Do friends stay for a long time?

August 4, 2010 2:38am CST
Friends don't stay for a long time as I experienced it. the only "real" friend stays for a long period of time. It may be your best friend, a colleague in school, or however you categorize them the bottom line is that true friend only comes when you are in need may it be financially, emotionally, loss, or at your down moments. Friend remain as friend whatever problems you are in. They are there not only because they are hunger for a never ending happiness with you but as well as at times of trouble and difficulties just like binding a couple. You are not expecting of happy moments all the time but you also consider the sad part. Acceptance of someone is a real important factor.
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12 responses
@06MLam (620)
4 Aug 10
I don't think friends stay for a long time according to my own experience. Whenever the very close friends leave each other, their friendship just become less and less strong and their relationship eventually like those who are hi-bye friends. I understand about this because they both have encountered different things and people respectively and might have changed owing to these. However, I don't understand why we have to make friends eventhough the friendship does not last forever? Is it just a kind of exchange like your friends comfort you when you are sad and the other way round? Also, I think that most people(or might be everyone) in the World are selfish. They just treat their friends as their tools to help them get what they want successfully. Even Jesus treated his students very well, one of them betrayed him just for money. So, what's the point of making friends? For being the tool of your friends and for getting corresponding tools from making friends? Sorry if you think I have seriously offended you. I just do not understand about all these and would like someone to help me with that. You're welcome to leave me some comments on how you feel about these.
• Philippines
5 Aug 10
i can understand you. the world is too harsh and man can only think of his own survival. Like any relationship that needs to be worked out and so does friendship. According to Aristotle, there are 3 types of friendship: (1) friends who were bonded intimately like couples, (2) friends who were just friends because of the benefits and (3) and friends who were just friends for the sake of good and perfect friendship. i can barely remember that from Philo class. But i believe that there still exist genuine friendship. Maybe we hadn't found that friend yet. As I have said, you need to be a true friend to gain one. It's not necessary to trust them firsthand, you just need to let them see that you want them as friends. If they aren't interested with longterm friendship, then you can find another... hey, you can add me on your friend list... thank you for being honest.
@skkalra (966)
• India
4 Aug 10
Yes, friends do remain in the heart, and so stay for a long..If you have real friendship, then you must be able to maintian the relationship by keeping the ego aside ( if such arise ), accepting many ups and downs , and always trying to win the arguments..( you must loose sometimes, even you know you were right at that moment ) Good Luck
@skkalra (966)
• India
4 Aug 10
Sorry, please read " and always not_ trying "
@vjsham (59)
• Malaysia
5 Aug 10
heyya... in my opinion and experience, no matter hw close a friend might be but when it comes to life,family,job and so on each will choose their own path and fade away as time passes..we cant fault any1 as this is nature and nothing can change of the example is when "a gal gets life partner and her partner doesnt want her to keep in touch with her old friends anymore"..can she object? hmm she will have to decide which one to choose and as usual life partner comes 1st.. I had loads of friends who were very close 2 me, but as our age gets older they tend to have own routines..i realise that there are many age categories where our friendship will be "refreshed" (ie skul :- primary frenz,secondary frenz,college frenz,coleque and so on..), doesnt remain d same ppl..So summerizing i feel that not all frenz will last forever unless we are fated..wat evr it is just keep in mind that its "us" who decides 2 keep or let it fade...
• Philippines
5 Aug 10
i hadn't found a true friend who had been with me a long time. I had few real friends but we've gone separate ways. you need to be a true friend to gain one. For me, it is necessary that you have the same interest or related field of work and that you share the same dreams/ aspirations. By that way, you might find true friends who can stay with you for a long time, and even a lifetime. Still, it is really hard to find real friends.
@aiwiuy (23)
• Thailand
5 Aug 10
For a long-lasting friendship, it depends much on yourself. you should know how to behave properly. It is important to get in touch with your friends frequently otherwise you will forget them and vice versa. Friends should have something in common. Hope you can always maintain your friendship forever.
@will704 (15)
• United States
5 Aug 10
Friends stay as long as you are a friend to that person. There is really no such thing as real friend because any so called real friend will leave you just as fast as a friend would. Why do i say this? Because anybody you treat like a friend will treat you like a friend just depends on how you treat them. If you treat them like a good friend most will treat you the same way and thats how you consider someone to be a real friend. The only real friends are family, there for you no matter how you treat them. So to sum it up friends stay as long as you keep or let them; the only real actual friends are family no matter what.
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
4 Aug 10
Real friends will definitely stay. I have friends in high school and in college and until now we are still very good friends. I had friends whom I thought are my friends but things change and they act like they dont know me. It doesnt matter anyway, its not that I am going to die if they are not my friends.
@catalyser (531)
• Malaysia
4 Aug 10
I still have friends from when I was in kindergarten. I was 6 yrs old at the time and now I am 21 years old, we are still friends. Although its not much of a surprise because we went to the same primary school, the same highschool, the same college. Now I am studying abroad, so do most of my friends but in another country and some are still studying in my country. I still call them up when I am back though. I do agree that some friends comes and goes throughout the years. You could have about 10 or so friends who will stick around for some time. I can't see the future but I could tell that those 10 or so friends of mine would be around for some time. We went through soo much together that its inevitable.
@xeroeight (1059)
• Philippines
4 Aug 10
I think friends do stay forever its how we treat them we know that every thing has its purpose and everything need to say goodbye to each other but being a friend doesn't mean that they are always beside us and there for us because each and everyone of us has our own lives. Wherever our friend is they should be remain our friends what ever happen even if we had argument with our friends they should be remain as our friends having a friend and being a friends for someone is really different. just like my girlfriend we had a former friend and co member of our organization in our university but our friend need to live in their province and study there and its already 4 years when our friend went back here to visit his old house and have a vacation and when she's here we meet her at the mall and my girlfriend and my friends have a lot of thing to talk about I think that is what friends are even if we are far away to each other it doesn't mean that they are not our friends anymore. once we walk in the same path and know each other and become friends what ever path we choose as long as its the right path for each other we should respect our decision and still remain as friends even if both side choose different path. And also we cannot depend always in our friend that whenever we have problem we expect that they should be in our side no its not right we should consider that our friends have also their own problem and we should be more responsible to our problem if we can solve it without needing help of other we should solve it alone if we can't and need some help we should ask not wait for them to help us.
@nancy0618 (477)
• Philippines
4 Aug 10
i do not think that our friend stays for a long time, they also have their lives too and life must go on, although we got to interact with them from time to time, it will totally depends on us if we want that to happen
@jerikjames (1041)
• Philippines
4 Aug 10
I think yeah, friends do stay as friends forever. Even if they become enemies, they can't deny the kinship that they felt for each other once upon a time. Your definition of real friends is true. However, we must not quick to judge our friends that they're not our friends just because they weren't there when we needed them. It could be that they just not used to openly showing they're affection to other people. They consider you as their friends, but they don't know what to tell you when you're troubled that's why they steer clear when you tell them of your problems, because they don't think they'll be of any help and would only cause you stress because of this. I have friends like these. I don't dismiss the fact that they're true friends just because they can't be there when I need them.
@kimkim888 (145)
• Philippines
4 Aug 10
if you never backstab your friends, i think they stay with you forever....