What's your take on this movie .... ?
By Rtlsnk316
@Rtlsnk316 (1197)
August 2, 2010 2:23pm CST
It's Michel Moore's "Capitalism", I know it's not a new movie, not that old either, but I just finished watching it yesterday.
I've liked Moore's previous films, not saying he's my idol nor that he's a liar, but the way he places things in perspective, along with facts, interviews, statements, whatever, makes me be even more open to my own conclusions.
Now, I now he has several haters and I agree with that, his filmography has been very controversial to say the least, but brings up a question, if whatever he presents it's just half the truth, or the truth "bended" or more directly he's lying, why hasn't somebody, anybody exposed him directly or indirectly with yet another movie with facts and statements as well to prove him wrong?
That would be even greater to watch.
Your thoughts.
4 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
3 Aug 10
My problem with Moore's take on "Capitalism" is that it incorrectly associates capitalism with greed and corruption, in the sense that capitalism is actually what's causing people to act greedy.
A crooked judge locking up teens in a privatized institution for the sake of big bucks isn't "capitalism." It's corruption and could happen--has happened far worse, actually--under any system. Even in Moore's progressive dream of a socialist/communist country (w/e the hell he thinks is a better alternative), this kind of thing would still happen. The difference being, of course, PEOPLE WOULD BE FAR LESS POWERLESS TO STOP IT WITH GOVERNMENT CONTROLLING IT. Ask some Cubans or Soviets.
Shady companies taking out insurance policies on their employees is another evil brought on my "capitalism" in Moore's estimation. But it's just greed.
The argument can be made that America's capitalist system is set up to allow this to happen. And while I wouldn't argue that in some instances, I'd also have to mention that some of the greediest SOBs in our country don't work on Wall Street at all. They work for the government and actually take Moore's side on 99% of issues.
Greed is a trait of humanity. Moore tries to paint it as something brought about by capitalism.
I don't think his movies are a complete waste. He brings up some big issues. But if he attacked them honestly, a lot more could be done. Instead, he picks and chooses what he wants to call "capitalism" and leaves out the rest.
That's just how it works. Moore tells of life through his worldview, and it doesn't make the cut if it doesn't fit his worldview. To him, big government with single-payer healthcare, a 100% unionized world workforce, no "private" property, etc, is the key to a "fair" world. So he paints America the villain at every opportunity he has.
I have nothing personal against this guy. But there's a reason his movie only did a few million at the box office. And that's because at this point in his film making career, people know what they're going to get - "facts" as Moore sees them, with everything else left unmentioned.
He's a partisan filmmaker that puts out partisan films.
I don't know of anyone who's been swayed over to Moore's side after watching one of his films. Most unaffiliated people I know who've watched them come away with the same criticisms I have. The only folks I know who've held them as accurate have been the folks agreeing with him beforehand. And that's the audience he caters to.
@Rtlsnk316 (1197)
• Mexico
3 Aug 10
Excellent comment.
Greed can and will destroy whatever or better said, whomever it can reach, and even worst when it gets people with power and money ... not all of them I should say, but most likely.
As you said precisely, Moore is not necessarily right 100% of the time, he does show his point of view of things, his side of the story.
I wouldn't dare to say I can debate on politics or economics regarding what he has exposed in any of his movies, but in matter of society, I think is very common that people would follow the one who challenges, the one who dares, the one who speaks out, the one who initiates. His documentaries although kinda repetitive in someway, but they do start a fire, big or small but they do create something to think about, at least they did on me.

@Rtlsnk316 (1197)
• Mexico
3 Aug 10
Very valid and respected opinion, most likely your not into documentaries maybe?
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
11 Aug 10
Some people actually got together and did attack the fact that he tells half truths and lies in his movies...the movie is called "michael moore hates america".
As for Michael Moore...he is basically teh liberals verson of Rush Limbaugh. Both are propagenda specialists for their party....both tell half truths...most slant the truth to suit their own side.
I don't take Rush seriously...nor do I take Michael Moore seriously. If you want to know the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth about something...don't look to either of them to give it to you.
@Rtlsnk316 (1197)
• Mexico
23 Sep 10
I appreciate your thoughts very much.
I saw the "MM hates America" documentary, wasn't that fulfiling to me, I think it was just made from steam to immediatly have something to put up against whatever Moore was displaying.
I think people like Limbaugh, Moore, Stern, L. King, Oprah, and any other person/celebrity, who are involved in the communication area, are there for people to support them or hate them, they might think different, but so do we, that's why some people would see a glass of water half-empty and some other half-full.
Who should we believe? whomever we want, even if they lie to us we're always free to choose to either listen to them or not. Facts are the only thing that counts.
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
10 Sep 10
Hello, i was looking where can i discuss something about Michael Moore here and i'm happy that i found your discussion. Capitalism was boring for me, because i don't understand a lot of economics and politic areas. But Sicko was great for me. I could feel it as part of my life. Here in Bulgaria, every month our government takes money from our payments for health insurance and if we go to a doctor, we still need to pay little fee every time for review. The pills are really expensive compared with our monthly payments from our jobs. We got one institution ... which is doing nothing. Whole my family had little books with special health problems, books written and made by this institution, which must care about people with different chronic health problems. They had to take cheaper pills for their sicknesses, but soon after we started to buy the pills we understood that this pills are even cheaper without the special prescription from the doctors.
I felt Sicko so close to my country and our society. And i was really crying with this woman, who helped on 11/9 found her pills for 5 cents in Cuba ...
It's sad because we walk with the same steps ... Someone is trying to do something good, but at the end everything goes wrong. Good wishes are not enough in that world, where money are the most important thing.
@Rtlsnk316 (1197)
• Mexico
23 Sep 10
Nice input Sugar, I appreciatte your thoughts.
Putting a little aside the Capitalism story I'll briefly mention, I come from Mexico, public health services are not that good either, I liked Sicko as well, I could see a combination of the Capitalism movie with it and it's really sad.
Our neighbors from the States struggle too much already and not getting what they're paying for is just unfair.