Why do some people...

United States
August 4, 2010 10:10am CST
Why do some people go back to the person they were with even after they got cheeted on or abused. I just don't get it. it's so stupid.
2 responses
@unseenzy (171)
• Philippines
4 Aug 10
I think its probably too much love, stupidity, or martyrdom. There are really people who are like that. Sometimes if they are married, some want to save the marriage for the sake of their children. Probably also those people are too weak to be alone. We can't blame those people and we really don't know what are their real reasons behind it. But as the song goes, "too much love will kill you" lol.
@Suke002 (311)
• United States
4 Aug 10
Some people just want the attention, even if it's bad attention. People with low self-esteem do that stuff and just find excuses to convince themselves that it's somehow right what their doing. It's weird.