Friendship and self-esteem

@yiyun_h (183)
United States
August 3, 2010 7:43pm CST
As I am getting older, I realized that a true friend is someone who support who you are, not someone who deny who you are. Sadly, I do not have many friends like that. For example, I had this "life time" friend of mine, who always trying to "help" me find something wrong with myself whenever I had trouble with life, no matter if it was my fault or not. Later I realized she was indeed sincerely trying to help me because she was the type of person who always criticize herself, blaming herself for whatever happens. I was so tired of this so I decided to keep myself away from her when I was weak and in need of encouragement. I think this is about self-esteem. I think we human are all using our own experience to judge others, more or less. So, whoever has self-esteem would naturally know that when their friends are in trouble, all their friends need is encouragement and belief in themselves, as those are what they need when they were in same situation. So I believe only people with true self-esteem know how to support their friends.
3 responses
@tbmomin (25)
• India
4 Aug 10
I have few friends who never leave my side whether Im right or wrong, happy or sad, and I feel so lucky to have such friends and would like to thank God for them. So you had this lifetime friend but you decided to keep yourself away from in times of trouble. Anyway, I hope you're still friends with her. I would not suggest you to break this friendship because of her attitude towards life. She didnt mean you any harm, but its her and not you who needs help. She needs to change her attitude and her perspective of life as well as gain some self esteem. Pointing out that you're wrong when you are and apologising for it and trying to learn from it is good, its better than blaming someone else for your own faults. I think that it is your friend who needs help and as a friend you need to help her rather than leaving her side. I have a friend who is very sensitive, who gets hurt by little things and takes everything so seriously and tries to find faults in other. I got fed up with her and even tried staying away from her. But she was a real friend and a very good human being, except she had a problem. I started to miss her and then I realised s that I was doing the wrong thing and that I would be able to change her. I bought her "Gods Devotional Book for Women".I prayed for her and still do. And now God's answering my prayers, she is changing. She's a friend I cant do without and if you have such friend you should not let her or him slip by but instead try to change her. You'll be happy with yourself and with what youve done. So instead of thinking about yourself, think about your friend. If you want a true friend, first be one!
@yiyun_h (183)
• United States
4 Aug 10
thanks! you are right, i would not break up friendship with her. i am always a straight forward person, if she accepted me before, she would accepted me now and later. but i do think keep some distance for a while is a good thing to do at meantime. i am glad you have helped your friend. bless!
@bokal2703 (802)
• Philippines
4 Aug 10
well, I guess if your friend is like that, it is not healthy to hang around with her. It is not really like you are abandoning her, it is more of you both need to grow stronger, but if she is the type that instead of pulling you up and encouraging you, she criticize you but not in a constructive way, then it will just be a burden in your life...friends are suppose to bring out the best in you, see the brighter side of everything that this life have and not dwell on every mistakes or shortcomings that you have.
@yiyun_h (183)
• United States
4 Aug 10
you are right. since we actually live far away from each other, we don't have communicate often. so that would be good for me. for her too. i guess
@snowy22315 (179046)
• United States
4 Aug 10
It is hare dto find true friends. I think I have only had a fe in my life, and sadly I didn't treat them as well as I should have. I guess we could all have more friends, especially the true kind.