OR and on the table and told them to measure just once more to be sure. Lo and behold, both were the same length! Strangely enough, just hours earlier, they weren't. Miracles happen, especially when we take charge of the situation. It probably didn't hurt that I'd prayed a lot, thanking God for the advancements that surgery had made.
Expect good things! Think positive!
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
2 Aug 10
Hi dragon. I'm POSITIVE that I'm scared! How's that?
Normally, I'm the first person to say "don't worry", even if it pertains to myself. I've tried to rationalize this by thinking that it could be nothing and whatever is making my arm hurt and my hand to go numb can be fixed easily, maybe with a cortisone shot and/or exercises. Of course, bone spurs are bone spurs and there aren't many options for getting rid of them. I had bone spurs in my heels when I was 16 and they had to chop them off surgically. Of course, that WAS 42 years ago (
My husband may still have to have surgery on his lumbar spine. He's been getting cortisone shots and he's been through physical therapy but his leg is still going numb. I've been sympathetic but also reassuring him that surgery has very little risk these days. I should listen to my own words, huh?
At first, I thought I was just having sympathy pains for him but that isn't like me. When my fingers went numb, I knew it was time to see the orthopedic surgeon. If I had known this was originating from my neck and not my shoulder, I would have chosen a doctor who specialized in the spine from the start. The biggest issue is that this is progressing. At first, my fingers were tingling. Then, the tips went numb and stayed numb. Then, my hand went numb. It's now climbing up my arm. It's getting worse.
I'm just glad I can still use that hand. It's definitely weaker than the other (and thankfully not my dominant hand) but I can still type!
I'll try not to worry too much. I'll try telling myself what I normally tell anyone else when they're worried. I'm not sure if I'll listen to myself, though. I'm kinda stubborn that way.